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当前消费疲软,严重制约经济增长。去年国家加大投资力度,拨款一千亿元用于基础设施建设,应当说能在一定程度上拉动需求,刺激生产。但功效微乎其微,这说明解决根本问题还在扩大民间消费。民间消费低迷,七次降息仍不见回升。既有心理因素以及购买力低等原因,也有消费结构不合理的原因。从长远看,后者更为重要。当前国内消费仍保持着传统的消费模式,即主要是食品和日用百货为主的消费,这些消费品生产过剩,大量积压,造成农产品滞销压价,工厂停工倒闭。传统消费领域已经没有多大潜力了,出路在于改变消费结构,也就是变传统的日用型消费为现代的享…  相似文献   

中产阶层的消费心理和行为分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
中产阶层已经成为我国城市消费的中坚力量,对社会消费有着示范性的作用,蕴藏着巨大的市场潜力。本文分析了中产阶层的消费心理;根据中产阶层1990年至2004年的消费支出水平和结构,分析了中产阶层在食品、衣着、居住等8个消费领域的消费行为;探讨了中产阶层的消费新特征和发展趋势。  相似文献   

陈东冬 《商业时代》2012,(9):141-142
我国中产阶层消费行为和消费伦理的形成由于受到传统消费文化、外来消费文化和主流文化等多方面影响,具有多元化和复杂化等特点,中产阶层通过消费来显示个性和品味,注重消费活动中商品所体现的"时尚价值"和"符号价值",通过消费来排解压力,确认自身的主体性存在。文章指出,应弘扬中华文化,通过建设中华民族共有的精神家园来引导中产阶层的消费行为,形成积极向上的消费价值观,对大众消费文化价值观起到良性引导作用。  相似文献   

中产阶层作为我国一个重要的消费群体,其消费场域已经引起普遍的关注.本文首先对中产阶层消费场域的相关概念进行界定,然后分别分析中产阶层消费场域的外部环境和内部特征.研究发现,中产阶层消费场域的外部环境主要包括社会经济制度、经济发展水平、社会关系,内部特征体现在收入结构、消费结构、消费文化等方面.  相似文献   

中产阶层具有品牌消费、炫耀性消费、符号消费、格调消费和超前消费等消费心理.文章指出,企业针对中产阶层的营销策略包括产品要定位于富人阶层,向国际化靠拢,从我国中产阶层的本质需求出发推出产品或服务,人为地将自己的产品或服务划定为中产阶层生活方式.  相似文献   

范贞 《北方经贸》2008,(4):119-120
随着我国改革开放和现代化步伐的推进,中产阶层的崛起及所显现的社会问题日益引起社会各界的关注,尤其是在经济学、社会学领域。中产阶层在旅游消费生活上对其他阶层起着引导作用,他们的旅游消费品位表现为自驾车休闲旅游和散客自助游。他们对旅游持非常积极的态度,旅游动机主要为摆脱工作压力,增长见识,寻求刺激;网络亦成为他们获取信息的一个重要来源。  相似文献   

杨双燕 《江苏商论》2011,(2):141-143
运用文献资料、问卷调查、访谈等研究方法,对南京市中产阶层群体的体育消费进行调查.结果表明:体育消费水平不高;实物型体育消费在体育消费市场上仍将占据重要地位;高品位、高品质和快捷便利的体育用品或服务已成为体育消费的第一选择;体育消费态度具有享乐性和功用性的特征.在现状调查和特征分析的基础之上,提出了一些扩大南京市中产阶层...  相似文献   

目前中产阶级的消费举止文化开始出现分化与多元倾向,但从总体消费品位、追求、价值观念看,泛白领普遍比新富阶层更具文化性特征.目前,中产阶级消费文化呈现出五大趋同性特征.中产阶级消费价值取向的维度体现在七个方面.霍金斯的消费者决策过程模型是关于消费者心理和行为的模型,是关于中产阶级自我概念对其消费价值取向影响模型建立的最佳典范.  相似文献   

