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雪燃 《当代旅游》2005,(2):24-24
在西南莽莽的群山深处,有一个深山小镇--重庆市綦江县中峰镇,中峰镇有一条风景如画,且又充满神秘色彩的清溪河,清溪河旁有一个叫灵应岩的地方,灵应岩称之为岩,其实是一座陡峭绝壁的山峰,由重庆通往贵州的一条古驿道打灵应岩穿过,是古人通商的必经之道.古驿道的两旁举目所及皆是一对对的“桅子“,当地人中盛传一句歇后语:“灵应岩的桅子--插过河“,用来形容某物甚多.“桅子“指的就是男性生殖器.……  相似文献   

江南历来都以出产诗词著称,它不仅仅是一个地域名词,在许多人心里,江南是一幅画、一首诗、一出戏,一种意境。三月江南,总让人勾起无数遐想,烟雨朦胧,婉约风韵。从唐诗宋词,到现代诗,还有戏曲里的缠绵悱恻,江南的千古风流,从来都是十足的文艺范儿。江南,正是经过历代诗词大家的润色和曲艺名人的传承,才有今日的风韵。本期,我们一起文艺地游走江南,以诗入景,凭戏动情。  相似文献   

The tourism and hospitality industries have widely adopted information technology (IT) to reduce costs, enhance operational efficiency, and most importantly to improve service quality and customer experience. This article offers a comprehensive review of articles that were published in 57 tourism and hospitality research journals from 2005 to 2007. Grouping the findings into the categories of consumers, technologies, and suppliers, the article sheds light on the evolution of IT applications in the tourism and hospitality industries. The article demonstrates that IT is increasingly becoming critical for the competitive operations of the tourism and hospitality organizations as well as for managing the distribution and marketing of organizations on a global scale.  相似文献   

北京奥运会恍如昨昔,如今2012年伦敦奥运会眨眼便已进入最后倒计时。近日,借助奥运东风,伦敦亦新增多处新景致和新活动,整座城市的奥运氛围开始升温。从此时起到月底的奥运举行期间,若到伦敦一游,定能收获更多新鲜感。  相似文献   

This research note reports a study that analyzed the 100 most influential articles, which is operationalized as the most cited publications published in tourism journals from 2000 to 2007. A Google Scholar‐based software system was developed in Java to retrieve the citation information. The empirical findings show that 10.16% of the citations were from Institute for Scientific Information‐listed (ISI) journals, and that 71.64% of them were from neither ISI nor tourism journals. The most popular topics covered by these articles were psychology and tourist behavior, followed by destination image and marketing. This article contributes to the literature by providing an alternative means of assessing the impact of research into tourism.  相似文献   

从古至今世人皆想长生不老,但那始终只是人们一种美好的愿望。在现实生活中,长生不老是无法实现的,但是延年益寿却是真实存在的,本期我们就带着大家去寻觅一下我国的长寿之乡,看看那里老人们的长寿秘诀是什么?  相似文献   

如果有一天,你收到一封寄自“灵魂街101号2楼“的信,不要以为有人在和你开玩笑,寄信的人也许就住在墨西哥城.……  相似文献   

电影记忆魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身用四个字来形容我当时的心情——惊心动魄,这确实是一部足够震撼的电影,一个宏大的中古世界生生映在了我的面前。用3个小时展现整个奇幻世界显然是不够的,导演于是放弃了琐碎的细节,重点展示这个奇幻世界的力量,  相似文献   

无疑,西溪是美的,溪流丰沛,水缓波平,烟雨泛舟,草叶葱茏,无不令人向往;西溪还是雅的,名人碑刻、诗词歌赋、亭台楼阁、寺庙庵迹,其人文的蕴藉深厚,无不令人折服。但西溪,似乎是曲高和寡的,带尽了文人的清雅高洁,却少了百姓的红尘烟火。游西溪,可品尽出尘绝世之美,却也有了不近人间烟火的遗憾。一部《非诚勿扰》,将清秀的西溪带到世人眼前。其实,远在东晋时,就有文人骚客歌咏这片溪流交错、蒹葭苍苍的湿地了;唐朝,西溪之名出世;至南宋,更达到她声名的高峰,与西湖、西泠并称杭州三西。千年前,西溪  相似文献   

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