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If the Roll critique is important, changes in the variance of the stock market may be only weakly related to changes in aggregate risk and subsequent stock market excess returns. However, since individual stock returns share a common sensitivity to true market return shocks, higher aggregate risk can be revealed by higher correlation between stocks. In addition, a change in stock market variance that leaves aggregate risk unchanged can have a zero or even negative effect on the stock market risk premium. We show that the average correlation between daily stock returns predicts subsequent quarterly stock market excess returns. We also show that changes in stock market risk holding average correlation constant can be interpreted as changes in the average variance of individual stocks. Such changes have a negative relation with future stock market excess returns.  相似文献   

According to the Federal Reserve Board, banking firms have recently been shifting significantly larger portions of their loan portfolios into real estate. This increase in real estate lending has caused concern about the continuing economic health of banks on the part of state and federal regulators, since changes in real estate returns, evidenced by changes in property value, can potentially have a significant impact on bank default risk and profit-ability. However, concerned parties do not seem to have explicitly considered the relationship between mortgage default risk and the specific characteristics of real estate investments.This study examines the sensitivities of stock returns for different bank groups, based on the percentage of total loans in real estate and the percentage of loans in five different mortgage categories (construction and development loans, farmland loans, one- to four-family residential loans, multifamily residential loans, and nonresidential and nonfarm loans), to changes in real estate market returns. This is done by developing and using a three-index model.The results of this study indicate that bank stocks, overall, are very sensitive to changes in real estae returns. Banks, with a larger portion of their total loans invested in all types of real estate loans, except farmland loans, are most sensitive to changes in real estate returns.  相似文献   

We study the spillover of government interventions in the real estate market to the stock market. We find that the more active mutual funds decreased ownership in equities with no short-term reversal. Furthermore, they increased ownership in the finance sector stocks without significant changes to their real estate equity holdings. The interventions affecting the riskiness of the finance sector stocks triggered a larger trading response than the ones focused on the real estate sector stocks’ cash flows. Overall, the spillover of the housing market shocks to the stock market seems to be materialized mostly through the discount rate channel.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that all asset returns are predictable to some extent with excess returns on real estate relatively easier to forecast. This raises the issue of whether we can successfully exploit this level of predictability using various market timing strategies to realize superior performance over a buy-and-hold strategy. We find that the level of predicability associated with real estate leads to moderate success in market timing, although this is not necessarily the case for the other asset classes examined in general. Besides this, real estate stocks typically have higher trading profits and higher mean risk-adjusted excess returns when compared to small stocks as well as large stocks and bonds even though most real estate stocks are small stocks.  相似文献   


We use quarterly data from Greece over the period 1997:1–2015:2 and investigate the dynamic linkages between the price of the real estate market and the price of the stock market focusing on two transmission mechanisms, namely the wealth and credit-price effects. The empirical analysis employs advanced methodological techniques and presents evidence supporting the existence of both the wealth effect and the credit effect in the long-run while in the short-run there is a one-way causal effect running from stock market towards house market. Results reveal asymmetric adjustment to equilibrium process and considerably stronger for positive deviations from the equilibrium.  相似文献   

Serial correlation and seasonality in the real estate market   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this article, a two-step, two-sample method and a Bayesian method are proposed to estimate the serial correlation and the seasonally of the price behavior of the residential housing market. The Bayesian method is found to be superior to the alternative two-step methods. The empirical results based on the Bayesian approach support the rejection of the random-walk hypothesis in the real estate market. Seasonality is not significant; however, there is still a clear indication that the returns associated with seasonal dummies are strongest in the second quarter, with the first quarter following closely.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical support for theoretical models that allow for time-varying rare disaster risk. Using a database of 447 international political crises during the period 1918-2006, we create a crisis index that shows substantial variation over time. Changes in this crisis index, our proxy for changes in perceived disaster probability, have a large impact on both the mean and volatility of world stock market returns. Crisis risk is positively correlated with the earnings-price ratio and the dividend yield. Cross-sectional tests also show that crisis risk is priced: Industries that are more crisis risk sensitive yield higher returns.  相似文献   

We document that capital flows in and out of emerging or developed markets are sensitive to global equity market conditions. Capital tends to move out of emerging into developed countries in global down markets, leading to depreciation (appreciation) of emerging (developed) currencies. This generates a positive (negative) correlation between currency and equity in emerging (developed) markets which is amplified by the magnitude of the capital movement. We also verify that hedging currency risks may undo the natural hedge and increase the total return volatility under negative correlation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the time-varying conditional correlation between oil price and stock market volatility for six major oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. The period of the study runs from January 2000 until December 2014 and a Diag-BEKK model is employed. Our findings report the following regularities. (i) The correlation between the oil and stock market volatilities changes over time fluctuating at both positive and negative values. (ii). Heterogeneous patterns in the time-varying correlations are evident between the oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. (iii) Correlations are responsive to major economic and geopolitical events, such as the early-2000 recession, the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the global financial crisis of 2007–2009. These findings are important for risk management practices, derivative pricing and portfolio rebalancing.  相似文献   

This research examines the causal relationship between several financial variables and a portfolio of real estate returns using monthly data from January 1965 to December 1986. The empirical analysis is based on multivariate Granger-causality tests in conjunction with Akaike's final prediction error criterion. The results indicate that measures approximating monetary policy and market returns play an important role in causing changes in real estate returns. In particular, our findings suggest that base money and market returns have had significant lagged effects on current real estate returns.  相似文献   

