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推行农业产业化是实现农户企业化经营的有效途径,而要推进农业产业化向纵深发展,必须大力发展"市场+龙头企业+农户"、"市场+农民合作社+农户"、"零售市场+专业批发市场+农户"等组织形式。  相似文献   

李刚 《价格月刊》2002,(12):13-13
龙头+基地+农户经营模式是以一个技术先进、资金雄厚的公司为龙头,以分散的农户生产基地,利用合同形式把农户生产与公司加工、销售联结起来.龙头企业与市场相关联,农户则通过企业间接与市场相联系.它在很大程度上类似于美国的"合同一体化",被认为是我国农业产业化经营的有效形式,但"蓝田神话"的破灭、河南奶农倒奶事件、云南丽江山嵛菜事件无疑是一支清醒剂,让我们看到这一模式中存在的问题.  相似文献   

基于博弈理论的农业产业化经营合同违约率问题分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国农业产业化的基本组织形式之一是以合同为纽带的"公司 农户"纵向一体化形式。公司与农户,这两个利益相对独立的主体,出于竞争需要,以某种程度的互利为条件,为追求各  相似文献   

农村经济组织建设的博弈研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推动农业产业化经营的深化发展是当前中国农村经济体制改革与发展进程中的一个重要课题。农业产业化经营是继家庭承包制和乡镇企业发展之后,中国农村在生产经营方式上出现的又一次重大变革,产业化经营的发展对扩展农业的产业链,增加农民收入发挥了重要作用。如今,我国农村经济组织的形式主要有"公司+农户"以及"公司十合作经济组织十农户"这两种形式。利用博弈论理论对这两种主要农村经济组织进行分析,为农业产业化进程中农村经济组织建设的选择提供一种分析方法与思路。  相似文献   

本文采用新制度经济学中的基本假设前提,从资产专用性、机会主义、不确定性和小数目条件四个方面,对农业产业化的两种组织形式“公司+农户”、“公司+合作社+农户”进行了对比分析,得出了后一种组织模式可以降低交易费用,在农业产业化发展中必然代替前者的结论.  相似文献   

<正> 江苏句容市,围绕加快农业产业化提出一个新目标,要求涉农部门年内全面建立和完善农业新型服务公司,大力引导农民自发组织各类农业专业技术协会,使"市场+公司(农协)+农户"这一新型市场中  相似文献   

在以农村合作经济组织为载体推进农业产业化的过程中,我们还必须准确把握发展农村专业合作经济组织和农业产业化经营的关系。实践证明,农村专业合作经济组织是推进农业产业化的重要力量,而农业产业化经营则是发展农村专业合作经济组织的逻辑起点。农村合作组织是连接龙头企业和农户的重要纽带,是形成“公司+合作组织+农户”的产业化经营模式的关键环节。  相似文献   

合同的不完全性和利益分配机制不完善是当前"公司+农户"模式运行中存在的主要问题。可通过发展农民专业合作社,提高农户市场地位,完善合同和利益分配机制,解决"公司+农户"模式的运行困境。  相似文献   

“十五”期间,大力促进农业产业化经营,扶持龙头企业,推广“公司十农户”经营模式是加快农村经济发展的重要途径。在此过程中蓬勃兴起的“订单农业”是使分散经营的农户与大市场衔接,进而促进农村市场化进程的有效途径。近年来,我们在加强涉农合同监管服务工作中,始终注重引导农民手持订单闯市场,并在实践中积极探索。一、“订单农业”的类型和特点所谓“订单农业”,主要是指涉农的“龙头”企业通过合同的形式与农户签订农副产品生产预约收购合同。目前,我市“订单农业”大致有以下几种类型:1、良种繁育预约生产收购合同。主要是…  相似文献   

广西玉林市广东温氏家禽有限公司是以"公司+农户"模式在兴业县发展养殖业的企业,是全国农业产业化重点龙头企业之一--广温氏食品集团有限公司控股的一个属下子公司,成立于1996年4月,同年8月正式投产运作. 公司在广东温氏集团的统一领导下以养鸡业为龙头,按照广东温氏集团的做法,推行"公司+农户"的生产经营模式与周边的农户挂钩合作养鸡,公司为合作农户提供种苗、饲料、药物、技术跟踪、销售等一条龙服务,实行产、供、销一条龙,科工贸一体化经营.公司对肉鸡实行保价回收,使养户免遭市场价格波动而造成损失,从而有效地调动农民积极参与农业产业化生产,带动农民走上致富的道路.  相似文献   