范贞  崔连珍 《北方经贸》2009,(3):121-122
中国的中产阶层虽然形成时间短,但是其在社会当中所发挥的作用和影响却不容忽视。中产阶层的旅游消费品位对大众的旅游消费起到很好的引导作用,并以此作为标注个人身份的标签。但其在消费过程中重视品牌的炫耀性消费并由此产生的社会区隔化也是不容忽视的问题。  相似文献   

张盈 《环球供应链》2005,(1):124-124
为这个选题做前期准备的时候,编者咨询了零点研究的袁岳。中产阶层在行家眼里有不下三种解释。  相似文献   

和谐社会是建立在社会主义市场经济经济基础之上,以社会秩序的和谐稳定为整体目标,以社会利益关系的合理配置、人际利益关系协调整合为核心内容,以民主法治、公平正义和平等自由为价值依归的社会秩序状态.和谐社会在形式方面表现为人与人之间、人与自然之间关系的稳定性、进程的连续性、主体行为的规范性、财产和心理的安全性等.其实质方面意味着社会利益的公平合理配置和整合,社会利益冲突按照民主法治的原则和机制得以公平合理的解决,进而实现多元社会利益动态综合平衡.中产阶层的法律行为方式具有理性化、讲平等、重诚信、守法度等特点,它对于构建和谐社会、缓和与消解社会矛盾和冲突具有重要社会功能.  相似文献   

This study intends to measure consumer empowerment related to food consumption and determine its effect on food risk perception and satisfaction with food consumption. Data were derived from an analysis of the “2017 Research on Food Consumption Behaviour” by the Korea Rural Economic Institute. Consumer empowerment, risk perception and satisfaction with food consumption were measured using a 5‐point Likert scale. The differences in consumer empowerment according to gender, age, educational level and monthly income were statistically significant. The factors that affected risk perception were information use, healthy eating, consumer rights, consumer responsibility and monthly income. The higher the scores for information use, healthy eating and consumer responsibility, the higher the score for satisfaction with food consumption.  相似文献   

Common consumption behaviors may become harmful to consumers. Maladaptive consumption is the result of an increase in frequency or amount of everyday, normal consumption (adaptive) behaviors, which may cause significant harm to consumers and society. The authors explore maladaptive behavior and investigate how important insights about maladaptive consumption may lie at the intersection of harm. Consequently, the discussion focuses on how marketers and policymakers, through their strategic approach, can both encourage and mitigate maladaptive behavior. Understanding the transition from adaptive to maladaptive behaviors, and the return to adaptive consumption patterns, is critical for marketers, consumer advocates, and policy researchers, focused on dampening overconsumption with its corresponding harm. A discussion of the implications of maladaptive consumption on consumer health and well-being sets the foundation for rethinking marketing practice and public policy. Finally, a set of research propositions are offered for future research.  相似文献   

As consumers' lives are increasingly gliding into online worlds and global information networks, researchers face a range of important methodological questions particular to the digital times. In prior research, online ethnographic methods or netnography has been suggested to address some of these challenges, especially when new forms of post‐modern and sub‐cultural consumer collectives and cultures have been the focus. Extending this work further, the article investigates the transnational nature of online cultural phenomena, and suggests a theoretical–methodological approach as a netnographic variant well suited for accessing its logics. In doing so, the article argues that a better understanding of the new ‘translocal sites’, such as transnational online communities and consumer networks, can open up new avenues for research on the ever globalizing and tribalizing consumer culture.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand the drivers of fast‐food addiction and the role of consumer social responsibility (CSR) on the relationship between fast‐food addiction and anti‐consumption. Due to growing health concerns, an increasing number of consumers have been avoiding the consumption of fast food. Based on a sample of 539 respondents, all pertaining to generation Y in Pakistan, this study tests a model including addiction and anti‐consumption behaviour. Empirical results provide strong evidence that individual and sociocultural factors together with advertising practices influence consumers’ fast‐food addiction. Results also reveal that CSR moderates the relationship between fast‐food addiction and anti‐consumption behaviour. Interestingly, the present study pioneers the discussion on how addiction can drive anti‐consumption. The findings can help public policy makers and managers to understand consumers’ anti‐consumption tendencies and help promote healthier consumption habits.  相似文献   

