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本建立了一个分析新开放宏观经济学模型(NOEM),并在此基础上检验了内生货币政策在价格传递机制中所发挥的制约作用,以此鉴别中国“通缩输出论”的真伪性。我们得到两个重要的政策结论。首先,中国“通缩输出论”的基础是传统的“支出转移效应”,但忽略了进出口企业的定价能力等微观要素。这种主张不符合数据反映的现实情况。其次,一国的货币政策可以制约汇率和外国价格对本国价格的传递效应,这一特点是现有的价格传递效应理论所没有涉及的新机制,它的作用在美国表现得尤为突出。  相似文献   

关于中国“通缩出口”论的真伪性检验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文根据国际贸易中价格传递效应的理论 ,通过考察中、日、美三国间进出口价格的相互影响来检验是否存在所谓中国“通缩出口”的现象。为了使检验结果更具有统计意义上的稳健性 (Robustness) ,论文除了保留自己前期研究方法上的特色以外 ,还根据结构变化检验 (ChowTest)的结果 ,将上述这些方法分阶段运用 ,同时 ,又进一步利用体系转换模型 (RegimeSwitchingModel)来考察受货币政策影响的三种价格环境的制约作用。另外 ,对冲击反应函数 (VMA)又做了因素确定的方差分解 (VarianceDecomposition) ,从而使得价格传递效应的动态特征被揭示得更为明显和更为充分。最后 ,文章得出了两个重要的政策含义 :首先 ,中国“通缩出口”论是基于传统的“支出转移效应”的宏观分析视角 ,忽略了进出口企业的定价能力 (PTM)等微观要素 ,所以 ,这种主张不符合现实情况。其次 ,一国可以通过稳定国内的物价环境来制约汇率和外国价格的传递效应 (Taylor’sRule) ,这一点在美国表现得尤为突出。  相似文献   

在高债务和通缩并存的背景下,中国有必要采取措施应对"债务-通缩"风险。美国和日本的经验表明,单独使用货币政策或财政政策(单一宽松)应对"债务-通缩"所需的政策力度较大,而且容易陷入政策不可持续的困境。本文通过构建含有高债务和通缩特征的DSGE模型,并对货币政策和财政政策进行"中国化"修正,研究发现:货币政策与财政政策协调(双宽松)可以为财政政策创造空间并为货币政策节省空间,增强政策可持续性。这是因为,货币政策的"再通胀"效应有助于减轻政府实际债务负担和融资成本,为财政政策创造新空间。而且,积极财政政策同样能产生一定的"再通胀"效应,这会减轻货币政策为实现"再通胀"而需要宽松的力度,从而为货币政策节省空间。有鉴于此,中国应该加强财政货币政策协调以避免经济陷入"债务-通缩"陷阱。  相似文献   

人民币汇率和大宗商品价格变动对国內价格的传递程度和速度,是决定国內物价水平走势的一个关键因素,利用带有结构突变的结构向量自回归分析法,本文实证结果表明:(1)美元货币供给量、大宗商品价格变动沿价格链纵向传递率呈现递减的差异化特征,人民币汇率升值对国內物价形成"反了曲线"冲击效应,反之亦然。(2)由于"货币漏出效应"的存在,人民币汇率和美元货币供应量增长率发生结构突变时,人民币汇率升值对物价的短期上推效应变大,而对物价的长期抑制效应变小,反之亦然。(3)人民币汇率波动在不同行业的横截面上的传递率呈现出差异化特征,对食品和居住类消费价格的传递率较高,而对其他类消费价格的传递率较低。(4)可以根据CPI上行和PPI下行因素主导通胀剪刀差走势,来调高人民币升值或贬值预期,适时抑制通胀和通缩。此外,还应加强中美货币政策沟通,弱化美元货币供应投放量的"漏出效应",理顺流通环节,防范热钱流动放大通胀与通缩带来的危害。  相似文献   

通过梳理“债务—通缩”理论的发展脉络与典型案例,笔者认为理解“债务—通缩”机制需要把握三个要点:一是资产价格暴跌是“债务—通缩”危机的触发点。二是金融体系的稳定能够降低“债务—通缩”危机的严重程度。三是宽松货币政策辅以扩张性财政政策可以有效帮助经济摆脱“债务—通缩”危机。目前中国金融体系保持稳定,有效地抑制了部分行业“债务—通缩”风险的蔓延,因而中国经济也尚未陷入“债务—通缩”困境之中。但政府部门必须高度警惕衰退式泡沫的形成及潜在的破裂风险。在货币政策保持适度宽松定位的同时,需加强与宏观审慎政策和财政政策的协调配合,以妥善应对当前中国面临的“债务—通缩”问题。  相似文献   

