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L. Wei 《Applied economics》2013,45(32):4143-4152
While technological innovations are important for many industries, take-off sales for innovative products can have long lead times due to a variety of factors. This article identifies the main parameters affecting digital camera take-off sales in the US between 2001 and 2004. The study constructs an empirical model for film and digital camera shipments and finds that digital cameras primarily served as a substitute for low-end film compacts rather than high-end film Single-Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras. Also, growth in household PC ownership and Windows XP market share were the main contributing factors to the decline of film cameras, with PC penetration rate as the most important factor for digital camera diffusion.  相似文献   

Telecommunication services are distinctive in that their adoptions are influenced by network effect resulting in the late take-off phenomenon and the critical mass problem. In this paper we examined the late take-off phenomenon in the diffusion process of telecommunication services. We first compared the parameters of the diffusion process of consumer durables with those of fax services in the US and Korea. By analyzing the parameters of a new diffusion model based on the threshold model proposed by Markus, we found that the late take-off phenomenon resulted from the low heterogeneity of the threshold distribution for the potential adopters. A simulation approach was proposed for the theoretical implication of the critical mass problem in the start-up telecommunications services.  相似文献   

Q. Li  C.H. Peng 《Applied economics》2016,48(36):3442-3461
In financial studies, environmental stimuli such as sunshine, temperature, and daylight are often used as proxies for people’s collective mood swings to test their effects on the stock market. China has experienced serious air pollution problems in recent years, and Chinese public awareness of air pollution has soared. In this paper, we use China as a natural experiment to investigate the effect on stock returns of depressed moods induced by air pollution. Daily air-pollution data from 2005 to 2014 are analysed and the results obtained from the empirical research show that a contemporaneous negative and a two-day lagged positive relationship exists between air pollution levels and stock returns over this time period. The relationship is mediated by the influence of air pollution on investment decisions. The results also indicate that the effect is weakened for companies that protect air quality, but no stronger effect is detected for polluting companies. The findings imply that air pollution is a behavioural factor with some connection to stock returns in China.  相似文献   

How does the public react to changes in the stock market? We know from the existing body of research that sentiment can predict future stock-market movements. However, do market movements affect sentiment? This article addresses these questions by testing whether market movements precede changes in the emotional well-being of the general public. Using Granger causality analysis, we compare how market movements affect public well-being during periods of increased (2010) and decreased (2012) volatility. The results show that 30-day-lagged returns are associated positively and significantly with the public’s emotional well-being, and that this effect is stronger during periods of increased volatility. The results also show that this effect may persist for up to 120 days.  相似文献   

We investigate the financing decisions of Korean firms during the period of 1996–2015. Korean firms follow a matching strategy for funding their cash needs. Cash inflows from investing activities are the primary source of funding for capital expenditures, and cash inflows from financing activities are the major means of covering cash outflows from financing activities. We also find that Korean firms’ financing practice of handling cash deficits can be described by the pecking order model modified and augmented by cash flow variables. Cash inflows from investing activities account for the major portion of financing to make up for cash deficits, followed by short- and long-term debt, and then equity financing.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple evolutionary model to study the diffusion patterns of product innovations for consumer goods. Following a Veblenian theme, we interpret consumption as a social activity constrained by social norms and class structure. Societies that allow for more behavioral variety will experience faster adoption of new consumer goods. We also find that the speed of diffusion as well as the saturation levels reached depend greatly on the structure of a society. Combining these two effects, we conclude that a social structure displaying behavioral variety and an even class structure fares better than any other social set-up in terms of the speed of adoption of product innovations and product variety. JEL Classification: D11, O31 This paper has benefited from comments by Robin Cowan and seminar participants at the University of Economics in Vienna, the Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT), University of Maastricht, participants of the EMAEE 2003 Conference in Augsburg, Germany as well as the Schumpeter Conference 2004 in Milan, Italy. We also would like to thank two anonymous referees for their constructive criticism and suggestions. The usual disclaimers apply. Correspondence to: A. Reinstaller  相似文献   

We analyse the impact of local market power on price margins and different dimensions of price adjustment dynamics (speed and asymmetry of price transmission) using data for a large number of individual gasoline stations in Austria. Specific attention is paid to threshold effects in price adjustment. Our results clearly suggest that the speed of price transmission between the Brent crude oil index and retail diesel prices is higher in a more competitive environment. While evidence on the relationship between local market power and asymmetries in the speed of price adjustment is mixed, our findings regarding asymmetries in price thresholds are clear: in regions where competition from neighbouring rivals is weak and/or consumers’ price elasticity of demand is low (stations located on the highway), positive thresholds significantly exceed negative ones, which corresponds to the ‘rockets and feathers phenomenon’. As expected, we observe that prices are lower in more competitive local markets.  相似文献   

