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文章分析了在城市土地利用允许建新区的情况下,旧城改造与新区建设中相关主体的成本与收益,并对相关主体的成本与收益进行比较.政府作为城市的经营者和管理者,是旧城改造与新区建设的决定者及相关政策的制定者,其决策的决定主要取决于政府的成本收益,进而从博弈论的角度分析得出政府热衷建新区的结论.如何改变这种状况,需要由城市管理向城...  相似文献   

促进社区发展成为近年来发达国家旧城更新的重要目标.政府通过政策、资金、技术支持,赋予社区权力并鼓励社区参与旧城更新,减少由单纯物质更新引发的居住分异、社区衰败问题.以美国“社会建筑”和日本“造街活动”为例,评介发达国家旧城更新由物质层面转向社区发展的相关政策、规划要素及实施策略,通过研究指出我国应从调整规划角色、完善政策制度和构建多元组织机构等方面实现旧城更新规划走向社区发展的新路向.  相似文献   

何思泉 《房地产导刊》2007,(18):106-107
"开发商参与旧城改造将会令‘中调’提速。而政府应该放开市场,多给中小企业参与的机会。"8月30日上午,在广州"中调"战略与房地产发展研讨会上,与会领导与专家为广州"中调"战略与旧城改造积极出谋划策。  相似文献   

旧城改造房屋拆迁中的政府角色分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,"拆迁难"已成为旧城改造无法回避的矛盾.如何解决这一问题,确保旧城改造拆迁中房屋所有者的利益,是当前全国城市化和城市发展进程中一个十分重大的理论问题和十分迫切的实践问题.笔者认为,解决这一问题的关键在于旧城改造房屋拆迁中政府角色的合理定位.  相似文献   

本刊讯:6月23日,我国"国家农业政策分析与决策支持开放实验室项目"在京启动,这标志我国农业政策研究开始进入量化阶段.实验室设在中国农业科学院农业经济研究所,它通过建立数据库、模型等为政府决策提供政策分析平台.  相似文献   

文章主要对生态城市观念下旧城改造理论进行了使用,对于"三旧"地域的具体情况进行了分析,从而进一步认识"三旧"改造的根本含义.根据生态城市理论需具备的内容,研究怎样运用"三旧"改造、土地整合、经济发展创新发展模式等技术管理手段建设生态城市.  相似文献   

引导民间资本参与旧城改造,是近年来实践和研究的热点之一,英、美、法等国家在这方面的尝试较早,既有成功的经验,也有惨痛的教训。在对民间资本参与旧城改造的国外做法进行对比分析的基础上,提出促进我国民间资本参与旧城改造的政策建议。  相似文献   

通过回顾北京市1980年代以来的旧城改造进程,从政策驱动的角度分析旧城区对改造的响应。采用多目标决策的数据包络分析方法,以北京市原西城区为例,对其旧城改造做出综合绩效评价。总体来看,北京原市西城区旧城改造综合绩效良好,只有少数几年的政策实施和相关投入与城市发展规律不相吻合。北京旧城改造各项法规的落实和各种经济投入,推动了旧城区经济的发展和旧城风貌的改变,但对社会空间结构优化和景观环境的作用比较微弱。  相似文献   

研究了旧城改造区中房屋被征收人的社区情感依附对征收受偿意愿的影响,以期为房屋征收补偿方案的改进提供政策依据。研究表明:旧城改造中被征收人对房屋赋予很高的社区情感,并作为主观价值体现在被征收人的受偿意愿上;就地或就近安置是被征收人最愿意接受的实物补偿方式;居住超过20年的业主对社区的情感依附尤为明显,但是其社区情感依附并不一定会影响征收意愿。  相似文献   

房地产业发展面临风险的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房地产业是我国支柱产业,未来走向事关国民经济发展和民生改善.而国家政策和市场需求是我国房地产业赖以长期高速发展的两大重要推动力.当前.房地产业虽进入新一轮发展阶段.但通过对城市化、旧城改造、投资、消费四个影响房地产市场需求因素的现实状况的实证分析.财政政策、货币政策和产业政策未来走向的趋势分析,认为市场需求不足和国家政策不确定性是房地产业发展面临的主要风险.值得行业和政府关注,需采取相应的对策以规避风险.  相似文献   

战后美国城市改造对社会公正的侵蚀   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
战后美国的城市改造,主要在住房建设和城市更新两个方面展开,目标是兼顾城市的经济发展和社会公正.然而,在实施过程中,由于联邦住房政策二元结构的形成,首先是联邦政府的住房政策偏离了建设公共住房的初衷,基本上没有达到政策的目标;其后是城市更新运动在强势利益集团的主导下,漠视了低收入家庭的住房需求,侵蚀和损害了社会公正.  相似文献   

欧美国家在城市更新与重建过程中的经验与教训   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市更新改造是一项复杂的综合性社会系统工程,本文通过对欧美国家上世纪城市更新与重建的成功经验和失败教训的分析,以及对我国城市重建与改造中出现问题的反思,从中探寻在城市建设与更新中对历史文脉保护、社会环境整治、旅游资源发掘,为城市可持续发展提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

德国城市建设中的公众参与   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
公众参与作为德国法律和政治制度在城市建设领域的重要体现,贯穿于德国城市建设的每一个环节,其中最集中体现在城市规划和城镇更新中.通过对德国城市规划法律法规的研究,系统地介绍了德国城市规划公众参与的工作阶段和工作方法,以及在城镇更新中的公众参与措施和社会规划.  相似文献   

