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饮食旅游动机对游客满意度和行为意向的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张涛 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):78-84
饮食旅游是近年来发展最快的旅游类型之一,但有关游客动机和行为的研究却很少.文章构建结构方程模型,剖析饮食旅游的推动和拉动动机要素,明确旅游动机对游客满意度和行为意向的作用机制.在澳门进行问卷调查获得368个有效样本后,检验假设模型,发现饮食旅游的推动动机为休闲放松、饮食猎奇和文化探索,拉动动机包括饮食产品和配套服务;休闲放松、文化探索和饮食产品对满意度有正向影响,饮食猎奇要素对行为意向有正向影响.文章从供求两方面明确了饮食旅游的参与原因及其后续效应,为发展饮食旅游、提升游客满意度和忠诚度提供了指导.  相似文献   

旅游劳工职业转换动力实证分析--以九华山为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨钊  陆林 《旅游学刊》2006,21(2):76-81
学术界一直以来对旅游劳工在产业内部流动的研究较少,旅游职业具有门槛低、类型多、自控性强以及更易建立小生意等积极特性,在伴随旅游地经济快速增长的同时,吸引了大量本地和外地劳工从其他产业部门转移到旅游行业中来,带动了人力资本在产业间的流动.本文以九华山旅游劳工为实证研究对象,探讨了九华山旅游劳工职业转换的动力结构,动机变量的因子分析结果证实了假设的五个因子方向,增加收入和建立小生意成为企业主是九华山旅游劳工转移的首要动因.  相似文献   

现象世界的旅游体验:旅游世界与生活世界   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文从基础理论研究的角度探讨了旅游现象研究的几个基本范畴.作者认为,旅游现象是一种纷繁复杂的社会经济现象,而构成这种复杂现象的内核的元素就是旅游体验.这种旅游体验过程是一个有一定自组织能力的连续系统.它由一个个富有特色和专门意义的情境串联组合而成,这些情境则共同构成了一个有别于人们日常生活世界的另类行为环境:旅游世界.通过对旅游世界结构性要素的分析和描述,本文构建了一个理解旅游现象的新的视角,而这种视角的哲学渊源来自现象学方法.  相似文献   

To study the tourist consumption process, the present work suggests a new conceptual framework of tourist motivation. This framework for tourist motivation proposes causal relationships for important constructs in the consumption process: between motivations to travel, tourists' satisfaction, and intentions to communicate with others by word-of-mouth (WOM). A review of current tourism and marketing literature suggests two body-related dimensions (i.e., sun and warmth, fitness and health) and two mind-related dimensions (i.e., culture and nature, escapism). The study tests an instrument to measure the dimensions of tourist motivation. A research model investigates the relevant relationships among the constructs and uses a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. Analysis of 1,222 outbound charter tourists from Norway tests the model. The results confirm that body and mind are useful as a framework to assess tourist motivations. People have many motives for visiting sun and sand destinations. Satisfaction was, as expected, found to impact WOM. However, only mind-related motives affect satisfaction with the destination, and tourists prefer to talk about culture and nature motivations, in particular, to others. These findings are of great importance due to the great influence of WOM in tourism marketing. The findings point to the importance of recognizing the differences in tourist motivation for traveling and what tourists are inclined to tell others when arriving back home.  相似文献   

Tourism took on a new and crucial role in regional development and modernization in PR China with the introduction of the ‘Open Door Policy’ in late 1978. For the first time, the tourist expenditure patterns in the ‘Southern Gateway to China’, Guangzhou, are presented. Per capita tourist expenditure of Hong Kong and Macao Chinese is estimated to be much lower than that of a foreign tourist visiting the region, but the gross contribution is still significant to Guangzhou's tourist industry. Also previous per capita expenditure estimates of Hong Kong residents visiting PR China are suggested to have been overstated by 130% to 300%.  相似文献   

旅游解说系统规划初探--以浏阳道吾山引路松景区为例   总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35  
唐伽拉 《旅游学刊》2003,18(3):14-17
本文以浏阳道吾山引路松景区旅游解说系统规划为例,介绍旅游解说系统规划的概念与分类,阐述旅游解说系统规划的重要意义,明确其在旅游规划中的地位和作用,探讨旅游解说系统规划的基本思路、规划方式和规划理念。  相似文献   

旅游立法的核心问题是明确立法精神和价值取向。由此出发,旅游立法的根本宗旨只可能是指向公民旅游权利的实现和旅游权益的保障,而不应当是为了调整部门权力关系和商业机构的利益分配。  相似文献   

