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随着产业化进程的加快,我国果蔬业出现了流通不畅、交易主体组织化程度偏低、中间环节过多、流通损耗严重等一系列问题。本文从交易费用的视角,运用SCM理论对当前我国果蔬市场存在的几种模式,即种植者直接参与的初级市场型流通模式、合作社参与的半市场型流通模式以及一体化型流通模式进行效率分析,论证果蔬产业流通市场存在交易费用过高、供应链条过长等问题,最后提出了新型果蔬市场流通模式.并给出了政策建议。  相似文献   

中国林业上市公司林产品流通效率比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张学文 《经济地理》2012,32(10):102-107
作为林产品流通重要主体的全国林业上市公司在林业产业发展中地位重要。选择全国20家林业上市公司,运用数据包络分析法(DEA),利用2008—2011年的年报数据,对林产品流通效率进行实证研究。结果表明,林业上市公司的林产品流通效率有高低差距,大部分公司处于DEA弱效或严重无效状态且呈现出降低趋势,仅有少数公司的林产品流通效率处于良好。研究认为,国家要加大对林业上市公司的政策扶持力度,加快林产品流通基础设施建设,推进林业产业结构不断升级,提高林业上市公司的内部管理水平,以大力提升林产品流通效率。  相似文献   

本研究主要从产业链的角度全面分析了我国蔬菜流通状况,包括我国蔬菜流通主体的发育、蔬菜流通模式、蔬菜流通效率、蔬菜安全监管以及我国蔬菜流通中存在的主要问题。针对当前我国蔬菜流通现状及存在的问题,提出了提高我国蔬菜流通效率的政策建议。  相似文献   

数据流通是数据产业发展不可避免的趋势,如何构建数据资源的流通机制,在理论与实践两层面仍难有定论。数据的价值在于流通,数据价值的发挥贯穿于数据流通的各环节,确权模式下的数据流通规则并不符合数据产业发展的内核逻辑与现实要求。以数据流转过程中所涉主体身份差异,可将数据分为个人数据、企业数据、行业数据三类。个人数据的交易流通过程应针对交易双方主体身份的差异适用不同规则,同时引入专有使用制度用以分配海量数据下所蕴含的巨额财富;企业数据则应根据其来源与内容的不同设定差异化路径以量身构建数据流通规范;行业数据流通规范的构建应注重行业自律与政府监管两者的结合。  相似文献   

许军 《经济纵横》2012,(11):121-124
农产品流通能否高效、安全、平稳运行关乎农户、中间商、消费者的切身利益。本文对农产品流通业发展对策、农产品流通业的发展动因、农产品流通模式、农产品流通的利益主体关系等方面的研究成果进行梳理,并对文献研究进行了评述,以期为农产品流通发展的进一步研究提供思路。  相似文献   

文章通过对吉林、山东和陕西三省玉米市场的深入调查和比较分析,以玉米市场为例分析了目前我国粮食市场的主要流通方式、参与主体及其利益分配状况。研究表明,粮食市场的市场化改革催生了众多的粮食经销企业和商贩;流通主体的多元化活跃了粮食市场,促进了市场竞争和运行效率的大幅提高;粮食市场中各流通环节的市场主体由于市场竞争激烈而所得的利润微薄;粮食市场的市场化改革有利于农民在市场竞争中获利。文章建议,政府应继续鼓励私有部门参与粮食市场流通,促进粮食市场流通多元化,减少对粮食市场和流通的干预。  相似文献   

本文依据最近出台的有关住宅上市流通政策,对住宅二级市场流通价格、收益分配进行了分析,主张以市场价格作为二给市场的流通尺度,并对土地收益的确定作出明确的具体规定,以理顺国家和交易双方的利益关系。  相似文献   

大流通格局下,蔬菜流通效率的高低直接关乎鲜活农产品国内供需平衡和市场稳定。本文结合调研案例和数据,从纵向产销环节和横向不同流通模式视角,对蔬菜流通效率进行实证分析。全面剖析了影响我国蔬菜流通效率的深层次因素,针对性地提出提升流通效率的政策建议。  相似文献   

论我国流通产业组织结构优化与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流通产业组织主要研究流通企业之间关系结构的状态、性质、发展变化及其对经济发展的影响。通常流通产业组织可分解为两个层面,一是流通企业,二是流通产业内的流通企业之间关系架构,主要包括交易关系、资源占用关系、利益关系和行为关系。  相似文献   

