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节能降耗是当前全社会面临的一项长抓不懈的重要任务,戒国是一个水资源紧缺的国家,节约用水历来都受到各级政府和全社会的重视。高等学校人员密集,居住集中,是水资源消耗大户,在高等学校实施节水是一项成效显著的工作。切实有效地落实节水政蓑,培养学生的节水观念,加强用水管理,改善节水措施,推广节水技术,对降低办学成本、支持学校发展也会起到至关重要的作用。文章阐述了高等学校的用水状况和节约用水的方法,对双阀缓压节能水嘴的应用进行了研究分析。  相似文献   

通过一个例子介绍了一种基于现场总线的面粉脉冲式压运系统的原理和控制方法.采用现场总线技术和智能模块的控制系统,不仅实现自动控制,而且增加了负荷和诊断功能,实践表明,该系统低成本、可靠性高、易于维护,操作方便。给企业带来显著效益。  相似文献   

从结构的角度分析氧化锌避雷器和阀型避雷器的不同,简明的分析了两种避雷器的运行原理,通过比较两者的非线性程度来说明优劣。从过电压防护问题上指出氧化锌避雷器的优点和阀型避雷器的不足。  相似文献   

介绍了V-1205粉煤给料罐的作用及泄压阀泄漏时所带来的后果,针对我公司粉煤给料罐泄压管线阀门磨损严重,造成的阀门内漏现象,采用增加过滤器保护措施,效果较好,减缓了泄压阀的磨损速度且避免了整套装置的停车,在同类问题上有广泛的推广价值。  相似文献   

轧压钢铁机械设备具有工作效率高、性能高等特点,但是也会在频繁变化的荷载作用下而出现破坏,尤其是常发于轴承和齿轮等部位。文章以轧压钢铁机械设备为研究对象,着重探讨了一些常用的检查维修技术,以期可以减少其运行故障,提升其工作性能。  相似文献   

当前新概念的兵器,新的能源,新的技术正在研制,将来会有新的提高。经典概念正在受到冲击,世界各国都在研究2000年后兵器的状况。我们知道弹药时战争消耗最大,将来的战争弹药的消耗量是二次世界大战的5倍/日。因此,弹药的发展快于其他武器的发展,是兵器行业最活跃的部门。新装要研究的重点:内弹道理论、装药元器件组份、尺寸、形状、装配位置、发射药的纯度、包复、混合装药,组合式装药是当前发展最快、最被重视的装药技术。这种转变将引起武器性能的提高。一般认为传统炮用发射药制造技术已经过时,主要因为这些工艺采用间断、人工操作,使用劳动力多,人为影响因素较复杂、效率低、缺少有意的在线质量控制。因此,希望能使这些生产工艺现代化。据报道:美、英、德等发达国家采用螺旋压伸机提供连续工艺已取得很大进展。  相似文献   

铅酸蓄电池,主要是阀控密封式铅酸蓄电池(VRLAB)是第一代动力电池。其优点是大电流放电性能良好,价格低廉,资源丰富,电池回收率高,在电动自行车、电动摩托车上广泛应用。缺点是质量比能量低,主要原材料有污染。  相似文献   

本文分析了影响通信设备用阀控密封铅酸蓄电池寿命的因素、延长蓄电池寿命的方法;并阐述了阀控密封铅酸蓄电池其实不是免维,而是少维,应充分重视对其的维护与保养.  相似文献   

企业应收账款和存货管理的压降控制是企业能否持续正常经营的关键。 随着,市场经济的快速发展,国企生产经营规模不断扩大,为增加销售额往往采取赊账方式,导致企业的应收账款周转率,存货周转率等各项财务指标持续走低,企业的资产负债率持续攀升,严重威胁企业的正常生产经营。 抓好应收账款和存货管理管控工作已经成为当前国企财务工作的重点。 因此,文章结合当前国有企业应收账款和存货管理现状和存在问题,提出了应收账款和存货管理压控的有效管理策略,以期助力国有企业稳健发展。  相似文献   

Cultural Values,Economic Growth and Development   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This empirical study investigates the effects of nine ethical climate types (self-interest, company profit, efficiency, friendship, team interest, social responsibility, personal morality, company rules and procedures, and lastly laws and professional codes) on employee work satisfaction. The ethical climate typology developed by Victor and Cullen (in W. C. Frederick (ed.) Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy, 1987; Administrative Science Quarterly 33, 101–125, 1988) is tested on a sample of staff and managers from 62 different telecommunication firms in Turkey. The results obtained from the 1174 usable questionnaires confirm the existence of nine different ethical climate types observed in western cultures in the present sample context, which is a developing Muslim country. Regarding the effects of ethical climatic factors on employee work satisfaction, self-interest climate type appears to negatively influence work satisfaction, whereas team interest, social responsibility and law and professional codes climate types are found to have positive impacts. Managerial and further research implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

莼菜的药用价值与综合开发应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
莼菜有很高的药用价值和营养保健功能,本文通过查阅国内文献,阐述了莼菜的药用价值以及现阶段的开发应用现状,同时对莼菜的开发应用提出展望,并对莼菜开发应用中存在的问题加以阐述,以期为综合开发莼菜资源及深层次的应用提供依据。  相似文献   

