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2000年,我局充分发挥计量法律法规的职能作用,为提高我区企(事)业单位计量工作总体水平,交货市场计量行为作出了积极贡献。  一、加大计量法规、规章的宣贯力度,注重宣贯实效  为贯彻落实国家局发布的一系列计量规章,特别是我市的“计量监督管理条例”,我局向社会和区级行政部门转发了贯彻“条例”的通知200多份,并在我区的九龙报上全文刊载了“条例”,同时组织了街头计量法规宣传,散发“条例”3 000份,扩大了宣传面。  把宣贯的重点摆在企业,让企业知法守法是贯彻法规、规章的关键。我们先后组织召开了医疗卫生、乡镇…  相似文献   

“3·15”活动开展的技术监督问卷调查中,人们对商品称量、商品房销售面积是否准确等计量问题存在着较低的信任度,尤其是对集贸市场上的商品称量情况,认为不准确的占44%,大部分不准确的占22%,而认为准确的仅为4%,这些数字表明,“缺秤少量”现象还十分严重。据近几年统计资料表明,在各类投诉中,计量问题的投诉仅次于质量投诉居第二位。广大消费者对于与人们生活密切相关的质量、计量问题的日益关注,也表明质量技术监督工作在打假、查劣、规范经济秩序等方面还存在着一定的差距。计量工作涉及到人民生活的方方面面,关系…  相似文献   

计量监督与服务,是计量部门的两重职能,监督与服务相结合,是各级计量部门的工作方针。因此,处理好监督与服务的关系是国民经济建设的需要,也是计量事业自身发展的需要,下面试就这一问题谈谈自己的粗浅看法。 监督 技术进步,推动了经济发展,促进了社会繁荣,给人类带来了幸福,但是有利也有弊,就技术的应用,也会给人们带来危害和不安。例如,现代工业的发展,为国民经济和人类文明创造了丰富多彩的物质基础,但据报道,目前全世界工厂和电厂每年向大气中排放的二氧化碳有50多亿吨,另外排出的诸如粉尘、硫氧化物、一氧化碳等有害…  相似文献   

随着数字化技术和计算机技术的不断发展,目前的计量仪表大多为数字化、集成化和智能化的,而且从发展趋势来看,数字化仪表、集成化仪表和智能化仪表在某些领域里正在取代模拟式仪表。在一些特殊的行业里,使用的是集多种测量功能于一体的组合式计量仪表,称之为综合性计量仪表,在这里把数字化仪表、智能化仪表以及综合性计量仪表等统称为现代计量仪表。  相似文献   

众所周知,计量技术广泛应用于科学研究、国民经济建设、国防建设、医疗环保及社会日常生活的各个领域。它是社会经济和科学活动的技术保证和基本手段,是特殊的生产力。然而,随着近几年市场经济大环境的影响,计量工作尤其是企业计量工作受到了这样或那样的影响和挑战,面临的形势不容乐观。作为企业计量工作者,如何适应新形势发展的需要,更好地发挥计量潜能,已经切切实实地成为当前摆在我们面前并亟需解决的重要课题。我公司是具有五十多年生产高低压电器开关设备及电器元件产品历史、拥有职工近千人的国有重点企业,公司计量室属国家…  相似文献   

本文针对后续计量运用的现状,探讨了后续计量的界定、属性、方法以及后续计量属性的选择问题,并在此基础上提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

陈书林  王云岭 《江苏质量》2003,(1):28-28,30
计量工作作为现代企业管理的基础,在企业的经营管理、节能降耗、产品质量控制、安全生产和环境保护等方面都发挥着日益突出的作用,成为提高企业市场竞争能力的重要措施和手段。我国加入世贸(WTO)后,企业的生存和发展面临着市场全球化、贸易一体化的严峻考验。企业如何适应形势,有效提高计量工作的管理水平,已成为无法回避的课题。  相似文献   

