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This article contributes to the debate on wage flexibility by estimating the return to skills and performance for a sample of Portuguese retail bankers. If the relevance of skills in the contemporary workplace is unquestionable, their role as the main determinant of earnings is doubtful. The argument of this article is that firms are not adjusting individual wages according to information obtained from on-the-job appraisals subsequent to employment. The banks show a selective approach to rewarding skills and performance, and they still manage as an internal labour market. The idiosyncratic nature of skills may offer a partial explanation for the persistence of this model. However, the evidence points to the presence of hybrid models. While the return to organisational skills reinforces the role of specific skills, the return to cognitive skills suggests that there is competition around general skills in the banking industry.  相似文献   

This paper asks how well the use of quantitative and qualitative variables can improve the assessment of companies' creditworthiness and how this result can be influenced by the economic and financial peculiarities of countries. We harden qualitative variable measures to model soft information aimed at scoring microfirms, small, and medium‐sized firms. The structural survey covers Germany, Italy, and the UK in a sample of about 17 thousand companies observed during the financial crisis. Soft facts are determined within the balanced scorecard framework in order to find out the impact of customers, business processes, learning and growth, and financial perspectives. Our findings show that credit models integrating soft variables optimize the risk estimation, but estimates are country‐specific and should be tailored to the characteristics of each economic system.  相似文献   

We analyse the relationship between human capital and productivity growth using a five-country multi-industry dataset together with a measure of human capital which accounts for both certified skills (educational qualifications) and uncertified skills acquired through on-the-job training and experience. We find evidence of positive human capital effects on growth in average labour productivity, particularly when using our composite human capital measure. We also find some tentative evidence that multi-factor productivity (MFP) growth is positively related to the use of high-skilled labour. However, externalities of this kind are largely confined to industries which make intensive use of university graduates.  相似文献   

This research explores information technology (IT) project managers' reuse of knowledge associated with soft skills when managing user expectations. Through interviews with IT project managers, several themes emerged: novelty of problems, conditions within the organization, types of available knowledge, and methods for reusing knowledge. Within this study, we discovered the need for additional research on how social norms and organizational conditions encourage or inhibit knowledge reuse. Furthermore, we identified a difference in the usefulness of knowledge captured in formal repositories according to levels of project management experience. The findings confirm, extend, and illuminate the current research associated with knowledge reuse in IT project management.  相似文献   


Ambidexterity at the manager level focuses on the crucial, but underexplored, role of managers’ knowledge, skills, and behaviors to address competing demands and promote organizational ambidexterity. As such, to successfully complete their assigned duties, managers need to employ the appropriate interpersonal style and calibrate their behavior to different contextual demands. This study highlights the role of the individual in the ambidexterity process by introducing the concept of influence tactic ambidexterity, to denote the frequent use of both hard and soft influence and investigating its role on task performance. Drawing on the literature on ambidexterity and HRM, we analyze data from a sample of 172 middle managers and their corresponding 68 supervisors working for multinational organizations, and provide evidence that influence tactic ambidexterity relates to higher levels and less variation in managers’ task performance compared to the sole use of either hard or soft tactics. Our findings also show that political skill positively moderates the relationship between influence tactic ambidexterity and a manager’s task performance. Therefore, this study suggests that influence tactic ambidexterity and political skill can be considered valuable HR assets for managers.  相似文献   

李冬梅 《价值工程》2021,40(1):137-138
通常情况下,盾构在上软下硬地层、全断面硬岩地层及含孤石地层掘进非常困难.本文针对各类硬岩地层盾构施工难点,结合实践经验,从硬岩的补充勘察、调坡调线、爆破处理、钻孔处理、人工挖竖井处理、换刀处理、掘进模式的选择等方面,系统的总结了盾构施工中硬岩的处理思路,明确各种方法的使用阶段,为盾构施工中的硬岩处理提供指导.  相似文献   