19世纪英国城市的迅速发展,促进了城市社会中新型中间阶层的不断发展壮大,预示了英国社会由两极型社会向着橄榄型社会演变的趋向。而中产阶级的茁壮成长,反过来又对城市的发展产生了巨大的影响。它促使城市功能形态发生变化,出现工业区、商业区、居住区的功能分区。从交通方式到居民居住模式都发生了变化,中产阶层及社会精英迁居城郊或郊区的独立、半独立式住宅,使城市发展出现了郊区化趋势。此外,中产阶级的壮大,还促进了城镇管理走向民主,从城镇寡头统治向选举产生的市政机关演变。  相似文献   

Meaning is a fundamental aspect of symbolic consumption and lies at the heart of consumer culture theory (CCT). Although consumption meanings are considered dynamic, heterogeneous, and contextual, meaning itself is considered an inherent aspect of consumer culture and a constitutive force of consumer experiences. Utilizing deconstruction as a critical strategy, this paper interrogates the concept of meaning in the CCT literature and contends that meaning is not only present in consumption practices, but it is also absent. As meaning circulates in the infinite possibilities of language, meaninglessness emerges as an important aspect of this process. The dialectical tension between meaning and meaninglessness, though, does not converge within a particular consumption practice, but continuously diverges in the anti-synthetic space between them. We empirically explore the consumption of this anti-synthetic space in three popular culture exemplars. We conclude by discussing the broader implications of the deconstruction of symbolic consumption for CCT.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the role of middle managers in the knowledge transfer related to a person-centered management and care approach at a physical rehabilitation center. This qualitative research comprises a multi-case study, representing the six middle managers of the organization studied. The main findings generated by this research indicate that despite top management's efforts to disseminate a person-centered approach throughout the organization, the knowledge transfer process mainly depends on the absorptive capacity of middle managers. When middle managers have the capacity to absorb the person-centered approach, often because it is compatible with their values and current practices, this capacity is expressed mainly through their behavioral exemplarity. The results of the study also engender an intervention model illustrating the key role of middle managers in the transfer of a person-centered management and care approach. The model includes macro- and micro-contextual elements that facilitate the transfer.  相似文献   

Research on consumer reaction to price has been largely confined to examining consumers’ price information search, evaluation of price alternatives, and individual purchase behaviors without regard to situational influences. At the same time, consumption has often been dichotomized in terms of its functional-hedonic nature and has been examined with regard to social influence. Surprisingly, researchers have heretofore not examined the potential effect of the consumption occasion or social context on consumers’ price sensitivity. Further, research examining the effect of household resources on price sensitivity has produced mixed results. We argue that household income effects on price sensitivity are dependent upon the situation. This research addresses two key issues. First, we examine whether individuals are equally price-sensitive when purchasing products for functional (e.g., purchasing frozen vegetables or paper towels) versus hedonic (e.g., purchasing ice cream or cookies) consumption situations and whether social context (i.e., consuming the product alone or with others) influences price sensitivity. Second, we explore the interaction effects of household income and consumption context on price sensitivity. We examine these issues across a series of three studies, finding that consumers’ price sensitivity is in fact attenuated by both hedonic and social consumption situations and that income moderates these effects. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

This three-group between-subjects experimental research investigates the extent to which consumer engagement with a social media branded post is directly affected by individuals’ tendency to incorporate brands as part of their self-concept (BESC) and whether this relationship is moderated by individuals’ exposure to three different post source types. Participants were exposed to one of three Instagram social media posts of a luxury brand, where the only manipulated factor was the type of source. Findings show that there is a positive relationship between BESC and post engagement. The study also shows that content source plays a moderating role in the relationship between BESC and post engagement, such that individuals with high BESC will engage significantly more with content posted by other users, compared with branded sources (brand, influencer).  相似文献   

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