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Summary After a brief introduction the author starts by a short dogmatichistorical note of the exogene and endogene concepts of time as used in economic science among others by Barre and Norro. Exogene time is interpreted as the abstract frame within which adaptation of economic variables can take place; endogene time is defined as the periods of time as experiencedin concreto by human subjects. Using the endogene concept of time in an economic analysis means that the analysis can be extended to the wider structural field in which the economic phenomenon one wishes to study is situated in concrete chronological order as experienced in reality.The author tries to show that by introducing the time factor in the analysis as happens in dynamic economics the exogene and endogene time elements are both incorporated in economic theory. This means that the analysis is extended not only to the time element which gives room for inter-periodical adaptation, but also that the economic phenomena can be shown in the perspective, opened by the broadening of the field in which they appear in reality, as happens with regard to certain theories of economic growth.In the author's opinion this shows that extending an economic analysis to the time element ought to be done not only by adding this factor as if it were a mere complementary entity. Time spans reality in its entirety; one cannot cut it into pieces within reality's modal (economic) sphere. Therefore, the introduction of the time element into economic analysis implies an approach towards understanding the continual progress as shown in the reality sector, but also towards understanding the connection between economic and other aspects of reality.Gaarne betuigt schrijver dezes zijn erkentelijkheid jegens Prof. dr. T. P. van der Kooy en Prof. dr. F. de Roos, hoogleraren aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam, voor hun bereidwilligheid deze bijdrage in ontwerp door te nemen en voor de nuttige suggesties door hen gedaan.  相似文献   

推动经济增长的因素有很多,技术进步是其中重要一环。目前,中国的GDP总量已经位居世界第二,但经济增长与由此产生的发展不平衡、不协调、不可持续的矛盾日益加剧。要素驱动的老路难以为继,科技创新将成为未来经济增长的新动能。以宁波市2003年至2023年间的时间序列模型为例,对宁波的科技进步贡献率进行测算和预测,并在此基础上提出对科技进步贡献率的一些看法。  相似文献   

本文从国际金融格局、国际贸易和产业格局以及国际科技竞争格局三方面对"十二五"时期国际经济格局进行了前瞻分析,并得出了自己的初步判断。在此基础上,作者前瞻了中央统筹全局的国际经济战略部署,并提出基于广东利益的"三反"国际经济战略:反人民币升值、反浮动汇率、反贸易保护主义。  相似文献   

科技服务业作为常州市现代服务业产业链中最重要环节之一,有望成为产业结构升级转型进程中驱动经济发展的新引擎,是常州市传统产业转型升级、新兴产业发展的助推器,具有巨大的引领能力与很强的辐射带动作用.本文通过调研,发现常州市科技服务业存在业态资源要素不足、发展环境不够完善、体制不够健全等多方面问题,给出常州市需从壮大科技服务...  相似文献   

本文在简单回顾中国区域科学发展历程的基础上,对中国区域科学研究前沿进行初步概括,这些主要体现在集聚经济、区域增长和差异、区域政策理论、空间模拟平台几个方向上。除了专题研究外,中国区域科学也对学科理论和方法的体系化进行探索,郝寿义教授的《区域经济学原理》具有代表性,本文对郝寿义教授学科理论体系化的探索进行了评述。  相似文献   

Summary The object of this article is the relation between economic science and the idea of progress in western civilization. That relation can clearly be observed in classical economic theory (influenced by the Enlightment) and the modern theory of growth (Golden Age Economics). The author rejects any identification of economic progress with an unlimited increase of GNP. He proposes a link between the idea of economic progress and the divine mandate of stewardship, which implies that the inter-subjective scarcity of non-renewable resources and environmental factors should constantly be taken into account. He concludes with some remarks about economic growth as a goal of economic policy.

Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar aan de Vrije Universiteit op 10 maart 1972.  相似文献   

Summary In this farewell address, delivered on the occasion of his retirement from the chair of economic history in the University of Amsterdam, the author deals with the movement among economic historians in the United States, called New Economic History. This movement is characterised by the endeavours to introduce new methods in economic historiography by making use of economic theory and statistics. Although the author agrees that there is room for a critical attitude as to the way in which economic history has so far mainly been studied, he is of opinion that the importance of the said movement should not be exaggerated. He draws attention to the fact that there is only room for applying theoretical models and econometrics as far as modern periods of economic growth are concerned. He also points out that the economic historian should not confine his investigations to measuring economic growth. Economic historians have also to deal with a number ofimponderabilia: social, cultural, religious, legal, psychological and other developments. In the third place the New Economic History is by no means as new as his adherents seem to think. The economists of the so-called Historical School have already extended more than a century ago their studies to historical developments. The study of the trade cycle, which can roughly been said to have been started in the twenties of the present century, is a remarkable example of a combination between economic history and economic theory. The change in the methods employed by economic historians has been already on the way for a considerable time. There is therefore no reason to call the application of the methods recommended by the adherents of the so-called New Economic History as a new phenomenon. The author agrees, however, with the view that there should be a closer collaboration between economic historians, economists and statisticians.tekst (bier en daar gewijzigd of aangevuld) van bet afscheidcollege, door mij op 29 September 1967 gegeven in de aula der Universiteit van Amsterdam.  相似文献   

