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Informal employment continues to exist in parallel with formal employment among the US home-based home care workers and undermines the workers' economic security. This study examines the extent to which the earnings of the US home-based home care workers are affected by informal employment arrangements and state labour policies designed to benefit low-wage home care workers. Using a sample of 1,318 home-based home care workers from the 2017 and 2018 Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey, this study found that (i) informally employed home-based home care workers had a 9% reduction in annual earnings and that (ii) their earnings were not improved by generous state minimum wages and Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights while the earnings of agency employees were. The findings highlight the importance of strong enforcement of labour standards for informally employed home care workers in the United States.  相似文献   

The main goal of our article is to bridge the gap in the regional analysis of informal employment in Poland and in particular to indicate the propensity for informal work in the working-age population, to test if informal activities are typical for marginalized people (less educated, unemployed, older) and to identify the regional and spatial heterogeneity in the propensity. We use data from the ‘Human Capital Balance 2010–2014’ survey. Results indicate a strong relationship between the probability of informal work and age, sex and labour force status. Moreover, a strong spatial dependency can be observed.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of informal care for an elderly or disabled person on labor market outcomes is important for developing policies targeted towards caregivers. However, because of omitted variables bias, simple cross-sectional relationships may provide a misleading picture of the causal impact of informal care provision on labor force status. To address this, I use panel data for the period 2001–2007, which make it possible to track the same individuals over time, and observe how their outcomes alter as their care arrangements change. While caregiving does appear to have a modest negative impact on labor force participation, this impact is only one-quarter to one-sixth as large in the panel as in the cross-section. Taking account of individual heterogeneity, the impact of caregiving on other labor force outcomes (and on life satisfaction) seems to be small or non-existent. Large estimated effects from cross-sectional regressions are most likely driven by individual heterogeneity. One possible interpretation of this result is that the impact of caregiving on labor market outcomes and life satisfaction takes several years to manifest itself. Another is that the causal effect of caregiving on labor force outcomes and life satisfaction is quite small.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines extent to which variances in flexible employment practices across fourteen European countries may be attributed to cultural variances. Data were gathered through a survey of human resource practices in 4,876 companies. The results indicate that national differences between flexible employment practices were explained by cultural differences. Specifically, we find use of part-time work is related to power distance and individualism; contract work is related to uncertainty avoidance and individualism; shift work is related to uncertainty avoidance, power distance and individualism; and telework is related to femininity.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the dynamics in employment and informal care outcomes of women in England. To this end, we develop a dynamic model to describe pathways leading to a negative correlation between informal care and employment in a cross-section. The model allows for different types of caregiving, correlated permanent unobserved heterogeneity and initial sorting. The model is estimated on data from 6 waves of the BHPS 2000–2005. Our findings suggest modest feedback effects. We find a negative effect of co-residential caregiving on future employment and a negative effect of employment on future co-residential and extra-residential caregiving. We also find evidence of positive state-dependence in caregiving although most of the persistence in such activities is related to unobserved heterogeneity rather than state-dependence.  相似文献   

The claim by the European Union (EU) to be both the moderniser and the effective saviour of distinctive European ways of doing things is challenged by this review of the multi‐tiered influence of the EU on change in national models. Competition and macroeconomic policy is argued to be more significant than soft law in reshaping national models and in constraining innovation and change to meet new conditions. Lip service is paid by the EU to different paths of development, but the contradictions and synergies across institutional and policy approaches that underpin the notion of varieties of capitalism go unrecognised. European employment models are seen as primarily contributing to social protection, but the potential role for distinctive models to promote comparative advantage, as under varieties of capitalism analysis, is not on the policy agenda.  相似文献   

The article argues that, of the four major potential mechanisms for integration—the state, tripartite social partnerships, employer and employee organisations and shared values—in Central and Eastern Europe only the trade unions are contributing significantly towards national employment relations convergence. Against a background of imminent European Union accession, incorporation into global production systems, economic growth and gradual improvement in real incomes, four divergent employment relations systems are thus emerging: the state budget, privatised or about to be privatised, private and multinational.  相似文献   

A year-round calendar redistributes schools days around the year. This paper studies how this redistribution of school days, and therefore child care days available through school, affects maternal employment. The presence of year-round calendars in a district could be correlated with other district level attributes that might affect female employment rates. I therefore use a differencing method that compares the influence of district year-round enrollment on the employment rates of women with school-aged children relative to women whose eldest child is pre-school-aged. Unobserved district factors should affect employment rates of women with school-aged and pre-school-aged children similarly, yet only women with school-aged children should be directly impacted by school calendar. I find that redistributing child care days available through school into shorter intervals over time negatively impacts maternal employment. Among those women with school-aged children, those also having pre-school-aged children have the hardest time adjusting to differences in existing availability.  相似文献   

