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社会资本与农民工职业搜寻   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张智勇 《财经科学》2005,(1):118-123
农村剩余劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移,是中国工业化和现代化的必然趋势.社会学、人口学、劳动经济学和发展经济学从各自的角度对目前农民工问题进行了研究.本文借助社会资本这一概念,在职业搜寻理论的基础上提出了预期最优工资水平不变的假说,说明了社会资本在促进农民工就业方面的作用及局限.  相似文献   

In this article we present and estimate a synthesis of previous equilibrium search models, allowing for continuous distributions of workers' opportunity costs of employment as well as firms' productivities. The model allows for on-the-job search, and we assume that job offer arrival rates for workers are independent of their labor-market state. We derive the theoretical implications of these assumptions, we provide simulations, and we develop a semiparametric estimation procedure that we apply to a dataset of individual labor-market histories.  相似文献   

Holdups and Efficiency with Search Frictions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A natural holdup problem arises in a market with search frictions: Firms have to make a range of investments before finding their employees, and larger investments translate into higher wages. In particular, when wages are determined by ex post bargaining, the equilibrium is always inefficient: Recognizing that capital-intensive production relations have to pay higher wages, firms reduce their investments. This can only be prevented by removing all the bargaining power from the workers, but this, in turn, depresses wages below their social product and creates excessive entry of firms. In contrast to this benchmark, we show that efficiency is achieved when firms post wages and workers can direct their search toward more attractive offers. This efficiency result generalizes to an environment with imperfect information where workers only observe a few of the equilibrium wage offers. We show that the underlying reason for efficiency is not wage posting per se, but the ability of workers to direct their search toward more capital-intensive jobs.  相似文献   

This paper studies the allocative efficiency in a Moscarini (2005)-type equilibrium search environment with learning. It is shown that the stationary equilibrium is efficient if and only if the Hosios condition holds no matter whether learning is about firm-specific human capital or about general human capital. However, the stationary equilibrium can never be efficient if externalities exist from unemployment. In contrast, even with externalities, the stationary equilibrium can be efficient under some modified Hosios condition if there is no uncertainty (standard Mortensen and Pissarides (1994)-type equilibrium search environment). The key intuition is that the equilibrium can only be efficient if firm-worker matching is formed and terminated efficiently.  相似文献   

信息态是广义虚拟经济理论体系中的重要概念,在在线社交网络快速发展的今天展现出强大的生命力。本文在广义虚拟经济二元价值容介态的概念框架下,对在线社交网络上信息态传播的理论模型进行了研究,构建了UPNL模型并进行了数值模拟实验和模型参数的敏感性分析。实验结果表明,信息态本身的态度倾向性对信息态传播过程具有较大的影响,而友邻的态度是决定个体是否转变态度的决定性因素。本文的研究成果进一步丰富了信息态的研究视角,为进一步推动广义虚拟经济研究提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

We study the role of ethnic networks in migrants’ job search and the quality of jobs they find in the first years of settlement. We find that there are initial downward movements along the occupational ladder, followed by improvements. As a result of restrictions in welfare eligibility since 1997, we study whether this increases the probability that new migrants accept ‘bad jobs’ quickly and then move onto better jobs over time. Holding employability constant, our results support this view. However, accounting for their higher employability, new migrants seem to fare better up to 1.5 years after settlement.  相似文献   

This analysis uses the only existing large-scale longitudinal survey of Indigenous Australians to examine the effects of job search behaviour over an 18-month period starting from March 1996. Job search methods were not generally related to the probability of finding and retaining employment when a range of other personal and regional factors are taken into account. Search intensity (as measured by the number of jobs applied for) had a significant effect on the prospect of finding employment, but was unrelated to the probability of job retention.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the use of internet job search (IJS) on individual wages. The data utilized in the study are obtained from the Internet and Computer Use Dictionary in the Current Population Survey of September 2001 and October 2003. An Oaxaca Decomposition is used to examine the extent to which wage differences are influenced by IJS. The results show that accessibility to the internet is a crucial factor in the decision of an individual to utilize the internet for job search activities. However, no clear evidence exists that IJS increases individual wages. Additionally, the study also demonstrates that IJS is subject to self-selection bias. Thus, failure to control for self-selection bias results in a very serious bias in estimation.  相似文献   

Selective search where unemployed job losers confine their job seeking efforts to matches in the pre-separation sector has attracted consid erable attention as a possible source of high and persistent unemployment. However, this idea is questionable. Those opting for selection may do so because this strategy is more effective at gener ating an acceptable offer. Using UK microdata I find evidence in support of the latter view. Selective searchers cannot account for the persistence of high unemployment since the early 1980s  相似文献   

不同网络分工组织的效率比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社会分工和企业分工是劳动分工的两种基本形式。然而,自20世纪70年代以来,一种新的劳动分工形式即企业网络分工悄然出现,网络分工组织及其具体形式的变迁备受关注。所谓"企业网络分工",即若干家企业在一定空间范围或产业领域(产业内部或产业之间),以某种或几种联系方式组成相互依赖的企业簇群,进而合作生产某种最终产品的劳动分工形式。企业网络分工有其自身的显著特征。主要表现为:与企业分工相比,它由多个企业共同完成一个生产过程,生产出最终产品;而企业分工则是在企业内部完成一个生产过程,生产出最终产品。  相似文献   

