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The objective of the study is to analyze the competition between palm oil with its substitute and between Indonesia's and Malaysia's palm oil in China and India. An import demand equation using Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) is constructed. The result indicates that Indonesia's palm oil is more elastic in China and India. Moreover, in China, Indonesia's and Malaysia's palm oil complement each other.  相似文献   

文章依据凯恩斯宏观总量模型建立一个包括投资、消费、进出口的联立方程组,系统地对广东省进口和经济增长之间的动态反馈效应做了分析,结果表明进口通过与投资、消费、贸易领域的互动效应引致经济增长,进口对广东省GDP增长的拉动度和贡献率平均为11.70%和4.23%。  相似文献   

Vegetable oil crop production has increased faster than other food or industrial crops in recent years. Palm oil which is widely grown in tropical areas has become the most internationally produced and traded oil with a detrimental effect on the natural environment and the sustainability of producing communities. The general perception of the industry conveys a negative image to consumers. To better understand the extent consumers’ perception of palm oil products would inform stakeholders in the sector 25 one-to-one interviews using the means-end laddering technique (Olson and Reynolds, 2001) were carried out to elicit attributes which led to the establishing of value perceptions of products containing palm oil. Pal production practices have elicited negative Environmental Concern Values regarding the availability of resources for future generations. Environmental consciousness seems to be an important attribute marketers should take into account when both developing and promoting products. However, consumers’ perception of palm oil as a product ingredient was regarded as minimal. Palm oil was perceived as being a more natural product whose naturalness could be exploited regarding ‘physical wellbeing’ values leading to helping consumers achieve a health life and higher self-stem.  相似文献   

中国原木进口需求的来源地结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用差异化进口需求模型对中国历年原木进口需求进行了研究。实证数据研究表明,中国对从前五位原木进口国进口原木的数量富有弹性,对从俄罗斯、马来西亚、巴布亚新几内亚原木进口的变化很敏感。在其他条件不变的情况下,中国原木需求的增加会导致重要贸易伙伴原木出口的增加。中国国内原木市场需要警惕,本土原木在国内消费数量中增加幅度较小,国内加工企业对原木的需求增长主要通过进口来满足,原木进口的安全问题值得关注。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of the abatement of the export duty on the Malaysian palm oil industry performance. The simulation results show that the impact of reductions in the export duty rates and the impact of increases in the threshold prices on the Malaysian palm oil industry have the same impact but with different magnitudes. Even the simulated results indicate that the policy of further reductions in the Malaysian export duty will promote its positive effects on the local palm oil industry; however, the impact is shown to not be significant. The further reduction of the export tax is very constrained and believed to no longer be the most effective policy in enhancing the competitiveness of local palm oil industry in the future. Hence, policymakers have to be aware of the possibility that the reduction of the export tax may no longer be an effective sustainable approach in facilitating the development of Malaysian palm oil industry.  相似文献   

This article estimates the effects of imports on employment, wages, and the wage share in Austria for the period of 1990–2005 using panel data of the manufacturing industry. There is evidence of a statistically significant but overall rather low negative effect of imports on both employment and wages, and thereby the wage share. However, the effects are economically much more significant and at times in the opposite direction when we distinguish final vs. intermediate imports as well as the origin of imports. Offshoring to Eastern Europe has a negative impact on employment but a positive effect on wages, indicating the dominance of scope effects.  相似文献   

伍亚  张立 《商业研究》2011,(11):46-51
运用二阶KLEM(即资本、劳动、能源、原料)投入产出结构分解法,本文将汽油、煤油、柴油和燃料油的需求增长分解为各种驱动因素的加权平均贡献之和。研究结果表明:1997-2007年,导致全社会四种成品油需求增长10 200万吨的正向驱动因素及其贡献率,为国内最终需求因素(165.9%)、国内中间需求因素(28.3%)和出口贸易因素(94.5%),负向驱动因素为技术进步因素(-178.6%)和进口替代因素(-10.0%)。  相似文献   

