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杨银军 《品牌》2012,(6):32-33
中华老字号(Ohina Time—honored Brand)其重要特征是指历史悠久,拥有世代传承的产品、技艺或服务,具有鲜明的中华民族传统文化背景和深厚的文化底蕴,取得社会广泛认同,形成良好信誉的品牌。它是中华商业文化的重要载体,是中华民族工商业精华,是中国品牌的重要力量,具有很强的历史文化价值和经济价值。  相似文献   

“中华老字号”品牌经营的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“老字号”是一个约定俗成的概念,通常是指:有多年成功的经营经历;有中国的传统文化内涵和良好声誉的商号;有自己开发的、专属的、消费者认可的原创产品和服务;品牌创立于1956年以前的民族企业。  相似文献   

商务部:外资不得涉入“中华老字号”商务部即将对“中华老字号”的认证进行重新审定,外资一律不得入驻“中华老字号”。上世纪90年代末,在国内发生过多起外资恶意收购老字号品牌之后将品牌“雪藏”的事件。商务部作出这样的规定,可能是出于保护中华传统文化、传统品牌的考虑。然而不少老字号企业认为,“老字号”是否能引入外资不应“一刀切”,外资对老字号的发扬光大曾有过正面的作用。  相似文献   

本文在分析新经济时代"老字号"商业品牌营销中存在问题基础上,对于如何借助新观念提高"老字号"商业品牌的营销收益提出相关建议,以期对"老字号"商业品牌的良性发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

高芸婧 《国际市场》2009,(12):23-25
“老字号”,顾名思义,是指历史悠久的商标品牌或商店品牌。中华老字号品质精良、工艺独特、货真价实、信誉卓越,令不少人对它情有独钟。清末年北京民间曾流传有一句谚语:“头戴马聚源,身披瑞蚨祥、脚踏内联升,腰缠四大恒”。意思是戴马聚源的帽子最尊贵,用瑞蚨祥的绸缎做衣服穿在身上最光彩,脚蹬一双内联升鞋店的靴鞋最荣耀,腰中缠着“四大恒”(恒利、恒和、恒兴、恒源)钱庄的银票最富有。  相似文献   

《商界名家》:武汉“黄鹤楼”酒曾经是全国酒类的知名品牌,但后来由于种种原因,使这一品牌沉寂了多年,现在,新的投资和经营团队的到来为这一品牌的崛起带来希望。请问类似的传统品牌再造应注意哪些问题?  相似文献   

根据中国品牌研究院的调查,建国初期全国中华老字号企业大约有16000家。涉及餐饮、医药、食品、零售、烟酒、服装等行业。1990年以来,由国家商业主管部门评定的中华老字号只有1600多家。现在,即使这1600多家中华老字号企业.也多数经营出现危机,其中70%经营十分困难,20%勉强维持经营,只有10%发展良好。  相似文献   

于雪晶 《商业文化》2018,(15):10-12
新时代的民族品牌如何崛起?传统品牌如何更好地传承与创新?如何让"中华老字号"在新时代迸发出新活力?近期,中国商业联合会会长姜明在相关会议上,就如何打造中国民族品牌发表了自己的观点。  相似文献   

“云南白药是一个具有百年历史的老字号企业,对这样一个有着深厚文化底蕴的企业而言,传承是相对容易的,而创新,则需要更宽阔的视野和更多的勇气。”  相似文献   

“老字号”,作为中国几千年商业文明孕育的最典型企业、品牌代表,一直以来都是关注的焦点。然而,我们发现目前社会对老字号品牌、营销的研究,多集中于探讨90%的老字号“停滞不前”或“举步维艰”,面临营销传播困境、以及“破局”的对策。对于老字号中10%的翘楚企业和强势品牌关注不足。哪些老字号最受消费者的推崇?是什么使这些品牌始终保持着活力?它们的成功经验是否能给其他老字号企业以启示?  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2023,66(1):27-36
Signaling how virtuous a brand is has become an ever more common strategy. Brands have recently outcompeted one another to align themselves with various causes. We explore the rise in virtue signaling and review prominent examples of brands that have linked themselves to social movements—some successfully, some unsuccessfully. We draw on evolutionary theory to develop a conceptual framework to think about brand virtue signaling. Armed with this framework, managers can assess whether their brands should adopt virtue signaling as a strategy and assess the short- and long-term implications of such a decision.  相似文献   

Brand experience and brand personality have become two important theoretical constructs in the branding literature. However, research on the antecedents of these two constructs has been focused on intangible brand characteristics and qualities, underestimating the role of functional features. This study aims to overcome this gap by postulating that two key functional brand qualities, quality and innovativeness, help shape brand experience and personality, which, we ultimately predict, contribute to perceived value. Investments in quality and innovation have grown substantially, but how they materialize in benefits for customers and firms remains unclear. Accordingly, this study provides insights into how firms can engender the characteristics of their offer to build brands that are perceived by consumers as generating a valued brand experience and personality. The results from two samples provide broad support to the proposed model. Both brand quality and innovativeness contribute to brand experience and personality. Moreover, we observe that both brand experience and personality relate to perceived value. Finally, we also determined that brand personality and experience partially mediate the relationship between brand innovativeness and quality and perceived value. Hence, these results provide relevant implications for both theory and the practice of brand management.  相似文献   

