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The paper investigates which factors determine the expected real long-term interest rates of the G7-countries as a whole within a single equation error correction model. Inflationary expectations are generated using the low frequency component of inflation provided by the Hodrick-Prescott filter. A comparison of the calculated expected inflation rates with those resulting from index-linked and conventional UK bonds suggests this approach to be appropriate. Expected real long-term interest rates turn out to be influenced positively by real short-term interest rates, capacity utilization and structural public borrowing.  相似文献   

A model is developed and tested to relate three categories of inventory accumulation to expectations of real income, inflation and interest rates through anticipated real corporate wealth effects. Expected future inflation leads firms to accumulate more inventories in advance financing them by means of ‘liquid’ assets to offset an anticipated loss of real wealth. Expected increases in interest rates have an impact on inventory accumulation opposite to that of expected future inflation. Past wealth effects are also allowed for by means of the accelerator principle. Finally, the growth rate of real income generally has a signifiant influence on inventory accumulation.  相似文献   

In a sticky-price model with labor market search and habit persistence, Walsh (2005) shows that inertia in the interest rate policy helps to reconcile the inflation and output persistence with empirical observations for the US economy. We show that this finding is sensitive with regard to the introduction of capital formation. While we are able to replicate the findings for the inflation inertia in a model with capital adjustment costs and variable capacity utilization, the output response to an interest shock is found to be too large and no longer hump-shaped in this case. In addition we find that the response of output to a technology shock can only be reconciled with empirical findings if either the adjustment of the utilization rate is very costly or there is only a modest amount of nominal rigidity in the economy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate whether empirical estimates of the effects of budget deficits on short-term real interest rates are sensitive to the choice of the expected inflation variable. Survey data on expected inflation and the rational expectations method described by Mishkin (1981) are used to construct two measures of the short-term real interest rate. Results for two previous studies on this deficit-interest rate relationship are re-estimated using these measures of expected inflation and the interest rate variables. Additional results reported in this paper further indicate that empirical estimates of the interest rate effects of budget deficits are sensitive to the choice of the expected inflation variable. In addition to the choice of the inflation variable, a number of other robustness tests are included. We are able to conclude that (1) increases in budget deficits do not generally raise short-term real interest rates and (2) short-term real interest rates are not independent of the expected inflation variable.

The rate of interest is always based upon expectation, however little this may be justified by realization. Man makes his guess of the future and stakes his action upon it … Our present acts must be controlled by the future, not as it actually is, but as it appears to us through the veil of chance (Fisher, 1907, p. 213).  相似文献   

This study examines the hedging behaviour of real estate investment in a high inflationary environment. The hypothesis that the real estate investment hedges both expected and unexpected inflation is tested. The returns of investment on residential apartments in several neighbourhoods in the capital of Turkey are used in the analysis. Expected inflation is measured by three proxies. It is found that in a high inflationary environment, real estate investment does not provide hedge against inflation. A reverse causality between returns on real estate and changes in expected inflation is not observed. However, a relationship between real returns and changes in inflationary expectations seem to be different in relatively low and relatively high income neighbourhoods.  相似文献   

Using monthly data in the 1980s and early 1990s, our results do not support the short-run Fisher effect since short-term interest rates are associated with negligible changes in expected inflation. However, inflation and nominal interest rates exhibit common stochastic trends in the long run. Consequently, the correlation between nominal interest rates and inflation rates increases with maturity until they move in a one-to-one relation at long horizon. This is evident by the correlation coefficients of the Johansen test for cointegration that increase with the maturity of US government securities from 2 to 5 years.  相似文献   


This paper develops a long-run equilibrium growth model, in the tradition of Keynes, Kalecki and Steindl, involving international capital flows between a debtor and a creditor country, and in which capacity utilization is variable. This latter assumption implies that the shares of savings by capitalists and workers will vary with capacity utilization. Profit rates will also vary with capacity utilization rates, so that the establishment of a common warranted rate of growth requires that the rates of profit in the creditor and the debtor countries must vary inversely. The long-run equilibrium shares of ownership of the two stocks of capital must therefore vary as the utilization rates vary. Taking the international interest rate as given, steady growth in each country at near full employment is shown to be accommodated, to some extent, through variations in the degree of capacity utilization. Even if income distribution remains unchanged, the variability of capacity utilization allows the existence of a range of growth rates consistent with the long-run equilibrium conditions of the model.  相似文献   