新常态以来,中国经济高质量发展对货币政策调控提出了更高要求。文章基于DSGE模型和SV-TVPFAVAR模型对中国价格型货币政策的宏观经济效应进行理论模拟与计量检验,进一步分析数量型货币政策冲击下价格型货币政策的宏观经济效应。结果发现:价格型货币政策具有产出和通货膨胀效应,冲击极值、效应维度、收敛性与政策工具选择有关;数量型货币政策对不同代理变量下的价格型货币政策冲击效果存在差异,7天期同业拆借利率为数量型货币政策冲击下最优价格型货币政策代理变量。货币政策当局充分利用数量型货币政策和价格型货币政策之间的"同频共振"效应,构建"价主量辅"的货币政策框架体系。  相似文献   

所谓"货币幻觉",指的是货币政策的通货膨胀效应。一般地,货币政策的作用有两方面:一是产业效应,另一是价格效应。如果扩张性货币政策是以通货膨胀来换取产出增长,我们说这种  相似文献   

后金融危机时代,美国持续量化宽松货币政策所带来的溢出效应已对中国资产价格调整产生实质性影响;美国货币政策变动后可通过利率和国际资本流入进行传导,能直接引起中国股票市场价格的剧烈波动并间接推动房地产价格的上涨;在中国房地产市场正处于深度调控背景下,美国货币政策的进一步放宽将对中国货币政策的适度紧缩形成强烈制约,使中国资产价格调控面临巨大的风险和隐患。  相似文献   

本文利用2001—2015年的月度数据,在计算多种核心CPI的基础上,实证分析了食品价格冲击对核心CPI的传递效应。本文研究发现,我国食品CPI存在高惯性特征,其对核心CPI具有较大的冲击作用,长期传递系数为0140;这种传递效应在2008年12月前后存在内生性结构突变,突变前后两阶段的长期传递系数分别为0186和0097;虽然2008年12月以后食品价格对核心CPI的冲击下降幅度较大,但长期传递系数仍具有明显的上升趋势。这些结果表明,食品价格冲击已经显著影响我国通货膨胀的持续性成分,我国货币政策应重视食品价格冲击带来的传递效应;尽管我国政策调整的作用有所显现,但是稳定物价的压力依然很大。  相似文献   

曹伟  万谍  金朝辉  钱水土 《经济研究》2019,54(6):136-150
针对"一带一路"倡议实施后各省(直辖市)主要贸易伙伴的动态变化,本文构建了省际进口加权有效汇率指数,基于汇率传递非对称性效应理论机制,运用面板数据研究了人民币汇率传递的非对称性效应和省际异质性,并采用双重差分法(DID)考察了"一带一路"倡议对进口汇率传递效应的影响。研究发现:(1)各省人民币汇率传递效应存在明显的异质性和非对称性,经济越发达的省份,汇率传递效应越低,人民币升值较贬值对大部分省份进口价格传递效应更大。(2)各省资本密集型产品的进口占比越大,则人民币贬值促使进口价格上升的幅度越大。(3)"一带一路"倡议整体上提升了中国在进口市场中的国际定价权,特别是对于劳动密集型产品的进口,中国的定价权大幅提高。论文的政策含义在于:一是中国进口贸易政策的制定,需要考虑省际汇率传递效应存在的异质性;二是中国需要大力发展自"一带一路"沿线国家的进口贸易,同时应加大技术创新力度以减轻对欧美市场资本密集型产品的进口依赖程度。  相似文献   

We seek to demonstrate the variations in the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) and identify the shift in the price-setting behavior by placing the emphasis on the implemented exchange rate and monetary policy regimes. Having a history of several distinct monetary regimes, Turkey exhibits a genuine laboratory in this respect. Our empirical results reveal that the pass-through from exchange rates to domestic prices has changed dramatically. We detect breaks in the pass-through coefficients at three episodes, all of which coincide with a shift in monetary/exchange rate regime, lending support to the view that monetary and exchange rate regimes might be among the major determinants of the ERPT process . ( JEL C51, E31, E58)  相似文献   

