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文章通过对2001~2012年间中国两岸四地作者旅游类国际期刊论文的检索和统计,分析发现:(1)中国作者发表的论文总量呈增长趋势,且大陆的增幅尤为明显;(2)中国大陆作者独立发表的论文数量、大陆学术机构的贡献度及论文被引频次较低;(3)通过对不同时期两岸四地论文的关键词分析提取出的研究热点和研究方向发现,中国作者的旅游研究总体从宏观转向微观,由预测、规划转向动机、满意度研究,其中,大陆和港澳台的研究各偏重于不同的方向。文章还从《旅游学刊》文章被国际期刊论文引用的角度进行分析,研究发现,大陆学者正在以学术交流和学生联合培养的方式合作发表论文并引用中文旅游学术期刊文章,从而使之产生一定国际影响力。通过对国内外核心期刊的分析,研究近10年中国旅游研究的国际影响力变化趋势及其影响因素,为旅游学术共同体尤其是大陆学者提升其学术成果的国际影响力提供方向参考。  相似文献   

杨红  Paul Brunt 《旅游学刊》2011,26(1):89-95
本文以2000~2010年期间在11种国际权威旅游学术期刊上发表的有关中国旅游研究的196篇文献为样本,从年度载文量、文献作者国家和地区分布、作者单位、研究内容等方面进行了统计分析。从分析中可以看出,国际学术界对中国旅游的关注增多,有关中国旅游的研究数量不断增加,但由于语言障碍、研究规范的缺失,以及在研究范式与研究方法上与国际旅游研究存在较大差异等原因,国内很多的研究成果仍然无法充分展现给外界,学术交流虽然有很大的增进,但仍然存在较大的拓展空间。  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from an analysis of 16,024 tourism academic papers published in the major social science journals of China as ranked by CSSCI, and CSCD for the period from 2003 to 2012. The paper ranks and evaluates journals and institutions related to tourism, and thus shows a comprehensive picture of the academic development in China's tourism academic research over the decade. The paper used a creative research method to discover the phenomenon and issues not previously identified by researchers and provides a sound foundation to further develop big data analytical methods in China.  相似文献   

该研究以中国学术期刊网络出版总库的"中文核心期刊"为数据来源,以"遗产"和"旅游"为主题检索,从年代、期刊、作者、作者机构、研究对象、研究地点、研究方法和研究主题等方面进行了文献计量分析。研究发现,我国遗产旅游研究开始于20世纪90年代,近10年得到飞速发展,形成了核心刊物群,但尚未拥有稳定的核心作者群,在研究机构上以北京、广州、南京等大城市和遗产资源集中区域的高校及科研院所为主;中国遗产旅游的研究对象趋向多元化,在研究地点上以国内研究为主,且集中在长江中上游、东北等区域,缺乏国际性研究;在研究方法上,以实证研究方法为主,新方法和手段仍有待加强;在研究主题上,中国遗产旅游关注的问题较为多样,但主要表现为五大内容,即价值属性、旅游发展、产业经济、游客及社区、保护管理。  相似文献   

The concept of cruise tourism should be examined given the rapid growth of this segment of travel worldwide. Rapid increases in cruise tourists and port construction have been observed in China, but systematic research on cruise tourism in China remains unavailable. Hence, this study conducts a thorough review of cruising studies published in top English tourism and hospitality journals and eminent Chinese journals. A content analysis of 62 cruising studies in English and 26 cruising-related articles in Chinese identifies trends in research and methodology and the differences between English and Chinese cruise tourism literature. Significant research topics and methodology trends are discussed and future research directions are also presented.  相似文献   

