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Accounting for employee share options (ESOs) has caused a furore in the United States. Understandably, Australian standard-setters are moving cautiously but have signalled they may follow the FASB's lead. ESOs are a major form of executive remuneration but have not usually been recognised in the employer's financial statements unless and until they are exercised. The FASB has proposed that ESOs be valued on their grant date and immediately recognised as an asset (prepaid compensation) and additional shareholders' equity (options outstanding); the asset is then to be amortised over the period in which the employee's services are received. We describe and comment on the debate, in the light of the proposal's likely impact on firms' financial profiles.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the executive compensation debate with special emphasis on the role of executive share options. Widespread criticism of executive pay typically concentrates on pay levels, rather than the composition of executive pay and its determinants. The paper points out that gains from exercising executive share options are not simply rewards for the period in which they are realised and reported. The economic rationale for rewarding executives through share options is reviewed, leading to the conclusion that options are more likely to form a relatively important part of executive remuneration in organisations which face valuable, but relatively risky, investment opportunities. However, because options can aggravate conflicts of interest such as those that arise between shareholders and lenders, they are not a universally efficient form of executive compensation.  相似文献   

Arguments over whether to recognise or disclose equity compensation benefits (ECBs) have been so intense that the importance of the choice of measurement date has tended to be overlooked. To provide adequate coverage, an accounting standard needs not only to prescribe when ECBs are to be valued but also clearly identify from the options available how they are to be valued and what is to be included.  相似文献   

Exercises of employee stock options generate substantial cash inflows to the firm. These cash inflows substitute for costly external finance in those states of the world in which the demand for investment is high. Using the fact that the proceeds from option exercises exhibit a distinct nonlinearity around the point where options fall out of the money, we estimate that firms increase investment by $0.34 for each dollar received from the exercise of stock options. Firms that face higher external financing costs allocate more of the proceeds from option exercises to investment.  相似文献   

We introduce a model that captures the main properties thatcharacterize employee stock options (ESO). We discuss the likelihoodof early voluntary ESO exercise, and the obligation to exerciseimmediately if the employee leaves the firm, except if thishappens before options are vested, in which case the optionsare forfeited. We derive an analytic formula for the price ofthe ESO and in a case study compare it to alternative methods.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of professional competition, this paper identifies and investigates four strategic options of supreme audit institutions (SAIs) through a case study of four Nordic national audit offices: a performance auditing strategy; a financial auditing strategy; a portfolio strategy; and a hybrid strategy. The analysis of the Nordic SAIs shows that while one SAI appears to have adopted a hybrid strategy, the portfolio strategy has been chosen by the three other SAIs, although with some variations in the portfolio. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of these strategic options for public sector auditing.  相似文献   

Lookback options are path dependent contingent claims whose payoffs depend on the extrema of a given security's price over a certain period of time. Using probabilistic tools, we derive explicit formulas for various European lookback options, and provide some results about their American counterparts.  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed case of the application of real options valuation techniques to value a contract for the use of a power generation facility. The authors' aim is not primarily to offer a valuation "recipe" for a specific type of asset, but to show how the real options framework can be actually made to work in a variety of situations.
The case illustrates how minor adaptations that take into account the ways in which actual settings differ from the assumptions of standard formulas like Black-Scholes can be used to increase the precision and realism of results. By introducing relatively simple changes to a standard options valuation model, the authors obtain results that are reasonably close to those reported for actual transactions involving similar types of assets. Despite the industry-specific context of the analysis, the applicability of the techniques discussed in the paper should extend beyond the energy industry to other contexts characterized by similar types of uncertainty and production process, particularly those associated with minerals and other commodities.  相似文献   

Employees tend to exercise stock options when corporate taxable income is high, shifting corporate tax deductions to years with higher tax rates. If firms paid employees the same dollar value in wages instead of stock options, the average annual tax bill for large U.S. companies would increase by $12.6 million, or 9.8%. These direct tax benefits of options increase in the convexity of the tax function. In addition, profitable firms can realize indirect tax benefits because stock options increase debt capacity. Although tax minimization is probably not the main motive for option grants, firms with larger potential tax benefits grant more options.  相似文献   

Employee Reload Options: Pricing, Hedging, and Optimal Exercise   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reload options, call options granting new options on exercise,are popularly used in compensation. Although the compound optionfeature may seem complicated, there is a distribution-free dominantpolicy of exercising reload options whenever they are in themoney. The optimal policy implies general formulas for numericalvaluation. Simpler formulas for valuation and hedging followfrom Black–Scholes assumptions with or without continuousdividends. Time vesting affects the optimal policy, but numericalresults indicate that it is nearly optimal to exercise in themoney whenever feasible. The results suggest that reload optionsproduce similar incentives as employee stock options and sharegrants.  相似文献   