Interest shown on the environmental impact of operations of multinational enterprises in developing countries has grown significantly recently, and has fuelled a heated public policy debate. In particular, there has been interest in the environmental degradation of host communities and nations resulting from the operations of multinational oil companies in developing countries. This article examines the issue of environmental costs and responsibilities resulting from oil exploitation and production in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The case study is based, in part, upon series of interviews with key stakeholders in the Nigerian oil industry. The article further examines the implications of the current practice and policies of multinational oil companies with respect to environmental impact of oil exploitation. The study’s findings illustrates that it is becoming increasingly apparent to oil companies that pollution prevention pays while pollution does not and under pressure from stakeholder groups, oil companies now routinely incorporate environmental impact assessments into their corporate strategy.Dr Gabriel Eweje is a lecturer in Management and International Business at College of Business, Massey University, Auckland Campus, New Zealand. Previously, he worked as a Research Fellow at the United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS), Tokyo, Japan, and taught at Royal Holloway University of London, England. His PhD from University of London focused on Corporate Social Responsibility and Activities of Multinational Oil and Mining companies in Developing Countries. He also worked as a Research Fellow with International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London on a project on how mining and minerals can contribute to sustainable development (MMSD). His research interest lies around the issues of business ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability related disciplines.  相似文献   


This article examines the long-run and short-run behavior of the demand for money (M1, M2, and M3) in Malaysia. In this study we used a robust estimation known as the unrestricted error correction model (UECM) and the Bounds test (Pesaran, Shin, &; Smith, 2001 Pesaran, H., Shin, Y. and Smith, R. J. 2001. Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16: 289326. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to determine if the demand for money is cointegrated with real income, interest rate, and the price level. Prior to the cointegration analysis, we tested whether the demand for money series had undergone any structural breaks due to the 1997 Asian financial crisis using the Gregory–Hansen structural break approach. The study used annual data from 1970 to 2004. The Gregory–Hansen test suggests that the 1997 Asian financial crisis did not have a significant impact on the cointegration relationship between money demand and its determinants. The Bounds test revealed that the demand for M1, M2, and M3 are cointegrated with its determinants at the 1% level of significance. Thus, the long-run demand for money was found to be stable. This implies that monetary targeting may be a useful for the conduct of the monetary policy.  相似文献   

地铁自助游作为一种新兴的旅游细分市场正逐渐兴起。通过对南京自助游游客进行的问卷调查,分析地铁自助游市场的需求,结果显示:地铁自助游线路的开发拥有较好的市场前景和发展潜力;地铁站点与旅游景区之间的交通是否方便是决定地铁自助游能否成行的关键因素。  相似文献   

Gastronomic events are an important part of the “Made in Italy” and a vital tool for rural development. The aim of the study is to identify the complexity of the factors that determine the success of a food event. The authors, after state-of-the-art analysis of the event marketing, formulate the hypothesis of a causal model and form a data collection during the “open oil mills” in the Umbria region. Through in-depth interviews the participants were asked to express themselves about the importance and interest attributed to some aspects directly related to the theme of the event, and finally to indicate the degree of satisfaction and the likelihood of some of their future behavior. Statistical analysis based on structural equation models allowed the authors to highlight which aspects are significant in order to confirm the assumptions made. Results provide guidance for management decisions and organization of food and wine.  相似文献   

彭惜君 《商业研究》2003,(16):58-60
在供给与需求的选择中 ,供给学派为我们提供了不同于凯恩斯主义的政策选择。目前我国经济已经出现重大转机 ,在扩大内需的政策有效性的降低 ,结构调整成为主要任务的条件下 ,向供给方倾斜必将成为我国今后政策调整的方向  相似文献   

文章在对潜在需求、商务模式及其创新简要回顾基础上,分析了商务模式创新内涵及类型,结合潜在需求结构层次性及影响因素,提出了服务业商务模式创新对潜在需求激活的一般性机制.并通过对旅游集散中心对旅游潜在需求的激活机制的系统分析,论证了服务业商务模式创新对潜在需求的一般性机制的适用性和合理性.  相似文献   

