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张兰 《新疆财经》2012,(2):26-31
本文首先对货币历史上出现过的真实票据理论和自由银行理论的涵义进行了阐述,并试图将二者与货币契约思想的内涵做比较,找出它们之间的异同点。最后对信用货币制度下的货币契约提出一些建议,以便使当代的国际和国内货币制度设计更符合契约思想。  相似文献   

马学宇 《科技和产业》2015,15(2):165-169
影子银行的迅速发展使其成为我国金融体系的重要组成部分,由于其具有一些与传统银行类似的功能,继而对我国货币政策调控的有效性提出了挑战;后凯恩斯货币理论认为货币本质上属于一种债权-债务关系,是非中性的交易媒介,而央行是否能够有效的控制货币供应量呢?本文基于内生货币理论的视角,重新诠释影子银行对我国货币政策的影响,以期对货币政策的制定提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Summary With some exceptions — e.g., Tobin and Johnson — theorists have been looking for an explanation of economic growth in the real sector. This is the first of three successive papers on the problem of to what extent monetary phenomena influence the real variables in a process of economic growth.If one aims at adding a monetary sector to a real model of economic growth, the first thing to do is getting an exposition of the monetary theory which is most suitable for this purpose. The monetary theory used in this paper is based on Patinkin and Gurley and Shaw. The conditions under which money does not affect the real economic process are amply discussed. Only in very special cases money turns out to be neutral.In the two subsequent papers this monetary theory is used for an investigation into the impact of money on growth according to a neo-classical and a neo-keynesian model of economic growth.De schrijvers zijn dank verschuldigd aan talrijke leden van de wetenschappelijke staf van de Economische Faculteit te Groningen en aan de deelnemers van een economistenconferentie te Tilburg op 12 januari 1968 voor hun stimulerende opmerkingen bij de oorspronkelijke versie van dit werkstuk.  相似文献   

Summary In this article attention is paid to monetary theory, the relationship between the instruments of monetary policy and other important macro-economic policy instruments, and finally to the real possibilities of pursuing an effective monetary policy. The conclusion from the theoretical analysis is that the total money supply must be considered one of the most important macro-economic policy instruments. An excessive supply of money will sooner or later lead to inflation, to the debasement of money. Therefore the volume of money should be controlled. The use and effectiveness of monetary policy should always be seen in the context of other policy instruments, especially fiscal policy and, under circumstances, wage- and price policy. The possibilities to pursue an effective monetary policy are not unlimited. The effectiveness of such a policy can,e.g., be hampered by external factors. It is vital for a central bank to have the widest possible range of instruments at its disposal.  相似文献   

周光友   《华东经济管理》2009,23(11):58-61
文章以电子货币为视角,将电子货币引入传统货币层次理论的分析框架,在对电子货币的替代效应对货币层次产生的影响进行深入分析的基础上,认为电子货币对传统货币层次的划分方法提出了巨大的挑战,从而加大了中央银行选择货币政策工具和目标的难度,并对电子货币条件下货币层次划分的可能性、可行性及货币供应量作为货币政策中介目标的可靠性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In every episode of global monetary inflation originating in the Federal Reserve, we find both asset price inflation and goods inflation. The interrelationship between these two types of inflation depends both on cycle-specific factors and more general factors which transcend the cycle and stem from essential aspects of monetary disorder. The purpose of this article is to analyse the nature of this interrelationship and elaborate on the concepts of monetary disorder, goods inflation, and asset inflation. In today’s world of monetary systems where there is no stable demand for high-powered money (which itself is no longer a highly distinct asset) monetary disorder can be hard to recognize until quite late in the inflationary process. Asset price inflation now has a popular meaning quite different from the original found in Austrian business cycle theory. Two decades of widespread inflation targeting at around 2% per annum have encouraged us to ignore an old lesson. In a well-functioning capitalist economy under a sound money order, prices would fluctuate considerably upwards and downwards with a tendency to revert to the mean over the very long run. Finally the principles and hypotheses developed here are analysed in the laboratory of history, specifically for the greatest peacetime inflation in the U.S. (1963–80).  相似文献   

As the second longest practicing inflation targeting economy in Africa, it is of interest to investigate the degree to which policy interest rate influences other money market rates so as to gauge the overall effectiveness of monetary policy transmission in Ghana. This study evaluates the degree of connectedness among money market rates and also determines the most dominant money market rate(s) in Ghana. The basic finding is that the monetary policy rate has a low-to-moderate influence on volatility dynamics of other money market rates in Ghana across historical time-interval and time-frequency domains. This is a reflection of a generally weak capability of policy interest rate to drive other market rates in Ghana. Both monetary policy rate and Treasury bill rate are net transmitters of shocks, while interbank, lending and saving rates are net receivers of shocks in the money market. However, the Treasury bill emerges as the largest shock transmitter in the money market, across all forecast horizons and analytical domains. The lending rate is the largest shock recipient in the money market, largely from the Treasury bill rate which suggests ample evidence of fiscal dominance in Ghana. The study accentuates the exigency for monetary and fiscal policies to expeditiously address the domestic structural bottlenecks, especially in the financial sector and the fragile fiscal profile, in order to strengthen policy transmission in Ghana.  相似文献   

