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The distinction between transitory and permanent shocks is at the centre of the debate on which class of models is best suited to represent economic variables: stationary models around a deterministic trend, or stationary models around a stochastic trend The debate u here focused on the Australian case. It is found that both aggregate output and consumption are characterized by stochastic trends, but without a transitory component This corresponds to a measure of shock persistence equal to one for both variables. For the specific case of aggregate output, this result may be interpreted as indicating the absence of business cycles  相似文献   

本文运用结构向量自回归模型,将海湾六国产出的同步波动性和遭受冲击的对称性联系起来。研究发现,1977-2006年间海湾六国遭受需求冲击的对称程度要高于供给冲击,对称性的需求冲击对维持六国经济周期的同步性既显著又重要,而供给冲击的对称性对维持六国经济周期的同步性几乎没有作用;另外,本文没有发现供给和需求冲击的对称性对经济周期的同步波动有滞后影响。本文实证研究的结果对于海湾六国未来单一货币的汇率制度选择具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical estimates of the determinants of crime rates in Australia. It differs from most modern criminological analysis by being aggregative rather than offender-based and by deriving from the economic approach to criminal behaviour. Its major finding is that court committals and imprisonments have operated as major deterrent factors in explaining variations in recorded crime rates. These deterrence results seem especially strong and robust. Improved measurement, however, could alter the findings for some other influences examined. The paper considers the relationship of these research findings to criminal justice policy.  相似文献   

本文选用1985 ̄2003年期间我国的六类环境污染指标,从时序维度考察了环境污染与我国人均收入变化之间的长期均衡关系和相互作用机制。首先,基于MaddalaandKim提出的改进的Johansen协整检验结果表明,在具有协整关系的四类变量中,只有二氧化硫排放总量与人均GDP之间存在正的协整关系,其他三类污染指标(工业废水排放量、工业烟尘排放量、工业固体废弃物排放量)与人均GDP之间协整关系均为负,这表明发展中国家的经济增长并不必然导致环境的恶化;其次,分别基于误差修正模型的因果关系检验与TodaandYamamoto提出的Granger因果检验方法考察了六类污染指标与人均GDP之间的双向因果关系,研究发现环境污染与我国人均GDP之间的一般规律:人均GDP是导致污染排放量变化的重要原因,但污染排放并不是导致人均GDP变化的原因。  相似文献   

基于技术经济学的理论模型,运用单位根检验,协整分析和格兰杰因果检验方法,对江苏省专利产出与经济增长进行了实证研究,以1985—2010的江苏省统计年鉴为数据基础,发现两者存在长期均衡关系和格兰杰因果关系,并建立了动态互动的关系,研究结论可以为江苏省制定和实施"十二五"科技发展规划提供参考,也为其它省市地区依靠科技发展促进经济增长,提供宝贵的经验和明确的标杆。  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study of how three waste management policies have affected residential waste generation and recycling behavior in Taiwan over the past decade. The three policies are unit-pricing of garbage in Taipei, a mandatory recycling program in Kaohsiung, and a nationwide policy of charging for plastic bags. We estimate policy effects on total waste, total recycling, and recycling of four specific materials, all measured by weight per capita. Unlike prior work, we find that unit-pricing and mandatory recycling policies lead to significant increases in recycling of most materials, as well as increased levels of total recycling and garbage reduction. The “plastic bag” policy is generally found to lower material-specific and total recycling rates, as well as total garbage volumes.  相似文献   

The aims of this article are to propose an overall index of social exclusion and to analyze its relationship with economic growth in European countries. We approach social exclusion as a multidimensional phenomenon by a three‐mode principal components analysis (Tucker3 model). This method is applied to estimate an indicator of social exclusion for 28 European countries between 1995 and 2010. The empirical evidence shows that in the short run: (1) Granger causality runs one way from social exclusion to economic growth and not the other way; (2) countries with a higher level of social exclusion have higher growth rates of real GDP per capita; and (3) social exclusion has a larger effect than income inequality on economic growth. The policy implication of our analysis is that social inclusion is not a source of economic growth in the short term.  相似文献   

While there is a large empirical literature on productivity spillovers from multinationals, this literature treats the channels through which these spillover effects work as a black box. The new approach in this paper is to investigate whether spillovers occur via worker mobility. We use data on whether or not the owner of a domestic firm has previous experience in a multinational, and relate this information to firm‐level productivity. Our results suggest that firms which are run by owners who worked for multinationals in the same industry immediately prior to opening up their own firm are more productive than other domestic firms.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to construct a European production frontier using deterministic methods, and to break down growth and convergence during the period 1980–2001. The results show that EU growth is primarily driven by physical and human capital accumulation, the contribution of which is essential for the cohesion of European countries. We find capital accumulation and efficiency change to be important convergence factors within the EU, while technical change has worked against it. The approach used has also enabled us to analyze the differences in growth performance of Member States and highlight the role of human and public capital, supporting the European cohesion and development policies carried out in this period.  相似文献   

