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传统的言语行为理论无法解释取效行为中的诸多问题.该文基于Thornburg&Panther(2003)提出的言语行为转喻理论,根据言语行为转喻场景,同时强调语用学对于交际意图以及交际主体社会关系的解读,从认知语用角度分析在侦查询问中涉及的言语行为转喻、通过语料分析发现双方的交际意图存在冲突,侦查员通过转喻的语言策略建立并运用自己的相对权力,实现交际目的.被提试图通过言语行为转喻逃避问题.掩盖真相  相似文献   

在日常生活中,我们使用的更多的是间接言语行为,用更委婉的方式来表达自己的意图。本文旨在通过Searle的间接言语行为理论,以及Fasold对该理论的解读,进一步了解与我们日常相关的言语行为及语言效力。笔者在《追风筝的人》中选取了两则对话,来进一步阐释道歉这一类间接言语行为的实施过程及作用。  相似文献   

语言幽默是我们生活中不可或缺的一部分,它可以排解压力,缓和气氛。从语用学角度出发分析语言幽默效果的多是运用违反合作原则产生会话含义这一理论,本文则是从言语行为理论入手,借用大家感兴趣的热播剧《爱情公寓》中的对话语料,从言语行为的表现方式对其幽默效果进行分析,促进观众对幽默的理解及赏析,同时也给编剧可以在今后如何创作出富有幽默效果的台词脚本以借鉴和启发。  相似文献   

作为一种礼貌策略,假拒绝在日常生活中发挥着重要的作用,尤其是邀请类假拒绝,在日常生活中最为常见。正确领会他人意图、判断假拒绝和真拒绝,从而避免出现语用失误在人机交往中具有重大现实意义。通过记录、分析日常生活中的邀请类假拒绝现象,从言语行为理论的角度下深入分析邀请类假拒绝的语用失误现象,从而发现邀请类假拒绝出现语用失误的动因主要是言内之意的语义表达模糊以及言外之意理解上的偏差。  相似文献   

王希 《中国报业》2022,(8):22-24
观察类真人秀节目这几年日渐成熟,从家庭相关的观察类节目,到最近两年较火的职场类节目都受到热捧。本文以使用与满足理论为指导,对江苏卫视热播综艺节目《闪闪发光的你》进行分析,探讨观察类真人秀节目的未来发展之路。  相似文献   

曹菲 《中国报业》2012,(10):88-89
本文首先对独立杂志的概念进行界定,然后选择独立杂志《RICE》为个案,通过分析《RICE》的营销模式,结合长尾理论以及中国具体的市场环境,指出中国独立杂志营销的困境和机遇。  相似文献   

借助CATI调查获得798份有效样本,应用SPSS18.0、LISEL8.8和Mplus5.2等统计软件检验问卷质量与效度,通过构建居民医疗机构选择行为模型来分析影响居民选择不同级别医疗机构的因素.影响居民选择一级定点和非定点医疗机构的最主要因素是"就医方便性",影响居民选择三级定点和非定点医疗机构的最主要因素是"感知医疗服务质量",影响居民选择二级定点医疗机构选择最主要的因素是"医疗保险满意度",而影响其选择二级非定点医疗机构选择的最重要因素则是"就医社会网络".  相似文献   

赵经天 《中国报业》2022,(18):112-113
新媒体时代,媒介环境的改变对传统媒体,包括教育类传统媒体而言无疑是一次强烈而持续的挑战。如何在变革中把握机遇,寻找发展机会,是教育类传统媒体当下探讨的主要话题。本文在分析教育类传统媒体所受挑战的基础上,以《湖南教育》为例,探索教育类传统媒体深度报道在新媒体时代的着力点与创新点。  相似文献   

在全球金融危机的大环境下,理性投资行为越来越受到大家关注.大学生作为投资群体的一部分及将来投资行为的主体,他们的投资行为值得更加关注.本课题小组采用问卷调查的形式,对随机抽出的北京10所高校进行问卷发放.用搜集的数据来描述大学生投资行为,使用logit模型,及stata9.0软件对数据进行分析,找出大学生投资行为的影响因素.  相似文献   

