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The report of the mission sponsored by UNDP, IBRD and WHO in 1970 to develop a comprehensive family planning program for Indonesia omits the important role that commercial distribution of contraceptives can and must play if the desired effect is to be achieved. The government should provide contraceptives to interested traders at low wholesale prices. Every encouragement should be extended to heighten competition in the commercial sector. These initiatives would serve 2 purposes: 1) bring down the current erratic and unreasonable cost of commercially distributed contraceptives and 2) have the benefit of spreading the family planning message by means of traders' competitive promotion. Until this plan can be implemented, import duties on commercial importation of contraceptives should be lifted. In addition, free distribution of contraceptives in government clinics should be introduce d.  相似文献   

文章对光伏扶贫中第三方检测的作用和过程进行了说明,对检测工作中存在的问题和不足进行了分析,并制定了相应的优化改善方案,其目的是让第三方检测服务能够更全面、更科学地对分布式电站进行性能评估,在光伏扶贫政策的实施过程中确实起到质量监督的作用。  相似文献   

苏金花 《中国经济史研究》2006,2(4):128-134,176
累世同居是中国传统社会的一种家庭形式,其最基本的特点是同居、共财、合爨。累世同居现象,自汉以来,历经各朝有所发展,不同的历史时期,累世大家庭的表现形式有所不同。汉代以儒士及豪强地主家庭为代表;魏晋南北朝以门阀士族家庭为典型;隋唐则以世家大族和官僚士大夫家庭为主;宋明以后耕读传家的地主阶层中出现了大量数世同居现象。但终古代之世,这种家庭模式在整个社会中没有成为普遍现象,没有成为占社会主导地位的家庭模式。这种家庭模式之所以不能普遍化,主要在于其产生的特殊性。  相似文献   

新形势下,优化党内政治生态是全面从严治党的任务。基于从严治党的理论体系,为应对实际问题的要求,必须坚定党内政治生态的优化道路,推进党内政治生活的规范化和有序化。在历史长河中继承,在继承中发展,不断进行自我净化,达到优化党内政治生态的时代目标。  相似文献   

This article re-examines how and when the USA closed the gap and ultimately overtook the UK in terms of both labour productivity and real income. On the basis of a set of sectoral productivity benchmarks for the year 1910 – which utilise a more rigorous methodology than previous pre-First World War productivity studies – I find a substantial USA lead in both agriculture as well as industry. I conclude that the relative strength of the American economy has been underestimated by Maddison and various other scholars. This study suggests that the USA had challenged British economic leadership in terms of relative labour productivity as well as relative income levels long before 1900, and not thereafter. This finding ties into an ongoing heated debate on the timing of the Anglo-American takeover.  相似文献   

产学研合作有力助推高等教育发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十七大对建设创新型国家作出了具体部署,提出应加快建立以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系,这对我国教育和科技事业的发展提出了新要求,同时也对产学研合作方面的社团组织建设提出了加快制度化和规范化的更高要求。  相似文献   

关于第三方物流价值的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李竹宏 《特区经济》2004,(11):160-161
第三方物流的的价值主要体现在它的竞争优势上,这种竞争优势是相对于自营物流和使用第二方物流而言的。当物流活动不复杂或在物流中对设施、设备有特殊要求时,或者把物流作为自身重要竞争能力的企业可以选择自营物流来增强企业的竞争优势。使用第二方物流与第三方物流的主要区别是:前者由企业自己完成物流的管理与整合,只在操作层面采取与第二方物流的外协。相对而言,第三方物流是一种新的物流外协形式,  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether family planning exposure mainly through the Lady Health Worker Program has had any effect on women’s fertility choices and use of reproductive health care service in rural Pakistan, using the 2013 Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS). Exploiting variations in the program intensity across regions, we conduct instrumental variables (IV) estimation on the impact of family planning exposure on women’s fertility preferences and reproductive behaviors. Our analysis shows that even in the presence of strong son preferences in Pakistan, increasing family planning exposure reduces women’s incentive to have additional children. Moreover, family planning exposure is associated with more antenatal care visits, more deliveries performed by skilled professionals, and a greater chance of delivery at the health center. Finally, we examine the heterogeneity in the effect on fertility preference by age group and education level, and find that the effect is mainly significant for the educated and young women.  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(1):39-53
A demand for coherent policy leadership characterized by its commitment to advance a consistent set of policy principles arises from the various sources of “governance failure” that account for the observed unevenness in implementing the “Washington consensus.” This paper examines how a “conspiratorial” network established itself as a collective source of such leadership in New Zealand by interacting in a way which developed a high level of mutual trust and by penetrating and reconstituting a fragmented structure of insulated policy networks.  相似文献   

加强领导干部党性修养的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在论述加强领导干部党性修养重要性的基础上,提出从强化自我修养,强化教育、管理和监督功能,强化制度的约束功能三个方面来加强领导干部的党性修养。  相似文献   

冯华 《魅力中国》2010,(10):39-40
井冈山时期,毛泽东带领中国共产党人建立了农村革命根据地,并把人民军队的创建和工农红军的思想政治教育结合起来。我党针对工农红军的具体情况,结合当时的主要任务,采取了一系列恰当的方法,有效地对工农红军进行了思想政治教声,对新时期加强和改进党的思想政治教育工作有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   


