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International business research has recently honed in on the subnational dimension of multinational enterprises (MNEs), particularly the city level. Through a binomial logistic regression of data from 254 foreign subsidiaries of 10 Latin American global cities between 2006 and 2012, we found that specific attributes of the firm related to the industrial sector, subsidiary control, and ownership level have a positive effect on the location choice in cities. In addition, we found that in the previous period and during the international financial crisis, MNEs exploited their internalization advantages more intensely by exerting greater control over their subsidiaries in global cities.  相似文献   

论全球规划型发展战略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过分析全球化经济与知识经济的要素结构及其国际分布,发现发展中国家的主导性生产要素是稀缺的,从而在国际分工中处于不利地位。为此,利用优势生产要素的出口导向战略,应当向致力于获得稀缺要素的“全球规划型发展战略”转变。与此相应,企业应当在全球范围内组合全球化经济与知识经济的主导性要素,实行“全球组织型发展战略”。  相似文献   

Ford Motor Company has developed global platforms for its vehicles, including hybrid electric vehicles and forthcoming battery-electric and plug-in hybrids. Providing electrification technologies is a key element of Ford's broader strategy of producing vehicles that have improved fuel economy and reduced greenhouse emissions. The breadth of this effort—across a range of vehicle types—is unique in the automotive industry. Of particular importance is using the same vehicle platforms for electrified vehicles as for conventionally fueled vehicles in Ford's global strategy. Infrastructure development is a key element in the success of plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles. To this end, Ford is developing home-charging systems and communication networks that will enable drivers to find recharging stations.  相似文献   

This article examines the joint effects on business strategy of the Internet and globalization. It develops a framework for evaluating how the Internet affects the globalization potential of individual industries and the global strategies that companies should adopt. The impact of the Internet will not be uniform. Not only do its direct effects vary from one industry to another, but also it speeds up globalization at different rates in different industries. The article shows how to use the Internet to support five types of global strategy: market participation, products and services, activity location, marketing, and competitive moves.  相似文献   

This article is an investigation of the linkages between the international trade and investment strategies of firms faced with global competition and the structure of protectionism. The first section briefly reviews the problems faced by businesses competing in a global environment characterized by triad power. It also provides a new framework which describes the various strategic alternatives available to firms when dealing with government trade policy. In the second and third sections, this theoretical framework is applied to explain a new global trading phenomenon: the recent escalation os U.S. "administered" protection. It is demonstrated how such protection can severely affect the environment for corporations when used as a strategic weapon by U.S. firms against foreign rivals. The fourth section assesses the response of Canadian firms faced with the issue of U.S. administered protection. It demonstrates how they have been able to influence government policy in order to diminish the impact of U.S. protectionism. This section also addresses the question of why certain Canadian firms oppose trade liberalization between the United States and Canada, in spite of administered protection, and how they have been able to influence the Canadian government in order to maintain "artificial" competitive advantages.  相似文献   

本文认为,近年来,日本制造业海外生产比率持续上升,物流国际化进程不断加快。物流企业为确保收益,提高竞争能力,必须推进全球化物流战略,压缩国际国内物流成本。物流国际化要求物流企业必须成为具有国际视角的综合物流供应商,必须拥有充实的海外网络和全球物流信息系统,必须同时具有全球化的海、陆、空复合运输能力。  相似文献   

张芷 《商业研究》2001,(6):158-160
自80年代以来,随着世界经济和科学技术的发展,经济全球化已成为现代世界经济发展的一种趋势,零售企业的全球化营销也成为现代零售商业发展的新动向。从参与全球化营销的国家和地区来看,既有发达国家,也有发展中国家和地区。可以说,在当今世界上,任何企业如果不能适应这一潮流或对全球化营销无动于衷,必将在日趋激烈的国际竞争中遭到淘汰。  相似文献   

After ten years of case research and experience, George Yip in Total Global Strategy, has written a no-nonsense practitioner's guide to decision-taking in a borderless market. He deals with criteria of choice of suitable product, location, marketing and global organisation. He shows how to add up costs and benefits and how to carry out a global strategic analysis. The book passes with merit most of seven tests one can apply to it. Doubts remain about whether the case examples prove anything and about the rather cursory treatment of competition. The book's hidden message is that the title is a misnomer: global strategy is never total.  相似文献   

陈左 《财贸研究》2001,12(1):26-30
随着世界经济全球化进程的不断加快,面临着全球整合经营挑战的一些跨国公司被迫对其生产经营乃至整个全球制造的工厂体系进行调整。跨国公司不再单纯依赖于规模及地理优势,而是试图将其星罗棋布的工厂整合为紧密的整体,建立全球生产体系,以创造新的制造规模优势。在推进全球整合生产体系的过程中,跨国公司的生产组织功能要素——产品开发、采购、制造、需求管理、完成订单等往往首先发生转变,并对整个企业的战略产生影响。而跨国公司全球整合则可以分为确立全球制造任务、开发整体能力、确定重组范围、制定行动计划、争取预定结果等几个阶段。  相似文献   

