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土地资源合理利用评价研究综述   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
对国内外土地资源合理利用评价、指标体系建立等方面的研究进展进行了综述,并对不同评价方法和不同评价指标体系的优缺点进行了分析,提出了未来土地资源合理利用评价的发展方向、评价指标的构建思路以及不同尺度的指标转换和指标量化方法.  相似文献   

针对三峡库区的特殊地理位置,采用土地资源学、资源经济学、系统工程学、农业生态学、城市规划学和发展战略学等基本原理为指导,系统分析了库区建设中土地资源的现状、优势和劣势,研究了土地资源开发利用中存在的问题,探索不断提高土地生产力途径,结合国内外保护土地资源的经验,提出了国地制宜挖掘土地生产潜力的有力措施。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲土地资源可持续利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在结合珠江三角洲地区经济发展特点对其城市化和工业化中所出现的土地利用问题进行深入分析的基础上,从经济发展模式、土地利用主体行为因素、制度因素、市场因素等方面对珠江三角洲地区土地资源的非持续利用现状进行了原因剖析,并从土地资源可持续利用的动力机制出发,进一步探讨了珠江三角洲地区土地资源可持续利用的调控思路和调控策略。  相似文献   

试论区域土地资源持续利用中的协调性问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本在对土地资源持续利用问题研究的基础上,重点探讨了区域土地资源持续利用中的协调性问题,中阐明了土地资源持续利用协调性的概念和内涵,分析了当前区域土地资源利用实践中在协调性上存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了区域土地资源持续利用协调性评价指标的指示因素,同时将其应用于辽宁省抚顺市案例研究。  相似文献   

我国土地资源合理利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国人口众多、土地资源紧缺、开发利用效益低、浪费与破坏现象严重,提出今后合理利用土地资源的指导思想、基本原则及其主要途径,以及土地资源合理利用的方向与区域布局.  相似文献   

广西农用地结构、特征及合理利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了广西农用土地利用结构;讨论了农用地的4个基本特征:人均耕地面积少,农业后备资源不足;利用不充分,低产面积比重大;利用不合理,生态环境受破坏;资源优势没有得到充分发挥;进行了资源比较优势分析,提出了合理开发利用的基本途径:一是因地制宜调整农用地结构;二是发挥资源优势,大力发展亚热带特色农业;三是努力提高农用地经营效益;四是加强资源利用的生态保护。  相似文献   

在掌握最张店区土地利用现状的基础上,对该区土地利用存在的问题进行了分析与综合,并就实现张店区土地资源可持续利用的对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

北方海淀区土地资源及其合理利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从分析海淀区土地利用的自然条件和社会经济条件着手。论述了海淀区土地资源利用现状和当前土地资源利用中存在的问题,提出了合理利用土地资源的途径。  相似文献   

从云南省沙江流域的热区土地资源现状出发,揭示了土地可持续利用中存在的主要问题,即生态环境继续恶化、水土流失严重;不合理的土地开发利用及耕作,加剧水土流失和土地退化;劳动者素质低下,环境及土地保护意识薄弱,提出了区域热区土地资源可持续利用的建议,即加强生态建设及环境治理工作;兼顾生态、经济效益、走生态农业的道路;加强科技推广力度、提高农村劳动者素质;建设基本农田、搞好水利设施建设;用地养地、培肥地力  相似文献   

农业是农场可持续发展的核心和关键,土地资源作为重要的农业资源,是农业发展的基础。本文从农业资源角度出发,探讨了土地资源可持续发展面临的农业资源问题,提出了可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

我国东部地区县域城乡统筹发展 模式典型案例探究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
改革开放30年来,我国县和县级市的产业竞争力、经济实力不断增强,医疗、教育、住房、就业保障体系初步建立,特别是县域城乡一体化发展的态势初步形成。但在看到取得的成就的同时,也应看到,我国县域经济社会发展水平还存在巨大的差异,县域内部的经济社会发展还存在严重不平衡,与城乡统筹发展的要求差距较大。文章以东部地区3个典型县为研究案例,通过定量分析和评价,提出了今后东部地区县域经济城乡统筹发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

