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李樟新作为义乌市玩具行业协会的会长,在全国玩具业界早已耳闻目熟。在与他多次的接触中,我们发现他的为人就如义乌的玩具产业一样,努力低调却怎掩不住光芒。义乌的玩具产业在义乌小商品市场的迅猛发展中愈来愈强大,玩具产业逐渐壮大的背后,有一群看似普通实为非凡的风云人物和业界精英。这些人既有着浙商所具有的积极向上、善于吃苦、敢于拼搏的共性,又有着义乌人朴实、谦虚、精明的特性,他们以自  相似文献   

核心提示:这是一个容易让人产生共鸣的人,他不仅有儒雅的学者风度,他的思想也在不断地跨越与飞升,从一个高度跳跃到另一个高度。  相似文献   

■他临危受命,承担起将一个步履维艰的老企业带出困境的责任。■他积极开拓,挥师南北,树品牌,建精品。■他让企业走出生存困境,施工产值连年翻番,突破30亿元。  相似文献   

纽伦堡国际玩具展览会即将到来——从2013年1月30日(星期三)至2月4日(星期一),这一盛会将欢迎整个玩具行业人士相聚一堂。每年,玩具展吸引约76,000名贸易商和买家,其中55%来自德国以外地区。来自120个不同国家的40.3%的观众每年都会聚集在纽伦堡国际玩具展览会,他们从不参加其他任何玩具行业展览会。本次国际玩具展览会将为2,700家玩具制造商提供一个优秀的交易和交流平台。来自世界各地的2,500家媒体记者也都聚焦于本次行业盛会。贸易展会是世  相似文献   

从1998年的3亿元到2005年的20多亿元,广东省基础工程公司年承接工程量7年时间翻了7倍——这是一个令业内同行震撼的量的飞跃;从1998年承接的当时国内规模最大的底板工程(广东奥林匹克体育场),到如今的广州国际会议展览中心、深圳罗湖地铁站、广州新电视塔……每一项标志性工程都是一座无言的丰碑——“广东基础”已成为令人信赖的优质品牌。质与量的飞跃背后屹立着一位坚毅勇敢、胸藏韬略的领军人:方启超。走近广东省基础工程公司(以下简称“广东基础”),我们发现广东基础成功的每一步都闪耀着方启超总经理的大智大勇。战略决策定出路,敢破…  相似文献   

盐城市玩具行业商会成立五年来,经历了不平凡的发展历程,在产业和行业、企业和企业之间架起了沟通的桥梁,为加强行业管理与自律、加速产业创新与升级,打造盐城玩具集群优势等各个方面发挥了积极的作用,所取得的成绩有目共睹,行会也先后被江苏省工商联,盐城市工商联授予先进集体等光荣称号。  相似文献   

12月29日晚,深圳市玩具行业协会2008年年会在位于深圳华侨城的博林诺富特酒店举行。深圳市政府有关部门领导、嘉宾和协会会员代表250多人欢聚一堂,交流经验,畅谈新年新机遇,共商玩具行业新年发展大计。会上,深圳市玩具行业协会会长马泽光就当前玩具行业的形势,深圳企业面临的机遇与挑战作了重要讲话。  相似文献   

“天行健 ,君子自强不息 !”永不满足所取得的成绩 ,永不停止追求创新 ,永不忘记责任和使命 ,这才是卓越的人生 ,这个境界很高 ,但只要心中有事业 ,只要努力实践 ,就一定能够达到。因为 ,业精于勤 ,行成于思 ,兴盛于和 ,发展于博。———薛忠臻八十年代初就是改革先锋早在 1983年薛忠臻就已经在全国煤炭行业中声名鹊起了 !当时 ,39岁的薛忠臻担任肥城矿务局杨庄煤矿党委书记 (当时国企实行党委书记负责制 ) ,他敢冒天下之大不韪 ,率先打破了计划经济下铁板一块的“八级工资制” ,成为了全国上上下下议论的焦点人物。而在此之后 ,作为一个闯…  相似文献   

“桂林山水甲天下”,9月的桂林更是风光旖旎,美不胜收。中国煤炭工业协会在此召开了2004年度全国煤炭工业优秀企业、优秀企业家、双十佳煤矿、双十佳矿长和优秀矿长评选工作通报会.来自全国煤炭企业的100多名代表参加了会议。中国煤炭工业协会副会长陶凤鸣、秘书长王广德等领导出席了会议并讲话。会议南中国煤炭工业协会综合部主任臧文贵主持。  相似文献   

