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Global climate change has been identified as the ftrst of the top ten environmental problems in the world,As climate change will have serious effects on the social and economic development and everyday living of people in the world,many of the countries and governments are taking untiring efforts to combat climate change.As one of the important mechanisms of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Kyoto Protocol,Clean DevelopmentMechanism (CDM) has not only provided chance.for developed countries to ftdfill greenhouse emission reduction obligations,but also provided an opportunity for developing countries to combat climate change under the sustainabledevelopment frame.The dual objectives of developed countries' GHG emissions' reduction obligation achievement and developing countries'sustainable development will be achieved under the CDM.As a country with responsibility,China has been positively developing CDM projects and promoting energy saving and emissions reduction during the three years after the Kyoto Protocol came into force,and CDM projects development has always been in the front tank in the world However,as the vast clime within China,notable differences occur in different regions.In order to promote the CDM development in China,it is necessary to have regional CDM capability construction in accor dance with the practicality in different regions.Based on the Slat Analysis of developed CDM projects and current CDM development status in China,problems in the CDM development of China,including the inefficiency in sinall and medium-sized CDM Projects development,over centralization of CDM development scope and especially the differentiated provincial CDM projects developing capability are pointed out in the paper.What's more,reasons forthe problems are analyzed from the leading factors,including policy orient,information asymmetry and weak CDMcapability.In order to promote CDM projects development in China,a new CDM capability construction model is put forward in the paper  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in the market for carbon quotas and countries' commitments to reduce their carbon emission levels. We show that the CDM contributes to an efficient funding of clean technology investments in least developed countries. However, the CDM is not neutral on the global level of carbon emissions as it entices countries to raise their emission caps. The CDM may also make inappropriate the inclusion of any country that takes no emission abatement commitment. It can even make inefficient a country's decision to commit to an emission target. The implications of the presence of non‐additional projects are also analyzed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions scenarios that form the analytical backbone for other contributions to this Special Issue. We first describe the motivation behind this scenario exercise and introduce the main scenario features and characteristics, in both qualitative and quantitative terms. Altogether, we analyze three ‘baseline’ scenarios of different socio-economic and technological developments that are assumed not to include any explicit climate policies. We then impose a range of climate stabilization targets on these baseline scenarios and analyze in detail the feasibility, costs and uncertainties of meeting a range of different climate stabilization targets in accordance with Article 2 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The scenarios were developed by the IIASA Integrated Assessment Modeling Framework that encompasses detailed representations of the principal GHG-emitting sectors—energy, industry, agriculture, and forestry. The main analytical findings from our analysis focus on the implications of salient uncertainties (associated with scenario baselines and stabilization targets), on feasibility and costs of climate stabilization efforts, and on the choice of appropriate portfolios of emissions abatement measures. We further analyze individual technological options with regards to their aggregated cumulative contribution toward emissions mitigation during the 21st century as well as their deployment over time. Our results illustrate that the energy sector will remain by far the largest source of GHG emissions and hence remain the prime target of emissions reduction. Ultimately, this may lead to a complete restructuring of the global energy system. Climate mitigation could also significantly change the relative economics of traditional versus new, more climate friendly products and services. This is especially the case within the energy system, which accounts for the largest share of emissions reductions, but it is also the case in the agriculture and forestry sectors, where emissions reduction and sink enhancement measures are relatively more modest.  相似文献   

Under the Kyoto Protocol, industrialized countries committed to emission reductions may fullfil part of their obligations by implementing emission reduction projects in developing countries. In doing so, they make use of the so-called Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Two important issues surround the implementation of the CDM. First, if the cheapest abatement measures are implemented for CDM projects, developing countries may be left with only more expensive measures when they have to meet their own commitments in the future (the so-called low-hanging fruits (LHF) issue). Second, a choice must be made on the type of baseline against which emission reductions are measured: an absolute baseline or a relative (to output) one (the baseline issue). The purpose of this paper is to study the interactions between these two issues from the point of view of the developing country. Two major results are obtained. First, when possible future commitments for developing countries and irreversibility of abatement measures are taken into account, we show that the industry where CDM projects are implemented enjoys larger profits under an absolute baseline than under a relative one. Second, concerning the LHF problem, the financial compensation required by the developing country for implementing ‘too many’ CDM projects is larger under the relative baseline.  相似文献   