Philip H. Friedly 《Socio》1969,3(4):291-314
To evaluate the effects of alternative public investment policies in terms of the welfare status of human beings thereby affected, we must have a clear delineation of social, economic, or other roles that such investment is intended to play. This paper defines a role for public facility investment in urban renewal areas that is based on analysis of both the intrinsic characteristics of these investments and the policy environment—defined by a set of renewal objectives—in which they are made. Benefits and costs are seen to accrue to society—individuals, households, business, or the community-at-large—from appropriately defined categories of public facility investment impact. A set of welfare indicators, comprised of benefit-cost measurements related to the categories of investment impact, emerges from our analysis to provide a basis for re-evaluation of certain aspects of renewal policy.  相似文献   

王郁 《城市问题》2006,(5):56-61
回顾、总结了城市社区改造理念的变化及其发展历程,结合典型事例介绍并分析了发展中国家低收入社区的参与型社区改造在项目手法、开发方式上的阶段性特点,从社会、经济、政治的多维视角总结了参与型社区改造的经验,并揭示了其对中国社区改造的启示意义.  相似文献   

This paper investigates urban decline and renewal in the United States using three panels that follow neighborhoods on a geographically consistent basis over extended periods of time. Findings indicate that change in neighborhood economic status is common, averaging roughly 13 percent per decade; roughly two-thirds of neighborhoods studied in 1950 were of quite different economic status fifty years later. Panel unit root tests for 35 MSAs indicate that neighborhood economic status is a stationary process, consistent with long-running cycles of decline and renewal. In Philadelphia County, a complete cycle appears to last up to 100 years. Aging housing stocks and redevelopment contribute to these patterns, as do local externalities associated with social interactions. Lower-income neighborhoods appear to be especially sensitive to the presence of individuals that provide social capital. Many of the factors that drive change at the local level have large and policy relevant effects.  相似文献   

西方城市更新政策经历了从1970年代政府主导、具有福利主义色彩的内城更新,到1980年代市场主导、公私伙伴关系为特色的城市更新,向1990年代以公、私、社区三向伙伴关系为导向的多目标综合性城市更机关报转变.一个内涵更加多元化的城市更新现念,以及一个以多方伙伴关系为取向、更加注重社区参与和社会公平的城市更新管治模式,正代表着城市更新政策的新路向.这对我国制定城市更新政策有重要启示,包括:要提高对城市更机关报多维本质的认知,加强社区民众参与,建立以人为本的城市更新制度,以及强化政府在城市更新中的协调、引导和促进功能,等.  相似文献   

关于旧城更新思想方法的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对我国旧城更新过程存在的深层问题,阐明了旧城区与城市可持续发展、城市特色、城市活力、社会和谐等方面的关系。从社会、文化、地域空间、功能、传承与认同等多视角归纳总结了旧城区在城市发展中的地位与价值。在此基础上提出了以科学发展观为指导、综合协调的旧城更新思想。并从建立目标广泛、可持续发展的人居环境,社会经济发展与物质规划相协调的规划机制,原住居民与复合化功能,有机更新与循序渐进,以人为本与社区理念引入五个方面提出了旧城更新的原则与方法。  相似文献   

Squatting as a housing strategy and as a tool of urban social movements accompanies the development of capitalist cities worldwide. We argue that the dynamics of squatter movements are directly connected to strategies of urban renewal in that movement conjunctures occur when urban regimes are in crisis. An analysis of the history of Berlin squatter movements, their political context and their effects on urban policies since the 1970s, clearly shows how massive mobilizations at the beginning of the 1980s and in the early 1990s developed in a context of transition in regimes of urban renewal. The crisis of Fordist city planning at the end of the 1970s provoked a movement of "rehab squatting" ('Instandbesetzung'), which contributed to the institutionalization of "cautious urban renewal" ('behutsame Stadterneuerung') in an important way. The second rupture in Berlin's urban renewal became apparent in 1989 and 1990, when the necessity of restoring whole inner-city districts constituted a new, budget-straining challenge for urban policymaking. Whilst in the 1980s the squatter movement became a central condition for and a political factor of the transition to "cautious urban renewal," in the 1990s large-scale squatting — mainly in the eastern parts of the city — is better understood as an alien element in times of neoliberal urban restructuring.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, the issue of social mix has become a public policy category in France. Enshrined in legislation, yet remaining controversial, it represents a major premise on which housing policies have been reconfigured. The concept of social mix is essentially based on who lives where, but it is also evoked in the context of urban renewal schemes for social housing estates, as well as in relation to new-build developments. A study of the bases of social mix policies conducted in Paris since 2001 in the context of the embourgeoisement of the capital shows the fundamental role of social housing stock. The City Council has become involved in policy decisions about both the location and the allocation of social housing. Particular attention has been paid to the middle classes in the name of the principle of ‘balancing the population’. In order to measure the effects of the policy, this article relies on an analysis of two City of Paris schemes that have the stated intent of creating social mix. One of these schemes consists of redeveloping a working-class neighbourhood, Goutte d'Or, while the other involves the new acquisition of social housing in various more affluent neighbourhoods in the capital. This comparative study of the population shows that, whether in a neighbourhood poised for gentrification or in a more affluent neighbourhood, this policy has major effects on forms of local social cohesion, setting in motion individual trajectories and reshaping social and/or ethnic identities.  相似文献   

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