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本文回顾了适用于严格固定货币汇率的技术方法,并从对货币联盟通过货币汇率严格固定所获得的利益与付出的代价的研究中给出证明。事实上,丧失货币主权而付出的代价由于有效资本市场和劳动力市场的形成而降低了。本文还讨论了一个被忽略的实行严格货币固定的好处,即小国因此而事受到更好的货币政策。完善的货币政策得以形成是因为小国将其货币主权交托于大型机构(大国央行或是货币联盟央行)后,其货币政策将免受政治因素的影响;另外部分原因在于大型机构拥有更多的金融和人力资源去设计和执行最佳的货币政策。由于在联盟内部实行区内贸易和资本流动,因此即便太央行的货币政策出错。对于它所服务的成员国来说,造成的影响也较小。  相似文献   

本文从货币政策的信贷传导渠道出发,探讨了金融危机条件下商业银行资本管理、准备金需求的变化、信贷配给对货币政策有效性的影响机制。分析表明,货币政策的有效性不仅取决于中央银行的政策意图,还受制于商业银行资本量、风险偏好以及信贷配给程度的变化。因此,强化危机时期的货币政策效果必须配合影响银行信贷行为的措施。  相似文献   

Regaining exchange rate stability has been a major monetary policy goal of East Asian countries in the aftermath of the 1997/98 currency crisis. While most countries have abstained from re-establishing a formal US Dollar peg, they have typically managed the US Dollar exchange rate de facto. We show that most of these countries were able to regain their monetary credibility within a relatively short time period. The Argentine crisis in 2001 caused a minor setback in this process for some countries. We measure the credibility of monetary policy by separating the fundamental and excess volatility of the exchange rate on the basis of a chartist-fundamentalist model. The degree of excess volatility is interpreted as the ability of the central bank to manage the exchange rate via the coordination channel.  相似文献   

抵押品政策是央行货市政策操作的配套制度安排。从政策实践看,在国际金融危机影响沉重时期,欧美日等主要国家和地区央行对抵押品政策做出相应的调整,增强对市场流动性的支持。本文在梳理抵押品政策规则基础上,回顾国际上央行抵押品政策的变化特点,进而探讨这一发展趋势对于完善国内央行抵押品操作的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中央银行购买公司债是次贷危机后货币政策理论的一项伟大创新和重要实践探索。通过对迄今为止购买过公司债的日本央行、英国央行和欧洲央行的公司债购买计划进行的系统梳理和总结,以及对中央银行购买公司债的理论依据进行分析,提出中央银行购买公司债的六大传导机制。对中央银行购买公司债的经验进行阐述后认为,鉴于当前实体经济依然存在融资难融资贵问题,中国央行在必要时也可实施公司债购买计划,以降低信用利差并提高货币政策传导效率。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between unconventional monetary policy and the US banking performance. Unconventional monetary policy is captured through the central bank's assets and excess reserves. Results show that unconventional monetary policy has a negative relationship with bank performance. Further analysis shows that the negative association between unconventional monetary policy and performance is mitigated for banks with a high level of asset diversification and low deposit funding. We also find that the negative relationship between unconventional monetary policy and performance subdues for deposit insured financial institutions. Finally, we use dynamic panel threshold analysis which reveals that the negative association between unconventional monetary policy and bank performance is particularly pronounced above the reported threshold value.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the international transmission of monetary policies of major advanced economies (US, UK, euro area) through banks in Austria and Germany. In particular, we compare the role of banks’ funding structure, broken down by country of origin as well as by currency denomination, in the international transmission of monetary policy changes to bank lending. We find weak evidence for inward spillovers through a bank funding channel. The more a bank is funded in US dollars, the more its domestic real sector lending is affected by monetary policy changes in the US. This effect is more pronounced in Germany than in Austria. We do not find evidence for outward spillovers of euro area monetary policy.  相似文献   