This article examines the welfare implications of an incumbent’s pre‐commitment to an exclusive contract in a partially regulated environment. It shows that the contract offered to customers in a competitive market makes the first‐best allocation infeasible in the partially regulated environment. However, the contract can have a welfare‐enhancing property through the exclusion of inefficient entry or cream skimming in the competitive market, especially when the regulated price ceiling is low and the incumbent’s technology is characterized by a large proportion of common cost in total cost.  相似文献   

施工项目合同管理是依法保护自身利益的重要手段。严格管理合同实施,实现项目目标是对社会进步与经济发展的贡献。施工企业对分包合同管理应重点解决好分包合同履行、变更管理争议和索赔处理,以及合同收尾等问题,并应对分包合同管理实施监督和控制,规避自己违约和竭尽全力遏止业主的违约,有效利用合同法规保护利益,以防止将发生的利益损失,确保合同约定目标和任务的实现。  相似文献   

李宏伟 《商业研究》2003,(11):145-147
惩罚性赔偿是美国一个特殊的制度。传统规则上,它一般适用在侵权之诉中,只有在构成独立的侵权的情况下,违反合同才可以被判予惩罚性赔偿。在20世纪70、80年代,惩罚性赔偿在合同领域内适用得到扩展,但后来随着预期违约理论得到普遍承认,惩罚性赔偿在违约中的适用又有所倒退。因此,在美国法上其适用范围经历了一个从扩展到收缩的过程。  相似文献   

Western buying companies impose Supplier Codes of Conduct (SCC) on their suppliers in developing countries; however, many suppliers cannot fully comply with SCC and some of them even cheat in SCC. In this research, we link contract characteristics – price pressure, production complexity, contract duration – to the likelihood of supplier’s commitment to SCC through a mediating process: how the buying companies govern their suppliers. Our structural equation model analysis shows that the hierarchy/relational norms governance is a perfect mediator of contract characteristics’ effects on the likelihood of supplier’s commitment; the market governance, an insignificant one. The managerial implications are provided for successfully implementing SCC in global supply chains.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship in philosophy, law, and information systems suggests that respecting privacy entails understanding the implicit privacy norms about what, why, and to whom information is shared within specific relationships. These social contracts are important to understand if firms are to adequately manage the privacy expectations of stakeholders. This paper explores a social contract approach to developing, acknowledging, and protecting privacy norms within specific contexts. While privacy as a social contract—a mutually beneficial agreement within a community about sharing and using information—has been introduced theoretically and empirically, the full impact on firms of an alternative framework to respecting the privacy expectations of stakeholders has not been examined. The goal of this paper is to examine how privacy norms develop through social contract’s narrative, to redescribe privacy violations given the social contract approach, and to critically examine the role of business as a contractor in developing privacy norms. A social contract narrative dealing specifically with issues of privacy is an important next step in exploring a social contract approach to privacy. Here, the narrative is used to explain to analyze the dynamic process of privacy norm generation within particular communities. Based on this narrative, individuals within a given community discriminately share information with a particular set of obligations in mind as to who has access to the information and how it will be used. Rather than giving away privacy, individuals discriminately share information within a particular community and with norms governing the use of their information. Similar to contractual business ethics’ impact on global commerce in explaining how and why norms vary across global contexts, the social contract approach to privacy explains how and why norms vary across communities of actors. Focusing on agreements around privacy expectations shifts the responsibility of firms from adequate notification to the responsibility of firms as contractors to maintain a mutually beneficial and sustainable solution.  相似文献   