In the quarter of a century since the release of the 1987 Brundtland Report, sustainable tourism has emerged as the dominant paradigm in tourism development. However, the debate, discourse, and criticism of this subfield of tourism research continues. To address such concerns the purpose of this paper is to explore trends and patterns in sustainable tourism research over the past 25 years. A 25-year bibliometric analysis was conducted for the four highest ranked journals in the tourism field. Results indicate that the growth in sustainable tourism research has been remarkable, with 492 papers published in these four journals and almost half of these in the last two years of the analysis. The largest proportion of papers published on sustainable tourism was case studies, empirical studies, and critical reviews. This study found that while the theoretical and methodological approaches appear to have matured over time, the subjects and themes in sustainable tourism research, with some exceptions, have remained constant. However, the field is clearly maturing with a move away from definitional and conceptual papers to papers focused on testing and applying theory through empirical research.  相似文献   

中国旅游地理学发展历程与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1978年以来,中国旅游地理学研究呈现“理论框架逐渐完善、应用研究不断加强、研究方法更加成熟、新技术应用广泛、多学科综合研究、国际学术交流扩大”等发展特征。基于旅游地理学的最新研究成果与发展态势,结合国家和社会需求,本文探讨了新时期中国旅游地理学需要重点关注的科学议题,包括旅游地域系统时空格局及其演变、差异化自然人文环境下的旅游业发展机制、旅游业生态文明建设与旅游资源保护利用、旅游客流和行为地域规律与新发展格局、旅游业与区域发展的时空关系和制衡机制、中国旅游业高质量发展的地理因素、旅游地域多源信息融合与决策支持系统构建。  相似文献   

The hospitality and tourism field has been struggling for academic legitimacy since its founding. Despite the impressive growth of research in the field, as well as the publication of a respectable number of high-quality scientific journals, voices are being heard from the community of hospitality and tourism researchers calling for more focused efforts on publication in journals of more established and traditional disciplines. It is argued here that this demand may have negative implications for research in the field, on the contribution of academia to the industry, and on the advancement of the career of hospitality and tourism scholars. The scientific community should reverse this trend and instead concentrate its efforts on developing the field by promoting publishing in hospitality and tourism journals in order to promote relevant, up-to-date, and innovative research for the benefit of science and industry.  相似文献   

《地理学报》是刊载地理学研究权威成果的最具影响力的国内学术期刊,刊载的旅游地理学学术研究成果反映了该学科的特征、主题和发展态势。本文以《地理学报》刊载的旅游研究论文为数据样本,采用CiteSpace软件绘制旅游地理学相关领域30年来的研究成果图谱,可视化展现其主要学术力量、热点主题、研究方法及其时间演变过程,从而考察30年来该学科领域的发展趋势。研究发现:旅游地理学载文数量日益增多,主题呈现多元化。相关成果有明显的阶段性特征,经历了起步转向、继承发展和综合发展的3个旅游研究阶段。同时,整体研究呈现向东部倾斜的趋势,且实证研究多于理论研究,旅游地理学的理论体系亟待完善。未来需加强学科间的交流与合作,重视理论创新、学科交叉,促使旅游地理学迸发出新的生命活力。  相似文献   

h指数是一项评价科学家科研绩效的定量指标,一个人的h指数越高,表明他的论文影响力越大。文章对2003~2012年我国旅游学术共同体(学术期刊、旅游研究者、高等院校及科研机构等)的旅游研究成果应用h指数进行测度和评价。h指数的计算兼顾了论文的数量和质量,弥补了单纯以论文数量来测度和评价学术共同体成员(如学术期刊、研究者和学术机构等)成果学术影响力和贡献度的不足,增加了旅游学术影响力的评价维度,较为全面客观地反映了我国旅游学术共同体成员的科研生产力和学术影响力,更为全面客观地测度和评价了近十年来我国旅游学术研究的概貌和特征,对旅游学术共同体成员成果进行了评价和排序。  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze the intellectual and cognitive structures of the sharing economy as a field of research. Adopting an integrated bibliometric approach of citation, co-citation, and co-word analysis, this study analyses 941 articles published on Web of Science from 1978 to 2019. Findings reveal that despite there being a latent concentration in citations distribution, the ascending and descending influence patterns discovered over time indicate a dynamic flow and healthy growth of the field. The analysis of the intellectual structure identifies four main areas of research, with hospitality and tourism being the most developed, and the journals about hospitality being the preferred channel for research into the sharing economy. Finally, for the cognitive structure analysis, in-depth strategic diagrams, thematic evolution, and trend analysis disclose some research gaps. Thus, we contribute to the sharing economy literature by inductively synthesizing, and organizing SE research, and by proposing future research directions.  相似文献   