从500元如何做到资产12亿从泥瓦匠如何干到董事长、党委书记从人治管理如何走向法制管理从劳动密集型企业如何实现“三做”战略新跨越  相似文献   

Few studies have looked at the innovation process in the early stages of new business ventures in the context of business networks. Reporting on eight years of development of a new venture, we examine how the development of initial business relationships in an ever-changing business network affects technological innovation. We conclude that technological innovation is contingent on the development of business relationships that are a critical mechanism permitting a new venture not only to access but also to produce knowledge essential for innovating. For management this implies the need to strike a judicious balance between internal focus and closure to produce novel solutions and external focus and openness to experiment in business relationships.  相似文献   

Corporate reputation in Europe and North America is increasingly seen as a function of how firms treat their stakeholders. In the United States, stakeholder theory has been touted as a paradigm of good management; yet despite enlightened stakeholder practice at home, US firms continue to run into problems in Europe. Wal-Mart, Microsoft, and GE have, in one way or another, all been caught off guard when doing business in Europe. This paper suggests that some of the stakeholder relations difficulties encountered by US corporations in Europe can be explained by fundamental cultural and philosophical differences between these regions that affect how stakeholders are viewed and how relations with those groups are managed. In this paper, we examine the historical and socio-political forces influencing stakeholder theory in the US and northern Europe and then use a business-to-business marketing approach to show how US firms might develop an approach to stakeholder relations that fits the northern European environment.  相似文献   

近来,或大或小的煤矿事故在全国各地接二连三地发生着,矿难成了媒体的焦点,煤矿安全牵动着举国上下每一个人的神经,对于煤矿安全.政府采取的措施不可谓不严厉:问责了政府高官,惩处了与煤矿事故相关的企业责任人,安全监察和检查力度也相应加大。地方政府官员和企业领导如履薄冰,不敢对安全有一丝疏忽。但是就在这样严厉的措施下,事故仍然频频发生,宄其原因虽然是方方面面的,但最根本的原因究竞何在?  相似文献   

煤炭人永远都不会忘记“有水快流”的政策,这是使煤炭行业经济运行发生重大拐点的政策。  相似文献   

煤炭是一个特殊行业,煤炭是一个高危行业,安全,煤矿的最痛!一个特殊的行业必须用特殊的管理——  相似文献   

煤炭是一个特殊行业,煤炭是一个高危行业,安全, 煤矿的最痛!一个特殊的行业必须用特殊的管理——  相似文献   

煤炭是一个特殊行业,煤炭是一个高危行业,安全,煤矿的最痛!一个特殊的行业必须用特殊的管理——  相似文献   

Knowledge is considered to be an economic driver in today's economy. It has become a commodity, a resource that can be packed and transferred. The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the scope, trends and major actors (firms, organizations, government, consultants, academia, etc.) in the development and use of methods to manage innovation in a knowledge-driven economy. The paper identifies the main innovation management techniques (IMTs) aiming at the improvement of firm competitiveness by means of knowledge management. It will specifically focus on those IMTs for which knowledge is a relevant part of the innovation process. The research study, based on a survey at the European level, concludes that a knowledge-driven economy affects the innovation process and approach. The traditional idea that innovation is based on research (technology-push theory) and interaction between firms and other actors has been replaced by the current social network theory of innovation, where knowledge plays a crucial role in fostering innovation. Simultaneously, organizations in both public and private sectors have launched initiatives to develop methodologies and tools to support business innovation management. Higher education establishments, business schools and consulting companies are developing innovative and adequate methodologies and tools, while public authorities are designing and setting up education and training schemes aimed at disseminating best practices among all kinds of businesses.  相似文献   

结合煤炭企业改革实际,就改革中存在的企业历史包袱、富余职工、企业办社会、资金欠账、体制等方面问题进行探讨,提出相应的对策及建议.  相似文献   

Abstract . In certain products, such as aircraft or ships, innovation is not always easily recognizable. Major developments in components and systems can be overshadowed by the total product. Innovation is spread over many different items and timescales. The article describes an approach where innovatory activity in shipbuilding is planned and carried out by those involved in design production in several departments, rather than confined to a separate R&D department. The aims, organization, and procedures are described, including the process of project evaluation. The article concludes with a review of project success rate, and draws conclusions particularly about the key roles of marketing and individual performance.  相似文献   

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