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商标是企业一项十分重要的无形资产,它的价值大小由企业内外因素综合决定的,对各种因素分析其变化动因以及对商标价值的影响,可为企业决策者制定相关政策服务,同时也可对企业不同发展阶段商标价值进行评估有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

高玉萍 《金卡工程》2009,13(6):109-109
随着经济全球化的发展,我国以低廉的劳动力、丰富的原材料、强大的加工能力,成为全世界最大的OEM"制造车间",随之而来的却是国内企业屡陷知识产权侵权的泥沼。本文以商标为切入点,对OEM制造商的商标侵权风险及其预防进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文对贵州省企业商标法律保护方面的严峻挑战进行分析,指出了贵州省企业尤其是中小企业在商标保护方面存在的问题,并根据贵州省企业发展与管理的实际需要,运用典型案例就商标保护的运用环境、运用方式和技巧进行了实证研究,进一步提出了贵州省中小企业未注册商标法律保护的具体策略,期望给贵州省企业的商标法律保护工作提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

商标被境外抢注是我国企业走入国际市场的绊脚石,给国内企业和我国的对外贸易造成了严重的损失。我国企业应积极申请商标国外注册和国际注册,扩大商标境外保护范围,以防商标被境外抢注。对商标被境外抢注,应对方式有三种:双方协商谈判;向注册国商标局申请撤销抢注商标;驰名商标还可依国际公约(《巴黎公约》、TRIPS协议),得到国际保护。  相似文献   

姚瑶 《金卡工程》2010,14(4):182-182
本文通过分析宝洁公司涉及的一些商标案例,了解商标战略是企业为获取和保持市场竞争优势的手段,最后通过运用商标战略,达到树立企业形象、扩大市场份额的目的。  相似文献   

王芸芸 《金卡工程》2010,14(7):155-155
商标异议制度是指自然人、法人或者其他组织在法定期限内对经商标局初步审定并公告的商标提出反对意见,要求商标局对该商标不予核准注册的法律制度。商标异议程序设置的原始初衷是为了将商标局的商标审查工作置于利害关系人和社会公众的监督之下,以利于保证商标审查的公正性,增强商标审查工作的透明度,防止出现商标审查失误,  相似文献   

刘辉 《金卡工程》2009,13(4):89-89
商标的反向假冒是否构成商标侵权,是法学界一直争议较大的问题。而我国的商标法关于反向假冒的规定其仅仅是建立在其他国家的立法基础之上,我国没有建立一整套关于反向假冒的制度体系,也没有建立在完整的法律理论基础之上。因此目前对商标反向假冒的争议之所以没有停止,主要是由于对于商标权人的权利和反向假冒之间的关系没有理顺。本文赞成商标反向假冒是一种侵权行为,并以此为研究重点对反向假冒进行研究。  相似文献   

显著性认定是声音商标实质性审查的核心内容,然而,我国关于声音商标显著性认定的立法规制尚不完善,亟待解决。本文通过对域外法进行考察,总结出认定声音商标需要衡量的三个基本要素,并对我国声音显著性认定提出相应建议。  相似文献   

张云 《时代金融》2016,(5):252+254
显著性认定是声音商标实质性审查的核心内容,然而,我国关于声音商标显著性认定的立法规制尚不完善,亟待解决。本文通过对域外法进行考察,总结出认定声音商标需要衡量的三个基本要素,并对我国声音显著性认定提出相应建议。  相似文献   

论市场经济下的企业商标管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何在当前市场经济条件下强化商标的作用 ,利用商标这一无形资产的价值 ,为企业创造经济效益是企业所面临的一个重要问题。本文主要论述了商标管理在企业管理中的重要性 ,商标管理的主要内容 ,并对企业在商标管理工作中存在的主要问题进行了分析与总结。针对我国加入WTO后企业所面临的形势 ,结合新修订的《商标法》对企业商标管理工作提出一些建议。  相似文献   

I study how private communication among competitors affects their public disclosures. Theory suggests that competing firms can use public disclosure to coordinate, and predicts less public disclosure when there is more private communication. Using data on strategic alliances, I predict and find that firms that enter strategic alliances with competitors reduce their public disclosure, and that the reduction is more pronounced for alliances that allow for more private communication.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of horizontal acquisition announcements on the value of direct competitors of the combined entity. We argue that the ownership structure of the target drives competitor wealth effects. First, the stronger disciplining force of the market for corporate control for public firms compared to private firms will lead to higher competitive pressure post-acquisition when a public firm is acquired, leading to more negative valuation effects of direct competitors. Second, acquisitions of subsidiary targets, compared to stand-alone targets, are expected to lead to stronger asset utilization improvements in the target, leading to more negative competitor returns. A unique hand-collected sample of 1038 direct competitors of 228 horizontal acquisitions in Europe empirically supports these hypotheses. Alternative explanations, such as information asymmetry or empire-building, are rejected.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors investigator the evolution of new competition in banking. As a consequence of the deregulation of this market and the opportunities the new technologies offer, new non-banking competitors — companies whose main activity is not finance — have decided to venture into a promising sector that is unknown to them. This conceptual paper aims to present an overview of the competitive situation that has arisen from the entrance of new participants in the banking industry, and to describe the different strategies that banks may use in order to face this new situation. Data were sourced from a literature review and new entrants' websites in order to ascertain their origin, their promoters and partners as well as their actual situation.  相似文献   