This paper develops a one-sector Kaleckian model of an import dependent indebted small open economy; where the mark-up rate is sensitive to both changes in the interest rate and the exchange rate and foreigners provide part of the long-term finance. The short-run consequences of an inflation targeting policy in the form of high interest rates and strong domestic currency are explored. Among the possible short-run scenarios, the one most relevant for developing countries involves a decline in the profit rate, the capacity utilization rate and the rate of accumulation as well as the employment rate and the real wage. Leverage ratio of the firms and the extent of external indebtedness play an important role in bringing about this result. Long-run analysis reveals that this scenario is associated with instability in the long run and that, also in the long run, the extent of foreign indebtedness and the responsiveness of capital inflows to the return on existing portfolios are important in determining the direction of the effects of inflation targeting on the equilibrium debt–capital ratio.  相似文献   

This paper examines a number of issues concerning the determination of short-term real interest rates. We include actual inflation and several measures of expected inflation in order to determine whether empirical results are sensitive to the choice of the inflation variable. The results strongly suggest that the estimated coefficients are unaffected by the choice of the interest rate variable and, implicitly, the inflation variable. Deficits are not found to have a positive effect on all measures of the dependent variable, while increases in the real money supply and the inflation variables depress real interest rates. [311]  相似文献   

Currency substitution affects the mapping between social welfare and inflation by altering the underlying money demand function and influencing interest rates. In order to explore the essence of this effect, I build a model with working capital under which foreign currency is substituted with the less liquid components of domestic money. The framework closely mimics the actual pattern of currency substitution across varying rates of inflation and enables the study of an additional channel that works through the impact of currency substitution on interest rates. It is found that there is a threshold inflation rate, which turns out to be 44% under baseline calibration, below which currency substitution decreases welfare and vice versa. A practical implication is that, at inflation rates lower (greater) than the threshold, the potential welfare gains from disinflation to a near-zero inflation rate are higher (lower) if there is currency substitution than otherwise.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effect capacity utilization has on the depreciation of capital goods is studied, starting from a quadratic approximation to a normalized short-run cost function. Expressions for the optimal rate of capacity utilization, the demands for labour and energy, and for investment are obtained. Investment is a function of past capital stock, expected future capital stock, expected future relative prices and expected future depreciation rates. Expectations are modelled via instruments. The model is tested using US total manufacturing quarterly data. Depreciation dependent upon usage is found to be both statistically and economically significant.  相似文献   

Jan Marc Berk 《Applied economics》2013,45(11):1467-1480
Measures of expected inflation from consumer surveys are derived using a modification of the Carlson-Parkin probability approach, which does not assume unbiasedness of expectations, makes use of survey data on expected future as well as perceived past price developments and allows for time varying response thresholds. We apply this method to the normal, central-t and noncentral-t distributions, thereby investigating the effects of nonnormal peakedness and asymmetry. We find that the effects on expected inflation of the former are small and of the latter are substantial, without increasing the accuracy of the expectations, however. Expected and actual inflation show substantial persistence, and, for most of our expectations measures, are cointegrated. Furthermore, the forecast error is stationary, implying weak-form rationality. The co-movement of currently observed expected inflation measures and the unobserved 12-months-ahead inflation rate is of interest for policy makers, for example in the direct inflation targeting strategy. Notwithstanding this, caution is warranted in using them as information variables because the inflation expected by consumers is no causal determinant of actual future inflation.  相似文献   

Low rates of saving and capital formation have been a disturbing and persistent characteristic of the United States' economy. The leading explanation of this phenomenon is based on the effects of inflation under our nonindexed tax system—a financial explanation. This paper explores, with a simple life-cycle savings model with irreversible capital, whether a real explanation exists. The analysis indicates that plausible prospective declines in the growth rate of the working-age population can lower the equilibrium interest rate and the rates of saving and capital formation in spite of a relatively high marginal product of capital. The policy implications of the real explanation are also discussed.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence indicates that monetary policy is not super-neutral in many countries. In particular, in high inflation economies, inflation is negatively related to economic activity. By comparison, inflation may be positively correlated with output in low inflation countries. We present a neoclassical growth model with money in which the incidence of liquidity risk is inversely related to aggregate capital formation. Interestingly, there may be multiple monetary steady-states where the effects of monetary policy vary. In poor economies, the financial system is highly distorted and higher rates of money growth are associated with less capital formation. In contrast, in advanced economies, a Tobin effect is observed. Since inflation exacerbates distortions from a coordination failure in the low-capital steady-state, individuals become much more exposed to liquidity risk. Consequently, optimal monetary policy depends on the level of development.  相似文献   

Abstract. The recent literature on the welfare cost of inflation emphasizes inflation's effect on the variability of relative prices. Expected and unexpected inflation have both been proposed to increase relative price variability (RPV) and, thereby, to distort the information content of nominal prices. This paper presents new evidence on the impact of inflation on RPV in Germany. Our results indicate that the influence of expected inflation disappears if a credible monetary policy stabilizes inflationary expectations on a low level. Yet the significant impact of unexpected inflation suggests that even low inflation rates can lead to welfare losses by raising RPV above its efficient level.  相似文献   