中央银行资产负债表是对中央银行职能及其各项政策执行情况的集中概括。危机以来,全球主要发达经济体中央银行为应对危机、救助金融体系和刺激实体经济,采取了大量非常规货币政策措施,这对其资产负债表产生了重要影响。文章比较分析了危机以来全球主要央行的资产负债表变化情况和特点,并简述了各主要央行资产负债表的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Owing to the discrete disclosure practices of the Reserve Bank of Australia, this paper provides new evidence on the channels of monetary policy triggered by central bank actions (monetary policy announcements) and statements (explanatory minutes releases), in the Australian equity market. Both monetary policy announcements and explanatory minutes releases are shown to have a significant and comparable impact on the returns and volatility of the Australian equity market. Further, distinct from US and European studies that find strong evidence of the interest rate, bank loan and balance sheet channels and no evidence of the exchange rate channel following central bank actions, this paper finds that monetary policy impacts the Australian equity market via the exchange rate, interest rate and bank loan channels of monetary policy, with only weak evidence of the balance sheet channel of monetary policy. These channels are found to be operating irrespective of the trigger (monetary policy announcements or explanatory minutes releases), though results are somewhat weaker when examining the explanatory minutes releases. These results have important implications for central bank officials and financial market participants alike: by confirming a comparable avenue to affect monetary policy; and providing an explication of its impact on the Australian equity market.  相似文献   

杨海维  侯成琪 《金融研究》2023,511(1):57-74
宽松的货币政策会通过估值、收入和现金流机制,追逐收益机制以及中央银行沟通和反应机制等渠道增加银行风险承担,通过风险转移机制降低银行风险承担,从而导致货币政策与银行风险承担之间可能存在复杂的非线性关系。本文使用面板阈值模型,基于我国银行业数据研究了货币政策对银行风险承担的影响,发现我国货币政策对银行风险承担的影响存在门限效应,即货币政策对银行风险承担的影响取决于货币政策基准利率偏离泰勒规则利率的程度。当这种偏离小于门限值时,宽松货币政策会增加银行风险承担;当这种偏离大于门限值时,宽松货币政策会降低银行风险承担。本文研究对更好地理解我国货币政策对银行风险承担及金融稳定的影响有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

2007年次贷危机后,各国央行都承担起“最后贷款人”的职责,救助金融机构,央行自身资产负债表的质量不断恶化,引发对中央银行资本金的关注。央行在履行维持物价稳定和一些“准财政”职能时,资本金可能遭受损失,资本金的损失会影响到央行的公信力和独立性,以及货币政策的有效性。充足的央行资本金对于货币政策的有效执行来说是一种有力的保障。  相似文献   

央行的货币政策实施受货币政策环境制约,特别是实施价格型货币政策时,在不同的利率环境下央行可能选择不同的利率调控模式。为此,通过构建门限回归模型对货币政策调控模式与利率区制的相依性进行实证检验,结果发现:在不同的利率区制内中央银行的政策偏好和利率调控模式存在显著差异。在高利率区制,中央银行存在针对产出缺口调整名义利率的政策偏好;在低利率区制,中央银行则不存在这种政策偏好,低利率环境下货币政策效应弱化甚至失效是导致此区制中央银行不针对产出缺口调整利率的主要原因。  相似文献   

货币政策波动、银行信贷与会计稳健性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
宏观经济政策(如货币政策)如何通过改变微观企业行为来影响经济发展是学术界探讨得比较少的领域。本文在此方向上进行研究尝试,并以货币政策波动对企业会计政策稳健性与银行贷款之间的关系为切人点。具体来说,当货币政策进入紧缩期时,我们预期企业会计政策变得更加稳健,以更容易取得银行贷款。运用1998~2008年的年度数据,并根据央行要求的金融机构存款准备金率、对金融机构的再贷款利率和再贴现利率的变化,我们定义2004、2006、2007年为我国的货币政策紧缩阶段。实证结果基本上支持我们的预期。我们进一步发现依赖于外部融资和拥有更高债务水平的企业会计稳健性更高,持有大量现金的企业会计稳健性更低,国有企业的会计稳健性更低。在会计稳健性的经济后果上,本文发现在货币政策紧缩阶段,会计稳健性的提高有助于企业获得更多的信贷资源。  相似文献   

