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电动汽车充换电服务收费模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国充换电服务收费政策仍为空白,甚至没有将充换电服务列入物价清册。有电动汽车的地方,如杭州市是按里程收费;北京和安徽等地是按一般工商业电价和充电电度收费。根据国家电网企业是唯一的供电主体,其向充换电设施供电与充换电设施为用户提供充换电服务的资产界面自然分开的实际,我国可实行供电和充换电服务分开定价的办法。充换电设施供电服务收费执行电网供电价格;充换电服务收费应由市场竞争确定。同时,要深入研究政策扶持和财政补贴问题,要制定促进产业发展的充换电服务价格机制。  相似文献   

当前,我国电动汽车的全面推广,不仅取决于电动汽车本身的价格高低和服务网络的建设程度,更取决于电动汽车充换电的商业模式、收费价格及其涉税政策是否具有科学性、经济性和可持续性。电动汽车充换电为新兴产业,前期投资建设巨大,采用增值税方案可最大化利用增值税进项税额的节税作用,而且从经济和税收的发展规律来看,未来能促进产业发展和结构升级的增值税必将取代营业税。基于此,电动汽车充换电营运方应该改变当前"电池租赁、里程收费"的商业术语,从合同文本、广告宣传和模式定义等方面避免出现"租赁"等字样,避免被直观认定为租赁业务,同时将"电池租赁、里程收费"这一换电模式的商业实质进行明示。  相似文献   

在节能减排的大背景下,国家越来越重视新能源汽车的发展,将新能源汽车的发展提升到国家战略高度。而充电网络建设滞后一直是制约新能源汽车发展的关键,充电设施建设过程中面临充电方式选择和充电网络商业化运营的问题。新能源汽车充换电站商业化运营模式主要有政府主导、企业主导和用户主导三种模式,根据新能源汽车产业发展水平选择合适的发展模式,是促进新能源汽车商业化的有效措施。  相似文献   

2011年是“十二五”的开局之年,也是我国电动汽车加快推广的起步年,加快电动汽车充换电设施标准化建设,规范化充换电服务网络建设运营管理机制,从而来构建智能充换电服务网络。  相似文献   

苏旭 《浙商》2010,(5):48-50
以日产、众泰、康迪为代表的“换电池”模式和比亚迪、上汽为代表的“插电式”模式的博弈,预示着2010年将是中国纯电动汽车商业化的元年。  相似文献   

2014年三季度,国家降低部分燃煤发电企业脱硫标杆上网电价和跨省、跨区域电网送电价格标准疏导燃煤发电企业脱硝、除尘等环保电价矛盾;进一步完善抽水蓄能电站价格形成机制,在电力市场形成前抽水蓄能电站实行两部制电价;对电动汽车充换电设施用电实行扶持性电价政策,对电动汽车充换电服务费实行政府指导价管理;实施分步理顺存量天然气价格的第二步,进一步调整非居民用存量天然气价格;对部分中央直属水利工程供水价格、中央直属和跨省水力发电用水水资源费征收标准进行了调整;发布《关于调整排污费征收标准等有关问题的通知》,调整排污费征收标准,实行差别收费政策,促进企业治污减排;放开15项专业服务收费标准,实行市场调节价。  相似文献   

海南自由贸易港作为国家生态文明试验区,充换电商业模式的选择与创新直接影响其绿色低碳发展目标。海南具有最高水平开放、地理区位独特和清洁能源丰富等发展优势,但也存在着充换电基础设施布局不够合理和换电模式下利益相关者难以实现共赢等问题与挑战。可以基于大数据、车联网和区块链等智慧交通融合应用等数据赋能,打造“智慧海南”模式;明确政府、电动汽车生产商和电池制造商等其他产业链成员的主体角色定位,创新产业联动,促进融合发展,实现“共赢海南”模式,最终形成“海南自由贸易港模式”。  相似文献   

