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我国电力市场评价指标体系框架探讨   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
结合我国电力工业的发展特点和电力市场体系的建设要求,提出了一套完整的电力市场分析评价指标体系框架,主要包括市场供需、市场结构、市场行为、市场效率等11个方面的内容,涵盖了我国电力市场建设、运营和管理中所关注的焦点问题,分析了所提指标体系框架在我国电力市场建设初期和将来电力市场成熟阶段的应用。  相似文献   

一家企业从诞生之日起,就与市场结下了不解之缘。市场是企业生仔发展的基础,没有市场,企业就失去了用武之地。注意研究市场的规律和特性,准确把握市场,企业就能在市场的海洋中乘风破浪,不断前进。现结合我公司情况,就如何研究市场、抓住市场、准确把握市场,谈几点看法。  相似文献   

电力市场评价指标体系的构建   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
电力市场评价体系是各类市场参与者、监管部门和市场运营机构进行市场分析、管理决策的工具,对提高电力市场的科学管理水平有重要作用,对电力工业的健康稳定发展也具有重要的现实意义。基于公平公正原则、总体社会效益最大化原则、指标的必要性和可操作性原则设计了电力市场评价体系,包括市场结构、市场安全、市场运营、市场效益和市场风险等5个方面的指标。  相似文献   

本文从行为的视角探讨内部市场定价问题。根据内部市场主体之间的合作、竞争行为提出并界定了内部市场结构的概念,将内部市场划分为简单型、合作主导型、竞争主导型、复合型四种结构类型;通过分析企业战略、内部定价对内部市场主体之间合作、竞争行为的影响,得出了企业战略决定内部市场结构应然、内部定价调节内部市场结构实然的结论:以内部市场结构的实然与应然相一致为原则.构建了企业内部市场定价的理论模型,阐述了在各种内部市场结构应然要求下的内部定价方法、决策权安排、绩效考核标准和激励机制等。  相似文献   

电力市场中市场操纵力的成因及对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在对目前我国发电侧电力市场类型进行判断的基础上,分析了电力市场中产生市场操纵力的原因,给出了市场操纵力的判别指标,提出了降低市场操纵力的措施,对于总结电力市场试点工作、设计未来的电力市场结构和市场规则具有普遍的指导意义。  相似文献   

欧洲是世界上最早实现电力市场化的地区之一,就其目前市场成熟度及市场规模而言,欧洲仍然处于领先地位。英国在1990年率先实现了电力工业私有化,建立了电力市场,为之后世界其他国家的电力市场建设提供了宝贵的经验。在区域电力市场建设方面,如监管法律法规、市场规则、市场运行等,欧洲也颇为成熟.有许多值得研究的地方,例如北欧市场(Nordic market)、中西欧电力市场(Central West market)和伊比利亚电力市场(Iberian market)。  相似文献   

2005年时间过半,几大区域的电力市场建设取得了显著的进展。“电力监管条例”、“新电价管理办法”和煤电价格联动,都为电力市场化改革提供了新的条件和动力,而市场利益调整反映出的诸多问题集中在一点,就是设计中的理想市场怎样与复杂的市场现实相结合,怎样走出一条符合国情和区域经济发展需要的电力市场建设之路。显然,公平、高效、多元、多赢,应是区域电力市场建设的题中之意。目前,东北电力市场已完成了2005年竞价并进行了3次月度竞价;华东电力市场也已开展了12次月度模拟运行;南方电力市场建设在稳步推进;华中电力市场也将于今年底全面启动。本栏介绍了各大区域市场建设进展的成果,供读者参阅。  相似文献   

2005年时间过半,几大区域的电力市场建设取得了显著的进展。“电力监管条例”、“新电价管理办法”和煤电价格联动,都为电力市场化改革提供了新的条件和动力,而市场利益调整反映出的诸多问题集中在一点,就是设计中的理想市场怎样与复杂的市场现实相结合,怎样走出一条符合国情和区域经济发展需要的电力市场建设之路。显然,公平、高效、多元、多赢,应是区域电力市场建设的题中之意。目前,东北电力市场已完成了2005年竞价并进行了3次月度竞价;华东电力市场也已开展了12次月度模拟运行;南方电力市场建设在稳步推进;华中电力市场也将于今年底全面启动。本栏介绍了各大区域市场建设进展的成果,供读者参阅。  相似文献   

2005年时间过半,几大区域的电力市场建设取得了显著的进展。“电力监管条例”、“新电价管理办法”和煤电价格联动,都为电力市场化改革提供了新的条件和动力,而市场利益调整反映出的诸多问题集中在一点,就是设计中的理想市场怎样与复杂的市场现实相结合,怎样走出一条符合国情和区域经济发展需要的电力市场建设之路。显然,公平、高效、多元、多赢,应是区域电力市场建设的题中之意。目前,东北电力市场已完成了2005年竞价并进行了3次月度竞价;华东电力市场也已开展了12次月度模拟运行;南方电力市场建设在稳步推进;华中电力市场也将于今年底全面启动。本栏介绍了各大区域市场建设进展的成果,供读者参阅。  相似文献   

