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This paper calculates the NAIRU for the US in a framework that allows inflation and unemployment to be jointly endogenous. We define the NAIRU as being the component of actual unemployment that is uncorrelated with inflation in the long run. We use a structural VAR to estimate the NAIRU and core inflation simultaneously and with greater precision than most of the previous literature. Our results show that the NAIRU fell dramatically at the end of the 1990s from 6.7% before 1997 to 5.2% afterwards.  相似文献   

Conventional estimates of purchasing power parities (PPP) rely on cross-country price data. Using Engel curves, Almås (Am Econ Rev 102:1093–1117, 2012) was, however, able to show that PPPs contain substantial bias. Since constructing conventional estimates is expensive and time consuming, Almås’ idea of employing Engel curves is welcome. This article examines the viability of the Engel curve approach to PPP and its sensitivity to differences in relative prices and preferences by estimating Engel curves not only between countries but also for regions within a given country. My empirical evidence from the United States and Norway suggests that the differences can be problematic, but not sufficiently to discredit the new methodology. A pragmatic approach to PPP estimation between countries that are different is to compute a PPP band, rather than a point estimate. I present a practical example of this using expenditure data from 2001, which yields a band for NOK and US dollar.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to quantify the employment effects of the recent German welfare reform. The key element of this reform was to merge the coexisting transfer systems Social Assistance (SA) and Unemployment Assistance (UA) into one unified benefit (Arbeitslosengeld II – ALG II). We also consider a second reform scenario that is intended to further improve the labour supply incentives of low-skilled workers. Our methodological contribution is to use an integrated CGE-microsimulation model. In adopting such an approach, we are able to combine the advantages of microsimulation studies by accounting for the large amount of heterogeneity in terms of households’ preferences and budget constraints with the advantages of an applied general equilibrium model. The latter permits us to identify potential general equilibrium repercussions through changes in wages and unemployment. The simulations indicate that the introduction of ALG II results in a negligible increase in employment of only 45?000 individuals. In contrast, a cut in benefit levels combined with a decrease in transfer withdrawal is shown to produce somewhat larger employment effects of about 190?000 individuals.  相似文献   

Network Rail's decision in 2003 to bring track maintenance back in-house was long-overdue recognition that responsibility for safety on Britain's railways cannot be abdicated – but there was more to it than that. The accidents at Hatfield and Potter's Bar (both in Hertfordshire, UK), in particular, had exposed very vividly how privatisation had encouraged each now separated and competing part of the industry to operate in its own interests: records, data and expertise were fragmented, and track and train operators alike each sought to minimise their individual costs in isolation. This paper argues from a systems analysis perspective that, on vehicle and track maintenance at least, the overall costs to the industry are in such circumstances likely to be higher than if the various parties were to work together towards minimising total track and train maintenance costs between them. Far from increasing efficiency, privatisation had the effect of reducing it.  相似文献   

This paper examines financial integration among stock markets in the Eurozone using the prices from each stock index. Monthly time series are constructed for four major stock indices for the period between 1998 and 2016. A fractional cointegrated vector autoregressive model is estimated at an international level. Our results show that there is a perfect and complete Euro financial integration. Considering the possible existence of structural breaks, this paper also examines the fractional cointegration within each regime, showing that Euro financial integration is very robust. However, in the financial and sovereign debt crisis regime, IBEX 35 appears to be the weak link in Euro financial integration, unless Euro financial integration recovers when this period ends.  相似文献   

Theory-driven and theory-based studies on innovation in China are relatively scarce. Most innovation studies about Chinese business are based on Chinese policy and government programmes and their results. This special issue of Technology Analysis and Strategic Management explores China's indigenous innovation strategy and suggests a research agenda that focuses on Chinese innovation theory building that incorporates China's efforts to move towards an innovation-based economy. Currently, China is developing its indigenous innovation capabilities (The Chinese term is 自主创新, pronounced zizhu chuangxin). We suggest that innovation studies of Chinese business could focus on these indigenous innovation ambitions. In addition to this, it could adopt, and be embedded in a Chinese theory of innovation instead of a traditional Western-centric theory of innovation. Our proposition is that to better understand Chinese indigenous innovation, a new paradigm of Chinese innovation should be developed. We therefore present a research agenda that can be a starting point for the development of such a theory, and present seven papers in this special issue that give content to this idea. Obviously no theory will have a monopoly on exploring Chinese innovation phenomena, but it is interesting to add a Chinese-centric view into the Western-centric scholarly view. We hope that will be one of the contributions of this special issue on innovation in China.  相似文献   

