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如何对资产负债比例管理进行稽核监督□刘可福卢鼎芳随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和金融体制改革的不断深入,我国专业银行商业化步伐进一步加快,银行应对资产业务和负债业务进行综合管理,以促进资产与负债的有机结合,保证银行资产的安全性、流动性和盈利性。对...  相似文献   

一、宏观经济政策影响银行稳定的路径分析 利率路径。宏观经济政策变动会引起利率波动.在利率敏感性资产与负债的匹配失调情况下.会使得银行资产收益与价值相对于负债成本与价值发生不等量变动.从而造成银行持有资产的波动。  相似文献   

持有流动性相对较差的资产而借入流动性较强的负债,被称作银行的流动性创造功能,也是商业银行服务实体经济的重要体现。金融科技发展从多个角度重塑商业银行的流动性创造功能。基于我国2010—2018年136家商业银行的年报文本信息,本文构建了产品、渠道、技术和应用四个维度的银行金融科技发展指数。研究发现,银行金融科技的发展显著降低了银行的流动性创造功能,但主要降低了负债端的流动性,对资产端的流动性没有显著影响。进一步研究发现,银行金融科技对于银行流动性创造功能的抑制不仅没有削弱银行服务实体经济的能力,反而降低了银行的流动性风险。本文的研究结论对于明晰银行流动性创造功能,更好地利用金融科技服务实体经济具有重要的启示价值。  相似文献   

一、流动性风险的来源及影响因素。银行的流动性风险是指银行因不能及时满足对资产方供给资金的要求或负债方回收资金的要求而产生的风险。对于商业银行而言流动性风险主要来源于以下三个方面。  相似文献   

文章从流动性储备、负债稳定性、期限结构错配程度、资本充足性、市场利率风险和盈利性六个维度选择12个流动性风险评价指标,基于因子分析法对中国上市银行2012年底的流动性风险进行综合评价。实证结论显示:同业负债成为新的银行流动性风险诱因;中长期贷款占比的下降有助于改善资产负债期限错配,降低流动性风险。现行的流动性风险监管指标难以全面反映银行流动性风险的实情,建议增加"同业负债比例"和"流动负债依存度"两个指标。  相似文献   

国际经验表明,银行危机的财政成本巨大。在极端情况下,它可能危及财政稳定。因此分析银行危机成本产生的原因和控制方法,将是政府管理或有负债的一项重要内容。本文试图从银行或有负债角度去探析我国目前的财政风险问题,分析了银行危机转化为财政风险的程度、原因及转化形式,并从银行不良资产比例、资产流动性等方面度量我国来自银行系统的或有负债。最后本文借鉴国外财政分析管理经验,对我国管理由银行危机引起的财政风险给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

资产证券化把传统意义上的信贷体系和证券市场连接起来,通过证券化的形式,使得原本流动性较差的资产在资本市场上获得了流动性,提高了金融资源的配置效率。但是我国对资产证券化的法律规制方面尚不完善,制约了资产证券化的发展,因此,加强对资产证券化的法律问题研究对资产证券化在我国的顺利实施至关重要。  相似文献   

谢筱璐 《北方经济》2012,(18):12-14
本文从多阶段/动态视角基于资产-负债匹配角度对个人账户养老基金资产配置进行了分析与研究,得出了以下结论:如果在基金累积阶段更频繁地对资产跌价风险进行测度并降低退休日资产-负债匹配的重要性,对养老基金的资产配置将更具风险性,增加年平均收益率并降低缴费率,但是具风险性的资产配置将使养老基金的赤字增加。  相似文献   

由于全球国际收支失衡日趋严重,拥有较多话语权的西方逆差国越来越多地把调整的负担强加给顺差国,对顺差国的汇率施加升值压力。而存在国际收支顺差的发展中国家,非常担心这种升值会对国内经济,尤其是脆弱的金融体系造成不利影响。本文通过基于信息的银行挤兑模型,构建了一个本币升值冲击通过银行的资产负债表渠道引起银行危机的模型。模型表明在货币升值的情况下,只要银行及其客户存在相当多的外币资产、本币负债的货币错配,并且这种错配情况能被部分存款人观察到,从而使得他们改变原来的提款计划,就可能引起银行部门的流动性危机。  相似文献   

许峰 《特区经济》2005,(2):264-265
银行业是金融体系中最为脆弱的部门,因为银行业通过持有流动性负债和相对缺乏流动性的资产来提供金融服务,而它又必须保证满足大量存款人的提款要求。如果有存款人认为银行不能满足其提款要求时,会尽快提走存款,一旦这种预期波及开来形成挤兑,将对银行业以及经济体系造成破坏。  相似文献   

Where policy has substantially increased central bank assets, the corresponding liabilities present an opportunity to increase the breadth, depth and liquidity of the government bond market. In China's case, transformed illiquid central bank liabilities could double or triple the stock of government bonds. Central bank liabilities can be transformed into government bonds either through the government's purchase of foreign exchange reserves held by the central bank or by the government overfunding its borrowing requirement and depositing the proceeds in the central bank. The overfunding approach is preferred if, for financial stability reasons, it is judged prudent to leave the central bank with sufficient resources to serve itself as lender of last resort in foreign currency to the banking system. In the case of China, public debt consolidation could also contribute to further liberalizing the Chinese banking system, wider international use of the renminbi and more balanced holdings of key currency government bonds.  相似文献   