We investigate how the status and functional benefits of cars’ brands lose value over time. Theoretically, we show that brands with a higher status, or that appeal to status-conscious consumers, exhibit steeper price decline over time. Empirically, we take advantage of the phenomenon of twin cars – pairs of car models that are nearly identical from a structural and mechanical standpoint, but that are sold under differing brand names – to disentangle the effects of physical wear and tear, which should impact both the premium brand and the corresponding standard brand similarly; and time-related price decline, which should affect each brand differently. The main result is that a premium car’s price declines much faster than that of the corresponding standard car (controlling for physical condition, mileage, and initial price). This result suggests that status declines faster than do functional attributes, and status seekers tend to replace their cars earlier.  相似文献   

品牌依恋、品牌隔离、品牌断裂都是描述消费者与品牌之间的关系,但三者的内涵、测量方法及所描述的情感关系各不相同,本文从定性和定量两个角度试图厘清三者之间的关系。  相似文献   

一、全球化时代需要自主品牌。全球化时代需要自主品牌的理由更在于全球化其实是一个单向度的开放过程。表面上看,全球化是一种市场互相开放、经济互相融合的过程。借着这个过程,国际产业分工重新调整,每个国家都能从开放与融合中公平获益。但这只是一种理想的状态。全球化的实质是,由于经济实力的悬殊,特别是发达国家利用品牌优势掌握“话语权”,制定游戏规则,这种融合和开放在现实中往往更多地表现为发达国家的单向渗透和利益扩张的满足。  相似文献   

Despite extensive research, the relationship between store brand loyalty and store loyalty remains uncertain. Recent research suggest a nonmonotonic relationship between store brand loyalty and store loyalty: positive up to a certain store brand loyalty level, after which it becomes negative (inverted U). However, existing arguments suggest this relationship may relate to the competitive positioning of store brands, especially their price?Cquality positioning. The more quality-oriented the store brand positioning, the more favorable the effect of store brand loyalty appears to be on store loyalty. An empirical study, focused on retailers that simultaneously offer several store brands with different price?Cquality positions, corroborates this proposition. The store brand loyalty level at which store brand loyalty induces a negative effect on store loyalty occurs earlier when the store brand positioning stresses price instead of quality.  相似文献   

A brand logo has significant influences on consumer evaluations of a brand. However, little research has examined the effectiveness of brand logo design. The present research thus seeks to extend the literature in this area by examining how cuteness associated with a brand logo might produce a more favourable brand attitude. Across two experimental studies, this research provides empirical evidence that a cute (vs. non-cute) brand logo can increase positive consumer attitude toward a brand, especially among those experiencing the emotion of hope (but not happiness or a neutral emotional state). Further, this effect is driven by the perceptions among consumers feeling hopeful (but not happy) that a cute (vs. non-cute) brand logo has higher levels of growth potential. The findings of this research thus make theoretical implications on the literature on brand logo, cuteness, and emotion literature, and offer managerial implications in terms of brand logo design effectiveness.  相似文献   

This article empirically examines the value derived by consumers through their use and consumption of authentic brands and the indirect value attributable to a brand. Our findings provide an understanding of the drivers of value along an authenticity continuum. We demonstrate that authenticity cues of quality commitment, heritage and sincerity have differential effects on a brand’s position along the authenticity continuum and consequently, authenticity strategies. This paper discusses implications where initially, brands move along the continuum with internally driven strategies (germination, cultivation and consolidation). However, to attain very high levels of authenticity, brands pursue an externally driven strategy (preservation) that acknowledges external stakeholder roles in the creation of very highly authentic brands. Directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

In the quest for building long-term successful brands, many marketers have become increasingly interested in how to create and foster successful communities of brand users. The appeal of such an approach to relationship marketing lies in the recognition that members of brand communities tend to exhibit favorable brand-related behaviors and intentions. Research examining the social influence and creation of such social relationships among admirers of a brand has revealed substantial insights about the social processes that underlie customers' involvement in brand communities. Curiously, the psychological underpinnings of a customer's perception of community with other users of the brand remain unexplored. We offer the perspective that the observable, core components of brand community outlined in previous research may represent markers of social brand communities, while psychological brand communities may be characterized by an unobservable, psychological sense of community that could precede, or even work in lieu of, social interaction.  相似文献   

This study explores how brand credibility and brand prestige affect brand purchase intention and empirically investigates how the combinatory mechanism of brand credibility and brand prestige materialize across multiple product categories. The proposed model of six latent constructs is tested with structural equation modeling analysis: brand credibility, brand prestige, perceived quality, information costs saved, perceived risk, and brand purchase intention. The results suggest that both brand credibility and brand prestige positively influence brand purchase intention through perceived quality, information costs saved, and perceived risk under different product categories representing the high and low self‐expressive nature. Several implications for advertising messages and brand positioning strategies are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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