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财产保险标的存在的风险因素多、不确定性强,控制风险难度较大,因而使财产保险公司在经营中会面临着各类风险.如何防范和化解经营风险以实现可持续健康发展对各家财产保险公司来说都至关重要. 财产保险公司经营中的常见风险 一、由风险管理水平不足造成的经营管理决策风险  相似文献   

财产保险公司是专门经营财产保险业务的保险公司,与寿险公司相比,财产保险公司有其专门的营销渠道和营销特点。本文分析了目前财产保险市场上的竞争态势,对现有营销渠道进行了优劣分析,财产保险公司应针对市场机制,结合自身特点,选择不同的营销渠道。在财产保险产品趋同性明显的情况下,进行多元化销售,对财产保险公司有效销售财产保险产品、快速扩展市场份额具有重要意义。  相似文献   

研究不同业务类型的财产保险公司资产负债管理是一个具有现实意义的课题。我国财产保险公司经营传统财产保险和投资型保险产品两大类业务,其在业务特点、主体功能方面差异巨大,客观要求公司采取不同的资产负债管理的思路和方法,以有效降低风险、提高企业价值。本文较为系统地研究了我国财产保险公司两大类业务的内部构成、业务特点及负债特性,探讨了不同业务特点对资产负债管理产生的影响;在此基础上提出了基于不同业务类型的资产负债管理模式、方法和技术,并利用动态财务分析的方法建立了分析模型,有针对性地解决财产保险公司资产负债管理问题。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的财产保险行业以防范风险、提升效益为发展主旋律,财产保险数据是公司风险和效益的主要表现形式,也是健康发展的基础.本文主要探讨财产保险公司的数据真实性存在的问题、分析其产生问题原因,最后提出提高财产保险公司的数据真实性的对策.期待能对我国核查财产保险公司的数据真实性工作提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

李新江 《南方金融》2014,(10):86-88
本文在分析我国财产保险产品品牌发展现状的基础上,提出可以通过发展责任险产品增强财产保险品牌优势。同时,本文还分析了如何通过推动加强责任险产品创新,来提升财产保险公司核心竞争力。最后,本文从加大产品推广力度、打造知名品牌、提升产品适应性以及实现客户与财产保险公司互利共赢等四个方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

本文在分析我国财产保险产品品牌发展现状的基础上,提出可以通过发展责任险产品增强财产保险品牌优势。同时,本文还分析了如何通过推动加强责任险产品创新,来提升财产保险公司核心竞争力。最后,本文从加大产品推广力度、打造知名品牌、提升产品适应性以及实现客户与财产保险公司互利共赢等四个方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

财产保险公司对资金的流动性要求很高,因此风险管理和掌控更加重要.本文研究保险公司风险管理的基本理论以及发展现状,并且引入风险度量方法,选取TailVaR方法进行详细的分析.本文还介绍了经济资本的概念以及配置,并利用TailVaR方法对于两家财产保险企业的经济资本进行计算,分析了两家公司的各业务线的风险管理能力.  相似文献   

财产保险公司的偿付能力是其实现可持续发展的前提,探究哪些因素会影响到偿付能力,有助于提高我国财产保险公司抵御风险的能力,减少由于偿付能力不足而引发的各种风险.基于中国人寿财产保险股份有限公司、中国人民财产保险股份有限公司和中国平安财产保险股份有限公司三家财产保险公司2016—2020年的数据,运用灰色关联分析法,对其偿付能力进行实证研究发现,对偿付能力影响最大的是净利润率,其次是流动资产比率,关联度最小的内因是再保险率.因此,需要降低赔付支出,提高公司经营管理水平,改善资产结构,以此来提高保险公司的偿付能力.  相似文献   

中国人民保险公司北京市分公司作为首都最大的财产保险公司,为北京60%的机动车辆提供着保险服务。在车险产品迈向市场化的进程中,中国人保专门根据党政机关、企事业单位非营业性质车队的使用特点和风险特性,为车队设计了保险责任全、费率低的非营业车类保险产品。更在此基础上,根据车队的特定需求提供全方位服务。  相似文献   