丁永松 《特区经济》2010,(3):282-283
本文选用中国1978~2007年30年的数据,基于VAR模型运用Granger因果关系检验、脉冲响应分析、方差分解等方法分析投资、就业与经济增长三者之间的关系。实证结果表明:经济增长既是就业的格兰杰原因,也是投资的格兰杰原因;投资是就业的格兰杰原因;就业和经济增长均不是投资的格兰杰原因。投资可以促进就业和经济增长,经济增长也可以促进就业。  相似文献   

Cost benefit analysis and environmental policy   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The use of cost benefit analysis (CBA) in British environmentalpolicy has gone through several stages. Early applications ofCBA tended to ignore environmental impacts altogether, leavethem for a subsidiary 'impact analysis', or provide only a partialmonetization of impacts. Currently, CBA is the subject of renewedinterest in government departments, in the Environment Agency,and among other agencies providing guidance and advice to government.While the amount of CBA being undertaken has increased, itsinfluence on policy making is open to question. Obstacles remain.Much CBA is expensive and this means that 'benefits transfer'is widely regarded as essential. Currently, however, the validityof much benefits transfer is questionable. Other problems arisefrom misunderstandings about the nature of economic values andthe links to individuals' self interest, and from concerns thatCBA results will 'crowd out' flexibility in decision-making,especially the likely context of multiple political objectivesover and above economic efficiency. None the less, CBA has begunto have influence in the setting of environmental taxes andalternative decision rules appear to suffer as many, if notmore, shortcomings as those faced by CBA.  相似文献   

我国科技创新主体在科技创新的定位、功能、方式和内容等方面存在较大差异,其结果表现为科技创新投入产出绩效不同,对经济发展的贡献也不尽相同。本文以我国高校、企业和科研机构等三大创新主体为研究对象,基于1997年-2010年的样本数据,利用非线性动力模型分别研究了三大创新主体创新投入和创新产出之间的非线性关系,并对比了各个创新主体投入产出特征,为不同创新主体进行科技创新资源配置和科技创新行为优化提供依据。  相似文献   

This paper tries to confront the ‘puzzlement’ of the development profession regarding the ‘best’ alternative strategies aimed at increasing employment, reducing poverty and promoting equity at the same time as fostering economic growth — and the ‘advocacy’ role that should or should not be played by that profession. The author argues that the issue lies in achieving a workable ‘meaning’ of development and then moving on to the moral ‘questions’ of value judgments and to the specific ‘problems’ that can be dealt with by science and social science. He suggests that a possible meaning of development is ‘to create more options for more people’ — ‘to achieve that the greatest number of people have the greatest number of options.’ He discusses the need for improving ‘life chances’ and considers the development policies which may or may not assist in this process. He tries to tie together conceptually the ideas of power and social change, consensus and conflict. Also in this context, the roles of participation, organization and mobilization are explored, especially their impact on different political systems. The analysis concludes with a plea for social, cultural and political pluralism — and thus, a commitment to tolerance. The author argues that these goals should be addressed by the development community without the hesitation sometimes attached to ‘protection of expertise’.  相似文献   

The author explores overlaps between economics and ethics. A society's moral climate conditions its degree of economic development and prosperity. Policy recommendations necessarily rest on normative as well as positive judgments. Social science contributes to posing and answering questions about the nature and grounding of ethical precepts. Pursuing these questions leads to an "indirect utilitarianism" incorporating insights of David Hume, Ludwig von Mises, Henry Hazlitt, and F. A. Hayek. Criticisms of this approach are answered, including charges that it is collectivistically aggregative, is vacuous, makes a fetish of rules, and encourages immoralities illustrated by "lifeboat cases". Alternatives to it are also appraised, including the natural-rights and "contractarian" approaches that have found favor with prominent economists. Presidential Address at the Fortieth International Atlantic Economic Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, October 8–11, 1995.  相似文献   

This paper asks whether nonprofit organization can have a positive rationale in an economy based on the division of labor, taking into account that the process of the division of labor occurs through profit-motivated economic behavior. By reconsidering existing economic theories of nonprofit organization in the context of the theory of the division of labor, the paper shows nonprofit organization to be an institutional consequence of two limitations on the division of labor: high coordination costs among interdependent agents and the existence of production-related, as opposed to consumption-related, preferences. These limitations prevent the system of the division of labor from fully gratifying the consumption preferences of economic agents and, thereby, create a functional niche for nonprofit organization.This research has been supported by Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship of the Sixth Framework Program of the European Community (Contract no. MIF1-CT-2005-514036). The author is grateful to the anonymous reviewer for valuable comments. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author only. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in this publication.  相似文献   

