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Study on the Change of Influence on Accounting Information Value of Comprehensive Income Reporting Mode
Comprehensive income reporting mode changes will affect the use of fair value. The comprehensive income reporting system based on the mode change, introduced the concept of comprehensive income and its presentation of the impact on the financial report, the financial report on the quality of the status of accounting information. Aiming at the lack of reporting effect on valuation of comprehensive income information and empirieal research, this paper reported from the analysis of comprehensive income to improve investor perception, improve investor valuations and strengthen financial supervision of the constructed model, value and benefits related to model validation policy change effect. Results show that the increase in the income statement, profit and loss information will enhance the value of accounling information, can significantly improve the transparency of financial reports and significantly reduce investors valuation cost, provides the reference for the formulation of accounting standards and improve the quality of accounting information.  相似文献   

Enterprises are looking to adapt to this scenario focusing on performance, seeking to improve the level of service and reduce costs in an attempt to differentiate and increase the perceived value of their customers. A strong partner to achieve these goals is the information technology (IT). IT has an important role in the performance of companies, providing a flow of information that makes the supply chain more robust and resilient, without compromising efficiency. To achieve the objective of this research, a survey of the literature on the four models was studied and then a field research with professionals was conducted in the areas of IT and supply chain management (SCM) of various companies of Sao Paulo. To collect the data needed for analysis, we used the exploratory research of a qualitative nature. Thus, we conclude that the use of IT impacts supply chain in five surveyed areas as planning, manufacturing, suppliers, customers, and delivery but does not impact the return area.  相似文献   

The valuation of real estate plays a major role in property market.In the valuation industry there are various models used to estimate the value.The industry has made use of traditional models;however these models do not account for flexibility in property.This article uses income and real options valuations to capture values of South African REITs.The results illustrate that the real option valuation produces a higher value of property than the traditional models.The findings have shown that the traditional models undervalue the REITs.And these findings are consisted with prior studies done in different geographical markets.Finally,one recommends that the industry practitioners should adopt real option valuation in valuing real estate.  相似文献   

The machinery, equipment, inventory, and other assets of the 21 st century company without people to work them. Corporations, by leave of the accounting profession, have no real economic value continue to omit the value of human. And yet, there is a growing realization that people represent the largest proportion of corporate productive capacity relative to the current assets and fixed assets shown in corporate financial statements. This paper provides research on the top 50 of the Fortune 500 companies which confirm this material deficiency. There is a need to provide stakeholders with a "fair" knowledge of the value of corporate human capital to provide a higher standard of transparency and accountability in international financial reporting and to provide the basis for research into the sustainability and potential expansion of growth in the world economy. An appropriate standard for the valuation of human capital will provide the knowledge base for effective and efficient investment in human capital. Effective and efficient investment will be particularly valuable for governments and service industries and for those who wish to promote growth in Europe. Indeed, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is questioning the veracity of financial statements which fail to include "the most valuable" of corporate assets in their financial statements. Recently, the OECD has noted that human capital may be measurable "by the output potential of specific competencies"; "the fruits of (corporate) investment"; the objective measurement of the market "rental" price of human capital; and lastly, perhaps self-evident when it comes to physical capital, the output potential of corporate investment in their human capital inventory. This paper considers the conditions in the context of literature which reassesses theory and assumptions which have been made on the valuation of human capital. Human capital is a pre-requisite for tangible assets to be productive. The valuation of human capital will trigger the same sort of activity-based analysis of people power as computers brought to cost accounting. The knowledge century analysis of people power will take off when human capital is at last included in the list of assets on the corporate balance sheet.  相似文献   

