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假冒伪劣商品是市场经济的必然产物,当市场机制失灵时,政府进行合理的监管就成为一种必然。从商品流通的角度来看,商品流通的主要承担者———中间商的行为选择对有效治理假冒伪劣商品有非常重要的作用。政府要制定出对中间商售假行为的约束机制,才能看出政府对中间商售假行为实现有效约束的惩罚效用强度和查获概率的取值范围,从而得出政府实施有效约束的最小费用值。  相似文献   

本文认为以打击为主的“末端治理”方式对抑制伪劣商品的现象难以奏效,提出了“防打结合.以防为主”的治理思想。从控制流通环节的角度剖析了伪劣商品流通中消费者和中间商之间的博弈关系,构建了中间商的声誉模型,分析了中间商在伪劣商品治理中的行为选择。得出的结论是:中间商只有选择与消费者合作,尽力杜绝购进和销售伪劣商品,才能获得最大的效用。  相似文献   

论中国市场的非正规渠道晁钢令一笔者曾在讨论类似问题的一篇文章中,把中国市场现有的商品流通渠道划分为正规渠道、非正规渠道和非法渠道。所谓正规渠道,一般是指按照正常的合法的经营范围和交易关系从事商品购销活动的中间商组织和系统,如各地的商业批发零售企业、贸...  相似文献   

将中间商作为企业外取客户资源则他们之间存在着客户关系,则中间商客户价值则成为刻画企业和中间商之间关系模式的重要依据。论文首先分析中间商客户当前价值和潜在价值的变化,然后确定了二者是影响客户关系发展的关键因素,最后依据关键因素的变化划分了客户关系发展阶段和模式,结论可为企业管理众多中间商提供理论基础。  相似文献   

周曼曼 《商业科技》2014,(16):47-47
在网络经济的压力下中间商企业谋求良好的发展,须采用强硬的品牌战略。本文就网络经济对中间商发展的影响和中间商品牌发展战略进行了分析阐述。  相似文献   

最近,联通CDMA手机降价之事闹取得沸沸扬扬。作为一种新产品,与GSM相比,性能和技术上是否具有优势暂且不论,在消费者日趋理性的背景下,以较高价位进入市场,其市场反应是可想而知的。这场由苏宁集团引发的降价风波之所以能得以实现,其中有经营者采取“薄利多销”经营思想的原因,但更重要的是CDMA手机进入市场的渠道发生了根本改变,它绕开了许多中间商而直接由零售商进行产品的销售。这种减少商品流通环节、缩短买卖双方距离的渠道构建方  相似文献   

中间商企业的活跃促进了大宗商品市场的繁荣,与此同时中间商企业面临着与生产制造厂商不同的风险,其中钢铁中间商企业面临的经营风险和财务风险具有典型性特征.本文力图通过对钢铁中间商企业风险的探析,结合宏观经济环境,运用行业竞争力量和财务管理等方法,积极探索应对之道.  相似文献   

中间商渠道绩效评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文认为,企业通过对中间商渠道绩效进行评价,可以为企业改进渠道关系,调整渠道成员,提高渠道运行效率提供必要的反馈机制。为对中间商渠道绩效进行合理评价,文章确立了销售额、按时回款率、服务质量、合作程度及信息沟通等五个评价指标,建立了中间商渠道绩效的模糊综合评价模型,从而实现了对中间商渠道绩效的科学评价与判断,为企业进行渠道决策提供了参考。  相似文献   

贸易中间商在国际贸易的发展中一直占据着举足轻重的地位,是连接买方和卖方的重要桥梁。随着国际经济的发展,贸易中间商提供的服务从传统的简单的中介代理服务,转向更为复杂的提供一揽子服务,形成服务链条。现代贸易中间商的专业化程度高,提供的服务非常全面,形成了专业化分工的服务工序,大大降低了贸易的交易成本,推动国际贸易快速发展。电子商务最近几年发展迅速,为买家与卖家之间提供了很大的便利,在一定程度上对贸易中间商造成了威胁,但是同时也为贸易中间商的发展带来了新的机遇。  相似文献   

中间商是专门从事低买高卖的经济主体,通过专业化的信息搜索、质量保证等途径,以交易中介的形式取代买卖双方的直接交易,从而降低买卖双方的交易成本.本文运用契约理论发现,中间商与企业的性质类似,买卖双方分别与中间商签约以代替双方的直接签约,从而降低了市场交易的费用,但是与企业相比,中间商只发挥交易功能,而不用承担生产职能.因此中间商比企业更具备"契约性质"的特征.  相似文献   

刘瑛 《商业研究》2002,(4):37-38
网上交易作为一种新的交易方式和交易制度发展迅速 ,大有取代传统经纪业务之势 ,它不仅是券商提供的一项便捷的新型服务 ,它更应是一项增值服务 ,投资者对券商的要求也不仅仅限于代理服务 ,而更注重信息咨询和技术服务 ,券商之间的竞争也从传统的硬件型服务竞争转向智能型服务竞争。券商的核心竞争力也随之发生了变化 ,研究开发能力成为网络时代券商的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