We find, like [Lang, L.H.P., Stulz, R.M., 1992. Contagion and competitive intra-industry effects of bankruptcy announcements: An empirical analysis, Journal of Financial Economics, 32(1), 45–60], that large firm bankruptcies generate a dominant contagion effect. A value-weighted portfolio of competitors' stocks experiences a significant loss of 0.56% in the three days centered around the Chapter 11 announcement. This represents an average loss of $3.32 for all the competitors combined for every dollar lost by the bankrupt firm. In addition, we find that small firm bankruptcies also generate a dominant contagion effect among smaller sized competitors; an equally-weighted portfolio of all competitors has a significant 0.12% drop. In a new approach to separate the contagion and competitive effects, we compare the stock price reactions of competitors who themselves subsequently file for bankruptcy in the next three years (candidates for contagion effect) with those who do not do so (candidates for competitive effect). As expected, candidates for contagion effect experience a significant, negative three-day stock price reaction of −4.68%. However, contrary to expectations, candidates for competitive effect also have a significant, negative return (−0.49%), suggesting that the competitive effect is weak at best since it is dominated by the contagion effect even in this sample. Other procedures to identify candidates for competitive effect generally yield similar findings. Finally, we analyze competitors' stock price reactions based on selected characteristics (e.g., industry concentration, and leverage), with similar results as before. One explanation for the failure to detect a competitive effect is that the impact may already have been incorporated in stock prices prior to the filing for Chapter 11. Consistent with this explanation, we find significant positive stock price reactions by competitor stocks for the hundred days prior to the bankruptcy announcement.  相似文献   

商标权包括专有使用权和禁用权两方面的内容。混淆理论是划定商标禁用权范围的理论基础。基于混淆理论,商标禁用权在商标权域外也具有一定的排他效力,主要表现在商标权的禁用权扩张,延伸至商号、域名、商品名称或者商品装潢等领域。  相似文献   

We examine a vertical integration decision within the commercial banking industry. During the last quarter of the 20th century, some community banks reduced their traditional reliance on correspondent banks for upstream products and services by joining bankers' banks, a form of business cooperative. Research on vertical integration focuses primarily on firm-specific investment, market power, and government regulation. However, this case is difficult to explain in terms of these standard vertical integration motives. Our evidence suggests that bankers' banks are a response to technological change and deregulation that results in increased costs faced by community banks in dealing with correspondent banks as both suppliers and potential competitors. For instance, loan participations require sharing proprietary information about major loan customers, something a community bank would not want to provide to a potential competitor.  相似文献   

This article investigates how overpricing of outstanding certificates, also called master certificates, changes when competing products that duplicate the features of master certificates are issued. I argue that competition effects may be reverted and overpricing may increase rather than decrease after competitors arrive, when retail investors fail to detect implications of credit risk differences on certificates’ values. Using difference-in-differences estimations on matched samples, I find that overpricing of master certificates decreases after the competing products have been issued, but only when the master issuer’s credit risk is lower than that of the duplicate issuer, while it increases when the credit risk difference is positive. These findings are robust to controlling for retail investors’ demand in various ways. Thus, the study indicates that retail investors’ failure to detect the value implications of issuers’ credit risk can undermine product competition.  相似文献   

杨凯旋 《当代金融研究》2021,2021(3):155-171
商标使用意图要件是使用体制国家转向注册体制的关键,对在注册体制下维持和强调发挥商标作用所必需的使用义务以及对相对具体规则进行有效补充等方面具有不可替代性。据此,我国为规制频发的恶意注册和囤积行为,在商标法中增加了使用意图要件的规定,禁止缺乏使用意图的商标注册,并允许就此提出异议和申请无效宣告。然而,本次修改为保证商标法体系的稳定性而过于简略,很容易出现使用意图要件地位不明、意图认定困难、规则适用冲突等问题。对此,有必要在明确商标法注册体制下宣示性与规则性相结合条款与兜底性绝对无效理由条款的法律地位的基础上,吸收国内外实践和立法经验,细化完善意图声明审查、兜底性适用顺位、实际使用豁免无效以及由实际使用衔接注册审查与无效宣告等具体规则,从而增强我国使用意图要件的可操作性并使其发挥应有作用。  相似文献   

价值评估是商标权质押融资中不可缺少的重要环节.商标权权属的不稳定性和不确性,造成了商标权内在价值定量与固化的困难,商标权价值蕴含和体现着企业的整体价值,使之在量化中难以与企业经营价值相区分,其价值评估不同于专利权、著作权,但目前缺少专门的评估操作规则.解决商标权价值评估困难,有必要重构知识产权价值原理的基础理论,完善知识产权价值评估法律制度和商标权价值实现的交易环节等.  相似文献   

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