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我国水生野生动物自然保护区建设状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了我国水生野生动物自然保护区发展状况,重点论述了水生野生动物自然保护区的保护物种、保护区布局和保护区的管理现状;并提出了我国水生野生动物自然保护区应将部分保护区进行整合、加大对保护区的资金投入、正确处理好保护区和社区的关系及理顺保护区的管理体制等建议.  相似文献   

古林箐自然保护区资源保护现状及居民保护意识调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对古林箐自然保护区内居民保护意识的问卷调查,结果表明,居民对保护区的重点保护对象及保护区与自己生存关系密切的问卷内容认知率较高;对环境保护、保护区功能、生物多样性和生态旅游有关知识及法律法规问卷认知率较低;当地吃野生动物比其产品利用现象普遍;分析了影响该自然保护区和社区协调发展的因索,根据调查和分析结果,提出6条保护和管理建议。  相似文献   

利用PEST分析模型,系统分析国家政策、经济、社会文化和技术层面的新变化以及自然保护区建设管理过程中面临的机遇与挑战。面临的机遇是生态文明建设、生物多样性保护、依法治国等国家战略的实施将为保护区战略地位、区地协同、机制创新、技术创新、治理优化、资金投入创造有利条件;存在的主要问题包括治理结构、管理机制、资源权属不捋顺、规划执行不到位、管理较为粗放、专业水平不高等;面临的挑战包括未来大数据、物联网、云计算等新兴技术对保护区的管理模式和运行方式可能带来重大改变。基于上述分析,认为中国自然保护区进入创新发展阶段,全面推进保护区治理体系建设,加强保护区科学规划、保护管理、科研监测、社区共管和生态经济服务等方面的能力建设和数字化保护区升级建设成为中国自然保护区建设与管理的战略重点。  相似文献   

本文以山东省滨州贝壳堤岛与湿地国家级自然保护区为例,根据对三个样本村的实地调查发现,海洋自然保护区资源开发利用与保护区管理之间存在生产经济活动与资源保护冲突,其原因为保护区所在地区一般经济比较落后,保护资源权属不清及当地居民资源环境意识淡薄。自然保护区居民补偿制度的思路是,作为补偿主体的政府应做出制度安排,为补偿客体(当地居民)提供经济补偿,同时制定可持续发展计划。  相似文献   

通过对山西阳城蟒河猕猴国家级自然保护区的生态保护、管理建设以及发展现状进行调查,摸清了保护区内自然资源保护、社区经济发展、野生动物损害庄稼、生态旅游开发、科研监测的服务功能提升、传统管理中的法律空白、自然保护区范围界线调查和必要性等方面存在的困难和问题,并有针对性地提出了社区群众从事管护参与保护、加强自然资源资产管控、落实野生动物损害补偿办法、强化科研监测、科学评价调查保护区范围界线等办法和对策,为自然保护区管理和科技人员以及社区管理服务人士研究和决策提供参考。  相似文献   

河南大别山国家级自然保护区地处北亚热带向南暖温带过渡地带,是典型过渡带森林生态系统类型的自然保护区,具有极高的理论研究和实际应用价值。文章介绍了保护区的基本情况和特点;综合阐述了保护区自建立以来在保护管理、科研监测、宣传教育、可持续发展和基础设施建设工程等方面的建设内容,同时对保护区的管理水平进行了评估。结果认为,科研与监测以及管理队伍是影响保护区发展的主要因素。  相似文献   

云南自然保护区社区共管内涵的演变   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
社区共管不断被应用于云南自然保护区的管理实践,在扩大自然保护区影响、增强环境保护意识、缓和社区与保护区矛盾等方面取得明显成效。随着社区共管实践的深入,其内涵在从国外引入时的基础上不断演变和发展。从概念、目标、主体、对象及机制等方面,分析了社区共管内涵演变的过程及原因,揭示其在云南自然保护区管理中的变化规律和发展趋势,以促进云南自然保护区管理水平和生物多样性保护成效的提高。  相似文献   