邢康 《中国市场》2011,(2):35-36
房地产业对其他很多相关行业有着带动作用而成为国家的支柱产业,对于房地产价格的合理评估对于国民经济运行也有着十分重要的作用。本文在传统的影响住宅类房地产价格的因素中选出对重庆住宅类房地产价格影响较大的因素,并通过结构方程模型对其中的建筑因素进行了相应的分析,为重庆市住宅类房地产动态评估打下基础。  相似文献   

基于消费者心理学、霍夫兰德说服模型和大学生心理,通过文献研究法和调查问卷法,研究消费者在网购方面的涉入度、评论数量、评论内容和质量、评论者资信度、价格折扣以及消费者接受淘宝网在线评论程度与带来的影响,其结果显示:评论者资信度与因变量无显著相关性,其他自变量均对消费者接受淘宝网在线评论程度则具有显著正面影响。研究消费者接受淘宝在线评论的影响因素,有利于消费者对自己行为有更深了解,以己推人,在购买商品后,知道如何给出更有效的参考评论;而对商家而言,根据在线评论预测销售,可及时采取有效战略措施,加强虚拟网络中人与人之间的沟通,让消费者对商品有更全面的了解,从而适当削弱柠檬市场效应。  相似文献   

The adoption of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive (UCPD) and its implementation in the EU Member States raised many academic and policy discussions on substantive issues such as the fairness notion, the substantive test of material distortion, as well as the concept of the average consumer. However, its influence on the Member States' enforcement regimes is equally far-reaching. This paper analyses on the one hand, how EU law, i.e., the UCPD, affected the traditional enforcement models of the Member States and on the other hand, how the allocation of enforcement powers to institutions who enforce the UCPD and the organizational design of these enforcement institutions influence the actual enforcement of EU law in the national legal context. This paper conducts a case study on Hungarian law and examines how Europeanization of unfair commercial practices has changed the Hungarian model of law enforcement. The paper finds that the changes in the Hungarian institutional framework had significant impact on how substantive rules are applied by the various enforcement agencies due to their different enforcement legacies. This case study shows that looking at institutional design provides a deeper understanding of local enforcement modalities, and it offers new insights for Europeanization strategies.  相似文献   

本文使用1997~2014年36个样本国家和地区的服务贸易数据,在理论分析的基础上借助双对数多元回归模型,从我国服务贸易进口复杂度变化的角度,探讨我国服务贸易进口技术结构变迁途径及其影响因素,发现:样本期内,我国服务贸易进口技术结构所呈现的倒金字塔型未被打破,传统服务贸易仍占主导地位;总体来看,经济发展水平、基础设施、对外开放度、人力资本与服务贸易进口复杂度正相关,自然资源禀赋"诅咒"不存在于服务贸易进口复杂度中,外商直接投资具有不显著的反向抑制作用,但其与人力资本的交互项显著为正;各因素对不同服务贸易部门进口复杂度的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

综述了国内有关开放式基金赎回率影响因素的研究现状,从研究方法、研究样本、期限、研究模型、变量的选取和研究结论等方面进行分类与总结。结合我国开放式基金发展的实际情况,进一步总结在这些方面的研究上存在的问题和改进的方向,为后续研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本研究发现企业员工的激励因素受社会经济发展水平、文化环境和人口学变量等方面的差异性的影响,省级改制企业员工激励因素的排序是管理机制与领导能力、工作环境、个体发展、薪酬保障和才为所用,而当前最迫切需要解决的企业员工外在激励因素是"薪酬保障"、内在激励因素是"个体发展",这与行为主义和国内学者关于激励因素的研究结论不尽一致.  相似文献   