我国经济周期波动的非对称性和持续性研究   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
本文利用1979年至2004年之间中国GDP季度数据,采用三区制马尔可夫均值和方差转移的二阶自回归(MSMV(3)-AR(2))模型和贝叶斯Gibbs抽样非参数估计方法,对我国经济周期波动的非对称性和持续性进行了实证分析。实证结果表明,MSMV(3)-AR(2)模型对我国经济状况提供了很好的拟合,显著支持增长率序列具有三区制状态:低速增长阶段,适速增长阶段和高速增长阶段。我国经济周期的非对称性主要体现在各个增长阶段的均值、方差、阶段性之间的转移概率的不同。我国经济周期的持续性主要体现在各个增长阶段的自维持概率和阶段性之间的转移概率的不同。此外,我国经济"适速增长阶段"的稳定性最高,"高速增长阶段"的平均持续期最长。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,统计数据由过去的年度数据变为如今的季度、月度和日度数据,有些以实时交易为基础的超高频金融数据达到了按秒为间隔的频率,这些数据被称为季节时间序列。季节时间序列研究已经成为近十年来经济计量学和统计学中的热点,Joumal of Econometrics(1993,volume 55)就此问题进行了专题讨论。本文按照历史发展顺序对季节性时间序列理论进行了系统地介绍,并对这一领域的前沿热点问题进行了评述和展望。  相似文献   

实际经济时间序列的计算、季节调整及相关经济含义   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文首先讨论了计算中国实际经济时间序列的不同做法 ,并分析了其对季节调整的影响 ,指出通过同比增长率计算实际变量并进行季节调整是一个可以接受的做法 ,可以得到非常接近真实的季调后序列 ,并且在中国现有数据资源的限制下拥有一些特别的优势。然后本文具体讨论了对几个不同经济变量进行季节调整的方法 ,并给出了一些在经济数据分析与预测中的简单应用。方法的关键是采用regARIMA模型 ,从而可以对工作日变化、放长假、春节因素等作出一个估计和调整。作为一个副产品 ,本文引荐了一个相对较新的季节调整程序 (方法 ) ,TRAMO SEATS ,简单介绍了它的原理和优势 ,希望今后能得到更广泛的应用。  相似文献   

利用时间序列分析方法对混沌经济时间序列进行研究。通过介绍有关时间序列分析的理论及混沌时间序列的建模方法,阐述了混沌经济时间序列中非线性(混沌)信息的提取方法,并对系统进行混沌识别,讨论了混沌系统混沌临界点的区间确定问题。  相似文献   

Political Instability and Economic Growth: UK Time Series Evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper tests for the influence of political instability on UK economic growth between 1961 and 1997. We construct six variables that quantify political instability and examine the effect on growth. The results suggest that there is a strong link. GARCH‐M models reveal negative effects of instability on growth and positive effects on growth uncertainty. Uncertainty in itself does not affect growth.  相似文献   

产出冲击持久性影响的检验和估计是国外研究的热点.本文采集1952-2004年中国实际GDP数据,采用基于ARMA模型的脉冲反应函数的方法估计了中国产出冲击持久性影响的衡量指数.结果表明,整个样本期间产出冲击持久性影响的衡量指数为0.959,改革前和改革后这一指数分别为0.754和3.314,说明冲击对产出的影响具有持久性,但整个样本期间和改革前这种影响会被缩小,而改革后这种影响则会被放大.这些结果对宏观调控政策的操作具有一定意义.  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Economics - In this paper we empirically implement concept of wavelet realized volatility with recent advances in wavelet shrinkage literature and try to provide robust...  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the Fisher effect in Australia. Initial testing indicates that both interest rates and inflation contain unit roots. Furthermore, there are indications that the variables have non-standard error processes. To overcome problems associated with this and derive the correct small sample distributions of test statistics we make use of Monte Carlo simulations. These tests indicate that while a long-run Fisher effect seems to exist, there is no evidence of a short-run Fisher effect. This suggests that, while short-run changes in interest rates reflect changes in monetary policy, longer run levels indicate inflationary expectations. Thus, the longer run level of interest rates should not be used to characterize the stance of monetary policy.  相似文献   

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