通江诺水河自然保护区是具有典型北亚热带自然生态系统、自然景观和珍稀、特有物种及其栖息地的保护区之一,也是秦巴山区扶贫开发重要的生态资产。研究通过对保护区进行的综合科学考察以及其他统计、遥感等相关统计数据,应用生态和经济学的理论方法,评估了保护区九个主要生态服务功能价值。结果表明:(1)保护区每年能够提供不少于40.67亿元的生态服务价值,生态价值最大的是调节洪水和涵养水源为10.12亿元,最少的是水源供给为0.203亿元;(2)价值量大小依次是调节洪水和涵养水源价值>固碳释氧价值>文娱价值>物种栖息地及生物多样性保护价值>保育土壤价值>气候调节价值>物质提供价值>降解污染物价值>水源提供价值,其中文娱价值高于物种栖息地与生物多样性保护价值,间接表明在生态资产开发过程中偏重开发,对资产保护的力度还需加强;(3)评价结果可以为诺水河自然保护区建设国家重要生态安全屏障提供支撑。  相似文献   

陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区管理现状调查与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区管理进行现状调查,从管理体系设置、执法建设情况、生态监测以及科研和社区共管与生态旅游4个方面,对佛坪保护区大熊猫保护管理的基本现状进行分析与评价,结果表明:保护区管理体系基本完善,机构设置合理,经费较为宽松;执法体系完善;监测体系规范;作为科研平台,每年有科研项目在区内实施。参照《自然保护区有效管理评价技术规范》(2008),佛坪保护区有效管理现状达到优等。同时,对保护区仍然存在的一些问题,提出了针对性的建议。并针对存在的问题给出建议。  相似文献   

山西省芦芽山自然保护区是山西省建立的首批省级、国家级自然保护区。文章以山西芦芽山自然保护区为研究对象,结合保护区的现状和国家自然保护工作的总体思路,提出如何适应构建国土空间开发保护制度、完善主体功能区配套政策、建立自然保护区体系的相关对策。  相似文献   

This paper examines the criticism of contingent valuation put forth by Blamey, Common and Quiggin ( Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics , 1995, vol. 39, pp. 264–288). They argue that households have consistent preferences over private goods but not jointly consistent preferences over public and private goods and, hence, contingent valuation cannot uncover meaningful responses for the valuation of public goods. In this paper we argue that the motives that are manifested in choices for public goods can be explained in two ways. One is the model of the citizen, proposed by Blamey et al . (1995). The second is a model of neoclassical preferences with altruism. Given these alternative and competing explanations of choices for public goods, what matters is whether they imply differences in willingness to pay for public goods. We provide statistical evidence from a contingent valuation study of the control of deer in the USA that there is no difference in willingness to pay between those who profess 'citizen' or altruistic preferences and the rest of the presumably purely private respondents.  相似文献   

天然林资源是经济物品,而非自由物品;天然林资源具有既可以提供公共物品又可以提供私人物品的两重性;提供公共物品的天然林资源是一种缺乏需求弹性的商品。比较实施天然林保护工程与否得出结论:从长期来看,实施天然林保护工程有利于国民经济的总体长远发展,对林区经济实现可持续发展是必不可少的。  相似文献   

Multifunctional land use has become a widely supported pathway for Europe's countryside. Brussels and the national governments stimulate farmers to integrate primary production with non-agricultural practices from which they can also benefit. In favour of this development different stakeholders are encouraged to collaborate to produce the so-called farmer-managed public goods. This paper explores critical success factors for the production and maintenance of these public goods. In two Dutch case study regions we show a chronology of major events from 1975 leading to a shift from primary agricultural production towards a successful multifunctional land use. We evaluated which critical success factors crucial for managing public goods manifest themselves in our case study regions. Besides six critical success factors described in literature (Property rights, Asymmetric information, Administrative complexity, Governance, Time lags and Market structure) four other factors appear to be crucial in governing farmer-managed public goods: (1) establishing a system of rewards; (2) a mix of governance forms; (3) visionary leadership with networks in both the public and the private sectors and (4) time for new ideas to mature and to build commitment among the actors.  相似文献   

私有林与中国林业发展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
李周 《林业经济问题》2005,25(3):129-136,141
发达国家和经济转型国家的私有林具有以下特征:木材生产大多由采伐公司承担,集约经营程度和竞争力与它的规模有较强的正相关性,公共品或准公共品性质趋强,以及非农林主增多、老龄林主增多、林地平均规模趋小等。根据国际经验判断,私有林也应成为中国林业发展的选择。在现阶段发展私有林,需要改进林木采伐管制,确保采伐指标的公平分配,削弱森林部门征收税费的能力,相信农民的能力,并规范政府的行为。  相似文献   