我国农产品流通效率低下,流通主体合作深度不够,批发市场功能不完善。总体看,农产品流通发展水平不高,现代流通体系建立尚处于初级阶段。应通过大力发展农业合作组织,加强农产品流通主体间的合作,完善农产品批发市场功能,推动农超对接和农产品电子商务等新型农产品流通方式的发展,构建农产品现代流通体系。  相似文献   

周经  戴翔  刘梦 《财经研究》2018,(5):83-96
当前,全球贸易增速出现了大幅下降,这难以简单地从危机冲击及其后续影响层面进行解读.实际上,贸易的基础是分工,看待当前全球贸易失速现象理应深入到国际分工层面.鉴于此,文章构建理论模型以刻画上述现象及其成因,研究发现:(1)全球价值链分工演进的阶段性变化对贸易增速具有深刻影响,当分工深化到一定程度后,贸易规模扩大的"基数效应"和分工深化的"边际效应"会导致贸易增速下降;(2)对单个国家来说,价值链攀升也会影响贸易增速.进一步地,利用跨国面板数据的计量分析表明:(1)在有效控制其他影响因素的条件下,全球价值链分工深化的程度对贸易增速呈倒"U"形的非线性影响;(2)价值链攀升对单个经济体的贸易增速具有显著的负面影响.由此可知,在当前全球经济处于深度调整的特殊时期,价值链分工深化趋势减缓乃至"停滞",是导致当前全球贸易失速的根本原因之一;而中国的外贸失速除了受到上述因素影响外,还与自身的价值链升级有关.因此,面临全球贸易增速下降的压力,中国外贸发展亟待转型升级,充分发挥"稳定"全球贸易增长的应有作用.  相似文献   

冯晓华  陈九安 《技术经济》2023,42(3):142-153
基于2000—2014年中国签订的自由贸易协定(FTA)中技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)条款文本,使用自然语言文本处理法量化了中国各行业在FTA中TBT条款的合作水平,实证研究FTA中TBT条款对中国各行业全球价值链位置的影响。实证结果表明,FTA中TBT条款分别从降低贸易成本、促进技术创新、提高制度质量三个路径促进了中国各行业在全球价值链中的攀升。进一步分析发现,FTA中TBT条款对制造业和其他行业全球价值链攀升的促进作用明显,对中国服务业全球价值链攀升的影响不显著;相对于高技术制造业,低技术制造业的全球价值链攀升更容易受FTA中TBT条款的影响。中国政府应该更加积极地参与FTA中与贸易伙伴国的高水平TBT条款的谈判协商,充分发挥其对各行业全球价值链攀升的促进作用,同时重点关注对FTA中TBT条款敏感度较高的行业。  相似文献   

外贸产业价值链的重构模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李亚 《经济经纬》2005,94(1):50-52
随着国内外市场一体化,全球生产、营销供应链的一体化,我国外贸体制的改革,外贸经营权的放开,在外贸产业价值链中,专业外贸企业原有的靠政策优势占据的价值链中的垄断地位已受到威胁。笔者运用价值链分析工具,通过分析外贸产业价值链的构成,分解和整合价值链的各项活动,重新定位价值链的战略环节,探讨了外贸产业价值链的重构,为外贸企业构筑新的竞争优势提出新的思路。  相似文献   

徐伟  江若尘 《技术经济》2007,26(5):73-76
描述我国行业协会的现状,从委托代理理论出发,分析了行业协会职能、地位不明确,权利与责任不对称,出现道德风险与逆向选择以及冗长的委托代理链降低了监督的效率等问题。进而分别从行业协会、政府和企业的角度提出相应建议,希望有助于完善我国行业协会的委托代理关系。  相似文献   

This paper challenges the mainstream narrative that links the strength and speed of the world trade collapse in 2008–2009 to the international fragmentation of production, organized in international value chains. The paper points out often overlooked counteracting forces such as non-bank-intermediated credit, trust in long-term commercial affairs and intra-firm relationships. A cross-section of the strength and speed of the import decline in 42 countries shows that both the share of manufacturing trade and an indicator for the vertical specialization in trade are associated with less contraction and slower adjustment. Countries with large shares of manufactures in trade (a proxy for international value chain activity) and/or vertical specialization in trade did not reduce their trade more strongly. The empirical evidence points out that international value chains may very well have had a major dampening effect that reduced the extent to which world trade fell.  相似文献   