中小型财产保险公司是财产保险行业的创新力量,是推动财产保险模式转变的巨大动力,发展潜力不容忽视。本文在分析我国财产保险市场发展现状的大背景下,以五力模型、三大一般性战略、价值链等波特竞争理论为视角,针对于如何提高中小型财产保险公司市场竞争力、更好更快发展提出建议。  相似文献   

我国现行机动车商业保险奖惩系统评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机动车辆保险奖惩系统是区别不同投保人风险状况的一种方法,这种方法对高风险驾驶员予以惩罚,对低风险驾驶员予以奖励,鼓励司机安全驾驶,使投保人所支付的保费与其风险大小成比例。目前世界上绝大多数的保险公司都在车险中实行了奖惩制度,而且各有不同。本文对各国机动车辆保险的奖惩系统进行研究和比较,然后利用如下指标:稳定状态下的平均保费水平、相对稳定平均水平(RSAL)、对新司机的隐性惩罚(ECL)、变异系数ξ、弹性η(λ)和风险区分度,对我国现行的机动车商业保险奖惩系统进行了实证分析,最后在分析结果的基础上,提出了改进我国现行机动车商业保险奖惩系统的建议。  相似文献   

高风险车辆赔付率的高低对机动车保险业务的经营效益有极大的影响,是保险公司风险管理的重点。按照风险管理的基本原理,保险公司应从风险规避、风险转移和风险控制三个方面着手,采取适当措施,加强对高风险车辆的风险管理,降低赔付率,保证业务的稳定性。不仅如此,由于风险具有可变性,实施风险管理不能一成不变,必须根据风险变化的情形随时加以调整和修改,按照科学的程序进行。  相似文献   

Finite risk reinsurance has become the subject of investigations, litigation, and possibly new regulation. This article provides an overview of finite risk solutions and products, describing their main features and their legitimate role in helping (mainly) industrial companies manage timing, funding, and insurance risks.
Finite risk solutions generally take the form of structured insurance products designed to help companies manage risks often regarded as exotic or "tail" risks, such as environmental or asbestos liability. Although such products are underwritten by insurance or reinsurance companies, they typically involve limited risk transfer (hence the name "finite risk") while providing the insured companies with a means of pre-funding their expected losses, or what is often called "pre-loss financing." Of course, companies could choose to self-insure such risks by establishing a reserve for future losses. But finite risk provides a more credible and transparent alternative—one that reassures investors both by capping the liability and eliminating the possibility for manipulation of reserves.
Abuses of finite risk products usually concern the degree to which transactions are accounted for, disclosed, and represented to investors as achieving "significant risk transfer" when there is little or no such transfer. In the authors' words, "Users of finite should ask themselves whether the transaction helps the financial statements clearly represent the true economic income and risks of the business and, if not, then consider not doing the deal."  相似文献   

杨波  吴婷 《保险研究》2020,(2):30-42
本文定量分析了地理分散化对中国保险公司经营风险的影响。收集我国1998~2017年间各省市区的财产保险业和人身保险业的收入和支出数据,基于投资组合原理,比较了三种地理布局战略下保险公司的赔付风险。研究发现:无论是财产保险业还是人身保险业,各省区市之间赔付风险的差异性较大,在华北、东北、华东、中南、西南和西北这六大区域内部经营并不能显著地分散风险,但扩大到全国范围内经营,便能够较好地分散风险。进一步,采用Bootstrap随机模拟方法分析发现:财产保险公司在约10个省区市经营能够分散掉约80%的赔付风险,而人身保险公司在约5个省区市经营能够分散掉约40%的赔付风险。鉴于财产保险公司经营的各条产品线之间的风险差别较大,本文还发现:农业保险的地理分散化效果最强,短期健康险的地理分散化效果最弱。研究结果既支持保险公司跨地域经营以降低风险,也为监管资本设计中考虑地理分散化效应提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