This study discusses an approach to measuring and improving the economic and ecological efficiency of Kyoto Mechanism projects. The approach consists of Global Warming Eco-Efficiency (GWEE), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) & Joint Implementation (JI) Environmental-Efficiency (EE) and CDM & JI Economic-Productivity (EP). The GWEE indicator is based on the ratio of the value added of a system to its global warming influence in order to measure the eco-efficiency of a product in terms of the global warming issue. In addition, CDM & JI EE and CDM & JI EP are proposed to measure the environmental and economic performances of CDM and JI projects, respectively. While EE is defined as the ratio of the Certified Emission Reductions (CER) obtained from a CDM project or Emission Reduction Unit (ERU) from a JI project to total global warming influence relevant to the CDM or JI implemented, EP is defined as the ratio of the total of CER profit (and ERU profit) and the sales revenue to the costs of the CDM (and JI) implemented. Then, the feasibility of these indicators is examined through a case study for the power generations in the field of alternative energy.  相似文献   

The Kyoto Protocol sets national quotas on GHG emissions and allows international trade of these quotas. Taking terms-of-trade effects into account, we argue that this trade is characterized by asymmetric, identity-dependent externalities, and show that bilateral trade of permits may not be sufficient for an efficient allocation of emissions. We derive conditions under which bilateral trade does improve the allocation of permits. The conditions are strong. In this sense, we argue that, for emissions permits, market design matters.  相似文献   

《京都议定书》第12条“清洁发展机制(CDM)”规定,发达国家可以帮助发展中国家实施减排项目,并为自身的可持续发展服务。CDM宣告一个巨大的全球碳排放权交易市场已形成。这对于从事新能源、节能等行业的企业是一个巨大的商机。文章通过分析云南省CDM项目在销售谈判中存在的问题,提出了加强云南省CDM项目国际谈判能力的相关建议。  相似文献   

碳税对我国的影响及其政策响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
二氧化碳(CO2)是引起全球气候变化的最重要的温室气体(GHG)之一。温室气体的减排是当前国际社会普遍关注的热点环境问题。碳税常常被认为是成本有效的碳减排政策工具,目前已有一些国家征收碳税或能源税。文章介绍了碳税的理论基础及其在一些国家的征收实践,总结和分析了国内外一些学者关于实施碳税对温室气体减排、对经济和能源系统的影响的研究结果,并在此基础上讨论了我国对碳税制度的政策响应和对策。  相似文献   

The paper deals with the diffusion of GHG mitigation technologies in developing countries. We develop a model where an abatement technology is progressively adopted by firms and we use it to compare the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) with a standard Cap and Trade scheme (C&T). In the presence of learning spillovers, we show that the CDM yields a higher social welfare than C&T if the first adopter receives CDM credits whereas the followers do not. The analysis leads us to suggest two CDM design improvements: relaxing the additionality constraint for projects which generate significant learning externalities, and allowing collective CDM projects which could internalize learning externalities.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2010,69(12):2930-2937
Many scholars analyze the Kyoto–Copenhagen process, and offer corrective suggestions for identified flaws in the present design. Based on various proposals in the literature, this article adopts a global master-plan perspective, leaving executive architecture to sovereign participants. Transparent, flexible and fair top-down rules must synchronize the numerous bottom-up initiatives while addressing the diversity of national circumstances in the drastic transformation of the world's energy economies.Plan B refutes absolute emission reduction targets on old or speculative baselines. It criticizes global tax and permit trade instruments for being ineffective, inefficient and unfair when uniformly applied on a tremendous differentiated world. Plan B is built on three annually observed variables measuring percentage progress against rolling baselines (the variables' values in the previous year): the ratio of net climate tax revenues to GDP, the commercial energy intensity of GDP, and the carbon intensity of commercial energy use. The three variables together indicate countries' progress affecting emissions per person, a metric that must converge to lower bands when climate change is addressed seriously. Long-term scenarios of global convergence “funnels” serve as guidance to frame near-term actions rich and poor countries individually propose to take. The global regime is common for all countries, and is ranked by GDP per person to determine whether a nation is a donor or a beneficiary in a Global Climate Transfer Fund. Fund payments and drawing rights depend on that ranking but also on the performances of the countries in realizing committed progress. The transparent mechanisms of the design and of the fund persuasively invite countries to participate in a fair, self-enforcing agreement.  相似文献   

