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本文在构建空气质量与劳动供给之间相互影响的局部均衡模型基础上,利用2012年全国流动人口动态监测数据和工具变量法,实证检验城市空气污染对于流动人口劳动供给时间的影响。研究发现,作为外部冲击的城市空气污染对于流动人口的劳动供给时间存在显著的抑制效应,城市空气污染程度平均每上升1%,城市就业流动人口的劳动供给时间将减少0.011~0.019天/周。子样本检验结果发现,上述抑制作用存在明显的身份差异和性别差异,女性和城市间流动人口对于城市空气污染的敏感性更高,男性和乡城间流动人口因为空气污染程度加剧而退出劳动力市场的可能性相对较小。上述结论表明在评估环境规制政策效果时应重视城市空气质量改善对于劳动力市场的正向溢出效应,以及对于不同户籍性质和不同性别流动人口的影响差异。  相似文献   

在理想的完全竞争的劳动力市场上,存在着足够的劳动力需求者和供给者,劳动者可以任何地域内自由流动,市场上的工资价格信号引导着劳动力供给双方相互寻找,以达到配对的最终效果.但是现实中不存在完全竞争的劳动力市场,劳动力供给和需求者搜寻都要支付一定的成本,另外还存在制度、地域划分等阻碍因素,导致了失业者和岗位空缺并存的现象.本文从失业保险关系转移的角度入手,提出促进工作搜寻匹配的建议.  相似文献   

马克思认为,工资是劳动力价值或价格的转化形式。劳动力价值包括了劳动者维持个人及家庭生存及教育培训费用的支出,是劳动者能够维持劳动再生产的底限需求,所以企业在确定劳动者工资时,要合理划分劳动者工资结构,对劳动力的需求程度以及当地的CPI水平等因素,建立现代企业工资决定机制。  相似文献   

基于我国农村劳动力流动历史和现状特征,本文考虑到城市相对工资的非连续变化特征,借鉴实物期权思想建立了二部门、三部门及四部门经济中跳跃扩散过程下的农村和城市间劳动力流动模型。我们的分析性结论和数值案例结论都表明,劳动力在部门之间转移成本越大,劳动力越不愿意在部门之间转移,相比之下更倾向于向其他可能存在的部门转移。我们据此提出了我国农村劳动力制度改革的参考建议。  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移是我国社会经济领域的一个重要研究课题。本文根据我国客观实际对托达罗模型进行修正,并用以分析"民工荒"现象,认为其产生的原因除农民工工资下降和务农收入提高外,农民工工资兑付风险、心理成本和信息成本偏高也是引发的重要原因,进而在此基础上提出加大劳动执法力度,降低工资兑付风险;完善劳动力市场服务体系,减少信息成本等相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文在效率工资理论基本逻辑基础上建立模型,分析劳动力市场的二元结构,即高技能劳动力的相对短缺和低技能劳动力的过剩。基本结论是,雇主与雇员信息不对称,雇主有激励去实施效率工资,由于同样工作给高技能劳动力带来边际劳动负效用低于低技能劳动力,继而对高技能劳动力的效率工资效果好于对低技能劳动力,所以雇主倾向于雇用高技能劳动力。这样,在一定劳动力供给结构下,高技能劳动者就相对短缺,而低技能劳动者则过剩。  相似文献   

增加农村转移劳动力的供给是促进工业化和城市化的必然要求,本文考察工资上涨能否增加转移劳动力供给。将劳动供给弹性区分为外出持续时间弹性和外出的参与弹性。基于微观调查数据,发现外出持续时间弹性远小于外出参与弹性,提高工资可以增加外出打工的可能性,但对外出持续时间影响较小,男性的时间弹性为0.40,女性为0.68。时间弹性在不同群体间表现出较大差异,工资对较高教育程度者、老一代的外出时间并没有影响。  相似文献   

我国当前劳动力转移出现重大拐点中国社会科学院人力资源研究中心主任蔡舫近日表示,当前我国劳动力正由无限供给向市场均衡配置转向。他认为在这个转折点之前,企业即使不涨工资,也能找到劳动力。但是拐点之后,如果不加强激励手段,不提高工资、福利,不改善工作条件,企业就会很难雇佣到所需的劳动力。  相似文献   

工资由市场机制调节,这是我国经过多年改革实践摸索出来的基本共识,这个市场机制的核心和基础是劳动力价格,因而可以说工资主要是由劳动力价格调节的。什么是劳动力价格?经典政治经济学曾定义:劳动力价格是劳动力价值的货币表现。劳动力的价值是由生产、发展、维持和延续劳动力所必需的生活资料的价值来决定的,支付这些生活资料价值的货币量,就是劳动力的价格。笔者认为,这样定义不足以解释当前市场经  相似文献   

我国农民工的工资市场决定存在失灵,主要是农民工劳动力供求的变动对其工资水平的影响微弱,农民工劳动力短缺与其工资水平偏低并存。这种失灵直接源于农民工劳动力的供需矛盾性、需求垄断性和信息非对称性所决定的农民工劳动力市场的发育缺陷,根源于农民工劳动力市场所面临的包括以户籍制度为主的制度壁垒、重城轻乡的制度安排和信息传导的制度缺失在内的制度困境。而培育农民工劳动力市场、完善相关制度是解决其工资市场决定失灵的现实出路,其中转变政府职能是关键。  相似文献   