Considering external constraints on monetary policy in emerging countries, we propose a semi-structural vector autoregressive model with exogenous variables (VARX) to examine the exchange rate pass-through to domestic prices. We demonstrate that a lower exchange rate pass-through is associated with a credible monetary policy aiming at controlling inflation. The empirical results suggest that the exchange rate pass-through is higher in Latin American countries than in East Asian countries. The exchange rate pass-through has declined after the adoption of an inflation targeting monetary policy.  相似文献   

本文在两分法的框架下对人民币的汇率传递进行了实证研究,发现人民币的宏观传递效应较微弱,且货币与财政因素对物价和汇率变动的解释力要大于真实因素,人民币内外价值之间的信息反馈和相互作用的力度不对称.  相似文献   

This paper employs a New Keynesian DSGE model to explore the role of banks within the cost channel of monetary policy transmission for shaping the interest rate pass-through from money market rates to loan rates. Banks extend loans to firms in an environment of monopolistic competition by setting their loan rates in a staggered way, which means that the adjustment of the aggregate loan rate to a monetary policy shock is sticky. We estimate the model for the euro area by adopting a minimum distance approach. Our findings exhibit that (i) financial costs are an important factor for price changes, (ii) frictions in the loan market have an effect on the propagation of monetary policy shocks as the pass-through from a change in money market rates to loan rates is incomplete, and (iii) the strength of the cost channel is mitigated as banks shelter firms from monetary policy shocks by smoothing loan rates.  相似文献   

In this article we analyse empirically currency substitution and exchange rate pass-through in the Turkish Economy, where their ongoing presence could undermine the implementation of a successful monetary policy, especially in a flexible exchange rate regime. Even though a considerable time has passed after the implementation of a flexible exchange rate regime in Turkey, by using Vector Error Correction model for the period from 1987 to 2004, we find that the currency substitution and exchange rate pass-through still have importance in the Turkish Economy and the monetary policy stance has been considerably strong, possibly, as a response of ongoing presence of them. If this is the case, to avoid the undesired consequences of this strong monetary policy, Turkey should consider some policy measures to reduce the degree of pass-through and currency substitution.  相似文献   

We study the role of financial systems for the cost channel transmission of monetary policy in a calibrated business cycle model. We characterize financial systems by the share of bank-dependent firms and by the degree of the pass-through from policy to bank lending rates, for which we provide empirical estimates for the euro area and the US. For plausible calibrations of the dynamics of the lending rate we find that the cost effects directly related to interest rate movements have only a limited effect on the transmission mechanism.  相似文献   

In this article, we formulate linear Gaussian state space models for the estimation of the exchange rate pass-through of the Brazilian Real against the US Dollar, using monthly data from August 1999 to August 2008. The state space/Kalman filtering framework allows the investigation of some empirical aspects previously suggested in the literature, such as time-varying coefficients and null/full pass-through hypotheses. We also test whether some theoretical ‘determinants’ of the pass-through are statistically significant in the period considered. The principal findings are as follows: (1) the data offer strong support to a time-varying pass-through; and (2) the variance of the exchange rate pass-through, the monetary policy and the trade flow have shown to be relevant determinants of the exchange rate pass-through.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the key factors that explain the documented decline in the exchange rate pass-through in South Africa over the past two decades. The paper finds that this outcome is largely due to improved monetary policy credibility. The South African Reserve Bank has become more credible since the adoption of the inflation target regime through improved communication, transparency, and independence. We show that credibility is enhanced through a gradual disinflation process and reduction of inflation volatility. As result, expectations of agents have become well-anchored at levels that are consistent with its objectives of keeping inflation within the official target range of 3–6 percent even in the presence of external shocks. This in turn reduces the exchange rate pass-through. This finding is important from a monetary policy perspective not only for South Africa but other emerging economies such as Turkey as it shows that improving monetary policy credibility is a key ingredient to reducing exchange rate pass-through.  相似文献   

By introducing search and matching frictions in both the labor and the credit markets into a cash in advance New Keynesian DSGE model, we provide a novel explanation of the incomplete pass-through from policy rates to loan rates. We show that this phenomenon is ineradicable if banks possess some power in the bargaining over the loan rate of interest, if the cost of posting job vacancies is positive and if firms and banks sustain costs when searching for lines of credit and when posting credit vacancies, respectively. We also show that the presence of credit market frictions moderates the reactions of employment and wages to a monetary shock. Finally, we confirm the finding that pass-through incompleteness has limited short-term impacts on the transmission of monetary policy shocks to output and inflation.  相似文献   

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