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罢工作为一个讨价还价的工具,是应该得到认可和法律保护的。当然罢工在倡导、发起,进行、谈判、善后,必须在法制的体制下进行  相似文献   

卓珂 《环球财经》2002,(13):123-124

[韩国KBS广播1月23日]国际油价持续滑落将给韩国经济带来相当的正面影响。因为对能源进口依赖度极高的韩国来说,国际油价是决定国家竞争力的重要因素。  相似文献   

经济全球化与“韩国模式”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济全球化指世界各国在全球范围内的经济融合,它已成为不可抗拒的客观现实,是当代世界经济发展最根本的保证。1997年亚洲金融危机是当前世界经济的空前浩劫,曾以“汉江奇迹”举满全球的韩国在危机中损失了一半以上的国民财富,在经济全球化趋势的背景下分析“韩模式”的得失,有助于我们探索韩国经济发展的成功之道,找出其突陷危机的深层次原因并指明其未来出路。  相似文献   

韩国经济今年第一季度增势温和,因此未来几个月内该国大幅上调利率的可能性不大。但韩国央行日前公布第一季度经济增长数据时也对该国家庭负债近期出现的增长表示了担忧,韩国其他政府官员此前也表达过这方面的忧虑。  相似文献   

韩国位于亚洲东北部,南、东、西三面环海,北和朝鲜以“三八线”分界。韩国面积为9.9万平方公里。略小于浙江省,人口4700万,也是属于世界上人口密度较高的地区之一。韩国和日本相似,自然资源极其贫乏,原料和燃料主要依赖进口。在过去的30年间,韩国成功地把自己从农业国变成了举世瞩目的工业国,并涌现了一批跻身500的工业型财团,不过近几年来,以重化工业为核心的韩国经济受到了越来越严峻的挑战,一方面国土资源,环境保护,人口密度等国内因素的压力使其感到非创新不可,另一方面韩国大企业在国际经济舞台上的竞争力有下降的趋势,也使依赖进口原材料的韩国经济产生了强烈的危机感,所以,金大中上台之后的一个重要课题是在保护环境与可持续发展的前提下,改造韩国的投资环境与经济结构,目前其努力已经取得了一些明显的成效。值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

韩国经济今年第一季度增势温和,因此未来几个月内该国大幅上调利率的可能性不大。但韩国央行25日公布第一季度经济增长数据时也对该国家庭负债近期出现的增长表示了担忧,韩国其他政府官员此前也表达过这方面的忧虑。  相似文献   

[韩国《朝鲜日报》1月3日]在迎来新年之际,国民最大的愿望就是经济复苏。在本报和韩国盖勒普公司实施的舆论调查中,50.5%的国民把“通过搞活经济和恢复增长动力来加强国家竞争力”选为政府今应该要重视的首要国家课题。  相似文献   

奥尔森的国家理论与韩国经济起飞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈静 《亚太经济》1997,(6):14-17

本文通过观察GDP的周期性成分和宏观经济变量的共同运动,发现了韩国经济中的特征性事实。本文用Hodrick$CPrescott滤波来提取序列的周期成分,通过预白噪声化程序进行稳健的测量,并且借助脉冲反应函数观测了GDP的冲击传导机制,从而得出结论:除了价格变量以外,所有变量的周期成分都是顺周期的和同周期的。工资滞后周期3个季度,M2较弱的顺周期而且领先周期。预白噪声化之后,大多数变量的交叉反应相关函数值降低,但是很少发生质的改变。投资变量最活跃而消费变量相对不太活跃。GDP冲击似乎首先影响总需求方;而供给方如就业、真实工资要几个季度之后才有反应。  相似文献   

黄范章 《开放导报》2006,(3):30-33,89
“十一五”规划强调行政管理体制改革要以继续推进“政企分开,政经分开,政事分开”为主要内容。政府兼有作为“政治实体”和“经济实体”两重身份和两种职能,乃是“政企不分”、“政经不分”的体制根源。这种体制是建国初期从前苏联学来的,长期成为计划经济的源头,现在成为建立社会市场经济的严重障碍。为此,必须让政府从两重身份和两重职能中脱身,仅只具有“政治实体”身份和“公共服务”职能,统辖提供公共产品和公共服务的国企;另在政府之外设置一个作为经济实体的国家载体(如“人大”),统辖经营性竞争性国企。首先分清和分开两类职能不同的国企,即财政账户项目类国企和资本账户项目类国企,应该退出经营性竞争性行业和领域的是政府而不是国企。再循此理顺中央与地方的关系,应是产权明晰,分级所有,可相互参股或控股。政府行政管理体制改革最需要体制创新。  相似文献   


