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This article, based on a postal survey and qualitative interview‐based research, examines the relationship between major private recruitment bureaux and their clients in the UK, with particular attention to the recruitment and selection of temporary workers. The private recruitment industry is growing and large bureaux are seeking closer partnership arrangements with clients. Contracts for labour services are being developed on a 'preferred' supplier basis – similar in type to the approach taken for the purchase or supply of goods or components. However, formal preferred supplier contracts with temporary work bureaux were used by only a minority of clients, usually larger organisations or those having projects or workplaces with high volume demand. While such bureaux seek models of relational contracting or partnering, many clients prefer less fully engaged or 'semi‐distanced' relations facilitated by the informal dimensions of inter‐organisational contacts.  相似文献   

We explore how the sizes of the winning coalition and selectorate influence the war aims of states. Leaders who answer to a small winning coalition are more likely to seek territorial gain as a way to increase state resources. Nonterritorial war aims produce a commitment problem in that after the war the defeated state may not comply with the victor's demands. States with large winning coalitions are more willing to continue the war to remove the enemy leader as a solution to this commitment problem. We test our hypotheses against the Militarized Interstate Dispute data set, and we find some support for our argument. Received: June 2004, Accepted: April 2005, Correspondence to: James D. Morrow  相似文献   

This study offers a bargaining model of conflict in which the government offers a transfer to an opposition group to preclude civil war. Members of the opposition are heterogeneous in income and ideology, and heterogeneity generates disagreement about whether to accept the government’s offer. We assume that the probability that the government’s offer will preclude conflict increases continuously with the number of opposition group members who agree to accept it. When within-group heterogeneity is large, the number of members who are receptive to the government’s offer is less responsive to an increase in the transfer level. In this situation, the government must substantially increase its transfer to attract the support of the opposition. Subsequently, as peace becomes more costly for the government, negotiations are likely to break down.  相似文献   


While social bricolage has emerged as a key theoretical frame for understanding how social entrepreneurs mobilize and deploy resources to create social value under situations of resource scarcity, there is scant knowledge about social bricolage in post-conflict settings characterised by extreme resource paucity and adversity. Drawing on field research in post-conflict northern Uganda, we show how groups of disenfranchised young people use social bricolage to create social change in a volatile situation marked by extreme resource deprivation and a plethora of challenges arising in the aftermath of war. Based on empirical data, we outline three key practices of social bricolage employed to cope with resource scarcity, extended crisis and volatility. First, we unravel the practice of securing resources and creating social value by mobilizing peers. Second, we show how pluriactivity is used to stretch and make the most of scarce resources in a shifting environment. Third, we illuminate the practice of rekindling pre-war cultural resources to reunite fragmented communities. By illuminating these practices and showing how the context of the post-conflict developing country setting influences the dynamics of ‘making do with resources at hand’, we seek to extend social bricolage theory.  相似文献   

价格战是企业实施成本领先战略的必然后果 ,价格战不是低级的竞争策略 ,而是一种必不可少的竞争策略 ,它与价值战不是对抗性的 ,而是相互补充的。价格战从某种角度来说 ,于国、于企业、于消费者都有好处 ,但并不是所有的企业 ,都适合打价格战 ,在不恰当的时机 ,对不恰当的产品 ,发动价格战的结果可能是害人又害己。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断发展,企业之间的竞争实际上已经是人力资源的竞争,而招聘工作是企业获取各类人才的主要渠道,是企业实现其战略目标的重要保证。然而仍有许多企业招聘过程中存在诸多问题,导致招聘效果不理想,给企业带来不良的影响。文章选择JD公司招聘中存在的问题作为研究对象,分析了其招聘中存在的问题及原因,在此基础上,以招聘相关理论支撑,设计了一套适合JD公司的招聘体系,希望该研究能够为其他类似企业提供有益参考。  相似文献   

企业要在激烈的竞争中求得生存和发展,除了要树立以顾客为中心的现代营销观念以外,还必须制定适应市场营销环境的市场营销战略.根据孙子阐述的兵法战略用于指导商战,可从中得到兵法战略商用的启迪.  相似文献   