旅游者网络社区的功能与市场意义研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
余晓娟 《旅游学刊》2007,22(6):80-85
本文通过对旅游者网络社区大量原始文本的定性分析,揭示了旅游者网络社区所存在的三大功能,即旅游信息资源积累和查询功能、旅游咨询功能、旅游组织功能;进一步分析了旅游者网络社区对于旅游网站和旅游信息化建设的意义,以及在旅游迅速发展特别是自助旅游成为主导趋势的时代对于旅游消费行为的培养,和在旅游市场竞争中所起的宣传和优胜劣汰作用.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the motives of Chinese nationals who attended the Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China, and to understand their perceptions about service quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. The results of this study revealed six motivation factors and three mutually exclusive clusters based on their motives. In particular, the “multipurpose experience seekers” showed more favorable service quality perceptions and higher satisfaction than their counterparts. The three segments based on their motivation also demonstrated significant differences in selected sociodemographic variables, which could be used effectively by the event organizers. Marketing implications and suggestions for attracting visitors to a mega event were presented.  相似文献   

Archaeological heritage tourism has been critical in historic cultural revival, archaeological knowledge dissemination, environment upgrading, and local community improvement. Little has been undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness and consequences of archaeological heritage projects in China from the tourist perspective. This study of the Daming Palace Heritage Site in Xi’an illustrates how archaeological and cultural resources have contributed to tourists' experiences. Through investigating an array of approaches that have been applied to advance tourists' understanding of archaeological and cultural resources, the paper proposes that more versatile methods and creative works are to be integrated to develop effective interpretative methods for both education and entertainment purposes. Local government needs to change its top-down approach to a more inclusive one, to establish strong networks among state and non-state stakeholders, and to promote their collective involvement in archaeological heritage tourism. Heritage site packaging strategies and partnerships among heritage resources citywide are advocated. More attention should be given to how to integrate various resources of local communities into heritage tourism. The current organization of government-run archaeological heritage in China calls for more opportunities for archaeologists to contribute actively with their expertise to enhance interpretive programmes and general tourist experience.  相似文献   

Cheung Chau is an outlying island in Hong Kong, which is relatively untouched by the region's rapid economic development. The island provides a dramatic contrast to the cosmopolitan city center, one of the most popular travel destinations in Asia and a major business hub. This makes Cheung Chau a special attraction for local residents seeking to get away from their routine lives. However, no published studies have examined the opinions of residents on sustainable tourism development on Hong Kong's outlying islands and the motivating factors that drive residents to visit those islands. Hence, an exploratory qualitative study was undertaken to develop an understanding of the public's motivation for visiting Cheung Chau. The results of in-depth interviews with 15 residents who had visited the island are presented, along with an examination of the future direction of tourism development in Cheung Chau.  相似文献   


Naisbitt (1994) notes that 60 percent of the world's radio broadcasts, 70 percent of the worlds' mail, 85 percent of international phone calls and 80 percent of computer data are in English (pp. 24-25). Perhaps a similar preponderance exists in tourism literature. But beyond this language orientation there is a “Western” orientation of thought regarding tourist behavior and culture that might influence survey design and research methodology. This may leave researchers less able to understand the heterogeneous Asian travelers that are traveling in increasing numbers. It is important to understand the culture of the sending country when analyzing tourist behavior and motivation. This paper illustrates how understanding Japanese culture enhances the development of survey instruments as well as the interpretation of survey results. Examples are taken from the quarterly visitor exit surveys conducted on the island of Guam, a U.S. territory that serves as one of the major short-haul destinations for Japanese travelers.  相似文献   

Tea tourism as a new niche market has become more and more popular. Through a case study in Xinyang, China, this research explores tourists' attitudes and perceptions toward tea and tea tourism, identifies who the potential tea tourists are, and compares their attitudes with others. One hundred seventy-nine questionnaires were administered; one-way ANOVA and chi-square test were used based on their willingness of tea tourism. The results suggest that tea tourists and non-tea tourists have significant differences in terms of their attitudes toward tea drinking and their willingness of buying tea as souvenir. Tea tourists are mainly tea lovers driven by their high interest in tea and tea culture; they tend to be both males and females (yet females show a significant higher percentage than males), between ages 31–40, who have a positive attitude toward tea drinking, and who often drink tea. This research also provides some marketing suggestions for this niche market.  相似文献   

旅华外国散客旅游流地理分布和网络结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
散客旅游是全球主流旅游方式,入境散客市场在中国入境旅游市场中也占据重要地位。文章主要采用问卷法采集数据,研究样本总量1451份,运用地图分析法研究旅华外国散客旅游流的分布和扩散规律,运用社会网络分析法研究旅华外国散客旅游流网络结构特征。研究发现:散客以北京、广州和上海为主要出入境口岸,以香港为辅助口岸,旅游线路以单目的地、短线为主,平均到访目的地数量较少;北京和广州是单目的地散客的主要旅游目的地;多点散客旅游流集中分布在中国人口线东南部,以"北京—西安"之间的流量最大,并形成了长三角、珠三角、川滇3个区域性集中分布区;散客旅游流网络规模较大,但网络密度较低,整体结构松散,发育程度较差;网络具有小世界特性;网络中的节点可以划分成综合性节点、枢纽节点、重要节点和一般节点4种角色类型。文章首次从宏观联系的视角对旅华外国散客旅游流进行了整体研究,丰富和拓展了中国入境旅游流研究内容。  相似文献   