我国市民农园在经济发展和互联网应用的影响下快速发展。文章通过整理国内外市民农园发展现状,分析了我国市民农园的实用型、社区支持型及观赏型等不同经营方式及其特点,并提出了明确市场定位、发展特色品牌,建立互联网大数据、为市民农园发展提供数据支持,建立专业技术平台、为市民农园提供技术支持,改善农业金融服务、为市民农园提供资金支持等对策措施,以期为我国市民农园的健康快速发展提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Over the last few decades increasing concern has been voiced regarding the detrimental effect which many modern farming practices are thought to have on the countryside. The Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Scheme is one response to this concern and seeks to support those agricultural practices which have contributed to the distinctive agricultural landscape, which for many people typifies the British countryside. This paper uses the contingent valuation method to estimate the benefits which the general public receives from the ESA scheme in the South Downs and sets them against the estimated net exchequer costs of the scheme. The study illustrates the importance of including passive use values in benefit-cost analysis, if environmental protection is to be provided in certain marginal areas.  相似文献   

川西北森林资源破坏性采伐使生态环境问题严重,制约了经济发展。提出了实施生态建设工程、建设生态农业、发展生态旅游等川西北林业可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

This note presents a framework for examining certain aspects of the interactions between the food processing and distribution sectors in the UK. Both these components of the food industry are characterised by a high and increasing degree of structural concentration such that they have potential market power, and their behavioural interdependence may have implications for economic performance. Indeed, in recognition of this, official enquiries (Monopolies and Mergers Commission (1981) and Office of Fair Trading (1985)) have been conducted into competition in the food retailing sector. Whilst these reports have suggested that increasing structural concentration in the food industry has not been detrimental to the performance goals of economy (price competition), efficiency (resource allocation) and progress (variety, quality, new products), they have stressed the desirability of the continued monitoring of competition.  相似文献   

The relative importance of Italian agriculture in the EC, both in terms of net value added and of employment, has never been matched by a comparable impact on the CAP policymaking process. Mediterranean agricultural products in particular have been less favoured by the overwhelming common policy instrument of product price support, which has also a negative impact on the economy as a whole. The most relevant effects of the CAP are reviewed: the impact on resource allocation, including international income transfers, and the effects on the environment, as well as the effects on interpersonal income distribution. An evaluation of CAP is then made from different points of view: the likely perspective of present Italian farmers, a national perspective and an overall perspective, including the interests of non EC countries and future generations. Lower and more balanced price support, together with higher concern for structural and environmental policies especially in less favoured areas, are advocated.  相似文献   

山东省相对资源承载力与可持续发展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用相对资源承载力的方法,分析了山东省1978~1998年相对土地资源承载力、相对经济资源承载力和综合承载力及其变化过程,表明,山东人口承载力处于富余状态,经济资源成为山东主要承载资源;1982年以后,山东省的综合承载人口超过实际人口数量,进入相对富余状态。  相似文献   

World prices for agricultural commodities are traditionally unstable, but they were particularly turbulent during the late 1970s and early 1980s. This paper uses available post-War data on individual commodity prices to test whether world price instability is increasing, and to examine its impact on the prices producers receive in developing countries. It is found that the recent turbulence was more a statistical fluke than the beginning of any longer-term increase in market instability. Further, while the variability in world prices has been almost entirely transmitted to developing countries in the dollar value of their export unit values, it has not been fully transmitted to average producer prices. Real exchange rates, domestic marketing arrangements and government intervention have acted to buffer price movements for producers in many developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the production structure of the Australian sawmilling sector over the period 1950-51 to 1984-85 using a translog cost function. The results show that the sawmilling industry is best represented by a production function which does not have any restrictions on functional form. Inputs, including capital, labour, materials and energy, are generally found to substitutable for one another, although the degree of substitutability is small. There have been economies of scale in the Australian sawmilling industry, and technological change has been capital and energy-using, and labour and materials-saving.  相似文献   

This paper considers the proposals put forward by the EC at the GATT Uruguay Round in December 1990. The EC's objective of rebalancing the Common Agricultural Policy in the context of a partial liberalisation of agricultural support on the world cereals market is assessed, as is the choice of base year from which liberalisation would have been initiated. The US's proposal for more significant reduction in agricultural support is also considered. The results show that the EC would not necessarily have benefited from rebalancing, since the effects would have depended on the choice of base period. For example, with 1986 (1988) as the base year, net welfare changes would have been 20 (50) percent higher (lower) with rebalancing, relative to the case without. Not surprisingly, the more substantial liberalisation proposed by the US would have resulted in greater net welfare gains even if rebalancing was conceded by the US.  相似文献   

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