This research examines capacity utilization as a measure of economic slack in the US economy. Many macroeconomists have questioned the use of capacity utilization as a measure of economics slack on several fronts. The first issue revolves around the definition and accuracy of measurement of the capacity utilization rate in the US economy. Since this research use existing Federal Reserve measures of capacity utilization no insights into the definition and measurement issues are offered other than the fact that a consistent role is found for two different Fed measures of capacity utilization in explaining inflation. The second issue effectively involves the concern as to robustness of the link between the capacity utilization rate and inflation. It was found that there is indeed reason for the Federal Reserve to take note of changes in capacity utilization when trying to determine its policy position with regard to inflation. Clearly, the high capacity measure developed in this research offers distinct information about the inflation process. The third issue raises the question as to whether the capacity utilization and unemployment rates are complements or substitutes in the inflation equation. Both rates tend to provide similar information regarding price changes at low levels of aggregate resource usage. However, as resource usage in the economy becomes increasingly close to its maximum potential, the labour market impact on inflation, as capture by unemployment rate measures, is distinctly different from that of capacity constraints. Finally, if the capacity utilization rate is indeed a useful measure of inflationary pressure, is there a threshold level of the capacity utilization rate above which policymakers should become particularly concerned about the potential of accelerating inflation? It was found that across two measures of inflation, the widely discussed capacity threshold level is in the 84-85% range.  相似文献   

美元贬值对中国通货膨胀的影响:传导途径及其效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡援成  张朝洋 《经济研究》2012,(4):101-112,123
本文结合有向无环图方法(DAG)及结构向量自回归模型(SVAR),分别从成本推动渠道、资金输入渠道和货币扩张渠道就美元贬值对我国通货膨胀影响的传导途径及其效应进行了实证研究。分析表明,由成本推动渠道,美元贬值会迅速带动我国工业品出厂价格上涨,能源价格、食品价格和金属价格的传导效应都很显著,而推动我国居民消费价格走高则存在一定时滞,主要依赖食品价格传导。此外,国际大宗商品价格上涨对我国通货膨胀的影响更侧重于生产领域。由资金输入渠道,美国联邦基金利率走低和美元指数下滑会带动国内商品房销售价格和资本市场价格的结构性上升,进而拉动我国通货膨胀,其中以市场利率和短期资本流动传导尤为显著。由货币扩张渠道,美元贬值对我国工业品出厂价格的影响更为显著,货币扩张主要通过外汇占款和人民币升值预期对我国通货膨胀产生影响,且以对消费领域的影响较为明显。本文的研究显示,我国当前承受着较大的输入型通货膨胀压力。  相似文献   

The effect of uncertainty on the relationship between the nominal interest rate and the expected rate of inflation, the Fisher equation, is examined both theoretically and empirically. It is found that the coefficient of the expected rate of inflation is significantly below unity. Variable rates of inflation tend to effect the nominal rate of interest positively, but real yields are apparently effected only by expected inflation, but not its variance.  相似文献   

Tolga Omay 《Applied economics》2013,45(23):2941-2955
In this article, we investigate the effects of inflation variability on short-term interest rates within a nonlinear smooth transition regression framework. The test results suggest that only the conditional mean of the inflation is a nonlinear process whereas the conditional variance is time variant but linear. Using the square root of conditional variance as a proxy for inflation risk, we estimate Fisher equation augmented with inflation risk. Although the estimated Fisher equations suggest that inflation risk reduces short-term interest rates, we find that the effects of inflation risk on interest rates are regime-dependent. Particularly, we find that the negative effects of inflation variability on nominal rates are greater in low-inflationary regimes when compared to high-inflationary regimes. On the other hand, it is found that both inflation and inflation uncertainty raise the expected inflation effect.  相似文献   

We analyse the effects of interest rate variations on the rates of capacity utilisation, capital accumulation and profit in a simple post-Kaleckian distribution and growth model. This model gives rise to different potential accumulation regimes depending on the values of the parameters in the investment, saving and distribution function. Estimating these core behavioural equations for the US and Germany in the period 1960–2007, we find significant and robust effects of interest payments with the expected sign in each of the equations. Our estimation results imply, both for the US and for Germany, that the effects of changes in the real long-term rate of interest on the equilibrium rates of capacity utilisation, capital accumulation and profits, are characterised by the ‘normal regime’: rising long-term real rates of interest cause falling rates of capacity utilisation, capital accumulation and profits, as well as redistribution at the expense of labour income and hence an increasing profit share in both countries.  相似文献   

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