Franchising contracts are designed to bring together two kinds of entrepreneurs, the franchiser and the franchisee, and to maintain their relationship in the long run. In contrast to standard exchange contracts in law, which are specifically designed to bring about the completion of an exchange efficiently, franchise contracts are designed to make it possible for the entrepreneurs to initiate, to maintain, and to eventually terminate their relationship without dispute. The research reported in this article is an attempt to see how the dual purpose of franchising contracts are achieved. The article first describes the internal organization of franchise contracts (what we called the micro-contractual aspects) and how different kinds of rights and obligations are allocated to accomplish these multiple ends. The second part of the article provides an empirical examination of 30 franchise contracts to see if the internal organization of the contracts influence both the expansion of the franchise operations through new franchises and the amount of dispute between the two sides of franchise contracts.Every franchise contract includes a set of provisions that define the commencement, termination, and ongoing operations of franchise relations. The internal organization of franchise contracts specifies what kinds of rights and obligations are distributed to the parties and the nature of this allocation within each domain of provisions. We argue that the commencement and termination aspects of franchise contracts are usually written in order to make the relationship between the parties clear, and the contingencies specific. In these provisions, the contract is written in discrete terms in which each party's rights and duties are specifically delineated. The contractual provisions dealing with the ongoing operations and the conduct of the parties, on the other hand, cannot be made specific because it is impossible to define all the future contingencies and possible business opportunities. Under these conditions, the contract is usually written in relational terms in which each party's rights and obligations are defined in terms of powers and liabilities towards each other rather than in terms of specific duties and rights.One critical consequence of writing contracts that include powers and liabilities, however, is that it may lead to disputes and undesirable conflict that are detrimental to the success of the franchise. In order to deal with these conflicts among the parties, the contract needs to specify conflict resolution mechanisms that are an integral part of franchise contracts.These general arguments are tested with the use of 30 randomly selected franchise contracts from a diverse set of businesses. Our results show that, indeed, different parts of franchise contracts allocate rights and obligations differently and the more relational a contract becomes the more likely that it would include various dispute resolution mechanisms. We also found that the success of a franchise contract, which is measured by the number of legal disputes it generates and the growth of franchised units, is influenced by the existence of relational provisions and the explicit dispute resolution mechanisms included in the contract.We recommend that franchise contracts should be written to make the commencement and termination aspect of the relationship as discrete as possible. The operations and conduct provisions of the contract, on the other hand, should be written in relational terms to give the parties the ability to respond to changes in business conditions without renegotiating the contract.It is usually the tendency on the part of franchise lawyers to write discrete contracts that attempt to specify every conceivable contingency to avoid future disputes. We argue here that a better strategy is to limit the discrete aspects of the contract to the commencement and termination clauses and to concentrate more on the dispute resolution mechanisms that can become an integral part of the contract. Thus, we also recommend that various dispute resolution mechanisms, such as franchisee associations, franchisee councils, and third party arbitration should be set up within the contract to address the possible disputes early on rather than to wait for potentially very costly court proceedings for both parties.  相似文献   

Revenue-sharing contracts have been heavily researched and promoted in the academic literature. However, despite some well-documented examples (e.g., the way Blockbuster and film studios were able to increase availability of the latest video releases in rental shops through a revenue-sharing contract), they seem to be much less prevalent in practice. A possible reason for this gap between theory and practice is that most academic research has focused on two-party contracts involving only one buyer and one supplier, while in reality, most supply chains consist of multiple stages. When there are several stages in the chain—as is the case for many extended, global supply chains—the traditional revenue-sharing contract is no longer optimal for the two contracting parties, as every other participant in the chain is able to leverage the revenue-sharing contract to its own advantage. Put another way, a revenue-sharing contract between only two parties is not incentive-compatible across all participants. Accordingly, we suggest that a revenue-sharing contract should involve all the supply chain partners, and propose a spanning revenue-sharing contract that accomplishes coordination and incentive-compatibility across the same.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse psychological contract fulfilment as a mechanism through which training affects stress in call centres. The hypotheses were tested on a sample of 412 call centre operators, using structural equation modelling to analyse their survey responses. Our results demonstrated that training is negatively related to workers' exhaustion and that the relationship is fully mediated by the fulfilment of socio‐emotional obligations. We found that it was the fulfilment of balanced obligations, and not relational obligations, which mediated the relationship between training and exhaustion. Hence, we verified that training was related to lower levels of employee exhaustion through fulfilment of the balanced psychological contract. Our findings highlight the centrality of psychological contract fulfilment to call centre workers, and the importance of training in constructing positive employment relationships with workers. We discuss implications for human resource management in call centres.  相似文献   

Although advanced technologies represent extraordinary opportunities for service organizations, research has come to the fore warning of their negative effects on service employees. Drawing on the cognitive appraisal theory of stress, this study aims to examine the influence of STARA (Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Algorithms) awareness on service employees’ organizational deviance through psychological contract breach, with this path moderated by industrial relations climate. Using a three-wave data from 359 employees in various Chinese service industries, the results indicated that STARA awareness had a positive impact on psychological contract breach, which in turn triggered organizational deviance. Industrial relations climate was an effective remedy in alleviating the positive association between STARA awareness, psychological contract breach, and organizational deviance. This study contributes to the growing body of research on the “downside” of STARA by illustrating organizational deviance as an outcome. It offers insights into how STARA awareness influences employees’ misbehaviors by adding an employee-organization relationship (i.e., psychological contract breach) perspective and advances our knowledge of a potential safeguard (i.e., industrial relations climate) that organizations can employ to minimize the negative consequences of STARA awareness.  相似文献   

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