旅游者行为研究一直是国内外旅游学界关注的重点和热点。在全球旅游业遭遇新冠肺炎疫情带来的巨大冲击和挑战时,英文期刊上与新冠疫情相关的旅游者行为研究也与日俱增。虽然英文学界对与新冠疫情相关的旅游研究有过零星的、整体上的批判性思考,但鲜见对旅游者行为这一具体研究领域最新进展和实质贡献的讨论。基于对8种旅游类英文SSCI期刊截至2021年8月31日所载83篇论文的分析,本文回顾了与新冠疫情相关的旅游者行为研究进展,并评价了这些研究的实质贡献。从研究主题看,现有文献集中在“风险感知与出游意向”“旅游购买决策”“实际旅游中的行为与体验”和“对技术的态度”等四个方面。从研究取向看,定量研究占主导;与之相对应的是,问卷调查是主要的数据收集渠道。虽然大部分研究明确提及使用了某种或某几种理论,但主要是应用现有理论来提出所假设的变量之间的关系,或解释新冠疫情背景下新的旅游消费现象,并未对现有理论框架、概念做出重大改变。未来的研究还应该考虑运用定性方法、大数据分析技术和实验法,挖掘、识别、验证新冠疫情作为公共健康危机的独特属性以及与之关联的独特的旅游者行为和旅游消费现象,以期更好地实现概念化、理论化,并在中国特色的疫情防控实践中,更好地实现与新冠疫情有关的旅游者行为研究的本土化。  相似文献   

中国旅游研究国际影响度的比较分析与提升途径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文在引入并分析旅游研究国际影响度的概念的基础上,提出了旅游研究国际影响度的测评指标体系,并选取"在国际主流旅游学术刊物上发表的论文数量"、"出任国际旅游学术刊物编委的学者数量"、"举办国际性旅游学术会议的数量"、"出任国际性旅游研究机构专家的学者数量"、"出任国际旅游学术刊物审稿专家的学者数量"等5个指标,对中国(两岸四地)与韩国的旅游研究国际影响度现状进行了比较,分析了中国两岸四地、韩国这5个地区在旅游研究国际影响度方面的差距、差异与共同点.文章最后针对中国内地旅游研究的国际影响度现状,提出了若干提升的建议.  相似文献   

Great strides have been made in tourism development in PR China since 1978 with the shift in emphasis from political ideology to the economy. The failure of the Chinese government to recognize the significance of tourism to the economy has led to inadequate provision of tourist services and accommoda- tion. The State Administration for Travel and Tourism (SATT) has recently produced a report aimed at developing a new prospect for Chinese tourism. Zhang Guangrui, Assistant Fellow of the Institute of Finance and Trade Economics, brings us up-to-date with the state of tourism in China.  相似文献   

This paper reviews progress in the field of urban tourism, revisiting and challenging the validity of the paradoxes presented in the paper by Ashworth and Page (2011). To do this, the paper examines the expansion of research endeavours in urban tourism in relation to these paradoxes, including the outputs in dedicated journals on city tourism along with the wider range of outputs generated since 2011 in social science. It also revisits the initial proposition set out regarding an imbalance in attention in urban tourism research (Ashworth 1989, 2003) and how this has been addressed through a broader development of thinking at the intersection of urbanism and tourism. It is a selective review of progress in the field, highlighting the challenges of deriving theory from western modes of analysis that need re-thinking in relation to the global south, notably Africa as well as developments in Asia and the Middle East.  相似文献   