有效的企业风险预警,能够降低企业破产成本、维护相关利益者权益、节约行政资源、防范系统性风险.保险作为"经济助推器"和"社会稳定器",肩负着为经济社会管理风险的特殊职能,保险业自身的安全,对整个经济社会的稳定具有特殊重要的作用,建立针对保险企业的风险预警机制已极为迫切.本文介绍了国外保险企业风险预警的理论和实践,希望能对...  相似文献   

We are honored to address the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists and will take the opportunity to make some reflections on the rather uneasy relationship between insurance and competition. Economists generally prescribe competition as a solution for markets that do not work well. Competition allocates resources efficiently and encourages innovation and attention to what customers want. Insurance markets differ from most other markets because in insurance markets competition can destroy the market rather than make it work better. One of the dimensions along which insurance companies compete is underwriting—trying to ensure that the risks covered are “good” risks or that if a high risk is insured, the premium charged is at least commensurate with the potential cost. The resulting partitioning of risk limits the amount of insurance that potential insurance customers can buy. In the extreme case, such competitive behavior will destroy the insurance market altogether. A simple model illustrates.  相似文献   

Using panel data (1997–1999) for 235 publicly listed companies in the People's Republic of China, this study empirically tests the linkage between corporate risks and the decision to purchase property insurance and its financial extent. To achieve these objectives, we first estimate a probit insurance participation decision model and then a fixed‐effects insurance volume decision model with Heckman's sample selection correction. Our results indicate that the managerial decision to purchase property insurance is positively related to company size and insolvency risks. By contrast, the amount of property insurance purchased is positively related to systematic risks but negatively related to insolvency and unsystematic risks and company size. We find that the amount of property insurance used by Chinese companies can also be affected by other factors (e.g., the cash flow constraints). In addition, the decision to purchase property insurance and the financial extent to which it is used varies among Chinese companies according to their geographical location. However, state ownership does not appear to be an important determinant of the purchase of property insurance by Chinese publicly listed companies.  相似文献   

良好的资产负债管理是保险业可持续发展的基石,也是支持保险业在日益复杂的风险环境中保持稳健发展、防范系统性风险的重要保障。近年来,随着我国金融市场发展,业务产品创新加快,保险业在资产端与负债端的业务结构和风险特征出现了新情况、新变化。特别是部分保险公司缺乏有效的治理结构,采取激进经营、激进投资的策略,导致业务快进快出、风险敞口过大以及流动性问题,对保险公司资产负债匹配管理、风险控制提出了挑战。本文介绍了财产保险公司资产负债多维度量化评估规则设计原理、主要评估模型和评估方法,针对财产保险公司的负债特性提出的沉淀资金匹配,在成本收益匹配中有机地将资产投资收益与承保业务综合成本进行匹配,在现金流匹配模式中打破了僵化的匹配模式,解决了长期困扰财产保险公司的资产负债期限不匹配的问题,对财产保险公司资产负债管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Differing from conventional insurance firms whose underwriting business does not contribute to systemic risk, credit risk insurance companies providing credit protections for debt obligations are exposed to systemic risk. We show that credit risk insurers (CRIs) underperformed conventional insurance companies during the 2007–2009 financial crisis, and such underperformance is attributed to the greater systemic risk of CRIs. We also find that the credit spreads of insured bonds increase significantly after their insurers are downgraded or put in the negative watch list. We control for alternative factors affecting bond credit spreads and the result is robust.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing importance of the Internet and its commercial use a new risk category has emerged, opening up interesting business opportunities for insurance companies. — Besides insurance, loss prevention measures must be considered key aspects in this context, particularly since without contract clauses regarding loss prevention and extensive assessment of an insured’s activities in this field, insurance may not be available in many cases. After a short classification and explanation of Internet risks, this paper firstly deals with loss prevention, concentrating on the technical measures such as cryptology or firewall concepts, which are specific for the risks in question. These measures allow for a significant increase in the security of data transfer and the security of individual networks’ connections to the Internet. A complete elimination of risk, however, is usually not an economically reasonable goal. The question, to what extent the remaining risk can be covered by insurance, is addressed in the following section of this paper, in which we analyze problems of insurability and how these problems could probably be solved through product design.  相似文献   

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