Road transport is a flexible mode of transport and its importance in era of globalization increases. Management of road transport companies is, in this turbulent environment, exposed to many technical, legislative, and economic problems. Especially, the growing economic pressure leads to an urgent requirement of the manager and control system improvement. Activity-based costing (ABC) method is a very powerful tool to improve products, services, processes, and market strategies. ABC allows company management to understand what causes costs and how to manage them. Company under this scheme may get a glimpse of how efficiently a company converts the source value. The main objective of our research was to assess the possibility of application of the ABC method in a transport undertaking. ABC method as a fundamentally different view on the cost in the transport business helps to find the reasons of cost and thereby influences their levels to make better use of resources.. New managerial accounting methods aim to show management what information is needed, how and where this information can be obtained, and how they can be useful for the management of the company's proper planning, decision-making, and control. Information provided by management accounting is often a key factor in the analysis of alternative ways of solving problems. This article focuses on the transport enterprise management and helps to decide on the use of this method in business practice.  相似文献   

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) stress the importance of high-quality 'financial reports. From a scientific point of view, however, major methodological drawbacks can arise when trying to arrive at a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the decision usefulness of financial reports. In this conceptually-based exploratory study, the authors construct a 33-item index aimed at operationalizing decision usefulness in terms of the fundamental and enhancing qualitative characteristics laid out in the conceptual framework (CF) of the IASB (2010). Using a matched-pairs sample design, which includes 70 UK annual reports and 70 US 10-K reports for 2010, the results of test-retest and inter-rater reliability tests show that these multiple items, which were based on items used in previous research, can be measured in a reliable manner. At the same time, the results of an exploratory factor analysis indicate that the IASB qualitative characteristics cannot be measured separately when the 33-item index is applied. At an aggregate level, the results of paired-sample t-tests reveal that UK reports score on average higher than US 10-K reports, which suggests that the overall quality of UK reports is better. The findings of this study add to the existing literature on the empirical evaluation of the effects of international accounting standards, showing that, as compared with 10-K reports, UK annual reports provide more information on topics such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate governance, and annual bonus schemes. On the other hand, US reports outperform UK reports with respect to the content of fair value information, cash flow statements, off-balance financing, and audit reporting.  相似文献   

Accounting profession has, in recent times, been regulated mainly by the private accounting standard setters mainly the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), which has taken a center stage and redefined the accounting information systems beyond the knowledge discernment of the average users and stakeholders. Public accounting profession's overreliance on the ever-changing IASB conceptual frameworks and their subsequent publications International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) standards has strongly compromised the ethics and objectivity of the profession, especially the accounting fundamental qualitative characteristics of the fair representation. Public accountants are, by ethics, required to issue an accurate, independent, and objective opinion of the financial state of the reporting entity. A review of various literatures from the IASB and the related bodies including independent auditors was employed during the evaluation process so as to minimize bias and evaluate objectively. The results revealed that currently, the IASB conceptual frameworks and IFRS contain inconsistent and opposing objectives including an inconclusive definition of elements and measurement basis mainly of profit and loss transactions and other comprehensive income, and hence the public accounting profession has been ethically challenged and compromised. Financial reporting is now premised on estimates, judgments, and models as opposed to a definitive measurement in accounting. A recommendation of further study on the IASB fundamental qualitative characteristics of decision usefulness should be pursued objectively.  相似文献   

With the execution of the new accounting standards, the standard of Chinese economic reflection has been internationalized. All the countries of economic integration in the world demand common accounting information so as to promote the multilateral effect. The new accounting standards in our country are carded out in complicated internal and external economic and political circumstances, which makes listed companies have to take a lot into consideration when they use them. This thesis mainly deals with the international and domestic accounting environment at present and how to treat the problems of the application of the new accounting standards that have appeared in the past one year. At the end of the paper, some suggestions and solutions to the problems are proposed for reference only.  相似文献   

It is important to determine the most appropriate levels of risk and return for small investors. For that purpose, the investment funds are very important tools to create a portfolio for small investors, to deploy the potential risks in optimal proportions, and to direct investors. In this study, the performance of 83 pieces of investment funds will be evaluated which are treated in Turkey dates from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012 with performance evaluation methods such as Sharpe, Modigliani (M2) that is based on the standard deviation, and Treynor, T2, Jensen that is based on systematic risk (beta), and the highest and lowest performance investment funds will be presented. The aim of the study is to examine the success of the investment fund managers whether they could estimate the course of the market well or not regarding time period. The empirical results show that the investors who invest on the funds that have negative risk premium by investing in the investment funds getting under the risk cannot get more excess return than getting the return from the risk-free interest rate as treasury bills. The result implies that it could be said that the systematic and total risks of all investment funds are low and they are not sensitive to the developments in the market, and thus, regarding funds could be called as conservative funds.  相似文献   