山东省平度市技术监督局从解决政府和老百姓关心的集贸市场短秤少量问题入手,对民生计量依法加强监督管理,严厉打击不法商贩利用衡器作弊,克扣群众,侵犯消费者合法权益的违法行为,受到政府和人民群众的广泛赞誉。第一,对集贸市场固定摊位的个体经营业户加强培训教育,提高他们的计量法律意识。市场经济是法制经济,没有良好的计量法律计量意识,个体经济很难得到健康发展。为保证他们的经济快速健康发展,该局对这些固定摊位的经营业户,分期举办《计量法》、《零售商品称重计量监督规定》、《定量包装商品计量监督规定》、《定量包装…  相似文献   

1999年7月26日内蒙古自治区第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议审议《内蒙古自治区计量管理条例(草案)》时,自治区技术监督局副局长马俊英受自治区人民政府委托,就条例草案作了说明。对立法的必要性,她说,计量工作是国民经济的一项重要的技术基础工作,涉及工农牧业生产、国防建设、科学实验和国内外贸易与人民群众日常生活息息相关。计量对统一我国的计量制度,保证各行各业使用的计量器具量值准确可靠,保护生产者、经营者和消费者的合法权益,起到了重要的作用。1985年9月《中华人民共和国计量法》经六届全国人大…  相似文献   

计量工作是经济发展的基石,是企业最根本的基础工作。《中华人民共和国计量法》实施以来,不少乡镇企业加强了计量基础工作,提高了计量依法管理和科学管理能力,使计量工作在提高产品质量、节能降耗等方面增强了产品的市场竞争能力,在适应建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制中发挥了重要作用。但大多数中小型乡镇企业都面临着加入WTO这一严峻挑战,因其计量工作尚不适应入世和知识经济的内在要求,因此,在经济全球化的今天,中小型乡镇企业讲计量工作如何准确定位,迎接入世后计量工作与国际惯例接轨就显得尤为突出和重要。 一、中小型…  相似文献   

Subjective probabilities play an important role in marketing research, for example where individuals rate the likelihood that they will purchase a new developed product. The tau‐equivalent model can describe the joint behaviour of multiple test items measuring the same subjective probability. In this paper we stress the use of confidence intervals to assess reliability, as this allows for a more critical assessment of the items as measurement instruments. To improve the reliability one can use a weighted sum as the outcome of the test rather than an unweighted sum. In principle, the weights may be chosen so as to obtain maximal reliability. We propose two new confidence intervals for the maximal reliability in the tau‐equivalent model and we compare these two new intervals with intervals derived earlier in Yuan and Bentler (Psychometrika, 67 , 2002, 251) and Raykov and Penev (Multivariate Behavioral Research, 41 , 2006, 15). The comparison involves coverage curves, a methodology that is new in the field of reliability. The existing Yuan–Bentler and Raykov–Penev intervals are shown to overestimate the maximal reliability, whereas one of our proposed intervals, the stable interval, performs very well. This stable interval hardly shows any bias, and has a coverage for the true value which is approximately equal to the confidence level.  相似文献   


Researchers and theorist have put great effort into defining and examining entrepreneurial ecosystems and how business clusters develop in certain regions. Favourable entrepreneurship ecosystems are thought to drive business and innovation. However, a commonly accepted measure of entrepreneurial ecosystem favourableness has yet to be developed. The purpose of the present research is to contribute to ecosystems research by taking a two-study approach to developing and validating a perceptual measure of entrepreneurial ecosystems. The perceptual measure is based upon prior conceptual frameworks that outline ecosystems. In developing this measure, we are able to further unpack and illuminate the factor structure of ecosystems, the results of which have direct scholarly and practitioner uses.  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of current competitive environments has motivated managers to identify sources of flexibility based on the organisation's human resources. In this regard, internal labour flexibility emerges as a valid strategy to counteract environmental changes, based on the adaptability of the organisation's current workforce to face non-routine circumstances and events that require creativity and initiative. However, despite recent interest in the notion of internal labour flexibility, there is no commonly accepted definition of this term. Currently, there are several competing definitions of the construct, along with a variety of operationalisations. Some integration of these approaches is needed to ensure that our knowledge of internal labour flexibility grows cumulatively. In this study, we have sought to address some of these limitations by theoretically conceptualising and empirically validating a scale to measure internal labour flexibility from the resource-based view (RBV). The application of structural equation modelling to a sample of 226 Spanish firms confirmed the suggested dimensionality of the internal labour flexibility scale, which distinguishes between employees' intrinsic flexibility, skill malleability, behavioural malleability and relational flexibility. Tests of reliability and validity confirmed the appropriateness of this measurement scale.  相似文献   