西安旅游气候舒适度与客流量年内变化相关性分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
气候舒适度是影响旅游地开发的重要因素,直接影响到旅游季节的长短及客流量的年内变化。利用近30年气候资料,对西安及周边山地旅游气候舒适性进行了评价,划分了适宜性等级和时段分布;结合2000-2002年入境旅游、国内旅游和本地游憩客流量的年内变化,划分了旅游活动的淡旺季和月指数;在对气候舒适度与特殊因子数值化的基础上,采用OLS方法建立了客流量月指数与气候舒适度的相关性。结果显示:入境游客年内变化受气候影响,入境旅游月指数气候弹性系数3.44%;大雁塔和骊山国内旅游不仅受气候舒适性影响,还受“五一”和“十一”黄金周影响,客流量月指数气候弹性系数为2.06%和2.33%;太白山和楼观台本地居民游憩,还受4~5月春游、8月学生暑假和9月秋淋的影响,客流量月指数的气候弹性系数为2.99%和2、64%。本项研究为西安市及周边客流量预测和景区规划提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

旅游文化与文化旅游:理论与实践的若干问题   总被引:50,自引:4,他引:50  
徐菊凤 《旅游学刊》2005,20(4):67-72
“旅游文化”与“文化旅游”是两个容易被混淆的概念,也是两个应该引起重视的研究领域。本文从对比这两个概念在国内外的研究状况入手,辨析了这两个概念的含义及其研究范畴,指出目前研究的局限和应有的研究框架,并分析其相应的实践应用方向。  相似文献   

By considering the importance of religious tourism for travel and the tourism industry, this study aims to identify religious tourists' experiences in Jerusalem, as one of the most important holy cities. By a survey, 848 data were collected from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religious tourists. Results showed that religious tourism experience was a multi-faceted construct, which consists of engaging mentally, discovering new things, interacting & belonging, connecting spiritually & emotionally, and relaxing & finding peace dimensions. By using these dimensions, perceived experience differences of tourists were examined depending on religion. Moreover, religious tourism experience was identified to significantly affect overall tourist satisfaction with Jerusalem. The study concluded with discussion of the findings and their implications.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the structural relations among tourist motivation, the perception of authenticity, and tourist satisfaction. Structural equation model (SEM) analysis was performed to the study model. It is confirmed that study concepts have significant relations through multiple regression analysis (MRA). The suggestions of this study are as follows. First, the authenticity is perceived through the direct tour activities consisting of the tourist's experiences on the basis of the results of the preceding studies, and it is an important factor of cultural tourism activities. Second, cultural tourism sites including traditional folk villages are to choose city dwellers, club members who like adventure and exploration, and student groups as target markets. Third, tourists are to be made to have various historical and cultural experiences by realistic and lively compositions of traditional culture.  相似文献   

薛莹 《旅游学刊》2006,21(4):47-54
首次提出并研究"旅游流的区域内聚"现象.根据系统的自组织与组织原理,以江浙沪地区为例,研究在旅游流的区域自组织演化中所形成的旅游中心城市,并研究以这些旅游中心城市作为节点而形成的区域空间结构和基于这种区域形态的区域旅游空间组织.  相似文献   

遗产旅游动机的核心-边缘结构研究--以丽江为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遗产旅游动机存在着一个核心-边缘结构,核心动机源自遗产属性,而边缘动机与遗产属性关系不大。既有研究虽已认识到这个结构,但对于动机如何从属性而来的过程却关注不多。文章采用方法-目的链研究方法,以丽江为案例地,对该结构进行探讨。方法-目的链主张从属性到结果再到价值这样的层级性建构,可还原游客动机的产生过程。研究发现,游客动机来自丽江多个方面的属性:遗产属性、遗产相关属性和遗产无关属性。这些属性往往被综合起来提到,游客同时被这些属性吸引而不是单单被遗产属性所吸引。逃离和归属感这两个在理论上看应该是核心动机价值,但追溯其属性却发现产生这些价值的也包括非遗产属性。而寻求艳遇、成就感和寻找自我这些在理论上看似与核心动机无关的价值,却与遗产属性和遗产相关属性关系密切。这说明游客对遗产进行了遗产客观价值以外的建构。  相似文献   

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