We consider retail leases with landlord overages options, with tenant renewal options, with both and with neither. We illustrate how the ratio of initial expected sales to the sales threshold can be manipulated to equate the value of the landlord overage options to that of the tenant renewal option at the same initial rent. Not only are the values equal, but the cumulative distributions of potential IRRs on the two leases are nearly identical, suggesting that these leases are equally attractive to risk-averse investors and thus that the same risky discount rate can be used in valuing the leases. In contrast, the appropriate risky discount rate for the overage lease is calculated to be 75–160 basis points greater than that for the renewal lease.  相似文献   

Computing a Multivariate Normal Integral for Valuing Compound Real Options   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We extend the Geske (1979) model to a multivariate normal integral for the valuation of a compound real option. We compared the computing speeds and errors of three numerical integration methods, namely, Drezner's improved Gauss quadrature method, Monte Carlo method and Lattice method, together with appropriate critical value finding methods. It is found that secant method for finding critical values combined with Lattice method and run by Fortran took merely one second, Monte Carlo method 120 seconds. It is also found that the real option decreases with interest rate, not necessarily positively correlated with volatility , a result different from that anticipated under financial option theory. This is mainly because the underlying of real option is a non-traded asset, which brings dividend-like yield into the formula of compound real options. Dividend-like yield rises with the multiplication of correlation coefficient and . High indicates the poor diversification advantage of the new investment project in relation to the existing market portfolio, and the value of real call option decreases with . Conversely, when is low, the proposed project provides better diversification advantage and the real call option rises with . Irrespective of the value of , when interest rate increases, the value of real call option drops, especially when is high, the value of the project is dominated by interest rate.  相似文献   

Empirical papers on option pricing have uncovered systematic differences between market prices and values produced by the Black-Scholes European formula. Such “biases” have been found related to the exercise price, the time to maturity, and the variance. We argue here that the American option variant of the Black-Scholes formula has the potential to explain the first two biases and may partly explain the third. It can also be used to understand the empirical finding that the striking price bias reverses itself in different sample periods. The expected form of the striking price bias is explained in detail and is shown to be closely related to past empirical findings.  相似文献   

I show that share repurchases increase pay-performance sensitivity of employee compensation and lead to greater employee effort and higher stock prices. Consistent with the model, I find that after repurchases, employees and managers receive fewer stock option and equity grants, and that the market reacts favorably to repurchase announcements when employees have many unvested stock options. Managers are more likely to initiate share repurchases when employees hold a large stake in the firm. Moreover, since employees are forced to bear more risk in firms that repurchase shares, they exercise their stock options earlier and receive higher compensation.  相似文献   

To value mortgage-backed securities and options on fixed-income securities, it is necessary to make assumptions regarding the term structure of interest rates. We assume that the multi-factor fixed parameter term structure model accurately represents the actual term structure of interest rates, and that the values of mortgage-backed securities and discount bond options derived from such a term structure model are correct. Differences in the prices of interest rate derivative securities based on single-factor term structure models are therefore due to pricing bias resulting from the term structure model. The price biases that result from the use of single-factor models are compared and attributed to differences in the underlying models and implications for the selection of alternative term structure models are considered.  相似文献   

We study the determinants of share repurchases and dividends in Finland. We find that higher foreign ownership serves as a determinant of share repurchases and suggest that this is explained by the different tax treatment of foreign and domestic investors. Further, we also find support for the signalling and agency cost hypotheses for cash distributions. The fact that 41% of the option programmes in our sample are dividend protected allows us to test more directly the ‘substitution/managerial wealth’ hypothesis for the choice of distribution method. When options are dividend protected, the relationship between dividend distributions and the scope of the options programme turns to a significantly positive one instead of the negative one documented in US data.  相似文献   

经理人股票期权会计确认问题研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
方慧 《会计研究》2003,(8):36-38
自安然、世通事件爆发以来 ,经理人股票期权的会计确认问题再一次成为争论的焦点。目前 ,关于经理人股票期权的会计确认存在两种观点 :“利润分配观”和“费用观”。本文从财务会计概念框架的角度以及对经理人股票期权经济实质的探讨出发 ,主张经理人股票期权报酬成本应当确认为费用。  相似文献   

Our main goal is to investigate the question of which interest-rate options valuation models are better suited to support the management of interest-rate risk. We use the German market to test seven spot-rate and forward-rate models with one and two factors for interest-rate warrants for the period from 1990 to 1993. We identify a one-factor forward-rate model and two spot-rate models with two factors that are not significantly outperformed by any of the other four models. Further rankings are possible if additional criteria are applied.  相似文献   

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