王健 《企业活力》2011,(8):16-20
零售业服务质量不仅影响顾客满意度,还会影响顾客忠诚度。目前,国内对零售业服务质量的研究不仅限于服务质量量表的探索性研究,还涉及到对顾客满意度和忠诚度影响的实证研究。未来的零售业服务质量研究除了在多个业态方向继续深入外,服务质量量表的探索性研究也会加大力度,而服务质量与顾客满意度及忠诚度的关系会是研究的重点。  相似文献   

Research mainly looked at problems public professionals have with specific policy programmes. However, policies are not developed in a vacuum. Public professionals are often confronted with (a series of) policy changes, intended to refine, replace or complement other policies. This policy accumulation results in professionals having a certain predisposition towards policies in general. To conceptualize this predisposition, we introduce the term general policy alienation. We investigate whether the earlier developed policy alienation scale can be adapted to measure general policy alienation. Our analyses show that the scale performs satisfactorily. Theoretical relevance, as well as directions for practical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a theoretically grounded instrument to measure perceived HRM system strength. Relying on the work of Bowen and Ostroff, we identify different constructs capturing measurable features of a strong HRM system. Next, we develop items to measure these constructs, and use two different samples to validate the instrument. The resulting instrument builds on 11 constructs, organized along 3 different hierarchical levels. It is useful for HR practitioners in evaluating their functioning and for researchers to further test and develop theoretical insights in the HRM–performance relationship.  相似文献   

In light of increasing workplace diversification, today's organizations are in need of employees who can work effectively within cross-cultural settings. To assess and develop generalizable skills enabling employees to successfully interact with members of many different cultures, a new measure of cross-cultural psychological capital (PsyCap) was validated in two studies. This measure captures a state-like higher-order construct consisting of four components: self-efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience with regard to cross-cultural interactions. In study 1, a diverse sample of 361 participants responded to a survey and results confirmed the hypothesized higher-order factor structure of the newly developed cross-cultural PsyCap scale. In study 2, an additional 134 participants completed multiple surveys to assess the convergent, discriminant and predictive validity of cross-cultural PsyCap as it relates to cultural intelligence, openness to experience, ethnocentrism and cross-cultural adjustment. The majority of the study hypotheses were supported, which provides evidence for the measure's construct validity in assessing cross-cultural skills and also demonstrates its unique value in predicting cross-cultural effectiveness. This measure of cross-cultural PsyCap has important implications for assessment of employees who work internationally or within a diverse workplace.  相似文献   

现行财务会计模式是以历史成本会计计量为特征的,会计计量问题没有引起会计理论界和会计准则制定机构的重视。我国新颁布的《企业会计准则》即将实施,虽然与国际惯例实现了趋同,但还存在缺陷。本文就制订我国会计计量准则提出建议。  相似文献   

童纪新  缪承雄 《价值工程》2007,26(4):122-125
我国钢铁产业蓬勃快速发展的背后是低下的产业规模结构效率,主要是由于钢铁产业集中度低、产品结构不合理、进入壁垒低等原因造成的。产业规模结构效率低下已成为影响我国钢铁产业持续健康发展的重要因素;因此,必须从提高产业集中度和行业进入壁垒、优化产业结构等环节改善钢铁产业规模结构效率。  相似文献   

邢娟 《企业技术开发》2010,29(3):113-114
文章在会计计量概念的基础上,结合会计确认中的初始确认、后续确认和再确认环节,对初始计量、后续计量和再计量进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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