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固定资产投资是扩大内需的一个重要方面,它将成为近两年经济增长水平高低的一个最重要因素。本文通过对影响固定资产投资增长的诸多因素分析,对1998—1999年固定资产投资的各个方面进行了比较详尽的预测,并对固定资产投资领域中存在的问题提出了自己的看法。据分析,1998年全社会固定资产投资将增长16%左右,以经济增长保持较高水平起到了重要的作用。1999年,扩大内需仍是国家宏观调控政策的主基调,财政、货币政策适度放松,投资增长面临较好的环境。加上在建规模较大的滞后影响。预计1999年全社会固定资产投资增幅大致在175%左右。其中,国有经济在1998年领先增长后,1999年其增幅仍将维持在较高水平,集体经济1999年将出现恢复性增长,城乡个人投资增幅将有所回升。分地区看,三大地带投资增幅仍呈两头高、中间低态势,但相互差距会缩小。当前,应加快投融资体制改革步伐,促进非国有经济投资增长,提高企业投资意愿。同时,财政政策要摆正位置,注意投向,疏通储蓄……投资渠道,提高资金使用效率  相似文献   

许伟 《发展研究》2010,(10):40-45
2010年上半年我国固定资产投资同比增速高位回降,环比增速总体平稳,但5、6月份小幅下调。同比增幅回落部分是因为去年同期基数较高,但结合环比数据也表明调控措施的影响正在逐步显现。下半年,要保持经济增长率在9%以上,固定资产投资的同比增速维持在23%左右较为合适。在房地产和制造业投资走势存在一些不确定性的情况下,基础设施建设将对支撑固定资产投资的平稳增长起到重要作用。  相似文献   

固定资产投资形势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1995─1996年中国的固定资产投资国家信息中心预测部胡义维一、1995年投资形势与存在的问题1.1995年投资形势1995年,中央决定严格控制投资规模,优化投资结构。从前三季度的情况看,投资增长稳步回落,投资规模得到了一定控制。上半年全社会固定资...  相似文献   

在对1990年-2012年新疆投资、GDP、就业、税收的原始指标数据进行处理与检验的基础上建立VAR模型,运用格兰杰因果关系检验、脉冲响应函数与方差分解的计量分析方法对新疆投资的效应进行分析,结果表明,投资对经济增长的短期影响显著,后劲不足。投资对就业的影v向是有效的,随着时间的推移,作用有趋于稳定。投资对税收的短期影响不显著。因此,一方面要扩大投资规模,另一方面要优化投资结构,以更好地发挥投资对经济的效应。  相似文献   

一、2003年一季度投资形势分析(一)一季度投资情况2003年开局良好,我国固定资产投资强劲增长。一季度,全社会固定资产投资累计完成了6155亿元,同比增长27.8%。从2000-2003年一季度同期情况看,全社会投资分别增长了8.5%、12.4%、19.6%和27.8%,增幅年均提高6.4个百分点,表明2000年以来的投资升温趋势十分明显。2003年一季度,在全社会固定资产投资中,国有及其他所有制投资累计完成4138亿元,同比增长29.8%;集体投资累计完成915亿元,同比增长27.4%;个体投资累计完成1102亿元,同比增长21.1%。上述三类所有制投资增幅分别同比上升了4.8个、14.8个和…  相似文献   

固定资产投资是公司进行对内长期投资的主要方式,固定资产投资具有资金占用量大、投资期长、投资回收期长、投资风险高等特点。有效的固定资产投资会给公司带来投资收益,因此固定资产投资分析为正确的投资决策提供重要依据。在进行固定资产投资分析时,要充分考虑货币的时间价值、投资的风险报酬、资金成本和现金流量等因素的影响。本文主要介绍了在固定资产投资的全过程中,要建立完善的内部控制制度。  相似文献   

一、2008年投资和重点项目完成情况 2008年全市预计完成固定资产投资1200亿元.为年度计划投资的101.7%。其中:工业预计完成投资720亿元,占全部固定资产投资的60%。  相似文献   

祁京梅 《发展研究》2009,(12):32-35
2009年以来,社会消费品零售总额实际增速创23年来新高,消费对经济增长的贡献作用明显加大,一定程度上弥补了外需不足对经济的下拉影响。展22010年,城乡居民收入不断增长,居民消费结构升级全面展开.社会保障制度日趋完善,消费者信心稳步回升,消费需求有望继续保持良好增势,但消费刺激政策出现递减效应的问题不容忽视。预计2010年消费品零售总额增长18.5%,增速明显提高,但由于物价上涨,实际增速将低于2009年。  相似文献   

Based on interviews with corporate managers and reviews of corporate planning documents, corporate planning and implementation processes related to capital investment are examined in four large corporations. From the examination, models are developed and estimated on corporate plans and actual outcomes to explain corporate forecasts of capital investment, forecasts of changes in debt, and actual capital investment. The results of both the qualitative and quantitative data analyses are summarized and a new conceptual framework for the determinants of corporate capital investment is proposed.  相似文献   

When young individuals face binding debt constraints, their human capital investments will be insufficiently financed by private creditors. If generations overlap, then a well-designed fiscal policy may be able to improve human capital investments by replacing missing capital markets with an intergenerational transfer scheme. The optimal (balanced budget) fiscal policy in this context entails the joint provision of an education subsidy for the young and a pension program for the old, financed with a tax on those in their peak earning years. We demonstrate, however, that the desirability of such a cradle-to-grave policy depends crucially on the assumption of an exogenous debt constraint. If debt constraints arise endogenously for reasons of limited commitment, then the optimal (balanced budget) fiscal policy looks radically different. Furthermore, we find that cradle-to-grave type policy interventions may actually lead to lower levels of human capital investment as altered default incentives induce private creditors to contract the supply of student loans by an amount greater than the subsidy. In some cases, the constrained-optimal policy entails zero intervention. These results highlight the importance of taking seriously the reasons for why debt constraints exist.  相似文献   

We compare government investment and consumption multipliers in developed economies during the initial years of the ongoing fiscal consolidation. We find that, in countries with high public debt, the investment multiplier is likely to be higher than what has been assumed by policy-makers and higher than the consumption multiplier. This leads to the conclusion that the consolidation should be accompanied by increased public investment.  相似文献   

A recent literature explores the macroeconomic implications of organizational capital (OC) and especially its ability to resolve discrepancies between existing models and data. This paper contributes to the OC literature by studying the effect of OC on international investment flows in the context of a two-country real business cycle model. The presence of OC introduces novel considerations into agents’ investment decisions since current investment and future productivity levels are positively linked. These new considerations help bring the model closer to the data. In response to a productivity shock in one country, investment increases in both countries, producing positive international co-movement in investment, a feature of the data that several IRBC models fail to produce.  相似文献   

Summary. According to empirical studies, the wage differential by skills evolved non–monotonically in the past decades although the relative supply of skilled labor steadily increased. The present paper provides a theoretical explanation for this finding. In our setting, technological change intertemporally alters the human–capital investment incentives of heterogeneous individuals. As a consequence of changing incentives, the time path of the relative wage is U–shaped while there is a rise in the share of skilled workers. Received: November 28, 2000; revised version: January 30, 2001  相似文献   

The paper deals with an entrepreneur who operates in imperfect capital markets, making rational decisions about productive and financial investment. Using the economic rule that the allocation of assets between productive and financial purposes is carried out according to the equality of the marginal productivity and the marginal factor costs of debt, the paper analyses the factors which determine the size of the firm, the size of debt, and the optimal dynamic path.  相似文献   

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