Privately owned forestland provides abundant ecosystem goods and services to society at scales beyond the individual forest parcel. However, successful mechanisms to encourage broad-scale management in privately owned, multifunctional, landscapes are relatively limited. In the United States, state agency and private foresters may be poised to help facilitate landscape-scale management given their role as gatekeepers to private landowner incentive programs or emerging markets for ecosystem goods and services. A key question remains as to the collaborative capacity of public and private sector foresters, especially in the face of evolving private forestry incentive programs, some of which have shifted toward public–private partnerships (PPP's). We used qualitative interviews and a social network survey with professional foresters in Northern Wisconsin, an area with a high demand for diverse forest ecosystem services, to identify the structure of current business networks among land managers in the region and characteristics of these relationships that may influence collaboration. Of the nearly 300 different individual professionals identified, most (86%) were state, consulting, or industry foresters, suggesting a relatively homogeneous network of professionals and potential need for other types of natural resource professionals to tie into existing foresters’ networks. We found that central network positions were occupied by all three types of foresters, while the qualitative analysis suggested the private forestry incentive program is likely driving, in part, network configuration. Interviews yielded a nuanced understanding of foresters’ relationships, including the impact of forest policy changes on public–private partnerships and specifically the growing role of private foresters in providing private lands forestry services and the need for successful mechanisms to reduce conflict and improve collaborative capacity among professionals.  相似文献   

政府力量与市场力量被认为是公共产品供给的两大主体。近十几年来,中国公共自行车服务供给历经纯民营模式、政府包揽模式、政企合作模式和协同型模式,在无形中展现出“单中心双中心多中心”的发展脉络。文章从外部运营和内在制度两方面对北京、杭州、苏州等的公共自行车服务以及新型的共享单车服务进行比较分析,发现从政企非合作到合作,从政企双方合作到政-企-社三方合作的转变都具有时代必然性。文章认为中国公共自行车服务可持续发展的关键在于建立“强政府弱社会”的多中心供给与治理模式。  相似文献   

建设与分散小农户有效对接的公共品供给机制是乡村善治的关键命题。国家在外部监控的前提下将公共品供给事务承包给私人主体,生成了"市场包干制",它能够实现前台治理与后台治理的分离,形成了双层治理格局。市场机制能够通过激励清晰化实现服务专业化,而村社组织的支持能够降低协调成本,二者协同实现水利体系与分散小农的高效对接。由此可见,国家是公共品供给的第一责任主体,高效的公共品供给离不开国家的引导与支持;而市场机制具有调动积极性的优势,国家在有效监控的前提下利用市场机制的优势能够提高公共品供给效率。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of household public goods arising from co‐residence and economies of scale in the allocation of household expenditure. Using both parametric and non‐parametric methods, the paper tests the theoretical prediction that in the presence of shared public goods, larger households should have higher per capita consumption of private goods like food, provided that they do not substitute too much towards the effectively cheaper public good. The results indicate that, at constant per capita total expenditure, the per capita demand for food declines with household size. No evidence is found in favour of the hypothesis that the endogeneity of male and female hours of work in the labour force could be responsible for this anomaly. However, an examination of the role of direct economies of scale in explaining this negative relationship yielded a negative relationship between household size and quality adjusted unit values, suggesting that the effects of direct economies of scale dominate those generated by public goods.  相似文献   

Many studies that use stated preference (SP) surveys to estimate the demand for private or public goods can be characterized as experiments, although they are not routinely labeled as such. This paper draws from the broader experimental economics literature to provide insights for SP practitioners and researchers, particularly as it pertains to survey development, mechanism design, external validity, data analysis, and the dissemination of findings.  相似文献   

Much of the housing in China’s cities built since the opening up of housing markets in the 1990s is organized in residential clubs, with neighbourhood civic goods and services constructed by private developers, financed by residents’ fees, managed by property-management companies and governed by resident associations. This means that there are now three important types of green space in Chinese cities: public green space (open-access parks), private green space (gardens, exclusive to a private home) and club green space (greenery exclusive to fee-paying estate residents). We ask a simple but profound question: how does this three-fold green space morphology and economy influence housing prices and, by implication, locational preferences in the city? More specifically, we test the hypothesis that the privately supplied green spaces withing club-communities substitute for publicly supplied green spaces in the public realm. We find evidence in support of this hypothesis, showing for example, that unlike other kinds of green space, public district parks have no measurable use value to Shanghai home-buyers, using a hedonic valuation model. If urban planners in China understood that their cities have become ‘cities of clubs’, then they would plan open space differently and scarce public funds could be redirected to other public goods and services with measurable demand.  相似文献   

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