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冯克 《中外企业家》2014,(7):199-200
文章从科技查新的概念出发,详细介绍了我国科技查新工作的几个主要发展阶段,接着论述了科技查新工作的两点重要作用,最后深入系统的阐述了当前形势下我国科技查新工作的发展现状及存在的主要问题,并对我国的科技查新工作提出了理顺查新工作管理体制、规范查新业务工作等一些理性的思考。  相似文献   

科技查新工作的评价往往局限于查新数量等单方面因素,不能科学、全面的反应科技查新工作的实际情况。文章介绍了平衡计分卡理论并将其应用于科技查新工作指标评价,以平衡计分卡为基础,结合科技查新工作特点,构建了一个包括价值与目标、客户与评价、流程与标准、学习与成长四个维度的科技查新个人工作评价指标体系。  相似文献   

文章阐述了科技查新在“柳州创造”中的作用,探讨了进一步加强科技查新工作的新举措。  相似文献   

文章对科技查新工作进行了重新认识,分析了科技查新在山东省被动弱化的一些原因,并对全国科技查新现状做了简单分析,指出在新旧动能转换的前提下,如何使查新工作再上一个台阶,如何更好的为新旧动能转换做出贡献提出了一些建议及对策;同时,从自身做起,拓展查新知识、制订查新规范及流程,丰富查新报告等做了深入分析。  相似文献   

本文总结我国科技查新咨询业的发展进程,分析了科技查新工作的重要作用和我国科技查新咨询业当前存在的问题,论述了提高科技查新工作质量的建议与对策。  相似文献   

科技查新在中国的发展已经有20多年的历史了,随着改革开放的不断延伸和科学技术的不断研究开发,查新工作也越来越受到重视。查新工作在人们日常生活中似乎并不重要,但随着社会民众对专利申请的数量急剧增长,查新也开始进入到人们的生活领域。文章就查新程序的社会价值进行了具体的阐述。  相似文献   

科技查新在中国的发展已经有20多年的历史了,随着改革开放的不断延伸和科学技术的不断研究开发,查新工作也越来越受到重视.查新工作在人们日常生活中似乎并不重要,但随着社会民众对专利申请的数量急剧增长,查新也开始进入到人们的生活领域.文章就查新程序的社会价值进行了具体的阐述.  相似文献   

科技查新是有针对性的对文献内容或者课题对象进行检索的一项工作,通过该方式可以有效的提升查新报告的准确性和有效性,并提高其法律效益。不过目前的科技查新检索工作还存在着一些问题,为此需要对其予以研究,进而采取有效的优化措施,提高科技查新检索工作的综合质量。  相似文献   

科技查新机构可持续发展的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、科技查新机构的历史沿革 科技查新(以下简称"查新")是在我国科技体制改革进程中萌生并发展起来的一项情报咨询工作.20世纪80年代后期,各级科研管理部门为了提高科研立项、成果鉴定与奖励的严肃性、公正性、准确性和权威性,采取了不少措施,制定了一系列管理办法和规定.其中,为了避免科研课题重复立项和客观正确地判别科技成果的新颖性而设立了查新咨询工作.  相似文献   

针对目前科技情报检索查新部门检索查新业务管理的低效率,提出采用微软公司的.NET架构,建立基于ASP.NET技术的科技查新网上委托及管理系统,以便更好地实现科技检索查新流程和查新资料、档案的信息化管理。  相似文献   

Insights from 50 years of industrial research and consulting projects were synthesized into a set of themes pertaining to the measurement of job attitudes. The themes include the importance of developing instruments using vocabulary and style familiar to respondents; of programmatic research in developing and validating measures; of paying attention to anomalies and discontinuities in data; and of integrating research results into science and practice. The authors develop recommendations concerning obtaining useful field experience and fostering a scientific environment that respects and encourages efforts to improve psychological measurement.  相似文献   