农民收入的低水平,持续增收难度大,预期收入不确定和预期支出增加,城乡收入差距扩大,城乡双向物流发展滞后等因素制约了我国农村消费的增长。而城乡双向物流的发展能从增加农民收入,转变消费观念等方面促进农村消费。为此,应发挥政府的引导作用,加快农村基础设施建设,构建城乡一体化物流信息平台,培养农村物流专业人才,培育多元化的农村物流市场经营主体,创新城乡物流对接模式,促进城乡双向物流的发展。  相似文献   

China had made great achievements in sustainable development,and China's experience can be shared with other developing countries,said Helen Clark,Administrator of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). She made the remarks during her four-day official visit to China from May 16.Clark met with Premier Wen Jiabao to discuss the vital role that China will play in determining the success of the sustainable development agenda,as well as UNDP's strengthened partnership with China.  相似文献   

产业转移是国际上的一种经济现象,一般国家参与产业转移有着双向性特征.而我国由于其特殊的国情,使其参与国际产业转移不适应产业转移的双向性特征,并且在承接国际产业转移上也体现出层次性特点,因此,把握未来承接产业转移的方向将是我国产业结构优化的关键.  相似文献   

This essay discusses the implications of the idea that the Keynesian premise implies deviations between the normal and the average degrees of utilization. A system of equations called the ``average system'' is proposed for the study of average values, as distinct from normal values, by way of a hypothetical steady- state growth path for each sector. A long-period implication of the short-period under-utilization of productive capacity is presented in terms of a two-sector model.  相似文献   

Casson and Wadeson (International Journal of the Economics of Business, 1998, 5, pp. 5-27) have modelled the dialogue, or conversation, which customers have with their suppliers in order to convey their requirements, while taking production implications into account. They showed that this has important implications for the positioning of the boundaries of the firm. Unfortunately, their model has the restriction that communication is only costly in the direction of customer to supplier. This paper extends their model by introducing two-way communication costs. It shows that the level of communication cost in the direction of supplier to customer is a key additional factor in determining the nature of the dialogue that takes place. It also shows that this has important additional implications for the positioning of the boundaries of the firm. Custom computer software development is used as an example of an application of the theory.  相似文献   

在高速图像/指令扩频无线传输系统中,前向链路主要为遥控指令或者遥控数据(例如航迹),后向链路主要为高速图像数据,无线传输信道为实时双向链路.针对这种前后向链路数据量不对称而又需要实时传输的特点,设计了一种新型的SPI接口,从而较好地解决了此类数据不对称信道中的数据实时双向透明传输的问题.该设计基于FPGA实现,可与绝大多数具有SPI接口的MCU(MPU)主设备进行双向SPI透明传输,而不需要增加任何协议.给出了SPI接口的仿真波形和实现结果,设计完成后经测试证明,该接口完全满足SPI协议串行数据传输的要求,性能可靠.  相似文献   

人力资源管理中的双向忠诚问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组织与员工之间双向忠诚是双方互动的一种心理契约,具有重要的效用价值。但在现实生活中,由于组织以高薪或用强制手段来维系员工对组织的忠诚度,导致组织的发展和岗位履约能力之间产生矛盾,使组织和所有员工往往难以达到双向忠诚。应建立诚信体系,将沟通和协调工作贯穿于人力资源管理的全过程。组织的发展离不开员工的忠诚,而员工自我价值的实现也离不开组织对员工的忠诚。二者的平衡点就是双向忠诚,是双赢的基本条件。实现双向忠诚是现代组织发展的价值取向,能有效开发人力资源,提高管理效率。  相似文献   

This paper makes an initial exploration of whether and to what extent different national values may affect the development of business relationships between individuals in different countries, by specifically examining the development of trust and co-operation between people. It first identifies key factors that may determine the nature and effect of trust in business relationships. Trust based on calculus, knowledge, and identification are distinguished. Inhibitions to co-operation are also identified, which include the perceptions of economic value, of social returns, of risk, and of competence of the potential co-operating parties. A model of trust formation and its impact on co-operation enabling detailed interpretation of empirical data is presented.

Notions of national values developed in previous research are outlined, and a set of formal tabulated propositions regarding how these may be expected to influence different aspects of trust formation in different European countries is developed. The relevance and applicability in understanding different approaches to business development in different countries is then explored. The trust relationships of three matched case companies, one each from France, Holland and the United Kingdom are examined in terms of the propositions detailed, by means of verbal protocol analysis. Marked differences were found between the three individual business leaders, and these largely matched the theoretical propositions generated. Different types of trust relationships were sought and required by the individuals examined, and they each needed different co-operation criteria to be addressed before they would co-operate.

This study is only exploratory, and stereotypes need to be avoided, but more concrete propositions can be suggested as to why and how national values influence business to business relationships. National values appear to influence the relative importance placed by individuals in the types of trust they require to co-operate with others, and the criteria they implicitly employ in deciding whether to co-operate or not.  相似文献   

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