The introduction of the flex-fuel cars in the Brazilian market in 2003 changed considerably the consumer decision-making process. Prior to this date, it was necessary to choose the automobile type only by gasoline or by ethanol fuel; today it is possible to choose a car type with both fuel options. This flexibility generates economic advantages for his owner, but what are the financial benefits of a flex-fuel car in comparison with a car using only gasoline? Geographically, where is the owner of the benefits from this flexibility located? This article presents an empirical application of the Real Options Theory in the analysis of the flex-fuel car option for five geographic Brazilian regions: Northern, Northeastern, Central-Western, Southeastern and Southern. The regional price differences as well as the consumer preferences of these regions were met. For this purpose, historical fuel prices were considered stochastic and following a Mean Reverting Stochastic process. The prediction and option values were generated by a Monte Carlo simulation. The results indicated that the option embedded on the Brazilian flex-fuel car adds considerable value to the owner in all regions and car models considered, with the Southeastern Region receiving most benefits by the flex option.  相似文献   


Although he succeeded Say at the College de France as chair in 1833, Pellegrino Rossi is not considered a great economist nor has he been appreciated as an original one. However, his lectures in the College de France inspired a young Ottoman-Greek, Sarantis Archigenes, who wrote a political economy book which discussed the economic problems of the Ottoman Empire of the mid-nineteenth century. This article provides an account of the traces of Rossi's ideas in the formation of Archigenes' views, with an aim to present Rossi's role in the dissemination of Classical political economic ideas in the Ottoman lands.  相似文献   

Using a computable equilibrium model, the short-run effects of a radical liberalization of the West European natural gas and electricity markets are examined. In each model country, oil, gas, coal and electricity are produced, traded and consumed. There are world markets for oil and coal, and well-integrated competitive markets for gas and electricity in Western Europe. Gas and electricity are transported and traded across markets under the assumption of ideal third-party access regimes for transportation and limited capacities in the transportation networks. It is found that relative to the data year 1996, radical liberalization reduces the average end-user price of natural gas by around 20%, and the average end-user price of electricity by around 50%. The supply of electricity increases by around 20%, mainly due to increased coal power production. After such liberalization, coal power emerges with the largest market share of electricity production in Western Europe.  相似文献   

Assuming full hysteresis in the Austrian labour market, a simple macroeconomic framework is used to model the effect of four structural shocks, i.e. shocks to productivity, demand, wages and labour supply. By using SVAR analysis, we derive impulse-response functions that show the effects of these shocks on unemployment. What constitutes a distinctive feature of our study is the deliberate use of overidentifying restrictions, allowing for a likelihood ratio test. The objection to SVAR methodology, that it relies on arbitrary assumptions, can thus be overcome, as invalid sets of identifying restrictions are rejected. First version received: September 2000/Final version received: March 2002 RID="*" ID="*"  I thank Juan F. Jimeno, Martin Wagner, Helmut Hofer and Bernhard B?hm for their assistance; Robert Kunst and Martin Spitzer for their discussion of an earlier version of this paper; Thomas Sparla, Michael Roos and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

This analysis assesses the role of social capital in generating heterogeneity in growth processes across U.S. counties by estimating growth regressions, using the novel semiparametric smooth coefficient quantile regression method in which parameters are unspecified functions of a measure of social capital. The results indicate substantial differences across the quantiles of economic growth in the profile shapes of the coefficient estimates over the level of social capital. Moreover, the coefficient function estimates are highly nonlinear over the level of social capital, providing evidence that the growth process that links initial income, education attainment, ethnic diversity, inequality, population density, and government activity to growth varies with social capital in a nonlinear way.  相似文献   