商业银行以同业业务为主的非存款负债以及影子银行体系的发展大大弱化了货币乘数论的有效性,货币供给内生性增强。本文从理论及实证两个方面研究货币乘数论与银行信贷传导机制的有效性。对于央行能否影响商业银行贷款规模这一点,无论是理论分析还是实证检验的论据都不充分。实证研究表明:由于同业负债、理财业务以及出售持有债券获得流动性支持等外部融资渠道的存在,商业银行贷款并不一定受到存款约束,导致传统的货币乘数论失效。在法定准备金率这一数量型货币政策工具有效性降低的前提下,我国货币政策对于宏观经济的影响具有更大的不确定性,央行只有对商业银行等主体的放贷行为和货币创造能力实施有效控制,货币政策才能达到预期效果。  相似文献   

文章以后凯恩斯主义货币内生论为理论依据,将货币“中性”与“非中性”之争和“内生”与“外生”之争纳入到一个框架下进行研究,以探求货币政策操作的“内生”逻辑。采用我国2001年第1季度至2013年第3季度的季度数据,构建联立方程模型,运用协整检验和系统估计方法分别考察货币政策操作的短期和长期效果以及货币内生创造机制的根源。实证结果表明,M2对名义GDP增长短期和长期均呈现中性;M2短期内会加剧CPI的波动率,但长期内和CPI增长率没有共同的趋势;存款与M2有共同的长期趋势,短期内二者呈现显著的正相关性而且显著性不会随着结构变化、滞后项和控制变量的加入而减弱;贷款与存款之间也存在长期的共同趋势,短期内贷款对存款的解释力度是高度显著且稳定的。以上四点主要结论对我国货币当局制定货币政策提供了重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Motivated by the institutional features of China's monetary policy, this paper aims at identifying the most data favored monetary policy rule for China within a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model framework. In a canonical New-Keynesian DSGE model, we carry out a positive analysis by employing Bayesian methods to estimate three main categories of monetary policy rules, namely a Taylor-type interest rate rule, a money growth rule and an expanded Taylor rule with money. Based on China's quarterly data from 1996Q2 to 2015Q4, our estimation shows that the expanded Taylor rule obtains the best empirical fit to the data. Moreover, impulse responses and forecast error variance decompositions demonstrate that monetary policy rules with or without money provide very different implications for the policy behavior. Our results ultimately suggest that money has so far been more closely targeted than nominal interest rate and still plays an important role as a monetary policy target in China. Furthermore, a conventional Taylor-type interest rate rule is not good enough yet to describe China's monetary policy behavior.  相似文献   

This paper develops a long-run version of the quantity theory of money growth, real GDP growth, and inflation. Inflation rates, averaged for the years 1980-1993, are computed for 81 countries. These cross-section inflation rates are explained almost entirely by average M2 growth rates. In countries marked by high money growth and inflation, the estimated coefficients of M2 growth are strikingly close to one, strongly confirming the quantity theory. By contrast, in countries with relatively low money growth and inflation, the estimated money growth coefficient is only 0.69; the quantity theory offers a less complete explanation of inflation. Money growth and GDP growth are nearly orthogonal, consistent with long-run monetary superneutrality. The quantity theory is a reliable model of inflation for most countries, but not for those experiencing slow long-run money growth.  相似文献   

古典经济学家把经济体系分离成实体经济与货币经济两个体系,一部分是利用瓦尔拉斯的一般均衡理论解释的实体经济体系,另一部分是利用货币数量论解释的货币经济体系,两个体系受各自规律支配,独立运行,货币是中性的,这就构成了古典货币中性理论的基本逻辑。  相似文献   

This paper proposes that inflation in China during the post‐reform era (1978 onwards) is always a monetary phenomenon. We construct a multivariate dynamic model based on Friedman's quantity theory of money and use the standard Granger causality test to show that money growth contains significant predictive power for inflation during the underlying period. The finding is robust to alternative measures of monetary aggregates and both closed and open economy frameworks. The baseline finding of the paper indicates that quantitative tools remain the most important policy instruments for China to manage its inflation effectively.  相似文献   

The Demand for M3 and Inflation Forecasts: An Empirical Analysis for Switzerland. — This paper argues that money should continue to play an important role in monetary policy even if a central bank pursues a strategy based on inflation forecasts. Within the context of an error correction model, the paper delivers empirical evidence that both the growth rate of the monetary aggregate M3 and the size of excess M3 incorporate useful information with regard to future inflation in Switzerland. This evidence strongly suggests that money should remain an important indicator for monetary policy.  相似文献   