The focus of analysis is the relationship between short-term financial shocks and long-term changes in the asset structure of the commercial banks of England and Wales in the decades before World War I. New annual series are presented for the main categories of bank asset ratios and these are tested for structural change. The results emphasize the importance of the financial crises of 1878 and 1890 in the long-term increase in the liquidity of commercial bank assets as the banks shifted their holdings from private sector credits to public sector assets.  相似文献   

This paper examines liquidity creation behaviour in the property‐liability insurance market in South Africa. Using annual data on 76 insurers from 2007 to 2014, the paper employs the three‐stage approach to estimate liquidity creation. The results suggest that property‐liability insurers are characterised by liquidity destruction by transforming liquid assets in cash and investable securities into illiquid reserves liabilities. The findings also indicate that the R1.32 billion in liquid assets were transformed into illiquid reserves liabilities in 2014, an increase from the R700 million liquidity de‐created in 2007. The increases were mainly driven by large insurers which accounted for about 70% liquidity de‐created. The results of panel regression analysis provide evidence in support of the “risk‐absorption” hypothesis which argues that high levels of capital increases liquidity creation. In addition, size, leverage and reinsurance were also identified as the firm‐level factors that explain liquidity creation. The policy implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,流动性过剩成为中国宏观经济中的一个热门词汇,以至于对当前中国所有的经济失衡或者价格失控现象,人们都试图用流动性过剩来解释。那么流动性过剩产生的背景和根源是什么?其对商业银行业务经营的影响如何?商业银行城市行应如何积极应对流动性过剩?本文尝试以某商业银行城市行为例,从商业银行前沿经营者的角度对此进行探讨。  相似文献   

张艳 《特区经济》2007,216(1):74-75
中间业务是指不构成商业银行表内资产、表内负债形成银行非利息收入的业务。长期以来,我国商业银行中间业务收费管理政策不完善,收费市场秩序混乱,收费管理政出多门,收费标准偏低,严重影响了中间业务的发展,造成中间业务种类单一,经营范围较窄;金融创新受到制约,业务收益较差;服务手段落后,科技化程度较低。要促进我国商业银行中间业务的发展,必须按照市场经济的要求,建立一个公平、合理的收费机制。  相似文献   

We examine cases in which there is a large shift in a country’s net foreign asset position due to the re-valuation of its foreign assets and/or foreign liabilities. We highlight the differences in large valuation shocks between countries characterized by large gross stocks of foreign assets and foreign liabilities and countries exhibiting large net external positions. Finally, we analyze macroeconomic dynamics in the neighborhood of large valuation episodes.  相似文献   

This paper studies the Swedish experience of the international crisis of 1907, which is often compared with the crisis of 2008. By constructing a new dataset from previously unanalyzed monthly bank-level data, we document high-frequency changes in bank outcomes throughout the 1907 crisis. While distressed banks suffered substantial withdrawals of foreign funds and liquid domestic liabilities, we show that banks’ asset structures, along with observable fundamentals and institutional characteristics, played a more significant role in their subsequent fate. Higher shares of non-performing assets and lending against equities were the most important balance sheet predictors of distress. These balance sheet fundamentals, as well as over-extended branch networks, significantly shortened the lifespan of Swedish banks in the aftermath of the 1907 crisis.  相似文献   

贺洋  臧旭恒 《南方经济》2016,35(10):75-94
文章基于CFPS数据,将居民家庭资产区分为流动性较高的资产和流动性较低的资产两种类型,把不同类型资产的变现成本引入到家庭消费决策的分析中,构建了一个双资产消费决策模型,并实证研究了家庭资产结构对消费倾向的影响。整体来看,家庭流动性较高的资产占比提升有助于提高家庭的平均消费倾向,流动性较高的资产占比每增加1个百点,家庭的消费倾向增加0.11个百分点;随着家庭流动性较高的资产占比的增加,其对消费的促进作用也会显著增加。通过提高资产整体的流动性,降低金融服务费率,有助于从微观视角上扩大居民的消费需求。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate whether the current references to probability in standard setters' conceptual definitions of assets and liabilities cause individuals to believe that the probability of a future transfer of economic benefits must be above some meaningful threshold for an asset or a liability to exist—a belief that is contrary to standard setters' intent. Results of multiple experiments indicate that the majority of individuals do use a high probability threshold to determine asset existence, whereas for liabilities the majority use a very low threshold. Thus, even under ceteris paribus conditions, liabilities are more frequently judged to exist than assets—a phenomenon analogous to accounting conservatism, as has been discussed in terms of the performance statement. These findings are robust to variation in formal training and in type of liability, and cannot be explained by alternative approaches to judging existence. Consistent with standard setters' intentions, results also suggest that their proposed changes to the definitions of assets and liabilities—changes that attempt to clarify the intended role of probability—do cause a greater proportion of participants to indicate that the relevant financial statement element (asset or liability) exists, relative to participants with no definition. Our study provides important insights for standard setters as they continue work on their missions to update their Conceptual Frameworks and for researchers regarding the role of conservatism on the balance sheet.  相似文献   

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