The present article investigates the determinants of outsourcing production using a panel of 93 Spanish manufacturing industries for the period 1993 to 2002. Outsourcing is measured as production tasks which are contracting out to external suppliers, a more direct and suitable indicator. After controlling for unobserved heterogeneity and simultaneity, our results show a high persistence of the outsourcing intensity. Moreover, outsourcing of production is positively related to unit labour costs, skills requirements, national ownership and orientation to international markets. We also find evidence for a negative link between the outsourcing intensity and the share of small firms.  相似文献   


We apply a generalized structural equation model approach to the estimation of the relationship between R&D, innovation and productivity that focuses on the potentially crucial heterogeneity across sectors. The model accounts for selectivity and handles the endogeneity of this relationship in a recursive framework which allows for feedback effects from productivity to future R&D investment. Our approach enables the estimation of the different equations as one system, allowing the coefficients to differ across sectors, and also permits us to take cross-equation correlation of the errors into account. Employing a panel of Swedish manufacturing and service firms observed in three consecutive Community Innovation Surveys in the period 2008–2012, our full-information maximum likelihood estimates show that many key channels of influence among the model's components vary meaningfully in their statistical significance and magnitude across six different sectors based on the OECD classification on technological and knowledge intensity. These results cast doubt on earlier research which does not allow for sectoral heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Environmental problem is a global problem, which has been emphasized by many countries all over the world. To handle the climate change, international community has tried many means. This paper will focus on the approach called "cap and trade", and analyze its application in the EU—the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The effectiveness of the EU ETS in different phases will be analyzed in detail, as well as the benefits of the EU ETS comparing with other means of reducing greenhouse gas. It can be found that "cap and trade" is a successful mechanism to reduce the greenhouse gas s and other countries are supposed to learn from the experience of the EU ETS.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an ?1?1 penalized quantile regression estimator which adapts the Hausman–Taylor instrumental variable approach in order to address the bias resulting from the shrinkage of the individual effects.  相似文献   

The paper embarks to investigate the relationship between currency risk and stock prices of the oil and natural gas exploitation industry in the value-weighted Hushen-300 stock market, by applying the standard Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and nonlinear exchange rate exposure model to the Renminbi against US dollar. The results show that the currency exposure does vary in the oil-gas stock prices throughout the bull and bear market. The study suggests that the models of the equilibrium exchange rate exposure must be extended to considering the nonlinear exchange rate exposure, the regime periods of bull and bear market, and the industry types that is sensitive to the currency exposures. The nonlinear dynamic relationship between the exchange rate changes and the Chinese energy stock prices throughout the bull and bear market add to the recent empirical evidences that foreign exchange markets and stock markets are closely correlated.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) defines targeted dumping as a pattern of significant differences in the prices that importers charge in the U.S. to different purchasers, in different regions, or during different periods. If DOC finds targeted dumping, then it calculates the average dumping margin using zeroing, a practice that increases the calculated dumping duty. This article shows that DOC is using an inappropriate statistical test in targeted dumping investigations. The article also shows that a finding of targeted dumping does not justify the use of zeroing, an inherently flawed methodology that DOC has discarded in cases without targeted dumping.  相似文献   

This article uses a by-production approach that integrates credit risk to monitor bank efficiency. The method overcomes the possible misspecification issues of the commonly assumed weak disposability (WDA) of undesirable outputs. In addition, our measure extends the classic by-production approach by including statistical aspects through subsampling techniques. We have also provided an algorithm to correct related infeasibilities. Using this approach, we investigate the performance of Iranian banks and credit risk management in the sector for the period 1998–2012. Non-performing loans (NPLs) have been used as an undesirable output and proxy for credit risk in our models. Based on our empirical results, although the banks generally exhibited efficiency improvements over time, their credit risk performance deteriorated considerably after the regulatory changes introduced in 2005. These findings confirm that credit quality can be monitored more actively across Iranian banks.  相似文献   

This paper applies an extended growth model to the Slovak economy and explains the potential pitfalls that a transition economy faces on the way to converging with other advanced European countries. Our empirical analysis shows that Slovakia grew at a higher rate than that allowed by the balance-of-payments equilibrium rate and that this is consistent with the accumulation of trade deficits over time. A scenarios analysis shows that improving trade competitiveness, changing import and export shares toward a current account balance, and financing the economy at a lower cost will be the most successful ways to achieve higher growth.  相似文献   

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