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Under imperfect competition, profit maximization by firms results in the market price exceeding the marginal cost of production; Weitzman terms this “excess supply” Weitzman wishes to replicate in the cost function (in terms of labor) the properties of the revenue function (in terms of output), thus generating “excess demand” for labor. A revenue-sharing scheme will achieve this if and only if there are decreasing returns to scale. Hence increasing returns apparently play no role in Weitzman's analysis.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the major ideas in Martin Weitzman's The Share Economy. It notes that a “share” economy is one in which the marginal cost of labor is less than the average cost of labor; moreover, this condition can be induced by sharing revenues or profits. According to share theory, such contracts will lead firms to create more vacancies and thereby lower the average unemployment rate. Weitzman proposes to induce more share arrangements by giving a tax preference to share-type income.  相似文献   

This note first interprets Weitzman's monopolistic competition analogy to the share economy and considers the implications of this for the nature of “excess demand” in such an economy. The discussion then focuses on the effects of the real wage flexibility induced by sharing schemes. It is observed that Weitzman's analysis is entirely in terms of real, not nominal, variables. The note concludes with remarks on possible distributional conflicts in a share economy.  相似文献   

Weitzman is correct in his claim that, in long-run equilibrium, the capital stock will be identical in wage and share systems. But a corollary of Weitzman's excess demand for labor in the short run is that the firm is holding too much capital at any given moment. The reduction in demand for capital goods following a shock might create a new channel for the accelerator. A share system also exposes workers to increased capital risk.  相似文献   

《Economics Letters》1987,23(3):245-249
Weitzman (1985) proposes widespread profit or revenue sharing as a way of guaranteeing low levels of equilibrium unemployment and stability in the face of shocks. When efficiency wage considerations are important, the benefits of the share economy are largely eliminated.  相似文献   

Weitzman's 1982 paper on increasing returns and unemployment equilibrium is driven by the presence of a Clower constraint and does not provide a persuasive model of unemployment. The employment effects of implementation of a share economy are impossible to evaluate until unemployment equilibrium is understood. Further, the determination and adjustment of the share parameter and of labor demand are unsatisfactory in Weitzman's model.  相似文献   

Weitzman claims that Japan is a “living laboratory” for the share economy. This paper examines that proposition and concludes that Japanese bonuses are better interpreted as disguised wage payments than as profit shares. Other institutional features of the Japanese labor market provide more likely explanations of that economy's performance.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the major ideas in Martin Weitzman's The Share Economy. It notes that a “share” economy is one in which the marginal cost of labor is less than the average cost of labor; moreover, this condition can be induced by sharing revenues or profits. According to share theory, such contracts will lead firms to create more vacancies and thereby lower the average unemployment rate. Weitzman proposes to induce more share arrangements by giving a tax preference to share-type income.  相似文献   

This article addresses a link between the size of the shadow economy and the corporate labour share of income in the European Union. Fixed individual and time effects models suggest that there is a negative link between these two indicators. The coefficients are statistically significant if we control for other variables related to labour markets, such as unemployment rates or strictness of employment protection (regular contracts). Depending on the exact model specification, our estimates suggest that an increase in the shadow economy by 1% of GDP results in a 0.5–1% decline in the labour share of income in the corporate sector.  相似文献   

文章对我国股票市场股权分置改革从2005年4月启动以来理论界和政策层面关于股权分置改革的定价依据、改革中的利益分配与财富创造效应、股权分置改革中的对价集中度以及其对我国资本市场带来的变化和影响的相关文献进行梳理和评价,指出当前研究的缺陷和不足,为后续的理论研究和政策评价提供先导。  相似文献   

Public pension systems have long been a focus of special attention by neoclassical economics. In a context of intense aging processes, mainstream economists argue that the replacement of the pay-as-you-go pensions systems by unfunded individual savings accounts will have a positive impact, at a microeconomic and at a macroeconomic level, and will protect pension systems of the negative consequences of aging. However, these conclusions depend dramatically on the assumptions of rational expectations and perfect information. When we accept the existence of uncertainty, the presumed positive consequences of these reforms disappear, showing the advantages of pay-as-you-go over funded pension systems.  相似文献   

The paper examines the optimal level of training investment when trained workers are mobile, wage contracts are time-consistent, and training comprises both specific and general skills. The firm has ex post monopsonistic power that drives trained workers' wages below the social optimum. The emergence of a trade union bargaining at the firm-level can increase social welfare, by counterbalancing the firm's ex post monopsonistic power in wage determination. Local union-firm wage bargaining ensures that the post-training wage is set sufficiently high to deter at least some quits, so that the number of workers the firm trains is nearer the social optimum  相似文献   

This paper reports on research that uses computational techniquesto assess whether or not various propositions that have beenadvanced as plausible in the literature on the theory of customsunions actually hold. This research blends theory and numericalsimulation to get insights into the likelihood that\ varioustheoretical propositions proposed in the customs union literaturehold. (JEL F10, F13, F15}  相似文献   

中国A股与B股的市场分割性检验   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
本文以布莱克版CAPM(资本资产定价模型 )作为理论模型 ,修正国外先进的市场分割检验模式 ,运用较复杂的计量经济估计方法对我国A、B股市场的一体化 (或分割性 )进行实证研究。实证结果表明 ,中国A、B股市场在很大程度上是一体化的。  相似文献   

This paper provides a new growth model by considering strategic behaviour in the supply of labour. Workers form a labour union with the aim of manipulating wages for their own benefit. We analyse the implications on labour market dynamics at business cycle frequencies of getting away from the price-taking assumption. A calibrated monetary version of the union model does quite a reasonable job in replicating the dynamic features of labour market variables observed in post-war U.S. data.  相似文献   

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