李宝刚 《价值工程》2012,31(3):150-151
随着建设创新型国家战略的稳步推进,高校科研工作队伍正在迅速壮大,科研资金投入也在快速增长,科研成果在规模和层次上呈现出前所未有的良好发展态势。但是科研人员重视科研成果的申报、发表与获奖,轻视科研档案积累的情况普遍存在。这一现象严重制约了高校科研工作的可持续发展。本文在分析高校科技管理工作中档案归档方面存在问题的基础上提出了相应对策,以期引起高校科技工作者的重视,从而推动高校科研的可持续发展。  相似文献   

《Labour economics》1999,6(2):147-178
We provide an empirical analysis of the Social Security disability application, award, and appeal process using the Health and Retirement Survey (HRS). We show that the appeal option increases the award probability from 46% to 73%. However, this comes at the cost of significant delays: the duration between application and award is over three times longer for those who are awarded benefits after one or more stages of appeal. Our results reveal the importance of self-selection in application and appeal decisions. In particular, an individual's self-assessed disability status emerges as one of the most powerful predictors of application, appeal, and award decisions.  相似文献   

【摘要】文章从“马太效应”得到启示,提出了“马太效应”是构建科研奖励制度的理论基础,运行良好的科研奖励制度应具有准确性、及时性、适度性等基本特征,并在此基础上分析了现有的奖励制度的弊端,并提出了相关措施。  相似文献   

张玉红 《价值工程》2011,30(22):78-78
本文阐述了"云浮国际石材产业园"以科学发展观为理念统领工程咨询工作,以适应长远经济发展为核心,推动工程咨询行业发展,提出了促进建设项目协调与可持续发展的方法和经验,供参考.  相似文献   

通过对高校科研统一信息系统构建的目标模式、系统设计原则和软硬件应用技术的分析,提出了高校科研统一信息系统创新的系统设计和应用模式,建立了一体化的、具有互动功能的高校科研统一信息系统,解决了科研信息不畅和科研管理信息化等问题。  相似文献   

文章针对大规模集成电路设计中所遇到的跨时钟域的数据传输这一问题,根据多年工作积累总结的解决方案,并对其中几种常用方法进行了分析,提出了各自的优缺点和适用范围。这对科研和工程应用方面有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Considering the growing volume of scientific literature, techniques that enable automatic detection of informational entities existing in scientific research articles may contribute to the extension of scientific knowledge and practical usages. Although there have been several efforts to extract informative entities from patent and biomedical research articles, there are few attempts in other scientific literatures. In this paper, we introduce an automatic semantic annotation framework for research articles based on entity recognition techniques. Our approach includes tag set modeling for semantic annotation, semi-automatic annotation tool, manual annotation for training data preparation, and supervised machine learning to develop entity type recognition module. For experiments, we choose two different domains, such as information and communication technology and chemical engineering due to their high usages. In addition, we provide three application scenarios of how our annotation framework can be used and extended further. It is to guide potential researchers who are willing to link their own contents with external data.  相似文献   


In this article, we conduct an empirical study of administrative innovation in the Canadian public sector by examining applications to the Innovative Management Award of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC). After a review of the literature on innovation in the public sector and of the history of this award, we come to the conclusion that the relationship between innovation and environment has been studied only sparingly, which explains the focus of our research and our hypotheses. Through an analysis of award applications over 21 years, and of award finalists and winners, we demonstrate that such environmental variables as strength of the economy, size of the civil service, deficits, unemployment rate, investment in R&D, and type of government have important consequences for administrative innovation in the public sector. We also suggest some implications of our findings for future research on this subject.  相似文献   


This paper explores the role of large private sector consulting firms in the promotion and implementation of public sector accrual accounting. By focusing on an early adopter of accrual accounting for its entire public sector, this research presents an analysis of the activities of large consulting firms in the process of a significant public sector accounting change. The role of consultants in the change is presented by analysing primary data extracted from archival sources and oral histories provided by a number of prominent actors classified as users of information (politicians), producers of information (bureaucrats) or accounting consultants. The role and impact of the consulting firms' actions can be better understood by applying concepts of non-coercive isomorphism and the interplay between self-interest and perceived public interest. The consulting firms are shown to have used phantom images to promote the case for accounting change. This was done with a zealous belief that bringing public sector accounting into line with private sector accounting was an inherently righteous objective.  相似文献   

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