李斌 《改革》2010,(10)
实施应对金融危机的一揽子措施以来,各口径货币总量对CPI的预测能力明显下降,CPI回升速度显著低于依据历史经验测算出的货币增长对物价形成的压力。这一现象主要与货币供给结构变化有关。从信贷增长与内需在GDP增长中贡献度的关系来看,扩张性政策导致的信贷高增长并未明显超出内需扩张之所需,加之经济增长也并未超出其潜在水平,因此短期内没有产生明显的CPI通胀压力,但经济回升和货币信贷增长推升了通胀预期。鉴于通胀机理所发生的变化,宏观政策需要更多关注更广泛意义上的整体价格水平稳定,更多关注预期和环比数据变化以提高调控的前瞻性和有效性,同时要加强宏观审慎管理,多运用市场化和有弹性的政策工具实施调控。  相似文献   

This paper discusses Ludwig von Mises's proposals for monetary reform. We will largely focus on technical aspects—the concrete practical steps he recommended—without detailing how these relate to his general conceptions of money and of a sound monetary order. We will highlight two characteristic features of Mises's proposals. One, he stressed the role of the competitive market process and of private initiative in establishing a monetary order based on gold, effective gold coin circulation, and 100% reserve banking. Two, he presented an original scheme for privatizing the control of the money supply.  相似文献   

Dr. H. Visser 《De Economist》1971,119(4):393-439
Summary This article traces the development of the concept of neutral money. Wicksell, Davidson, Hayek and Koopmans, though they sometimes referred to a barter economy, really treated neutrality of money as synonymous with monetary equilibrium. Post-war writers on the other hand, notably Patinkin, Gurley and Shaw, do not regard neutrality as synonymous with the maintenance of monetary equilibrium; instead, they take it to mean the restoration, following a monetary disturbance, of the original values of the real variables in a general-equilibrium model. The conditions of neutrality in the post-war sense are critically discussed. It is shown that static price expectations and an elasticity of price expectations equal to one are not necessary conditions for neutrality. Attention is paid to the distinction between inside money and outside money and to Pesek's and Saving's criticism of this distinction. Post-war and pre-war concepts of neutral money are compared. It is shown that Wicksell, Davidson and Hayek were thinking of different disturbances, both monetary and non-monetary in nature, when they formulated their criteria for neutrality. Koopmans' approach was the most general one. Finally, the rôle of money in general-equilibrium models is discussed. What is lacking is a general-equilibrium model to accommodate transaction costs and what is often — confusingly — callednon-tatônnement pricing (pricing which permits trade at non-equilibrium prices).  相似文献   

李成  赵轲轲 《华东经济管理》2012,26(3):88-92,121
文章主要研究了美国货币政策对中国货币政策的溢出效应,理论部分分析了在开放经济条件下两国模型关于货币政策跨国传输等相关问题。货币供给分为国内供给和外部输入,通过中央银行资产负债表中资产负债的变化可以分析外部货币的输入影响到基础货币的被动投放,在流通过程中由于乘数效应影响了货币供给量。外部货币的输入影响央行调控独立性的发挥,外部货币的输入容易形成对国内货币市场和产品市场某种程度的冲击,央行货币政策调控的难度增加。经验分析发现,美元输入对中国货币政策存在溢出效应,影响到中国的基础货币投放,影响到中国的货币政策的独立性以及执行的效果。  相似文献   

Conclusion Building on Drazen [1985], we have developed a suitable framework for the analysis of the revenue from money and its distribution between the government and the central bank. In contrast to the accounting system offered by K-N, this framework adopts a consistent approach with respect to the stock and flow aspects of monetary revenue. Comparing their measure of the government’s share in monetary revenue with ours, one can conclude that K-N: (i) neglect the stock effects of monetary revenue; (ii) use an incorrect concept of debt in their definition of the government’s revenue; and (iii) mistakenly include a revaluation term in their definition of fiscal seigniorage. After correction for this last factor the share of the government in total seigniorage rises from 38.3 per cent to 64.8 per cent. It should be noticed that in the literature often a narrower concept of monetary revenue is used, namely the change in high-powered money (M). This concept neglects the stock component of the revenue of money (r M) as well as the operating and other costs of the central bank. At first sight, this may seem appropriate if the analysis concentrates on the tax aspect, i.e. the savings due to money creation, rather than the broader issue of evaluation of the benefits of the monetary monopoly. This concerns the extensive literature on optimal seigniorage as well as the literature on the tax-seigniorage trade-off [cf. Grilli, 1989]. However, as is clearly pointed out by Klein and Neumann, it is just with respect to this fiscal aspect of money that the distribution of revenues from money between the central bank and the government becomes relevant.  相似文献   

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