This article estimates firm mark-ups to evaluate market competition in Korean manufacturing industries for the period of 1982–2004 and analyzes how the mark-ups differ across industry sectors. For the manufacturing sector as a whole, our results lead us to reject the null hypothesis of a competitive market, although market imperfection varies across industry sectors. Meanwhile, the parameter for union bargaining power over firm profit was much smaller than those found in the previous studies and insignificant in some industry sectors. Our firm-level results indicate that intra-industry variation in mark-ups and returns to scale is greater than inter-industry variation as shown in the sector analysis. Also, we find that mark-ups respond counter-cyclically to aggregate demand shocks and that the magnitudes of responses differ from industry to industry.  相似文献   

本文首先对团队领导的职能内涵展开深入的剖析,在此基础上,再分别从认知过程、激励过程、情感过程和协调过程4个重要的团队过程,详细阐述团队领导在团队过程中的影响,以及对提升团队效率的作用机理。  相似文献   

姚瑛 《魅力中国》2010,(16):176-177
经济全球化与社会一体化,使得国际往日益密切,跨文化交际能力培养的重要性与必然性日益凸现。大学现有的英语教学不能适应新时期的要求,面临着新的挑战。跨文化交际能力的培养必须放在英语教学的重要地位,大学英语教学应以提高语言教学质量和有效地进行跨文化交际为目的。  相似文献   

刘晓明 《特区经济》2005,(6):187-188
改革开放以来,尤其是自2001年国务院《关于进一步加快旅游业发展的通知》下发以来,全国很多省市加快了旅游业发展的势头,旅游业逐渐成为很多省市经济中“最具活力和发展最快的经济产业”,受到了各级政府和全社会的高度重视与大力支持,并且相继有很多省市已明确地将旅游业作为其  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung L?hne und Preise in Europa. Ein Test der These von der Vorherrschaft der Bundesrepublik. — Die Autoren prüfen die These, da das Europ?ische W?hrungssystem (EWS) der Bundesrepublik zur Führung bei der Inflationsbek?mpfung verhalf. Dabei werden zwei Ans?tze verwendet. Bei dem ersten wird die Bedeutung der deutschen Inflationserwartungen für die Erwartungen in anderen EWS-L?ndern untersucht, beim zweiten die Kointegration zwischen der Inflation in Deutschland und der in anderen EWS-L?ndern. Zur Kontrolle werden einerseits die Daten aus der Zeit vor Errichtung des EWS verwendet und andererseits die Daten des Vereinigten K?nigreichs, das am Wechselkursmechanismus des EWS nicht partizipierte. Die Ergebnisse sind zwar in mancher Hinsicht günstig, k?nnen aber nicht endgültig eine deutsche Führungsrolle im EWS best?tigen. Mit Hilfe der Kointegrationstechniken wird au\erdem gezeigt, da\ die Kaufkraftparit?t für das EWS nicht kennzeichnend war.
Résumé Les revenus et les prix en Europe: Un test de la thèse de la prédominance allemande. — Cette étude a l’intention de vérifier la thèse que le système monétaire européen (SME) a fait se former la prédominance allemande dans la lutte contre l’inflation. Il y a deux tests. D’abord, on a examiné l’importance des expectations de l’inflation allemande pour les expectations aux autres pays du SME, puis on a examiné la cointégration de l’inflation en RFA avec celle aux autres pays. On emploie deux systèmes de contr?le: les données avant la fondation du SME et les données pour la Grande Bretagne qui n’a pas été membre du SME. Les résultats étant favorables à beaucoup d’autres aspects ne peuvent pas confirmer le r?le prédominant de la RFA dans le SME. En utilisant des techniques de cointégration on a aussi trouvé que la parité du pouvoir d’achat n’a pas caractérisé le SME.

Resumen Salarios y precios en Europa : un test de la tesis del lidemgo alemán. — En este trabajo se examina la tesis que el Sistema Monetario Europeo (SME) constituye un vehículo para el liderazgo alemán en materia de política antiinflacionaria. Se emplean dos enfoques. En uno de ellos se estudia la relevancia de las expectativas inflacionarias en Alemania para las expectativas en otros países miembros del SME, en el otro se examina empirícamente la cointegraci?n entre la inflatión en Alemania y la de otros países del SME. Para ello se utilizan dos controles: datos para el período anterior al SME y datos para el Reino Unido, país no miembro del SME. Los resultados, si bien favorables en relatión a ciertos aspectos, no conf?rman en última instancia la tesis del liderazgo aleman en el SME. Asimismo, se demuestra que, utilizando técnicas de cointegración, el SME no está caracterizado por la paridad del poder de compra.

文博  冯沪斌 《特区经济》2004,(12):201-202
一、国际贸易合同欺诈在中国的表现 国际贸易合同欺诈是指合同一方当事人或中介公司利用合同当事人之间分处不同国家,相互间缺乏了解,以“影子公司”的名义和对方当事人签订国际贸易合同,造成合同的名义主体和实际主体不符而逃避可能出现的风险和法律责任,最终达到欺诈对方当事人的目的。  相似文献   


The paper investigates how far the study of family firms constitutes a subject in its own right. It is argued that family ownership per se does not require the development of a special theory of family firms. It is suggested that the uniqueness of the family firm resides in the strength of the dynastic motive, which may strengthen trust between family members, but discourages the recruitment of non-family members and so inhibits the growth of the firm. The strength of the dynastic motive varies across family firms. The paper summarises two recent approaches to the economic theory of family firms which attempt to formalise these insights, and demonstrates the complementarities between them.  相似文献   

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