Trade credit is a major source of finance in value chains in developed and emerging economies. Despite its ubiquitous use, this is one of the first empirical studies that analyzes why the use of trade credit varies along the value chain. We argue that competition faced by firms at different stages in the value chain and enforcement mechanisms that stimulate repayment jointly determine the use of trade credit. We distinguish two dimensions of competition, that is, rivalry and customer bargaining power. Competition may stimulate firms to provide trade credit to keep customers from switching to other suppliers. Yet, high contract enforcement costs relative to the value of the transactions, reduce the willingness to offer trade credit. We find empirical evidence showing that competition does not (strongly) influence the use of trade credit in the retail market, whereas it does in the markets for wholesalers and millers. We interpret these results as suggestive evidence that the retail, wholesale and milling market segments differ in terms of the enforcement costs involved in the provision of trade credit. Rivalry at the retail market segment makes switching easy for customers, even in case of default. As enforcement of repayment in this market segment is difficult and costly, trade credit appears to be a risky and less attractive marketing instrument for retailers. In contrast, in the wholesale and milling market segment, trade credit is widespread as stakeholders know each other, making informal mechanisms effective in supporting the enforcement of trade credit repayment.  相似文献   

The structure of international trade is increasingly characterized by fragmentation of production processes and trade policy. Yet, how trade policy affects supply‐chain trade is largely unexplored territory. This paper shows how the accession of 10 Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) to the European Union affected European supply‐chain trade. We find that accession primarily fostered CEECs’ integration in global value chains of other entrants. Smaller integration benefits stem for East–West trade in services for lower‐skill activities. These increases in value‐added exports translate into sizeable job creation.  相似文献   

One of the most common measures of carry trade attractiveness is the carry-to-risk ratio. On analysing the speculative activity, this ratio presents two issues: First, emerging market currencies could merit a legitimate risk premium in a carry trade strategy due to the sovereign risks involved. In order to correct the measure, we include the credit risk in the measure using credit default swaps. Second, we gather more information about potential volatility asymmetries including a directional speculation indicator known as the risk reversal. We prove that the enhanced measure for the Mexican peso (MXN) is well represented by an ARIMA model with appropriate features since 2009. Due to the output of the analysis, we deduce that the Bank of Mexico might use this measure or a similar indicator, not only to understand the attractiveness of the carry trade strategy but to curb destabilizing carry trade activities. The case is compelling for the Mexican peso due to its dual role as emerging market currency and full convertible currency. We conclude that this institution may effectively manage the enhanced carry-to-risk measures in order to achieve financial stability and proper exchange credibility, and recognize its potential utility for other central banks.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse the impact of trade openness on technical efficiency of the European Union’s (EU) agricultural sector. There are no systematic theories linking trade policy to technical efficiency; hence, the relation between trade liberalization and technical efficiency is fundamentally ambiguous. Stochastic frontier analysis is used to model the relationship between EU’s production resources and agricultural output, as well as the importance of trade openness on technical efficiency of a country. The data for 16 of the 28 EU members were available for the period 1980–2007 including land, capital, fertilizer, labour, agricultural GDP, foreign direct investments (FDI), exports and import data. Results indicate that trade openness has an immediate, negative impact on efficiency in the EU agricultural sector. Over time, however, trade openness does increase efficiency. The FDI outflows increase efficiency. This suggests that an initial reduction in capital supply forces EU nations to utilize other factor inputs more efficiently. However, there is the unexamined potential that over time the depletion of capital results in a decrease in efficiency. Finally, formerly communist member-countries of the EU are found to have the lowest technical efficiency scores whereas Southern European nations have the highest efficiency.  相似文献   

国际贸易的中间品贸易的兴起,使传统关境贸易统计无法准确衡量全球价值链下一国的实际贸易利得。本文基于增加值贸易视角重新评估加入WTO对于中国出口的真实影响,以及关境统计下WTO贸易促进作用与真实状况的偏离。基于引力模型的实证结果表明:(1)总体上,中国加入WTO显著促进其增加值出口,但关境统计明显高估了WTO贸易促进作用。(2)分行业看,WTO对中国增加值出口的贸易促进作用存在显著的行业差异:加入WTO显著地促进了中国非制造业工业、制造业和服务业增加值出口,却抑制了中国农林牧渔业的增加值出口。(3)进一步研究发现,关境统计数据对于WTO贸易促进作用的高估问题仅存在于制造业,对于农林牧渔业等其他三个行业反而存在低估问题。  相似文献   

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