2005年时间过半,几大区域的电力市场建设取得了显著的进展。“电力监管条例”、“新电价管理办法”和煤电价格联动,都为电力市场化改革提供了新的条件和动力,而市场利益调整反映出的诸多问题集中在一点,就是设计中的理想市场怎样与复杂的市场现实相结合,怎样走出一条符合国情和区域经济发展需要的电力市场建设之路。显然,公平、高效、多元、多赢,应是区域电力市场建设的题中之意。目前,东北电力市场已完成了2005年竞价并进行了3次月度竞价;华东电力市场也已开展了12次月度模拟运行;南方电力市场建设在稳步推进;华中电力市场也将于今年底全面启动。本栏介绍了各大区域市场建设进展的成果,供读者参阅。  相似文献   

综述了国内外顺丁烯二酸酐生产技术现状和进展,分析了国内外市场供需情况,预测了市场发展趋势。随着顺酐市场竞争激烈,建议慎重新增顺酐产能,改进苯氧化法生产技术,研发适于焦化苯精制后氧化的催化剂,加快研发顺酐加氢技术,积极开拓顺酐应用市场。  相似文献   

建筑市场准入制度的建立和完善,关系到建筑业健康持续的发展和社会公众的利益。文章通过对澳大利亚等国家建设工程专业人员注册管理和市场准入制度的研究,从注册管理和市场准入的目的和两者的关系、注册管理机构的性质和工作、政府和行业协会的角色和作用等方面进行了分析,归纳了这些国家在注册管理和市场准入领域内的若干习惯做法,以资我国建筑市场准入制度完善的参考。  相似文献   

列举了煤炭市场预测的几种方法,并进行了横向对比,为煤炭市场预测的相关研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the functional relationship between profitability and market share for type of businesses in the PIMS data base. Although a linear relationship has been imposed in other studies, our result shows that empirically it seems a poor representation of the data. In addition, three observations seem to be most evident. First, small-share businesses were not per se less successful than larger business units. In the service market and the market for raw or semi-finished materials small-share businesses were just as profitable or even more profitable than larger business units. Second, some businesses were ‘stuck in the middle’, which was most evident in the service market but also in the retail and wholesale markets. Third, very large-share businesses were often less profitable. A critical market share was identified as between 65 and 70 percent. Beyond that level the ROI decreased.  相似文献   

The designation of local duopoly mar ket structure for the American cellular telephone industry offers an unusual opportunity to observe the relationship of duopoly and market performance. A study of the first 28 markets to offer cellular service in the United States found that forms of competitive behav iour were evident in every market, but the intensity of competition varied widely. In nearly every market, prices declined during the six-year period. Although duopoly appears to have facil itated price competition, the wide vari ation in performance from market to market indicates that factors other than market structure strongly influence the behaviour of the firm.  相似文献   

从我国经济景气状况,财政货币政策和产业政策等方面对硫磺市场的外部经济环境形势进行了分析,重点从市场供需、产业链方面就2010-2011年硫磺市场运行状况进行了研究。文章认为,我国对进口硫磺的依存度很高但无议价话语权,化肥产业结构以及出口政策的调整使得化肥产量增速下降,硫磺的需求相应减少,预计2011年下半年国内硫磺市场仍将处在僵持阶段。  相似文献   

The opening of Chile's telecommunications infrastructure to private and foreign investment has led to a rapid modernization of the network and to improvements in universal service. In 1994 all remaining regulatory entry barriers to the local, long-distance and international markets were removed for both service providers and network operators. Full digitization of switches and specific characteristics of the Chilean network structure have led to fierce price competition in the market. In spite of the small market size the strategic behaviour of the main market players is unlikely to succeed. As a result the market is likely to remain highly competitive. While the liberalization process has so far spurred the universal service goal, further improvements will mainly depend on whether entry takes place in the local market.  相似文献   

A substantial body of existing research has linked firm performance to the acquisition and use of customer, competitor, and other market information. This paper examines the impact on new venture performance of formal processes for market information collection and use. This study hypothesizes that new venture performance will be an increasing function of both market information and use. Two moderator hypotheses are also tested. In particular, it is expected that the impact of formal market information processes will be greater in market‐driven new ventures than in technology‐driven new ventures. These hypotheses were tested using data collected from 222 Chinese new ventures. The empirical analysis confirms the positive role of formal processes in new venture performance. However, the analysis does not support the moderator hypotheses. This study finds that (1) formal processes for information acquisition are equally important in technology‐driven and market‐driven firms and (2) formal processes for information use have a greater impact on new venture performance in technology‐driven firms than in market‐driven firms.  相似文献   

介绍了低等规聚丙烯的产品性质及其广阔的市场应用前景,并对其生产工艺做了重点描述,分析了在已有的间歇式小本体聚丙烯生产装置上改造生产低等规聚丙烯的经济性。结论是低等规聚丙烯产品具有广阔的市场应用前景,在已有的间歇式聚丙烯生产装置上进行改造生产经济效益良好。  相似文献   

This paper examines concerned market innovations i.e. new market configurations which integrate non-economic values and collective concerns. We focus on a specific example of concerned market innovation: the evolution over a ten-year period of a cell phone take-back scheme in a single European country. Adopting a practical constructivist perspective, we note that in the case of concerned market innovation, market configurations are shaped by non-economic values and collective concerns and that, in turn, non-economic values and collective concerns are shaped by market configurations. The analysis of market practices integrating, and at the same time, performing values and concerns, leads us to the conceptualization of a theoretical model which shows that one of the difficulties of realizing concerned market innovations resides in the distinction between market and society.  相似文献   

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