王勇 《价值工程》2012,31(20):321-323
在工业化和城镇化快速发展的今天,新生代农民工既是我国城市产业工人的重要组成部分,又是统筹城乡发展的主力军。解决新生代农民工市民化问题,对实现全面小康社会具有重大的现实意义。在城市适应的过程中,新生代农民工只有适应城市文化,才会最终完成自己的角色转变,真正融入城市。  相似文献   

Economists applied data from 1949-1950 and 1980-1981 to a new dynamic model to examine the dynamics of determinants of agricultural wages in Bangladesh, particularly the effect of changes in relative prices of rice (the staple food) and productivity. Just a 20% rise in the price or rice was passed on in the agricultural wage rate within the current year. About 50% was passed on in the long run, however. Therefore an increase in the price of rice reduced the rice purchasing power of agricultural wages in the short and long term. In fact, the importance given to rice in the long run real wage rate was almost the same as the mean proportion of expenditure that an agricultural laborer in Bangladesh committed to rice and closely related food staples. Thus arise in the price of rice in comparison to other goods had limited effects on the long run real wage in terms of the bundle of goods typically consumed, but very adverse effects in the short run placing a high burden on the rural poor. On the other hand, the long run real wage rate fell considerably between the mid 1960s-early 1980s when overall agricultural productivity increased. The economists pointed out that this increased productivity may not have lowered long run real wage rates, but instead mitigating factors may have contributed to this fall. For example, population growth, rising landlessness, and insufficient economic growth in nonagricultural sectors resulted in a consistent growth in the labor supply. In conclusion, this new dynamic model showed that Bangladesh cannot depend only on agricultural growth to reduce the poverty of farmers.  相似文献   

This article investigates the hypothesis that child labour is compelled by poverty. It shows that a testable implication of this hypothesis is that the wage elasticity of child labour supply is negative. Using a large household survey for rural Pakistan, labour supply models for boys and girls in wage work are estimated. Conditioning on non-labour income and a range of demographic variables, the article finds a negative wage elasticity for boys and an elasticity that is insignificantly different from zero for girls. Thus, while boys appear to work on account of poverty compulsions, the evidence for girls is ambiguous.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the differential effects of a wage tax and a land value tax on urban development and economic efficiency. A two-period model has been used to confirm that while a land value tax is distortionary, a wage tax of equal yield is even worse at the level of a single open city where the supply of labor is perfectly elastic to the city. This result suggests that the finding land value taxes are distortionary is of little practical significance.  相似文献   

This paper studies the wage responsiveness of labour supply and demand, simultaneously addressing the twin issues of the non-clearing of developing rural labour markets and seasonality. It employs a data set pertaining to south-central India, and limits itself to the agricultural market for daily-rated labour (by far the predominant form of wage contract in the sample villages). Estimating a theoretically robust and empirically justified disequilibrium model of the agricultural labour market, we find no evidence of backward-bending supply curves or 'vertical' demand curves, contrary to findings in the literature. Further, while the agricultural labour market appears to be in equilibrium during the kharif (or rainy) season, it manifests excess supply in the rabi (or post-rainy) season.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method of valuing air quality based on differences in wages among cities. Using an urban location model it is shown that the supply of labor to any city increases with the real wage and with air quality in the business district. If individuals have log-linear utility functions then the value at home and at work of an equal proportionate reduction in pollution throughout the city can be computed from the coefficients of the labor supply function. The computations are illustrated for one-digit labor supply functions estimated from 1970 Census data.  相似文献   

A thorny problem in identifying the determinants of reservation wages and particularly the role of continued joblessness in their evolution is the simultaneity issue. We deploy a control function approach to the problem that involves conditioning elapsed duration on completed unemployment duration in the reservation wage equation. Our analysis confirms that the use of elapsed duration alone compounds two separate and opposing influences. Only with the inclusion of completed duration is the negative effect of continued joblessness on reservation wages apparent.  相似文献   

本文系统分析城市扩张、土地财政依赖对农村剩余劳动力转移的影响机制,并针对中国281个城市的面板数据,综合运用GMM估计和面板门槛效应模型,考察城市扩张和土地财政依赖对农村剩余劳动力转移的影响效应。结果显示:城市扩张对农村剩余劳动力转移的影响主要呈现推动作用,且可能表现出倒U型趋势。以公共服务供给水平和工资水平作为门槛变量,城市扩张对农村剩余劳动力转移的影响存在门槛效应;土地财政依赖则不利于农村剩余劳动力转移,且城市扩张与土地财政依赖对农村剩余劳动力转移的影响存在异质性。同时,城市扩张与土地财政依赖的交互项系数显著为正,表明在与土地财政互动的过程中,城市扩张推动农村剩余劳动力转移的效用被不断削弱。  相似文献   

城市流动人口与城市化最低经济门槛作用机制之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对比中外城市化进程发现 :城市流动人口与城市化最低经济门槛作用机制对于进城的农村人口顺利城市化起着至关重要的作用。这一机制的中心规律是就业支柱产业工资与城市物价的均衡 ,其正常运转的充要条件是产业增加值结构与产业就业结构同步转换 ;就业支柱产业处于世界产业体系中上游 ;人口规模适中 ;有较健全的社会保障体系和免费义务教育。在此基础上 ,经过量化处理 ,建立了城市流动人口与城市化最低经济门槛作用机制的简单模型  相似文献   

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