Prior to the 1997 financial crisis, the Korean economy had based its growth policies on East Asia's economic catch-up model which was based mainly on the Japanese development experience. However, the events that lead to the 1997 crisis and the changes instituted in the Korean economy after the crisis have put to question whether the traditional East Asian growth model will continue to be viable. This paper examines two alternative models of development, namely the “Anglo-Saxon” and the “Continental European” models, and evaluates their relevance for Korea's future development challenges. Despite many common features these models share, they are also quite distinctive with regard to their treatment of the labor market system and the role of government. By focusing on the model's capacity to expand employment and to provide sustainable growth as the most important criteria, it is suggested that Korea should follow the “Anglo-Saxon model”, at least in the short- to medium-term. In comparing Korea's economy with other advanced economies when they were at the similar stage of development, it is found that Korea's growth potential lags behind that of countries such as Japan, Germany, Finland, and Ireland. The efficiency of Korea's investment is found to be only slightly better than Japan while it is inferior to all other advanced economies. Despite these challenges, Korea is apparently moving toward the “Continental European model”, with the Korean government increasing its own size and plans for further expenditures on social security and welfare. However, in order to ensure sustainable development with significant job creation, this paper argues that Korea should switch its direction and adopt the “Anglo-Saxon model” as soon as possible.  相似文献   

李焱 《首都经济》2007,(7):66-68
一直以发展生物医药产业为特色的中关村科技园区昌平园.迎来了历史上的突破点和转折点。能源科技——这一全新的产业定位.将成为昌平园更具特色、更富潜力的产业发展方向。  相似文献   

To explain cross-country differences in economic performance, the economics of coordination failures typically portrays each country in a closed economy model with multiple equilibria and then argues that the Poor countries are in equilibria inferior to those achieved by the Rich. This approach cannot tell us anything about the degree of inequality in the world economy. A more satisfactory approach would be to build a world economy model and show why it has to be separated into the Rich and the Poor regions, i.e., to demonstrate the coexistence of the Rich and Poor as an inevitable aspect of the world trading system. In the present model, the symmetry-breaking of the world economy into the Rich and the Poor occurs because international trade causes agglomeration of different economic activities in different regions of the world. International trade thus creates a kind of pecking order among nations, and as in a game of musical chairs, some countries must be excluded from being Rich.J. Japan. Int. Econ., December 1996,10(4), pp. 419–439. Department of Economics, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208  相似文献   

The National Basketball Association (NBA) lockout of 1998-1999 resulted in the cancellation of a significant number of games. According to the claims made by proponents of sports-driven economic growth, cities with NBA franchises should experience significant negative economic losses from this work stoppage because of the lost spending in and around basketball arenas during this event. Although it will be several years before adequate data exist for a careful ex post evaluation of the effects of the lockout, an examination of the impact of past work stoppages in professional football and basketball can shed some light on the potential impact of the NBA lockout as well as the viability of professional sports as engines of economic growth in cities. The parameter estimates from a reduced-form empirical model of the determination of real per capita income in 37 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs) over the period 1969-1996 suggest that prior work stoppages in professional football and baseball had no impact on the economies of cities with franchises. Further, the departure of professional basketball from cities had no impact on their economies in the following years. These results refute the idea that attracting professional sports franchises represents a viable economic development strategy.  相似文献   

发展中小企业、推进城镇化,可以大量转移农村剩余劳动力,有效减少农民,增加农民收入,缩小城乡差距。慈溪市的案例研究表明,发展中小企业、推进城镇化是当前县域经济发展的主要路径和动力源。  相似文献   

尽管韩国的产品、设计和服饰等等不断声名鹊起,但真正把韩国文化推向世界并使之深入人心的,还要属韩剧.几乎每部韩剧中都会有男女主角,拼着烧酒大嚼烤肉的场景.韩剧的拥戴者大概都想知道,正宗的韩式烤肉真的像剧情中表现的那么有诱惑力吗?  相似文献   

The joint costs model states that increasing union and firm strike costs lead to fewer strikes. This paper shows that strike incidence need not decrease when joint strike costs increase. The innovation is to raise union and firm joint strike costs in an asymmetric way. The results indicate that increasing either party’s strike costs can have ambiguous effects on strike incidence. This ambiguity explains why higher strike costs need not always lead to fewer strikes, and thus accounts for the mixed success observed in studies that empirically test the joint costs model with strike incidence data.  相似文献   

豆豆 《走向世界》2006,(5):60-63
“韩国人对孔子、泰山非常熟悉,济南和曲阜、泰安的距离非常近,这有利于韩国人了解济南文化。济南本身就是一个有着厚重文化气息的城市,这也是济南的魅力所在。”  相似文献   

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