社会工作在中国未来发展的前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对中国社会工作历史的回逆性的认识,着重对中国社会工作的助力与阻力的实现性的追踪分析,以期对中国社会工作做出前瞻分析。  相似文献   

This paper examines integrated effects of firm heterogeneity and communication network services on international trade. Patterns and effects of trade are analyzed in a general equilibrium model where firms with different productivity levels share among them the cost of network services and compete in a monopolistically competitive market for a differentiated good. The paper reveals that the more efficient country in the production of the differentiated good is not always the net exporter of the good. The less efficient country also has the chance to expand the industry and then to become the net exporter in this intra‐industry trade due to the combination of the efficiency effect induced by firm heterogeneity and the cost‐sharing effect by the existence of the network service industry.  相似文献   


Policy implementation calls for efficiency. But because policy concerns range over broad social and political-economic areas, the efficient pursuit of one particular goal may conflict with the realization of some other, equally important social interest. Hence, efficiency for its own sake cannot be a policy goal. Giving special attention to the development process, the paper discusses the problems and contradictions that arise when policymakers working in a framework of neoclassical economic theory attempt to deal with issues of equity, stabilization, markets and trade. Starting with the limitations of market efficiency when conventional requirements of social welfare as well as social and environmental sustainability are taken into account, it is argued that a more meaningful concept of social efficiency can be obtained with the help of the human development indicators elaborated by the United Nations Development Program, augmented by the sustainability indicators developed by the European Union and others during the last decade.  相似文献   

Economic implications of social networks are of great importance and economic motives may well play crucial roles in network formation and dissipation. Although historically speaking the mainstream economics' attention to the subject had rather been limited, in the previous couple of decades, the economics discipline developed its own branch of social network analysis and incorporated in their analysis individuals' networking decisions based on a standard Beckerian cost-benefit calculus. In understanding the scope of this new branch in economics discipline to incorporate social dimensions of the economy, this article aims to bring a Bourdieusian critique toward this approach, given that Bourdieu had been critical to a Beckerian cost-benefit reductionism in decision-making and had himself developed his own approach to social relations.  相似文献   

We formulate dynamic games which give a rationale to the firm size–wage effect that the sheer firm size increases wages. We postulate that past wages of large firms are known to new employees, while those of small firms are not. Large firms can credibly induce workers to expect high future wages and reduce turnover, while small firms have no choice but to be myopic and pay low wages. The equilibrium wage differential obtains under the same worker characteristics and production function. We provide empirical evidence that workers' expectations depend on firm size and affect wages as predicted by our model.  相似文献   

This paper studies decentralized exchange by bilateral matching and bargaining when resale is possible. Decentralized exchange involves the risk that goods and services may be allocated inefficiently; if low-valuation buyers consume while high-valuation buyers do not, then social welfare is reduced. If resale is possible and transaction costs are negligible, we would nevertheless expect an efficient allocation to result from decentralized exchange. This paper suggests that this depends on the nature of the commodity; while the allocation of a durable good will be efficient, the allocation of a "consumable" good need not.  相似文献   

We present a model in which purely monetary inflation systematically affects efficiency, welfare, and relative prices. The model focuses on the microeconomics of trade in search markets under inflation. Inflation, by increasing the cost of holding money, undermines the market's ability to sustain long‐term customer relationships. Because those relationships generate the most efficient transactions patterns, overall welfare unambiguously declines.  相似文献   

党的十七大报告中提出了我国摆脱贫困、加快实现现代化、巩固和发展社会主义的十大“宝贵经验”,其中“把提高效率同促进社会公平结合起来”是宝贵经验之一。正确认识和处理好效率和公平的关系问题,是党中央和全国人民所关注的一个重要的理论和实际问题。它是中国特色社会主义理论体系中有关怎样发展社会主义经济、怎样正确对待和处理人民群众自身利益的原则性问题。  相似文献   

环境污染信息披露作为环境管制措施已受到我国政府高度重视。由污染者还是第三方负责环境污染信息披露,其社会效率存在重要差异。文章利用污染者与受污者之间信息不对称的行为选择模型,基于污染者付费原则的环境污染信息披露社会效率研究表明:少数情况下由污染者负责环境污染信息披露可以将污染外部性内在化,但大多数情况下只有第三方负责环境污染信息披露才具有社会效率。  相似文献   

论效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
效率,存在于一切运动领域,但只有人才能主动地认识和提高效率。管理,作为人的操作方式,其核心就是为了提高效率。效率是一个复杂的多维的立体的动态的“全息”概念,效率原则,就是在实际生活中,严格地以追求高效率为目标,一切行动以高效率作为衡量的标准。效率原则的实现需要进行效率革命。效率革命的成果表现为效率文明。但真正要进行效率革命,创造效率文明,必须用科学的方法,把提高效率作为一项系统工程。  相似文献   

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