随着国际家电市场竞争模式的改变,处于全球化品牌战略阶段的海尔集团正经历着一场暴风骤雨式的重组和整合,在占有大量资料的基础上,就可以对海尔集团此次改革的重点--集团组织结构和人力资源管理改革两个方面,分析探讨海尔集团的全球化品牌战略.  相似文献   

跨国公司全球战略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文回顾了跨国公司从市场战略、资源战略到全球战略的历史演进过程:在比较和分析多种对全球战略含义的论述的基础上,提出了一个较为清晰和具体的全球战略内涵;并进一步总结出全球战略的5个基本特征和要求,即经理层思维的全球性、更大的风险性、旺盛的创新力、全球生产经营的专业化和标准化、组织结构的网络化和柔性化。  相似文献   

随着世界经济一体化,大型跨国公司逐步实施全球战略.与之相适应,其国际市场营销活动也逐渐趋于成熟,呈现出新的微观运作机制和动态变化的特征,这种动态性使得战略性优势必须与国际市场的演变阶段相适应,需要考虑产品的可认知性及时代特征.跨国公司在实施全球战略过程中,通常较多地运用分步国际化、一步到位的国际营销策略或者"碰运气"的营销战略.当然,跨国公司国际化营销的程度取决于该公司创新与守旧的状况.  相似文献   

股指期货的推出是中国证券市场发展的历史必然,沪深300指数期货将有效地完善我国资本市场,成为市场上重要的投资工具之一。本文主要分析了沪深300指数的基本特征,以及应用股指期货进行期现套利的基本策略,并指出了当前我国利用股指期货进行期现套利存在的主要技术性障碍。  相似文献   

在经济一体化框架下,作为后来者的新兴港口如何嵌入全球产业物流网络成为决定港口城市经济发展的关键。本文在阐述经济机理的基础上专门研究了唐山市案例。设计了融合资源型城市转型和开放型经济培育的唐山市产业系统演进整体方案,提出了唐山市嵌入全球产业物流网络的主要策略。  相似文献   

世界金融危机使IT行业不可避免地受到了侵袭,IT市场萎缩低迷的状况也传导至IT产业链后端的蚌埠IT市场。在这种困难的情形下,蚌埠市地方政府应该为蚌埠市的中小IT企业制定有效的银企对接政策。加大对中小高科技企业的挟持力度,帮助开辟向IT中小企业贷款的绿色通道;银行方面应该加强主动服务意识,在国家增加信贷规模的情况下,可以降低对成长中和规范化运作的中小IT企业的审核标准,多形式、多途径的放大贷款量;上游厂商需要维护和帮助蚌埠的IT商家,进一步使渠道扁平化,制定相应策略应对变化,提高整个市场的运营效率和降低成本,从而有效的促进产品销量的提高;同时蚌埠市的IT企业应提高信客户的能力,加强县域渠道建设,创新业务模式,加强合作和行业自律。避免企业间的恶性竞争。  相似文献   

Forty-four Scottish small and medium-sized high-technology manufacturing firms were surveyed regarding their technology strategies and the impact of regional- and site-specific infrastructure requirements on their location behavior. An empirically derived typology of technology content for high-technology firms was developed via cluster analysis and utilized, together with selected technology and manufacturing strategy variables, to investigate whether significant linkages existed between these variables and firms' related location decisions. Results suggest that location decisions are directly correlated to a firm's competitive strategy and that they should actually be considered a dynamic dimension of strategy rather than a static one-time choice.  相似文献   

当前,我国已经成为继印度之后又一个具有巨大潜力的服务外包基地,但目前我国的金融服务外包业务在全球价值链(GVC)中仍处于低端位置,主要是受到技术水平、人力资源、政策管理等方面的限制。这种状况在短期内还可以对促进就业、降低企业成本、提高效率和优化产业结构方面起到积极作用,长远看,由于业务集中于附加价的低端,则不利于企业发展。促进我国金融服务外包产业升级发展,需要从政府、行业和企业层面共同努力。政府应为服务外包产业营造一个良好的发展环境;金融行业应发挥比较优势和集群优势,积极推进产业升级;企业应增强自身实力,努力实现服务外包价值链的重构。  相似文献   

从市场区理论看企业跨国经营的动因及策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场区理论是二战前德国著名工业经济学家廖什提出的工业布局理论。该理论认为产品市场区的大小对企业的生产布局至关重要。因此,产品市场区的有限性是企业跨国经营的重要动因,而企业跨国经营策略的制定,如是否在海外设立较多的子公司等,要考虑到产品市场区的大小。  相似文献   

服务企业全球营销战略维度研究及其量表开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在对以往制造企业全球营销战略维度和量表选择性继承和创新性发展的原则下,构建了服务企业全球营销战略维度,并开发出一套测度量表,最后通过220家服务性跨国公司的调研数据验证了量表的信度和效度,为后续学者的研究提供了良好的平台,为服务性跨国公司如何构建全球营销战略和提高全球经营绩效提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

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