Recent difficulties in Mexico have reminded us of the dangers of financial crisis in heavily indebted countries. In this article, Richard Portes argues that we need to plan now to deal with the next sovereign debt crisis. He proposes a programme of reform to enable an orderly 'work-out'of debt in such situations. This, he argues, is preferable to an expensive bailout or a messy and dangerous default.  相似文献   

Organizations regularly utter platitudes about their commitment to service. Those winning the battles have quality service on the front line.  相似文献   

This article illustrates how a small manufacturing facility in the Midwest undertook the process of an MRP II implementation and ultimately gained class A status at a true make-or-break time in its history. The control that was gained throughout the entire process has helped create a winning environment and will continue to strengthen our position as we move toward world-class excellence.  相似文献   

战后西方城市规划理论的流变   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
西方的城市规划起源于解决 1 9世纪末资本主义工业城市的种种环境恶化问题和社会问题。在不同的历史发展阶段 ,城市规划作为城市公共事务的一个组成部分 ,在社会变革中扮演着不同的角色影响着社会。同时 ,城市规划也在逐步为社会所改造 ,其中城市规划思想的几个重要转变是 :第一 ,城市规划从“物质形体设计”转变到崇尚系统分析方法 (Systematicanalysis)的理性决策过程(Rationalprocessofdecision making)的科学性规划。第二 ,规划从“蓝图式”实质性规划逐步变为“过程中”规划 ,经过 7…  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(1):100736
This paper investigates the contemporaneous effect of conflict on civilians living outside of the conflict zone. Applying a multi-dimensional concept of well-being, it uses two large household surveys over 2012–2016 to analyze how the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war affected the financial well-being and health of people in both countries. We find that the conflict significantly worsened financial well-being in both countries. The impact mostly operates by worsening expectations about financial well-being and is inversely related to the distance from the conflict zone. Our analysis indicates an increase in chronic diseases in Ukraine over a longer period. Mental health is negatively impacted in both countries at the earlier stages of the conflict. However, in Russia this effect is significant only in the region bordering the conflict zone, while in Ukraine it is significant in regions farther away from the conflict zone.  相似文献   

Second price all-pay auctions (wars of attritions) have an evolutionarily stable equilibrium in pure strategies if valuations are private information. I show that for any level of uncertainty there exists a pure deviation strategy arbitrarily close to the equilibrium strategy such that for some valuations the equilibrium strategy has a selective disadvantage against the deviation if the population mainly plays the deviation strategy. I show that agents with those valuations would prefer to deviate even farther from the equilibrium strategy, if the population collectively uses the deviation strategy. I argue that in the Bayesian game studied here, a mass deviation can be caused by the entry of a small group of agents. The results provided in this paper imply that the equilibrium strategy is indeed unstable if one considers rare and independent mutations on the space of valuations. Numeric calculations indicate that the closer the deviation strategy to the equilibrium strategy, the more valuations are destabilizing.  相似文献   

The use of online recruitment methods is now widespread among UK organisations, but has not dominated the recruitment market in the way that was predicted by the popular media. This may be because organisations experience mixed success in using online methods of recruitment. This article reports on the use of a large‐scale, longitudinal survey of recruitment activity to investigate the usage and perceived success of both corporate and commercial web sites by employers. In addition, 20 interviews with users and providers of online recruitment were conducted in order to provide a deeper exploration of the factors that may affect the success of these methods. The results provide valuable insights into the use and success of online recruitment in the UK and have strong implications for practitioners.  相似文献   

Using information contained in the 1984 workplace industrial relations survey this article examines the extent and pattern of union organising attempts among non-union establishments in the years 1979–84. The results suggest that such attempts have tended to follow relatively traditional lines, although there is some evidence of an increased responsiveness to changing features of the labour market.  相似文献   

招生工作事关高职院校的生存发展,是高职院校普遍关注的一个问题.文中分析了生源不足的原因,阐述了做好招生工作的对策.  相似文献   

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