This article attempts to shed light on the impact of oil prices, investor sentiment, and conventional index on 11 Islamic indices, particularly during the subprime financial crisis and the oil crisis. Empirical evidence suggests that the Malaysian and Indonesian Islamic indices are very much affected by the oil volatility. Estimation results of the BEKK-GARCH model reveal that the pessimistic sentiment during the subprime crisis is transmitted to Islamic indices, suggesting the herding contagion. The authors' finding indicates that investors can use VIX investor sentiment as an indicator to predict Islamic returns volatility. In addition, the authors find that the oil shock has spilled into Islamic indices. The time-varying correlation indicates strong evidence of the contagion effect of crude oil and investor sentiment measure to Islamic indices during the oil shock and U.S. financial crisis period of 2008–2009.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of parallel market exchange rate volatility and trade on real GDP and real GDP growth in the Syrian economy over the period of 1990Q1–2010Q4. To this end, we first construct a parallel market exchange rate volatility indicator. Second, we estimate an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model where we include our indicator of volatility among the main determinants of real GDP. Our findings imply that real GDP can be explained by three main variables: parallel market exchange rate, money supply, and oil exports. The long-run equilibrium reveals that parallel market exchange rate volatility has a negative impact on real GDP compared to the positive impact of money supply and oil exports. In contrast, the short-run impact of parallel market exchange rate volatility on real GDP growth is positive and very small counter to the long-run impact. Furthermore, the coefficient of the error correction term of the estimated ARDL model indicates that real GDP deviation from the equilibrium level will be corrected by about 10% after each quarter.  相似文献   

科学预测旅游电子商务人才资源的需求量,对于调整人才培养策略,开发人才资源,促进经济发展,实现江苏省"十二五"规划具有极其重要的意义。应用灰色系统理论,对江苏省"十二五"期间旅游电子商务人才需求进行了预测,得出江苏省旅游电子商务人才需求将继续保持快速增长的结论。为确保行业健康、快速发展,江苏省应不断完善政策环境,增强支持力度;对准市场需求,积极探索旅游电子商务人才培养模式;改善行业环境,促进优良的人才成长。  相似文献   

随着中国参与国际市场分工程度的加深,外部需求冲击与本国经济波动的关联已非净出口所能涵盖,投资已成为净出口之外传导外部需求冲击的重要路径。从因应外部需求冲击的角度对1997年以来中国投资波动进行结构分析,运用OLS回归与ARMA组合模型和Granger因果检验识别外部需求冲击传导的投资路径。结果表明,总投资中的出口引致性投资对于外部需求冲击的反应是敏感的,外部需求与政府预算内投资、外商直接投资以及自筹资金投资之间存在着"冲击—传导"关联。  相似文献   

本文以我国1982-2007年的相关数据为样本,基于VAR模型的分析框架实证研究了我国进出口商品结构与对外直接投资的相关性。结果表明:进出口商品结构与对外直接投资存在长期均衡关系,其中初级产品出口、工业制成品出口分别与对外直接投资存在相互替代效应,初级产品进口、工业制成品出口分别与对外直接投资存在相互补充效应;进出口商品结构中各变量与对外直接投资均不存在短期因果关系,但共同构成了影响对外直接投资变化的短期因素。  相似文献   

This article develops a new business environment index with indicators that are appropriate, broadly available for developing regions, and, most importantly, are not double-edged. We used the index to analyze the business environment in Latin America, and it suggests the main role of basic economic principles, institutional economics approach and historical context. We propose the identification of an interdisciplinary variable as well as interpretation of the index, based on 10 factors divided into three dimensions (economic, institutional, and social). The novelty is in the consideration of past values; it is neither based on popularity votes, and nor does it favor large economies.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,外部因素对我国国内需求以及商品流通都产生了深远影响,特别以东南亚金融危机以及本轮全球金融危机为最。外部因素对国内需求及商品流通的作用具有典型的阶段性特点,并随着开放经济的进一步发展呈现长期性。外部因素可经由数量、价格、全球化与国内市场互动以及渠道变革四个途径影响我国国内需求,进而影响商品流通的整个过程。鉴于外部因素作用于商品流通的长期性特点,在流通领域的理论和政策研究与实践中,需借助动态分析方法,从内生化层次讨论外部因素对我国商品流通的影响,按照外部因素内生化的基本观点,改进和丰富有关流通领域的贸易政策和产业政策。  相似文献   

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