科学技术是第一生产力,科技投入无论是在推动经济增长还是促进社会发展方面,都有着举足轻重的重要作用。通过协整检验、格兰杰因果检验等方法,研究2006年-2020年西部地区财政科技支出对区域经济增长的作用。实证结果表明,西部地区的财政科技支出与经济增长之间存在着长期的均衡关系。因此,应进一步加大及合理安排政府财政科技资金的投入,加强资金监管,提高资金使用效率,更好地促进经济发展与社会进步。  相似文献   

长三角创新体系建设与科技合作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨立春 《特区经济》2007,219(4):51-52
近年来,长三角两省一市的科技合作初显成效,对促进区域经济、科技的发展起到了关键作用,但面临的问题依然很多。尤其重要的是,长三角区域缺少全局性的科技政策调整,三地的科技合作缺少政策协调,地方政府为了促进本地区的经济发展,仍存在诸侯经济等非积极行为,这大大延缓了区域科技创新和经济发展进程。因此,从理论角度研究长三角科技政策协调机制,以减少重复投资、增加技术外溢效应、进而建立区域创新体系无疑是十分有益的。  相似文献   

安徽省科技投入与经济增长关系的计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱文长 《科技和产业》2011,11(7):101-104
随着科学技术的快速发展,科技投入对经济增长的作用越来越明显。本文依据安徽省1992—2009年间科技投入与经济增长的有关数据变量,应用SPSS、Eviews等软件研究安徽省科技投入与经济增长两指标之间的互动关系,建立了反映两者长期协整关系的模型,并对两序列进行格兰杰因果检验。研究结果表明:安徽省科技投入与经济增长间存在长期稳定的均衡关系,且两者间存在单项因果关系。最后根据研究结果,提出一些建议。  相似文献   

构建科技创新效率评价指标体系,运用DEA-BCC模型静态分析2021年中国沿海11个省份科技创新效率水平,对非DEA有效省份进行原因分析,并运用Malmquist指数,动态分析2011—2021年中国沿海11个省份科技创新效率的时空变化。研究发现:从静态分析看,2021年中国沿海省份科技创新效率整体较高,其中东部地区海洋经济圈科技创新效率水平最高,南部地区海洋经济圈科技创新效率最弱;纯规模效率是影响沿海省份能否处于DEA有效状态重要因素;从动态分析看,评价期内中国沿海省份科技创新整体处上升状态,Malmquist指数呈“下降-上升-下降-上升”循坏变化;三大海洋经济圈从北往南依次为1.064、1.037、1.032,呈“北高南低”的空间布局,综合技术效率、纯技术效率是决定科技创新效率空间布局的关键因素。基于此,提出坚持市场需求导向,强化企业科技创新主体地位、优化科研资源投入,提升科技市场活力、打破区域限制,实现沿海科技创新协调发展等建议。  相似文献   

T he doctrinal evolution which led, early this century, to the gradual substitution of the term 'economics' for 'political economy' can by no means be thought of as a wholly beneficial specialisation. Indeed, among the problems which arise in the study of issues in which economic science and political science overlap are some of the most difficult as well as the most vital in the era which appears to be emerging. During the last decade, several works of importance have been published devoted to analysis of these issues. They are all broadly concerned with alternative yet complementary ways in which man's objectives may be sought, namely, via centralised, governmental decision-making (whether democratically controlled or undemocratic) and via democratic consumers' sovereignty (i.e., via 'free' markets). These studies have, in other words, concentrated attention upon two distinct and very different methods of exercising social discipline upon those who determine resource use — through governments (possibly disciplined by the ballot box) or through business entrepreneurs (disciplined by the loss-avoidance, profit-seeking sanctions).  相似文献   

中国推进东亚金融合作的战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从中国视角来研究东亚金融合作问题,分析了中国与东亚国家的经济联系现状以及中国在东亚金融合作当中的作用,提出了中国推动东亚金融合作的总体原则。文章对中国推动东亚金融合作的各阶段性战略目标和措施进行了建设性的探讨,提出了实现东亚金融合作的分阶段目标和实施策略。  相似文献   

周茂东  李政   《华东经济管理》2009,23(6):158-160
文章从公共产品经济理论的视角考察,我国现行高考制度包含着资格因素和价值因素.这两个因素在提供高等教育资源中发挥一定的作用,从大量的需求者中,运用资格权重高于价值权重的逻辑,选拔出能够使高等教育资源得到优化配置、发展科学技术文化、促进社会进步的合适人才.同时也存在着难以体现公平和效益等弊端.我们理应从价值付出和资格获取两个层面探索解决问题的思路.  相似文献   

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