To mitigate climate change, states must make significant investments into energy and other sectors. To solve this problem, scholars emphasize the importance of leveraging private capital. If states create institutional mechanisms that promote private investment, they can reduce the fiscal cost of carbon abatement. We examine the ability of different international institutional designs to leverage private capital in the context of the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Empirically, we analyze private capital investment in 3749 climate mitigation projects under the CDM, 2003–2011. Since the CDM allows both bilateral and unilateral implementation, we can compare the two modes of contracting within one context. Our model analyzes equilibrium private investment in climate mitigation. When the cost of mitigation is high, unilateral project implementation in one host country, without foreign collaboration, draws more investment than bilateral contracting, whereby foreign investors participate in the project.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2005,52(4):481-496
The objective of this study is to analyze the economic viability of carbon-offset projects that avoid logging in Guyana's forests. The results of this case study illustrate the cost effectiveness of alternative land-use options that reduce deforestation and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This analysis demonstrates that using Guyana's rainforests for climate change mitigation can generate equivalent revenue to that of conventional large-scale logging without detrimental environmental impacts. At a 12% discount rate, the break-even price for carbon is estimated to be about US$ 0.20/tC. This estimate falls toward the low range of carbon prices for existing carbon offset projects that avoid deforestation.  相似文献   

The new age of trade wars could simultaneously affect the worldwide distribution pattern of the economy and environmental emissions. However, previous studies have focused on economic impacts, and on trade liberalization, while little is known about the equilibrium effects of trade barriers on the environment. Using a global computable general equilibrium model and taking the recent anti-trade policies of the Trump administration as an example, this study investigates the possible socio-economic and environmental effects of trade friction. Specifically, this study explores how the implemented six rounds of China–US trade friction and its different long-term development trends affect regional economic output, GHG and air pollutant emissions. Results show that trade barriers harm both countries’ economies and such losses have a certain permanence, while non-participants can benefit indirectly. Trade friction decreases participants’ GHG emissions, modifies global GHG emission distribution patterns, and leads to improved air quality in most countries. If governments continue to impose tariffs, global GHG emissions could counterfactually decrease by up to 5%. However, the change in trade patterns is not conducive to clean energy development in the less-developed regions, including the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, and emission reductions from trade friction are insufficient to avoid catastrophic climate change.  相似文献   

China joined the Paris Agreement, and the global 2°C and 1.5°C warming targets will be supported by China. In order to achieve these targets, China's CO2 emissions need to be cut deeply by 2050. The present paper presents studies from the integrated policy assessment model for China (IPAC) team about the impact on China's economic development of deep cuts in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in order to realize the Paris climate change targets. With the requirement of deep cuts in GHG emissions in China, China's economic development will also be impacted in moving toward a low‐carbon or zero‐carbon emission‐based economy by 2050. This means the Chinese economy needs a strong transition over the next three decades, a relatively short time. All sectors in the economy need to seek ways to reduce GHG emissions, and this could change activities, industry processes and technologies in order to make the deep cuts in GHG emissions happen. This is the meaning of the economic transition toward to a low‐carbon economy. The findings of the present paper include: a significant transition in the energy supply sector; a high rate of electrification in all end‐use sectors; and a technology transition in the transport sector. Transitions will also occur in the traditional industrial sectors, including steel making, cement manufacture, and the chemical sector. The availability of low‐cost renewable energy could change the allocation of industries, which could potentially have a strong impact on regional economic development. Deep cuts in CO2 emissions in China need not be a burden for economic development, as the IPAC results show there will be a more than 1.5% increase of gross domestic product by 2050 in the deep cut scenario compared with the baseline scenario.  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)是近几年来国际社会的热门话题,本文从走循环经济道路和建立环境友好型社会出发,结合清洁发展机制,从各方面分析了我国可再生能源发电的现状和CDM项目的市场潜力及优势。进而根据目前我国CDM项目的开发情况分别从微观和宏观两个层面提出了一些建议,如选择合适的融资方式、强化政策体系的建设与创新、提高国际谈判能力和建立CDM联系机制等。  相似文献   