The successive changes of asset prices are the most visible manifestation of financial markets dynamics. There exist different views about factors generating these changes, but many researchers and practitioners agree that the most important among them is the impact of information flow. According to the market microstructure theories, it depends mainly on the behavior of informed and uniformed traders. In the paper, we investigate dependencies between the possible proxies of information process: price duration and corresponding to it volume change and return. Our main objective is to answer the question about the most important factor in the process of discovering information by uniformed traders. We apply a set of models for volatility, volume and duration data. Our analysis is performed for selected equities listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and uses tick-by-tick data. The obtained results show that the stock liquidity on this leading stock market in Central and Eastern Europe is the most important factor influencing the process of discovering information by uninformed traders.  相似文献   

The work investigates the use of trade credit in Italy for reasons of a financial nature. The analysis considers Italian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and investigates, over the years of 2009-2011: the existence of functional relationships between the incidence of trade receivables and payables and corporate profitability; the existence of interdependencies between trade credit policy and trade debt policy; and the coexistence of interchangeable and complementary conditions between trade debts and bank loans and other sources of funding. To verify the research hypotheses, linear regression models on a yearly basis are used and these models are put under observation over the years of 2009-2011. We can conclude that there are interdependencies between trade credit policy and trade debt policy and that trade credit is a source of flexible way of financing, also available in periods of crisis, which has a positive effect on the profitability of SMEs and can be utilized as a complementary and substitute source of financing to bank loans.  相似文献   

With the advent of the economic crisis, fair value once again becomes a hot topic. This paper discusses the issues of fair value from three aspects including the meaning of fair value, its serious impacts and its inapplicability in China. As for this point, this paper stress that the rub of the fair value is its inaccurate recognition elements which will inevitably lead to the inaccurate measurement. Finally, the paper puts forward the viewpoint that China should be careful enough to apply the fair value accounting.  相似文献   

With the introduction of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) most of the intangibles are expensed on the income statement and hence they "disappear" from the balance sheet, while investments in tangible assets are capitalized. Based on a sample of 128 firms, made up of 99 SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and 29 large firms, and through a simulation of IAS (International Accounting Standards) transition, the authors' study finds that IAS 38 reduces the amount of intangible assets recognized on the balance sheet of SMEs, while large firms do not appear to experience such large reductions in their intangible assets. The differential effect of IAS 38 on SMEs and large firms can be explained by the different growth strategies of these firm types. SMEs largely depend on internal paths of growth and intangibles assets that typically arise from internal growth strategies are eliminated from the balance sheet under IAS 38. Larger firms are less exposed to such reductions in their intangibles assets, because they mostly follow external paths of growth and the treatment of those intangible assets that typically arise from external growth strategies requires the impairment test.  相似文献   

In modern management, business planning on MIS, management and analysis are decisive factors for a business to remain competitive. An effective MIS will help enhance information communication in internal and external environment and even among inner-departments; it will help pass information faster within a business, and at the same time, help the business make quick response according to internal and external environment. This way, a business can be managed more effectively. In the light of the characters of MBEC, this article discusses preliminary the planning of MIS for the incoming project.  相似文献   

Considering the rapid changes in the competitive era, Chinese small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) continuously to look for ways on how to survive, grow and be competitive. Knowledge management (KM) is important for SEMs to lead their efforts to foster a sustainable competitive advantage. This paper is based on an investigation of the knowledge management practices for knowledge-intensive SMEs. The research discovered that SMEs do not manage knowledge the same way as larger organizations. There are some peculiarities in knowledge management practices at SMEs. SMEs will face several unique challenges in KM implementation. They are knowledge identification and acquisition, knowledge dissemination and organizational learning, knowledge creation and innovation, and organizational culture. It is crucial that Chinese SMEs, especially in knowledge intensive enterprises should efficiently adopt some informal or formal KM strategies, in order to implement an appropriate KM and maximize their competitiveness and survival chances.  相似文献   