金融机构缴存的财政存款作为中央银行的资金来源之一,对中央银行实施货币政策进行宏观调控具有重要作用。本文通过对近年来金融机构在人民银行缴存财政存款存在问题的分析,阐述其对银行体系流动性管理的影响,以及对央行货币政策执行效果的间接影响。因此,应通过加强对财政性存款缴存的管理,将财政政策和货币政策调控手段紧密结合,以提高货币政策执行效果。  相似文献   

Until recently, Turkey’s economy was characterized by high inflation, undisciplined public finance management, and a fragile banking system and experienced multiple economic crises. After the economy was hit by another crisis in 2001, the central bank became independent, adopted inflation targeting as the monetary policy framework, and implemented reforms to adopt a more stringent fiscal policy. Inflation rates decreased to single-digit levels within 3 years after the independence of the central bank. This article analyzes the end of the high inflation period in the context of monetary and fiscal policy interactions within a Markov-Switching Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model in which monetary and fiscal policies are allowed to switch between different regimes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the role played by central bank communication in monetary policy transmission. We employ the Swiss Economic Institute’s Monetary Policy Communicator to measure the future stance of the European Central Bank’s monetary policy. Our results indicate, first, that communication has an influence on inflation (expectations) similar to that of actual target rate changes. Communication also plays a noticeable role in the transmission of monetary policy to output. Consequently, future work on monetary policy transmission should incorporate both a short-term interest rate and a communication indicator. A second finding is that the monetary policy transmission mechanism changed during the financial crisis as the overall effect of monetary policy on (expected) inflation and output is weaker and of shorter duration during this period compared to the overall sample period.  相似文献   

I discuss changes to bank supervision and regulation since the financial crisis. Microprudential supervision promotes the safety and soundness of individual institutions, while macroprudential supervision focuses on emerging risks to financial system stability. I highlight tools for implementing this macroprudential approach to promoting financial stability, and discuss the interactions and proper relationship between monetary policy and financial stability. While macroprudential tools should be the first line of defense against emerging financial imbalances, in cases where those tools proved to be inadequate to limit risks to financial stability, monetary policy should be considered as a possible defense.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the recent global financial crisis, monetary authorities, while pursuing traditional objectives, such as the control of inflation, are also eager to promote financial stability. In this paper, we model the strategic interaction of the central bank and the financial sector and explore a simple monetary policy game with perceived substantial risks to financial stability, where the central bank can be of two types, one pursuing strict inflation-targeting and the other concerned with affecting the expectations formed by the financial sector participants; however, the financial sector is unsure which, due to incomplete information. The conclusion is that for small shocks to inflation there is a pooling equilibrium, whereas for larger shocks there is separation. In the latter case, the central bank that has an explicit financial stability concern is willing to exercise more muted control to inflation in order to reinforce the safety of the financial sector.  相似文献   

金融危机中,许多发达国家央行致力于提升政策透明度,在货币政策目标分析和政策对外沟通方面取得了进步。文章介绍了前瞻性指引的概念,分析了美国、日本、英国和欧洲央行实施新一轮前瞻性指引的内容及其引发的讨论,并简析了未来前瞻性指引的运用空间。  相似文献   

基于中国银行业1998-2010年面板数据,本文检验银行的损失对贷款供给的影响,并分析资本缓冲(buffer)和货币政策态势(stance)在这种影响中的作用,以进一步考察货币政策效果。经验结果表明:银行损失会导致贷款供给减少,这种影响在银行资本缓冲较少或货币政策紧缩时更明显,在危机时期这种影响也更明显;当资本缓冲较高时,货币政策紧缩使得贷款增长下降较多;货币政策对维护银行业稳定具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

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