Jinhwa Chung 《Applied economics》2013,45(35):4345-4359
In the article, we implement an empirical test on the portfolio effects of conglomerate mergers, using the data of Korean liquor market during the period 1990–2008 in which there have been several important conglomerate mergers between beer and soju companies. We find that the combined company could take the advantage of regional market dominance in the beer market in expanding regional market shares in the soju market. Such leverage effects are differentiated from the efficiency-enhancing portfolio effects that result in the combined company’s expanding shares over all regional soju markets regardless of the presence of dominance in the beer market. The common distribution channels of liquor wholesalers seem to play a pivotal role in the combined firm’s expansion of dominance in one market into another. Furthermore, we implement separate empirical tests for two subsamples of regionally dominant and nondominant soju companies in order to differentiate the leverage effects of foreclosure from those of toehold. The empirical results show the evidence of leverage effects only for a sample of nondominant soju companies. This implies that the leverage effects of conglomerate mergers between beer and soju companies in Korea had pro-competitive effects in that the combined firm could compete more effectively with regionally dominant companies with the leverage of dominance in the beer market as toehold.  相似文献   

This is the first article that explores the recently proposed average ranking approach for the value and momentum strategy in the Nordic equity market offering an exceptional experimental environment. Our results indicate that in the Nordic stock markets, the value anomaly offered excess returns in the 1993–2017 sample period only when small stocks were a part of the portfolio, whereas the momentum effect is strong and significant, irrespective of size. Interestingly, our findings also indicate that the negative correlation between value and momentum seems to be driven by growth stocks: Winner stocks that are value stocks generated 1.66% per month on average, whereas winner stocks that are growth stocks exhibit virtually the same average payoff. On the other hand, the spread between value and growth stocks that are loser stocks is on average 0.97% per month.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between real crude oil price changes and the Chinese real stock market at the industry level. Our study uses monthly data over the period 1994:03 to 2013:12. Based on input–output (IO) tables, this article will explore more details for the driving factors of sensitivity to oil price changes. We divide these driving factors into cost- and demand-side dependence. Empirical results reveal that sensitivity varies across different industries and periods based on structural breaks and asymmetric effects of oil price changes. Furthermore, some industries seemingly not directly affected by oil are sensitive to the real oil price changes. Finally, using a penalized quantile regression for panel data, we find that these two factors significantly affect lower, but not upper, quantile of sensitivity.  相似文献   

Digital innovation is gaining momentum among academics and business practitioners. Featuring increasingly cross-industry and multi-actor innovation processes, digital innovation reveals the inherent technology bias in the dominant perspectives on innovation. This study aims to transfer the focus from technology-centred ideas of digital innovation to a more balanced concept in which digital innovation is conceptualised as a combination of multiple needs and solutions linked to various actors and their behaviours. The study builds on a longitudinal case study. The article contributes by providing a partial response to the explicit calls for strategic frameworks that capture the process of digital innovation. Furthermore, the article explicates the market dimension of digital innovation and extends the analysis of the market dimension from a limited view of customer information and user knowledge to further include needs, actions, and behaviours of market actors directly or indirectly using, complementing, or substituting the digital innovation and innovation process.  相似文献   


This paper integrates innovation input and output effects of R&D subsidies into a modified Crépon–Duguet–Mairesse (CDM) model. Our results largely confirm insights of the input additionality literature, i.e. public subsidies complement private R&D investment. In addition, results point to positive output effects of both purely privately funded and subsidy-induced R&D. Furthermore, we do not find evidence of a premium or discount of subsidy-induced R&D in terms of its marginal contribution on new product sales when compared to purely privately financed R&D.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen growing academic interest in the concept of induced diffusion as efforts to address concerns about energy security and climate change have intensified. Research on induced diffusion explores whether policy tools or interventions can incentivise the diffusion of innovations. This body of literature has explored the effectiveness and efficiency of various policy interventions and as such has been mainly concerned with the determinants of diffusion. This paper is, by way of contrast, concerned with the patterns of diffusion when diffusion is induced. Drawing on the Bass and Davies models of innovation diffusion we develop a number of propositions that suggest that the patterns of diffusion are different when policy plays a role in the diffusion process. These propositions are then econometrically tested in the context of the international diffusion of wind energy in 25 OECD countries. We find that, as predicted, without effective and strong policy interventions, countries will have conventional logistic diffusion with very similar speeds of diffusion. However, as expected the patterns of diffusion take on a different functional form (Bass curve) when there is a strong policy inducement. We conclude by discussing the implications and limitations of these results and suggesting avenues for further research.  相似文献   

