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从最初的风生水起到现在的日渐成熟,植入式广告在中国经历了生命的前期。套用一句诗来概括,植入式广告的发展可谓:"红火与争议齐飞,经典共失败一色"。虽然植入式广告正当"盛年",  相似文献   

7月15日,《广告主》杂志"植入式广告高端沙龙"在九朝会高级会所成功召开,来自广告主、制片方、专业植入广告机构、媒体界的代表参加了会议。与会代表围绕目前植入式广告面临的发展困境,植入式广告的产业机会,国外植入式广告的运作经验能否移植到本土,植入式广告能否形成规范的作业流程、评估模型、定价体系等话题进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

目前我国的植入式广告还处于起步阶段,目前还存在很多问题,我国的电影和电视剧数量已经在世界排名前三,在如此大的可操作空间在中,要想发挥出其巨大的作用,必须对目前的存在的问题进行解决。文本主要对"我国植入式广告发展存在的问题"和"植入式广告的运作策略"进行了分析。  相似文献   

观众不是为广告才去看电影 随着电影的商业化运作,作为经济主体,追求经济效益本身无可非议。但是在这种"经济挂帅"指导思想的引领下,我国目前的电影广告大有"泛滥"的趋势,无论是植入式的隐形广告,还是非植入式的贴片广告或映前广告,都已经到了令观众反感的程度。  相似文献   

舒心 《商》2014,(16):118-118
随着人们生活节奏的加快,我们俨然已进入了"微时代"。本文对微电影广告相关理论及其广告价值进行阐述的同时,从横向将之与微电影和电影植入式广告作比较,又从纵向看其从出现到未来的发展,提出微电影广告发展需要注意哪些问题,以及一些改进建议。  相似文献   

近年来植入式广告发展迅速,国内外理论研究日益增多,而针对大学生市场的研究还比较少。本次研究研究了大学生对植入式广告的态度以及植入式广告对大学生的效果。大学生对植入式广告的态度包括接受度和关注度,植入式广告对效果包括购买意愿、品牌回忆度和影响效果的因素。并针对这些因素提出了相应的营销建议。  相似文献   

从客观出发分析了植入式广告的优势以及劣势。在此基础上,提出了对植入式广告可以在中国得到更好发展的建议,以及植入式广告未来可以尝试的新的形式。力求为植入式广告的发展做出有益的探讨,从而更好更深刻地理解植入式广告。  相似文献   

植入式广告的国际运营及国内发展趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
薛敏芝 《中国广告》2007,(9):128-133
植入式广告近年来是一个迅速崛起的广告市场,而中国又将是植入式广告增长最快的市场之一。本文通过介绍植入式广告国际发展和运营状况的基础上,对中国国内植入式广告的发展态势作一个整体的分析。  相似文献   

2009西方广告学术研究的七大视点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"新媒体"、"金融危机"和"全球化",构成了2009年西方广告学术研究三大语境,在此影响下,西方广告学术研究的话题和话语发生着渐变与切换。"植入式广告"、"口碑传播"在新媒体环境中具有新的话题价值,"数字媒体和数字广告"的发展促使"新媒体广告规制"研究成为必然的诉求,同时也促使"广告效果"、"消费者"和"国际广告"等研究领域,迸发出更多新的话题。在它们的影响下,西方广告学术研究的视野在拓展,亚太地区,特别是中国,引起更多西方学者的关注。  相似文献   

植入式广告作为一种新型广告传播模式已经逐步被广告界认识和采用,本文通过对植入式广告本质特点、表现形式的再认识,从植入式广告与品牌形象定位的关系入手,探讨如何有效利用植入式广告来提升品牌价值。  相似文献   

中国对RCEP国家的直接投资与出口技术复杂度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RCEP的签订为中国对外开放带来新契机。双循环新发展格局背景下,如何调整中国对RCEP国家的贸易和投资策略成为值得研究的议题。使用2004—2018年中国对RCEP国家的直接投资和出口数据,构建出口技术复杂度指标,实证分析直接投资和出口技术复杂度的关系。结果发现:中国对RCEP国家的直接投资能够提升中国对东道国的出口产品技术水平,当东道国为中低收入国家时,这一作用更为显著。基于此,中国应优化对RCEP国家直接投资的布局和结构,完善中资企业海外投资和经营规制,扩大与RCEP国家在新基建领域的合作,实现对外直接投资与出口高质量发展。  相似文献   

This research examines the effectiveness of the European ‘PP’ symbol, recently introduced as a warning of product placement in locally produced television programmes. The authors test whether this symbol counters the pervasive effect of product placement on purchase intention. Study 1 shows that the symbol does not prompt resistance to the influence of product placement. This is because the majority of consumers neither notice nor comprehend the symbol. In Study 2, two training methods are tested to increase the symbol’s effectiveness: (1) verbal label training and (2) a combination of verbal label training and information training. The addition of information training is necessary to increase the symbol’s noticeability, whereas verbal label training helps increase the symbol’s comprehensibility and effectiveness in activating persuasion knowledge and decreasing purchase intention. Finally, the results provide evidence that brand recall is crucial for resistance to product placement, suggesting the importance of brand recall as a moderator of resistance processes.  相似文献   