We investigate the direct and long‐run effects of fertility on employment in Europe, estimating dynamic models of labor supply under different assumptions regarding the exogeneity of fertility and modeling assumptions related to initial conditions, unobserved heterogeneity and serial correlation in the error terms. We find overall large direct and long‐run effects of giving birth on employment probabilities, and these effects differ considerably across countries. We find that within countries the results are sensitive to the statistical assumption made on initial conditions, the inclusion of serial correlation and the assumption of strict exogeneity of children. However, the pattern across countries is robust to these assumptions. We show that such patterns are largely consistent with prevailing institutional differences related to the flexibility of the labor markets and family policies. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper unravels the relations between different categories of the informal economy and their spatial distribution in the geographical setting of Brussels. Micro perspectives (households as economic agents) and macro perspectives (the informal economy related to economic recession) are combined in order to deal with categories of informal activities which are homogenous in terms of their spatial logic. In the first part we review several classifications of informal economic activities and assess them in terms of their congruence with the distinctions of economic actors and spatial logic. The second part elaborates on the raisons d’être of three large categories of informal economic activities in relation to urban development and on the production environments of these activities in Brussels: the domestic sector and suburban development; economic recession and survival strategies in the inner city; and, finally, flexibility and informalization in urban light industry. Polanyi’s concept of modes of economic integration (market, redistribution and reciprocity) offers a powerful tool to understand informal economic activities as a set of interrelations between households and other economic actors in order to gain access to their living resources — Ce texte analyse les relations entre différentes catégories d’activités économiques informelles et leur répartition spatiale à Bruxelles. Les perspectives micro (les ménages en tant qu’agents économiques) et macro (l’économie informelle liée à la récession économique) sont combinées pour aboutir à des catégories d’activit’és’économiques informelles homogènes en termes de logique spatiale. Dans une première partie nous considérons plusieurs classifications des activités économiques informelles pour évaluer au niveau théorique leur congruence avec les types d’acteurs et les logiques spatiales. La seconde partie décrit les raisons d’? tre de trois grandes catégories d’activités économiques informelles et les met en relation avec le développement urbain et leurs milieux de production à Bruxelles. On distingue ainsi le secteur domestique liéà la péri-urbanisation, les stratégies de survie liées à la récession dans le centre-ville et la flexibilité et l’informalisation de l’industrie urbaine. Le concept de modes d’intégration économique de Polanyi (échange marchand, redistribution et réciprocité) constitue un outil d’analyse efficace pour comprendre ces activités économiques informelles en tant que combinaisons précises d’interrelations entre ménages et autres acteurs économiques permettant aux premiers d’accéder à leurs moyens d’existence.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between the regulation of employment and the decisions of multinational corporations (MNCs) to invest in Central, Southern and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. Building on La Porta et al.'s work on legal origin, and its assumptions as to the incompatibility of owner and worker rights, the World Bank's Doing Business reports held that countries with stronger protection for worker rights represented poor destinations for investors. However, is it the case that investors are really deterred by employee rights? Our study investigates actual trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) through an analysis of UNCTAD World Investment Reports. We find that the level of individual and collective rights and social security legislation is not significantly associated with FDI.  相似文献   

Few studies have assessed the impact of European Union (EU) integration on the emerging economies of Europe, especially with regard to employment practices. In this study, we focus on three aspects of employment practices and assess whether EU integration has lead to any differences between the emerging economies aligned to the EU and those that remain out of the EU fold. This comparison is quite valid because the emerging economies that we compare have all had a similar background in terms of their economic systems. We use a large World Bank database to compare domestically owned and foreign‐owned firms separately. The results show that, while there is some level of divergence between the two blocs of countries in terms of the percentage of temporary employees and education level of employees, in terms of the percentage of skilled workers employed, however, there is no divergence between firms in the two blocs of countries.  相似文献   

Quality social care requires a quality workforce but the normal route for workforce development, through strong HR policies and good quality employment relationships, has not been promoted by current social care policy. Through a study of one local authority and five of its domiciliary care providers, including public, for‐profit and not‐for‐profit concerns, this article demonstrates that even standard basic employment guarantees may not be available to domiciliary care staff. Much of the responsibility for these conditions is found to lie with the contracting conditions under which the independent providers operate. Employers still provide some basic coordination and protection functions for staff in this highly fragmented sector but future plans for user‐driven care may further weaken the employers' role. Instead policymakers should seek to underpin quality improvement programmes by the creation of conditions in which strong employment relationships are able to be forged.  相似文献   

This article has highlighted some of the specific needs of adult critical care units and the role that both the nurse manager and materiel manager play in today's changing health care system and environment. The key to success in meeting the specific needs of critical care patients lies in open communication and collaboration between the materiel management department and the department of nursing. The challenges are many, yet cooperation and an understanding of one another's needs can do much to create successful relationships within critical care settings and ensure optimal patient safety.  相似文献   

灵活就业是我国需要大力发展的一种就业形式,它对于缓解就业压力具有重要的作用,对于中低层就业群体来说更有着重要的意义.目前灵活就业在数量上得到了一定的发展,但是否能得到内在的可持续性发展还是一个值得关注的问题.本文从中低层灵活就业群体就业意愿和就业环境主客观两方面进行评述,并从两者的整合来探讨灵活就业如何得以持续的发展.  相似文献   

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