Joint Implementation (JI) under the Framework Convention on Climate Change means that countries could partly offset their national abatement commitments by investing in CO2 abatement projects abroad. JI is introduced as a mechanism for achieving a certain global abatement target less costly by separating the commitments from the implementation of measures. This paper studies the design of a JI contract when the investor has incomplete information about the foreign firm which carries out the JI project (the host). Asymmetric information leads to a decrease in the potential cost savings from JI. Furthermore, private information held by the potential host firm could give the firm a significant positive utility of participating in JI projects. The possibility of being a host for a JI project in the future can prevent potential host firms from investing in profitable abatement projects today. The paper analyzes the impact on emissions of CO2 of strategic behavior among potential hosts for JI projects.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2006,56(4):584-598
This paper presents a case study in which the effects of agri-environmental policy on two Mediterranean-type farming systems, grazing dominant and cropping dominant, are contrasted. Two greenhouse gas abatement policies are examined; an emissions taxation policy and an emissions restrictions policy. The study seeks to determine firstly, how the policy impacts on the farming systems, and from that, how the nature of the farming systems impact on the effectiveness of the policy. It is shown that relative costs of abatement are higher for the grazing-dominant farming system. However, in the absence of technological change to aid abatement, the cost of substitution from high emitting enterprises, such as livestock, to low emitting enterprises, such as crop production, will determine the cost of abatement. For both farming systems the restriction policy is found to be more effective and economically efficient than the taxation policy. The analysis found that crediting trees as carbon sinks can significantly reduce the costs of abatement. At predicted emissions permit prices, trees would be adopted by both farming systems to offset farm greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

新兴经济体十六国是重要的发展集团,由“金砖五国”和“新钻十一国”组成,高效低碳的城镇化是其进一步提升在全球经济发展中增量贡献的动力保障。借助EKC模型和STIRPAT模型,分别研究这两个国家集团城镇化发展与碳排放量之间的关系以及城镇化对碳排放的影响。研究结果表明:在二者的关系方面,新兴经济体国家的城镇化水平与碳排放量呈现出微弱的倒“U”型关系,其中,“金砖五国”已经跨过倒“U”型曲线的拐点,而“新钻十一国”则处于拐点前期;在城镇化对碳排放的影响方面,城镇化发展对“新钻十一国”碳排放量的影响大于“金砖五国”;城镇化水平越高的国家,碳排放量越大,但随着工业化水平的提升和产业结构的优化升级,碳排放量逐步降低。  相似文献   

李妍 《经济与管理》2012,26(7):14-19
清洁发展机制(Clean Development Mechanism,CDM)是《京都议定书》建立的三种灵活机制之一,它是一种由条约创制的与发展中国家紧密相连的灵活机制。由于中国CDM项目日渐增加,中国已成为国际CDM卖方市场的主力军。由于国内外有关CDM的法律政策不甚完备,CDM项目买方与中国的项目业主的行为规范往往依赖于双方签订的减排量购买协议(ERPA),因此,作为CDM项目中的核心文件越来越受到国内项目业主的重视。但由于减排量购买协议(ERPA)多由西方发达国家制定,其中更多体现买方的利益,这使得中国项目业主在签订和履行减排量购买协议(ERPA)中面临巨大的法律风险。  相似文献   

This paper suggests that schemes used within developing countries to allocate textile export quota among domestic producers typically have more severe negative effects on developing-country economic performance than the MFA export quotas themselves. We summarize allocation schemes in 16 countries, highlighting common “lock-in” and “rent-dissipation” effects of such schemes. We then use a global general-equilibrium model to evaluate the effects of MFA removal with and without these additional effects. Results indicate that estimates of gains to developing countries from an MFA removal increase sharply when internal quota-allocation schemes are taken into account.  相似文献   

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