This study analyses the factors that might explain the level of corporate cash holdings in a broad sample of Turkish-listed nonfinancial firms over the period 1997 to 2011. The empirical results reveal that, on average, Turkish firms hold 9.1% of their total assets as cash and cash equivalents. There is a steadily increasing trend in cash holding across the years. Both the system GMM and the difference GMM regression results are consistent; almost exactly the same variables are significant and going in the same direction. The findings indicate that the previous year’s cash holding is positive and significant determinant at the current year’s cash level, suggesting that these firms have a targeted cash level. Furthermore, the results reveal that cash flow and growth opportunities have positive and significant impact on the cash level. However, the amount of capital expenditures, liquid assets used as cash substitute, the degree of tangibility of assets, financial debt ratio and leverage have negative and significant impact on the cash level. Most of these explanatory variables were in line with our theoretical background and with previous studies as well.  相似文献   

Prior literature on the impact of margin-trading activity on stock price crashes is mixed and does not reach consensus. Using data from a Chinese margin-trading pilot programme initiated in 2010, this article employs both margin-buying and margin-covering activities to investigate the asymmetric impact on stock price crashes. We find that margin-buying activities are beneficial reducing the price crash prone, especially in bad times. In contrast, margin-covering activities amplify price crashes in both good times and bad times.  相似文献   

This paper provides a new rationale for the positive effect of public capital stock on employment and wages. We show that higher levels of public capital reduce wages along the wage equation and enhance employment due to the resulting larger elasticity of labour demand with respect to wages. The estimation of a structural model for the Spanish private sector reveals that this wage channel is empirically relevant. We use the estimated parameters to simulate the recent incidence of the ratio of public to private capital stock on the private sector economic performance. We find (i) sizeable effects on employment, capital stock and gross domestic product, and (ii) that the wage channel is particularly important for employment.  相似文献   

Countries are becoming economically integrated and it is contended that this will also lead to their financial markets becoming integrated. This contention is important since international financial market integration diminishes portfolio diversification benefits and creates contagion risk. We test this contention in this article in the context of the Australasian region. Australia and Asia have experienced very significant economic integration through a rapid growth in their bilateral trade. We utilize a battery of econometric techniques – cointegration, asymmetric generalized dynamic conditional correlations and panel regression models. As expected, we find that trade intensity significantly drives the interdependence between their stock markets in both the short run and the long run. Thus, given the ever increasing economic integration in this region, this finding implies that their stock markets face the risk of contagion, and that investors in these markets would also be confronted with the prospect of lower diversification benefits.  相似文献   

With the acceleration of the economic globalisation process, worldwide market competition is becoming increasingly intense. To remain impregnable in face of fierce competition, Merger and Acquisition (M&A) become the important means to obtain technology, gain core competitiveness, and increase market share. Therefore, studying the effects of M&As on innovation performance has a certain practical significance. With a sample of 96 M&A events of Chinese listed manufacturing enterprises from 2004 to 2011, we find that horizontal M&A and conglomerate M&A can reduce innovation performance, while vertical M&A has no significant effect thereon. Technological M&A has a positive effect on the innovation performance of the acquiring firm, while the effect of non-technological M&A thereon is negative. In technological M&As, entered technological M&A will lower innovation performance, complementary technological M&A can increase innovation performance, while upgraded technological M&A has no significant effect on innovation performance.  相似文献   

We use the Markov regime-switching ARCH (SWARCH) model of Hamilton and Susmel (J Econometrics 64:307–333, 1994) to document the presence of high volatility regimes in six Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela). We found four high volatility episodes, each associated to either a local (the Mexican crisis of 1994, the Brazilian crisis of 1998–1999, the Argentinean crisis of 2001–2002) or a worldwide financial crisis (the Asian financial crisis of 1997). However, we found that the effects of each financial crisis are short-lived and that between 2 and 4 months after each crisis, all markets return to low volatility regimes.
Stephen K. PollardEmail:

This article examines the profitability of dual moving average crossover (DMAC) trading strategies in the Finnish stock market over the period 1996 to 2012. It contributes to the existing technical analysis literature by comparing for the first time the performance of DMAC trading portfolios of individual stocks to the performance of index trading strategies based on trading on an index that consists of the same stocks. The results show that their relative performance varies over time, whereas previous studies have documented outperformance of index trading strategies over trading strategies of stock portfolios. Moreover, the great majority of 3020 DMAC strategies examined in this article outperform the corresponding buy-and-hold (B and H) strategy for both trading targets (i.e., OMX Helsinki 25 index and individual stocks included in the index) in out-of-sample tests. In addition, the decomposition of the full-sample-period performance into separate bull- and bear-period performance shows clearly that the outperformance of DMAC strategies over B and H strategy is mostly attributable to their better performance during bearish periods.  相似文献   

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