随着政策的引导,我国新能源汽车产业取得了很大的发展,但缺乏充足的充电设施以及有效的商业模式却让该产业面临停滞不前的尴尬局面。在国家电网逐步退出城市充电桩投资,并鼓励社会投资参与充换电设施建设的背景下,社会资本的进入为破解新能源汽车充电难题提供了途径。因此在总结电动汽车电桩系统开发现状基础上,结合互联网时代下汽车行业发展的模式,分析电动汽车电桩系统如何创新与改造传统格局,为车企以及电桩配电系统转变互联网思想提供参考。  相似文献   

能源和环境问题已成为传统汽车发展的最大障碍,融合各种高新技术,立足于氢能基础上的燃料电池汽车为汽车工业的进步注入了活力。燃料电池汽车目前还面临众多的技术问题,在成本上离商业化还有不小的距离,但燃料电池汽车拥有无以比拟的良好性能,代表了电动汽车的发展方向。  相似文献   

一、手机电池的保养手机电池的保养应从第一次充电开始。第一次充电对电池以后的使用寿命影响很大,一般要求第一次充电时间为16小时(如电池有电应先用完)但切记不可超过24小时,否则有可能把电池充坏。以后充电则要求每次用完再充电,每次5-6小时左右。最应注意的是不要电池用了一半就充电或已使用的电池突然停止使用几个月。另电池的标准使用寿命为一年。使用一年后可每隔两个月放一次电对延长电池使用寿命有很好效果,但新电池大可不必每次均放电后再充电。最后请注意漏油的电池不要再继续使用、否则得不偿失。二、手机进水正确处理方法手机一旦进水应立即取下电池,切不可为了解手机状况马上开机。取下电地后不要自行用电吹风处理,应马上送修让  相似文献   

Automotive historians have long dismissed the electric vehicle;who would want a car with limited speed that had to be rechargedevery hundred miles? But in 1905, Gijs Mom reminds us, "morethan half of all commercial vehicles in the United States wereelectric powered," and by 1940 tens of thousands of electriccars and trucks had been produced (pp. 206, 265). In the UnitedStates and Europe, electric vehicles appeared as taxicabs, deliveryvans, and even fire engines, as  相似文献   

Ford Motor Company has developed global platforms for its vehicles, including hybrid electric vehicles and forthcoming battery-electric and plug-in hybrids. Providing electrification technologies is a key element of Ford's broader strategy of producing vehicles that have improved fuel economy and reduced greenhouse emissions. The breadth of this effort—across a range of vehicle types—is unique in the automotive industry. Of particular importance is using the same vehicle platforms for electrified vehicles as for conventionally fueled vehicles in Ford's global strategy. Infrastructure development is a key element in the success of plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles. To this end, Ford is developing home-charging systems and communication networks that will enable drivers to find recharging stations.  相似文献   

This study assesses the impact of traffic sign deficit on road traffic accidents in Nigeria. The participants were 720 commercial vehicle drivers. While simple random sampling was used to select 6 out of 137 federal highways, stratified random sampling was used to select six categories of commercial vehicle drivers. The study used qual-dominant mixed methods approach comprising key informant interviews; group interviews; field observation; policy appraisal and secondary literature on traffic signs. Result shows that the failure of government to provide and maintain traffic signs in order to guide road users through the numerous accident black spots on the highways is the major cause of road accidents in Nigeria. The study argues that provision and maintenance of traffic signs present opportunity to promoting safety on the highways and achieving the sustainable development goals.  相似文献   

Unreported minor crashes have importance as a surrogate for more serious crashes that require infrastructure, education, and enforcement strategies; and they still inflict damages. To study factors that influence underreporting, cause, and severity of minor crashes; a survey was performed in Kunming and Beijing to collect self-reported personal characteristics and crash history data of the three major urban road users in China: automobile drivers, bicycle riders and electric bike (e-bike) riders. Underreporting rates of automobile to automobile, automobile to non-motorized vehicle, and non-motorized vehicle to non-motorized vehicle crashes are 56%, 77% and 94%, respectively. Minor crashes with higher reported injury severity levels are more likely to be reported. E-bike riders without a driver's license are more likely to cause crashes. Licensing and education could be an effective way to reduce their crashes. The party that is not at fault in a crash is more likely to sustain high level of injury.  相似文献   