冯其友  姜锦虎 《商业研究》2005,(4):11-13,24
根据影响企业关系的各种因素,建立了经销商"倒戈"的基本模型,并以之为基础对经销商的"倒戈"行为进行了博弈分析。结果表明经销商的"倒戈"行为是否发生不仅与经销商自身因素有关,还与生产商的自身实力、合作机制、市场状况及对经销商的约束力度等外在因素有关。经销"倒戈"会给企业带来一系列负面影响,为此,如何保持住经销商并建立长期稳定的交易关系对生产企业具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

We study a widely used ordering process (“Early Bird Discounts”) whereby a profit-maximizing manufacturer permits his dealers to place advance orders at a discount before they set retail prices. We show that such discounts may be used to shift just enough channel profits to dealers to enable them to cover their fixed costs and stay in business. If the manufacturer instead simply cut his wholesale price in order to generate gross margins for his dealers, these margins would soon dissipate as price competition among dealers selling the same product forced retail prices back down to the per-unit cost. We show that when dealer fixed costs are low, the manufacturer offers an Early Bird Discount to his multiple dealers that induces all but two of them to exit; when fixed costs are high, the manufacturer offers no preorder discount (i.e. switches to linear pricing) and induces all but one dealer to exit. Although uniform slotting allowances could also be used to reward dealers, a sales-based alternative like an Early Bird Discount sometimes has a key advantage when the manufacturer has dealers in cities of different sizes. If the same Early Bird Discount is offered, dealers in markets with more consumers, who typically have larger fixed costs, will preorder larger amounts and will automatically receive higher gross margins. To duplicate such payments with slotting allowances, non-uniform allowances would have to be offered to firms in different markets, which is divisive and possibly illegal.  相似文献   

经销商在快速消费品的分销体系中扮演着不可或缺的角色,而经销商的业务员因为经销商在管理中出现的种种问题而出现了高频率的流失率。本文主要讨论了快速消费品经销商的业务员的现状,并对此提出了针对性的措施,包括人性化管理、建立具有激励措施的薪酬体系、规范管理制度以及发展机遇的引入以供相关部门参考。  相似文献   

Dealers may contribute to brand retention through their sales and service efforts. In this study we investigate the degree to which dealers contribute to brand retention and how this contribution is moderated by brand tier. To this end we distinguish between economy, volume and prestige brands. We also investigate how the effectiveness of dealer instruments to increase dealer retention differs across these brand tiers. We collected data on brand retention and dealer retention among consumers who recently purchased a new car. Our findings show that dealers selling volume brands are able to improve brand retention rates. In contrast, dealers of prestige and economy brands are unable to affect brand retention. In line with the notion of brand-dealer fit we also find that the effects of dealer extrinsic service quality and dealer payment equity on dealer retention differ between prestige, volume, and economy brands. Extrinsic dealer service quality has the smallest effect for dealers selling economy brands, while dealer payment equity is the most important determinant of dealer retention for these dealers.  相似文献   

营销渠道中的渠道关系、权力使用与投机行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于营销渠道行为及关系营销理论,以制造商与其经销商之间的关系为研究平台,检验了制造商的关系营销导向以及跨组织私人关系对其使用权威机制以及经销商投机行为的影响。研究结果表明:制造商的关系营销导向对于其使用非强制性权力有显著的正向影响,对其使用强制性权力虽然没有直接影响,但会通过跨组织私人关系(情感性与工具性)产生负向影响;制造商与其经销商之间的跨组织私人关系(情感性与工具性)会抑制制造商使用强制性权力,工具性私人关系会促进其使用非强制性权力;制造商使用强制性权力会加重经销商的投机行为。最后,讨论了研究结果与应用及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

通过对广州化肥市场的供求信息、经销商与农户对化肥营销策略的偏好进行调查,研究广州市场的行为特征,针对性地提出经销商管理农户需求信息、建立经销商品牌形象、提供满足农户意愿的营销策略等建议。  相似文献   

Refusal to sell to ‘unauthorised’ dealers is an integral part of a selective distribution system. Under such a system manufacturers authorise only those dealers meeting their specific requirements. Where the market involved is ‘reasonably competitive’ it is widely recognised that manufacturers, dealers and consumers can gain. The British Monopolies and Mergers Commission (MMC) has been criticised for its interpretation of what constitutes a ‘reasonably competitive’ market. In a recent report into the supply of fine fragrances the issue was again central to its findings that the selective distribution system was not against the public interest. The European Commission has also recently granted exemption from Article 85 for the distribution system operated by the leading firms. We argue that the MMCs analysis of competition was again flawed in this case and that the danger to the consumer and new entrants is compounded by the Europe–wide exemption.  相似文献   

This study examines willingness to repurchase a Toyota among 335 Toyota owners, 246 who had participated in a class action suit against Toyota and 89 who had not participated. It also examines attitudes toward auto dealers and manufacturers and includes a psychographic measure of global consumer loyalty. Respondents were interviewed one to two years after participants had received a cash settlement to compensate for illegal overcharging. Multivariate analysis indicates that compared to nonparticipants, settlement participants, especially those satisfied with the settlement, were more willing to repurchase a Toyota and were less positive in their attitudes toward the Toyota manufacturer. Positive attitudes toward the Toyota manufacturer and dealers were associated with higher repurchase willingness, while positive attitudes toward other dealers and manufacturers were associated with lower repurchase willingness. Consumer loyalty was associated with higher repurchase willingness. These findings and their implications are discussed in terms of several theoretical frameworks.  相似文献   

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