2001年"入世"以来,通过股份制改革等措施,我国商业银行取得了快速发展。与此同时,商业银行海外并购也进入了一个全新的阶段。商业银行的海外并购为我国企业"走出去"树立了积极的榜样,提供了有力的支撑,也为我国融入全球化、提升国家竞争力等方面作出了重要贡献。尽管如此,我国国有商业银行海外并购依然面临着受国际金融和贸易环境的限制较大、风险评估机制还有待进一步完善、人才的短缺和国内法规和体制难以与国际对接等问题。  相似文献   

The relationship between trade liberalisation and the environment has been the subject of a growing body of literature in recent years. One particular focus of attention has been whether environmental regulations are influencing patterns of international trade. This paper aims to examine this issue in the context of the Heckscher‐Ohlin‐Vanek (HOV) model of trade, but also in a ‘new’ trade model characterised by monopolistic competition and differentiated products. Our use of the HOV model improves upon a well cited study by Tobey (1990) in many ways, not least by allowing for the possible endogeneity of environmental regulations. We find no significant relationship between such regulations and ‘dirty’ net exports. The ‘new’ trade model explains the presence of both intra‐ and inter‐industry trade and we again allow for the possible endogeneity of regulations. We believe this to be the first study to assess the role of environmental regulations within a ‘new’ trade model, but also the first to allow for the endogeneity of regulations in a cross‐country model of trade. We find environmental regulations to be a statistically significant determinant of the share of inter‐industry trade (net trade) and we find this significance to increase when endogeneity is controlled for.  相似文献   

Earth’s life-support system is facing megaproblems of sustainability. One important way of how these problems can be addressed is through innovation. This paper argues that responsible innovation that contributes to sustainable development (SD) consists of three dimensions: (1) innovations avoid harming people and the planet, (2) innovations ‘do good’ by offering new products, services, or technologies that foster SD, and (3) global governance schemes are in place that facilitate innovations that avoid harm and ‘do good.’ The paper discusses global governance schemes based on deliberation as a means to foster such responsible innovation. These schemes can provide voluntary soft-law regulations that complement and extend national and international hard-law regulations and facilitate collective innovation that contributes to SD goals. The article addresses the facilitative role of governments and international organizations in overcoming problems of deliberation and offers illustrative examples of such governance schemes.  相似文献   

在著作权损害赔偿额确定问题上,ACTA的规定与TRIPS协定相比更为全面、细致,执法标准也更加严厉。其主要内容分为4个层面:三层方法(权利持有人的损失、侵权利润、替代方法)和一个范围(各项费用)。在具体适用上,主要体现如下特征:全面赔偿和附加威慑、各计算方法的平行适用、向权利人利益保护倾斜。鉴于我国相关立法的不足,虽然我国目前尚未加入ACTA,但该协议的相关规定也并非对我国没有任何参考价值,我国对此不能一味排斥,而应该辩证看待其利弊,根据我国国情有鉴别地取舍。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(2):149-157
Expenditure on product placement has grown faster (170%) than on advertising (15%) over the past 10 years, but some evidence suggests that the return on investment has been declining. For the well-known, fast-moving consumer goods/consumer-packaged goods (FMCG/CPG) food brands typically placed in local TV programming—the context of this article—the management problem of overfocusing on brand exposure hinders gaining brand choice, the ultimate strategic goal of marketing. Managers’ preconditioning, ease of measuring, and assumptions about the value of exposure contribute to their subtle placements becoming blatant or in other problems, as when other promotional devices, like a television commercial or program sponsorships billboard, get bundled into the same TV episode as the company’s own product placement. The higher brand exposure gained can evoke negative mental outcomes in consumers, weakening influences on brand choice. An experiment with a large sample of grocery shoppers supports such an outcome. More strategic value can also be gained from product placements in general by their use longitudinally, in-between campaigns of TV commercials, as an instructive tool and through normalizing a brand’s role in a consumer’s life. We provide eight checkpoints for marketers to consider when planning to use product placement to gain value for their brands.  相似文献   

Private placement has become an increasingly important method of equity refinancing for regulators, listed companies, and investors. This paper analyzes factors influencing private placement discounts based on the controlling shareholder’s opportunistic behavior and information asymmetry. Our findings indicate that the type of subscriber is a key determinant of the private placement discount, particularly when the subscriber is the controlling shareholder. Asymmetric information between listed companies and investors is another important determinant: The higher the degree of information asymmetry, the greater the private placement discounts.  相似文献   

文章把环境管制作为主要影响因素,研究了外资企业区位选择的内在机制。利用2003年-2006年我国192个城市的数据,通过建立Panel Data模型,实证研究了环境管制对我国外商直接投资区位分布的影响,结果显示环境管制是我国外商直接投资区位分布不均的原因,环境管制对吸引外商直接投资具有负效应,且这种负效应在中西部地区大于东部地区。  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated the favorable effects of political connections on corporate environmental proactivity (CEP). However, few studies have further verified whether this is definitively the case under environmental regulations and their underlying reasons, which would help elucidate the performance and motivation of politically connected firms’ (PCFs’) environmental proactivity. Using data from Chinese A-shares-listed industrial firms from 2010 to 2016, we find that environmental regulations can significantly improve CEP. Compared with non-politically connected firms (NPCFs), PCFs are more responsive to environmental regulations. Counterfactual analysis based on corporate resource conditions suggests that firms that are more supported by government in debt financing and show higher environmental proactivity are only found in PCF samples. In order to maintain this political relationship and continuously obtain debt financing support, PCFs tend to “bind” their business decisions to the government’s environmental governance objectives and display higher environmental proactivity. In summary, PCFs’ environmental proactivity involves self-interest decisions based on their resource conditions.  相似文献   

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