Many stock exchanges around the world enforcing daily price limits on the amount asset prices can change to prevent the market from overreacting and to reduce volatility. Price limits are artificial boundaries set by market regulators who restrict price changes of a stock to a pre-specified range during a trading day or a single trading session. The primary aim of price limit rules is to stabilize the markets during panic trading, to moderate vitality by repressing excessive speculation, and to allow stocks to be traded at prices close to their fair value. However, their impact on the market is a somewhat unresolved issue (Harris, 1998). Using a methodology of comparing volatility based on the extreme value technique, the authors empirically investigate the impact of price limits on the volatility of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The empirical results support price limits advocates, suggesting that price limits rules moderate stock price volatility.  相似文献   

The reformation of equity-split on April 29th, 2005, has promoted market value management and created the necessary conditions for market value management. With the purpose of stabilizing and enhancing corporate market value and realizing stockholders' wealth maximization, the market value management becomes especially important for all listed companies. This paper begins with the general introduction of market value management including its definition, contents and performance evaluation systems, appraises the best 10 market value management listed companies during 2007-2008. Then analyzes the benefits of the market value management on the Guizhou Maotai which has gained great achievements on market value management, and finally draw conclusions about market value management's general effects on listed companies.  相似文献   

The present work aims to conduct a critical analysis of control systems and tools of performance assessment in local public services companies, with a particular reference to the public transport sector. The interest in this issue arises for various reasons, from the growing economic significance of the sector at a national level, measurable in terms of production value and the number of operators involved, to the spread of outsourcing policies, liberalization and privatization, and the use of the standard cost to establish the level of funding. In the field of public utilities, until a few years ago, the concept of control was intended only in a "bureaucratic" sense as the capacity to fulfill the formal obligations linked to the strong regulatory context, ignoring aspects that have become fundamental today, such as economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of management. The approach used is deductive and the study ends with the presentation of the possible implications of the use of standard cost and the presentation of an application hypothesis of a balanced scorecard (BSC) for local public transport (LPT).  相似文献   

Motivated by the accounting events of firm's default related to derivatives and other financial instruments transactions, this study is aimed to investigate the capability of accounting information to signal the risks associated with the use of financial derivatives for hedging. Hypothesis are developed based on the theory and empirical evidences of manager's motive to use derivatives for hedging (Berkman & Bradbury, 1968; Dune, et al., 2003) as well as signaling theory of accounting information (Ball & Brown, 1968; Beaver & Dukes, 1972; Jensen & Meckling, 1976; Megginson, 1997). The hypotheses are formulated in the Ordinary Least Square model. The study uses Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 14 as software to conduct the statistical tests. Non-bank and non-financial institutions firms with financial derivatives transactions listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2001 to 2006 are chosen as the sample. Determinations of the time frame has considered the timing of introduction of revisions of accounting standard on derivatives and other financial instruments in Indonesia PSAK 50 Financial Instruments: Presentations and Disclosures which was published in July, 1998, as well as PSAK 55 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurements which was published in 1998. Based on the sample selections procedure and the completeness of the data required by the model, 24 firms listed during 2001-2006 or equal to 66 firm-years observations were identified as the data to be tested. Empirical evidences suggests that Indonesian GAAP is capable of providing signal associated with: (1) Fair value exposures related to manager's motive to reduce the cost of financial distress; (2) Cash flow exposures related to manager's motive to practice tax arbitrage as well as to overcome underinvestment problems; (3) Interest rate risks related to manager's motive to avoid the risk default due to limitations of debt covenants; (4) Forex risk related to manager's motive to control forex exposures caused by foreign operations as well as foreign sales.  相似文献   

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