The current study investigates whether the commercial real estate market is segmented from the stock market using the framework of Jorion and Schwartz (1986). Evidence is found to support the hypothesis that segmentation does exist as the result of indirect barriers such as the cost, amount, and quality of information for real estate rather than legal constraints. However, this evidence is contingent on whether real estate returns are computed with appraised values or imputed sale prices and on which market proxy is chosen.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether current economic activities in Korea can explain stock market returns by using a cointegration test and a Granger causality test from a vector error correction model. This study finds that the Korean stock market reflects macroeconomic variables on stock price indices. The cointegration test and the vector error correction model illustrate that stock price indices are cointegrated with a set of macroeconomic variables—that is, the production index, exchange rate, trade balance, and money supply—which provides a direct long-run equilibrium relation with each stock price index. However, the stock price indices are not a leading indicator for economic variables, which is inconsistent with the previous findings that the stock market rationally signals changes in real activities.  相似文献   

This study simultaneously analyzes the relation between aggregate stock market returns and cash flows (net purchases of equity) from a broad array of investor groups in the United States over a long period of time from 1952 to 2004. We find strong evidence that quarterly flows are autocorrelated for each of the different investor groups. We further document a significant and positive contemporaneous relation between stock market returns and flows of Mutual Funds and Foreign Investors.  相似文献   

This paper develops and estimates a heteroskedastic variant of Campbell’s [Campbell, J., 1993. Intertemporal asset pricing without consumption data. American Economic Review 83, 487–512] ICAPM, in which risk factors include a stock market return and variables forecasting stock market returns or variance. Our main innovation is the use of a new set of predictive variables, which not only have superior forecasting abilities for stock returns and variance, but also are theoretically motivated. In contrast with the early authors, we find that Campbell’s ICAPM performs significantly better than the CAPM. That is, the additional factors account for a substantial portion of the two CAPM-related anomalies, namely, the value premium and the momentum profit.  相似文献   

This paper analyses relations between stock market returns and mutual fund flows in Korea. A positive relationship exists between stock market returns and mutual fund flows, measured as stock purchases and sales and net trading volumes. In aggregate, mutual funds are negative feedback traders. Standard causality tests suggest that it is predominantly returns that drive flows, while stock sales may contain information about returns. After controlling for declining markets, the results suggest Korean equity fund managers tend to increase stock purchases in times of rising market volatility, possibly disregarding fundamental information, and to sell in times of wide dispersion in investor beliefs.  相似文献   

This paper compares two specifications of the Capital Asset Pricing Model for a sample of German stocks. The specifications generate time-varying first and second moments by conditioning on past information. This explicit modelling of the time series behaviour of risk allows us to characterize the driving factors of variances and covariances of returns. In addition to a variety of diagnostic tests we evaluate the validity of the one-factor restriction in the CAPM. The main findings are that risk is time dependent and very variable and also that more than one factor is needed to fit the data set.  相似文献   

This reseach reexamines the efficiency hypothesis of the real estate market using monthly data and the vector autoregressive (VAR) modelling technique. The tests focus on the causal linkage between real estate returns and a number of relevant financial and economic variables. An eight-by-eight VAR model is estimated using the FPE and the specific gravity criteria, in conjunction with an extensive series of specification tests. The empirical results distilled from system estimations suggest that the real estate market is efficient with respect to available information on the industrial production, the risk premia, the term structure of interest rates, and the monetary base. Movements in these variables are quickly and fully utilized by market agents, perhaps owing to the intensity with which their relationship with stock returns has been discussed in the literature and the popular media. However, the results also suggest the presence of a significant lagged relationship between real estate returns and fiscal policy moves, even when the paths through other potential determinants of these returns are taken into account. Of course, our finding that the fiscal policy measure is useful in predicting stock returns does not necessarily imply that the real estate market is inefficient. At a minimum, inefficiency is revealed only if a careful analysis of the budgetary process can help design a profitable (exploitable) trading strategy.  相似文献   

This paper provides new insight into the relationship between short sales and stock market returns using a sample of stocks sold short in Canada. Short interest is defined in relation to trading volume. The results strongly support the assertion that short sales and excess returns are contemporaneously negatively correlated in Canada. The paper further finds that excess returns are more negative for small firms because the supply of shortable shares is constrained for these firms. Excess returns are less negative for stocks with associated options and convertible bonds. Importantly, the evidence is consistent with the proposition that informed traders short sell Canadian interlisted stocks in Canada, rather than the US, to exploit lower execution costs. Together the results suggest that less restrictive regulation of short sales will improve the efficiency of markets.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first comprehensive study of foreigners' trading in European emerging stock markets, using complete data compiled at the destination. We also compare European results to Asia, to which available evidence is mainly confined. The findings provide new insight on foreigners' trading: in addition to rebalancing, risk appetite and global information are global drivers of net foreign flows. Foreigners' negative-feedback-trade with respect to local returns at longer horizons. They do so with an asymmetry: they sell following increases but do not buy following declines. Net foreign flow persistence decreases with local return volatility.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of market, interest rate, and exchange rate risks in pricing a sample of the US Commercial Bank stocks by developing and estimating a multi-factor model under both unconditional and conditional frameworks. Three different econometric methodologies are used to conduct the estimations and testing. Estimations based on nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression (NLSUR) via GMM approach indicate that interest rate risk is the only priced factor in the unconditional three-factor model. However, based on ‘pricing kernel’ approach by Dumas and Solnik [(1995). J. Finance 50, 445–479], strong evidence of exchange rate risk is found in both large bank and regional bank stocks in the conditional three-factor model with time-varying risk prices. Finally, estimations based on the multivariate GARCH in mean (MGARCH-M) approach where both conditional first and second moments of bank portfolio returns and risk factors are estimated simultaneously show strong evidence of time-varying interest rate and exchange rate risk premia and weak evidence of time-varying world market risk premium for all three bank portfolios, namely those of Money Center bank, Large bank, and Regional bank.  相似文献   

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