The purpose of the 1992 French Water Act is to encourage negotiation and dialogue among local stakeholders within a framework which is very similar to a patrimonial approach. Potential use of models in such post-normal approaches is analyzed. Two kinds of models are compared: one is agent-based, the other follows a more classical approach. They are compared according to their contributions as negotiation support tools. This comparison is based on a specific collective decision process dealing with water allocation at the sub-basin scale, in which authors are involved. Both are used to support collective decision processes through simulation of resource use dynamics. Agent-Based Models entail the broadening of spatial information of actors in the process, revealing inter-connected topics not taken into consideration earlier. This makes it possible to remain relevant, despite the sometimes rapidly evolving stakes. The central point of this paper is the implementation, within a practical application, of theories advocating the use of ABM as a collective decision support system. This application promotes a better understanding of the kind of support ABM provides and the way it does so. This is brought about more by re-framing the discussion and modifying the representation of the system on the part of the stakeholders than by providing specific agreements.  相似文献   

太阳能光伏产业正在成为许多国家和地区重点发展的产业。台湾地区利用以往半导体产业与太阳能产业的关联优势,从太阳能电池环节开始向上下游整合。一方面,通过建设新厂、企业相互参股、异地合资建厂等方式,消除硅材料缺乏的瓶颈,提高生产设备自给率。另一方面,通过外销、在大陆合资设立厂等方式,突破台湾本地市场规模限制,获取规模经济。同时,对薄膜太阳能产业进行战略布局,逐步建立健全太阳能产业链,使台湾成为世界第二大太阳能产业产地。台湾太阳能光伏产业发展为产业演进研究提供了典型案例。  相似文献   

There are major concerns about the level of personal borrowing, particularly sourced from credit cards. This paper charts the progress of an initiative to create a Responsible Lending Index (RLI) for the credit industry. The RLI proposed to voluntarily benchmark lending standards and promote best practice within the credit industry by involving suppliers of credit, customer representatives and regulators. However, despite initial support from some banks, consumer bodies and the Chair of the Treasury Select Committee, it failed to gain sufficient support from financial institutions in its original format. The primary reasons for this were related to the complexity of building such a robust index and the banks trade body’s fear of exposing its members to public scrutiny. A revised alternative, the Responsible Lending Initiative, was proposed which took into account these concerns. However, the Association of Payment Clearing Service (APACS), the trade body of the credit industry, then effectively destroyed the proposal. This article describes an attempt to address the challenges in the credit card industry with the initiation of the RLI, reflected in stakeholder discourse and in the context of a wider concern expressed by the involved stakeholders in terms of the need for greater responsibility in the banking industry’s lending practices.  相似文献   

消费者参与品牌社群的内在动机研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
当今,品牌社群研究已成为国际品牌研究领域的一个前沿问题。然而,目前尚未有完整反映品牌社群形成机理的研究出现。为了揭示这一形成机理,文章从消费者需要角度来探究消费者参与品牌社群的动机。通过首次编制用于调查消费者参与品牌社群动机的问卷,并据此对296名消费者进行调查。然后,通过探索性和验证性因子分析得出消费者参与品牌社群动机的5因子模型,包括社交动机、休闲娱乐动机、信息动机、能力成就动机和经济利益动机。最后,对研究结论做出了讨论,并提出了后续研究方向。  相似文献   


The balanced scorecard (BSC) has attracted considerable interest among organizations seeking to improve the implementation of their strategy. Nevertheless, the success of BSC initiatives is far from certain. Some researchers argue that the BSC has its theoretical roots in management by objective (MBO). Others argue that the BSC was probably inspired by the Tableau De Bord that has been used by French companies since the 1930s. All these techniques seek to provide organizations with a basis for aligning activities and objectives. Some researchers are beginning to raise questions about BSC's effectiveness. Basing their argument on the failure of MBO and performance management programs, they argue that the BSC may also encounter similar problems. Among other things, it is argued that the effective implementation of the BSC requires the presence of human relations norms. Studies on Malaysian culture indicate that this may be more difficult to develop in Malaysian organizations. Certain characteristics of Malaysian culture may impede the development of human relations norms. Other researchers argue that there are inherent weaknesses in the BSC concept itself. These weaknesses will limit the usefulness of the BSC. This study presents the findings of a study on BSC implementation in a Malaysian telecommunication company. The findings provide some support for the concerns raised about the problems and limitations of the BSC.  相似文献   

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