The article looks at the phenomenon of the new entrants surpassing the market establishers in China’s and the USA’s electric vehicle marketplace. Most of the current studies focus on the leading companies having first moves on early technology adoption. Based on the results from the expert interviews and literature review, we compared cases from both China and the USA. The study constructed and validated a framework for a theoretical model for the innovation drive, the technological mode and the business model to explain underlining driving factors and mechanisms where new entrants are taking the lead in the electric vehicle market. Suggestions for both new entrants and establishers are provided based on the established framework.  相似文献   

Basic Information
FOTON is a commercial vehicle manufacturer ranking first in Asia and second all over the world, and the first brand among the China commercial vehicles. FOTON was established on August 28, 1996, its headquarters is located in Changping district, Beijing, and over 29 thousand employees work in FOTON at present, in which 2582 employees are two-stage research and development personnel. FOTON is a state-owned holding listed company, which takes Beijing as a management center, has 16 entire automobile divisions and many part and component divisions in 8 provinces, cities and districts in China, and crosses the district, industry and ownership.  相似文献   

电动汽车是一项解决能源、资源和环境问题的重要产品,其产业化对国民经济的发展具有重要意义。当前,导致我国电动汽车产业发展缓慢的主要问题是价格因素,基础设施不够完善,产业规划的科学性欠缺,核心技术缺失等。电动汽车产业的发展关键在于国家需要科学合理的产业规划,并在该规划的指引下,支持核心技术的攻关,加上适当的财税措施,引导电动汽车销量的增加和基础设施的完善。  相似文献   


Seat belt use does not only save lives but prevents the severity of injuries in road traffic crashes (RTCs). Vehicle type and usage have been found to influence the use of seat belt in cities like Kumasi, the host of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) campus. This paper presents a study on an un-obstructive survey of seat belt use by vehicle occupants entering and leaving KNUST campus through the four entrances from 7 to 9 am and 3 to 5?pm on five weekdays. A total of 5489 vehicles with 9542 occupants comprising 5489 drivers, front-right and first back seat and second back seat passengers were observed. The majority of the private and SUV drivers used seat belts. Meanwhile, almost all the commercial drivers did not use seat belts. There is a statistically significant relationship between vehicle type and use and the use of seat belt in KNUST.  相似文献   

This article considers product placement as an advertising vehicle. The topic has been the subject of debate, consultation and policy making in the United Kingdom for several years, both as a matter of principle and as a requirement of EU Directive implementation. Product placement had been banned since 1954. It is now legal but limited. The article begins with a brief, historical and transatlantic view of this promotional activity. Despite resolute government statements about preserving the ban, the same administration later reversed its view. It is suggested that the change is not to obtain commercial advantage, but to avoid commercial disadvantage. It is submitted that despite the uproar these changes caused, they will only marginally affect audiences and revenues and that they amount to a reversal rather than a revolution.  相似文献   

当前,中国大型商业银行既具有自身具有营业网络、客户资源、资金等优势,也存在着资产质量不高、金融创新和风险管理不足、收费标准不规范、专业人才匮乏等劣势;既面临着经济环境、金融混业经营的趋势、相关法律法规的逐步完善以及科学技术进步带来的发展机遇,也面临着人才和客户流失以及外资银行的威胁。中国大型商业银行应该抓住外资银行尚未形成绝对优势地位的有利时机,采用SO战略和WO战略,即扭转型战略和差异化战略,充分利用自身特有的优势,改善经营环境,加快推进金融创新步伐,拓展业务空间,努力提升市场竞争力。  相似文献   

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