The impact of weather on outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism has received increasing attention from the research community during the past ten years. This article synthesizes the results of those inquiries, categorizing their predominant themes and identifying knowledge gaps. One hundred eighty-four weather-related articles drawn from a cross-section of international journals served as the foundation for this work. The research synthesis identified three recurring themes: weather-related variables that influence outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism, the importance of geographic research context, and prevailing activity types. A gap analysis indicated an abundance of underinvestigated topics in weather-related studies in outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism. The article concludes with recommendations for future weather-related studies in outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism developed from the predominant themes uncovered in the research synthesis and research needs discovered in the gap analysis.  相似文献   

Ethnic or indigenous tourism has attracted significant academic research, but with the exception of Taiwan's minorities much of the research in the English language journals has been dominated by the perspective of western tourists gazing upon the minorities. Additionally such studies have tended to be quantitative in nature. This paper studies the attitudes of Han tourists towards the Tuva minority of Kanas Scenic Area and reports results derived from 650 respondents. Equivalencies with western-based research are found, with about only 11 per cent of tourists having any significant interest in minority cultures, although evidence exists that Tuva and their Kazakh neighbours contribute to destination image as figures in the landscape – a landscape that is attractive to Han tourists for aesthetic and relaxation reasons. However, while simpler analysis is found to be effective in creating clusters, a causal model fails due to issues of auto-correlation and multi-collinearity, which problems may be pertinent in other studies that report the gaze of a majority on the culture of the minority. The implications of both findings and research method are discussed.  相似文献   

Economic inequality in China has increased since China began its economic reforms in 1978. Economic activity has become increasingly more skewed towards China's coastal areas and overall regional economic inequality has increased with economic growth in China. The paper utilizes statistical data over two decades, and tracks the growing regional inequality in terms of economic and tourism development. It confirms the concern that along with phenomenal growth of inbound tourism to China, considerable regional inequality has arisen in tourism in China. There is significant spatial inequality in the distribution of inbound tourism in China and its economic characteristics. International tourism in China is heavily concentrated in the coastal areas. This paper attempts to identify trends in the regional concentration of international tourism in China from 1986 to 2004. Gini coefficients for major tourist indicators are applied to test the characteristics of tourism distribution.  相似文献   

谢彦君 《旅游学刊》2003,18(5):20-25
本文主要探讨了中国旅游研究与国外旅游研究所存在的差距。根据作者利用网络资源所做的调查,本文得出了这样的结论:与国外同行的研究水平相比,中国的旅游研究还存在一定的差距。表现在:学术期刊以及研究文献的数量都远不及英语国家;中国的旅游学术界往往追逐由各级政府部门所引导的热门话题而进行研究;在学术研究上由于缺乏充分的跟进研究,使有价值的学术积累非常单薄;中国的旅游学还很难成为一个独立的学科。作者通过实证分析的方法对上述命题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

21世纪以来旅游社会文化影响研究的回顾与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜辽  苏勤  杜宗斌 《旅游学刊》2013,(12):24-33
旅游社会文化影响是旅游地理学研究的核心内容和热点问题。文章选取国内外权威核心刊物, 识别相关文献, 剔除无关文献, 梳理发展脉络, 从居民感知、文化变迁、地方身份和社会结构等4个方面, 对21世纪以来国内外旅游社会文化影响的研究内容进行分析, 总结理论方法。研究发现, 国内外研究领域的广度、深度不断拓展, 社区和旅游区的实证研究居多;在理论方法方面, 以相关学科的理论应用为主, 对自身规律的反思与总结较少, 理论提炼水平有限。最后, 鉴于地方全球化发展趋势, 从研究领域、理论方法、分析工具等方面反思与展望旅游社会文化影响研究的未来发展。  相似文献   

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