魏江霞 《价值工程》2011,30(24):133-133
广播电视是党和政府的宣传舆论工具。如何维护好硬盘播出系统安全是我们工作所必须关注的。文章主要对此进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT . In this article, Loren Lomasky begins with a firsthand account of some of the people he interacted with at the Center for the Study of Public Choice in Blacksburg and some of what he learned there. Aside from the revealing personal anecdotes, we learn something of the culture clash he experienced as a visiting fellow at the Center and about his introduction to intellectual activity as “blood sport.” Lomasky then reviews some of the strengths and weaknesses of public choice theory from a philosophical point of view and offers some suggestions. These primarily concern the theory's narrow focus on the material nature of interests. Finally, Lomasky offers techniques for including moral interests in the deliberations of decision makers.  相似文献   

This paper applies the theoretical literature on nonparametric bounds on treatment effects to the estimation of how limited English proficiency (LEP) affects wages and employment opportunities for Hispanic workers in the United States. I analyse the identifying power of several weak assumptions on treatment response and selection, and stress the interactions between LEP and education, occupation and immigration status. I show that the combination of two weak but credible assumptions provides informative upper bounds on the returns to language skills for certain subgroups of the population. Adding age at arrival as a monotone instrumental variable also provides informative lower bounds. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

7月5日下午3:30分左右,李东生开完股东增发大会,回到自己的办公室。如果那天李东生不是穿着浅粉色衬衣的话,一脸的疲惫看上去会更加明显。由此可见,夫人魏雪心细如发。神情凝重,语音乏力。这两年TCL的表现,让李东生有一千条理由身心疲惫。可从今年一季度起,尤其是股东大会刚刚高票通过的增发决议看,李东生似乎有理由松一口气。  相似文献   

To say that a team leader's job is a tough one is certainly not saying enough. It is up to the team leader to manage a group of people to be individuals but yet work as a team. The team leader must keep the peace and yet create a revolution with this group all at the same time. The good leader will require a lot of education, training, and tons of practical application to be a success. The good news, however, is that the team leader's job is a rewarding one, one that they'll always feel good about if they do it right. How many of us get the opportunity to take a group of wonderful, thinking individual minds and pull from them ideas that a whole team can take to success? Yes, the job is indeed tough, but the paybacks are many.  相似文献   

人际风格不同的人偏好的沟通方式也有所不同。己所不欲勿施于人的沟通法则将被施人以其所欲取代。在企业管理过程中,如何有效的与不同人际风格的下属进行沟通,是管理者必须掌握的基本技能。文章通过分析管理中沟通的重要性,进一步明确沟通的含义和步骤,最后,针对不同人际风格类型总结出管理者需要具备的基本沟通技巧。  相似文献   

杜亮 《中国企业家》2009,(23):172-175
越南人对中国制造“又爱又恨”,而对投资越南的中国企业而言又何尝不是这样一种复杂情感  相似文献   

主要介绍了公路软土地基处理的几种常用方法,重点介绍了砂垫层法。  相似文献   

一位因性攻击被定罪的犯人在假释时做测谎试验。检查人员问:你曾经说过谎吗?这个男子说:没有。这时,测谎仪的针头仅仅有规则地运动着。当然,你可能猜想这家伙在说假话,但今天所用的测谎仪却不能。它们所能记录的脉搏、呼吸、皮肤温度和其它信号,只能提示某人在回答一个非常不利的问题时似乎有些紧张。机器可能被愚弄,但它不会总是那么傻。  相似文献   

Recent work in Human Resources (HR) has highlighted the importance of understanding and identifying occupationally-specific skills. The purpose of this article is to describe the need to identify occupationally-specific skills and outline a methodology used to create occupationally-specific skills. Evidence of the validity of the methodology used is presented. The article concludes by identifying possible uses for occupationally-specific skills and providing information about actual implementation and use of systems based on occupationally-specific skills.  相似文献   

从工程实际出发,介绍了在英文AutoCAD中输入汉字、修改汉字文本方法,较好地解决了AutoCAD与中文Word的图形变换,及用打印机输出大幅面纸的问题。  相似文献   

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