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I present evidence that a moving average (MA) trading strategy has a greater average return and skewness as well as a lower variance compared to buying and holding the underlying asset using monthly returns of value‐weighted US decile portfolios sorted by market size, book‐to‐market, and momentum, and seven international markets as well as 18,000 individual US stocks. The MA strategy generates risk‐adjusted returns of 3–7% per year after transaction costs. The performance of the MA strategy is driven largely by the volatility of stock returns and resembles the payoffs of an at‐the‐money protective put on the underlying buy‐and‐hold return. Conditional factor models with macroeconomic variables, especially the default premium, can explain some of the abnormal returns. Standard market timing tests reveal ample evidence regarding the timing ability of the MA strategy.  相似文献   

Capital market imperfections, such as information asymmetry, increase the cost of external funds compared to that of internal funds. This phenomenon creates financing constraints limiting the availability of external funds and making corporate investment excessively sensitive to cash flow. This study analyzes the effect of financing constraints on the investment by comparing the financial behavior of Korean firms before and after their stocks are newly listed on a stock exchange. The results show that the sensitivity of investment to cash flow will be higher during the period before initial public offering (IPO) than after IPO. In particular, the effect of financing constraints relaxation by IPO is more prominent in small than in large manufacturing firms.  相似文献   

Recent literature shows that the holy month of Ramadan exerts a positive influence on investor sentiment in predominantly Muslim countries. This anomaly has been found to be particularly pronounced in Turkey. We therefore examine whether mutual fund managers investing in Turkish stocks are able to benefit from the Ramadan effect. We find that risk-adjusted performance of domestic institutional funds, hybrid funds and foreign Turkish equity funds is substantially higher during Ramadan compared to the rest of the year. By contrast, domestic index funds fail to deliver higher abnormal returns as they are adversely affected by increased money inflows during Ramadan.  相似文献   

A combination of simple moving average trading strategies with several window lengths delivers a greater average return and skewness as well as a lower variance and kurtosis compared with buying and holding the underlying asset using daily returns of value‐weighted US decile portfolios sorted by market size, book‐to‐market, momentum, and standard deviation as well as more than 1000 individual US stocks. The combination moving average (CMA) strategy generates risk‐adjusted returns of 2% to 16% per year before transaction costs. The performance of the CMA strategy is driven largely by the volatility of stock returns and resembles the payoffs of an at‐the‐money protective put on the underlying buy‐and‐hold return. Conditional factor models with macroeconomic variables, especially the market dividend yield, short‐term interest rates, and market conditions, can explain some of the abnormal returns. Standard market timing tests reveal ample evidence regarding the timing ability of the CMA strategy.  相似文献   

In May 2013, the U.S. Federal Reserve announced the beginning of the end of the program of monthly security purchases, the so-called “tapering.” The announcement was associated with large investor outflows from EM funds and large fund re-allocations across countries and stocks. Unexpected flow-implied fund upward (downward) allocations are associated with positive (negative) individual security returns following the announcement. The effect is pronounced in EM stocks that had positive cumulative abnormal returns around earlier Federal Reserve asset-purchase announcements leading up to the taper. It is concentrated in more liquid, smaller capitalization stocks and is stronger for forced trades among funds with more active country bets.  相似文献   

The article contrasts 500 randomly formed equally weighted portfolios (1/N) to 221 actively managed stock funds, individual stocks, and the IBrX-50 index, representing indexed stock funds, considering transaction costs. The sample are the 50 stocks in IBrX-50 index in January 2007 throughout 60 months. Investors are likely to achieve greater returns and return-to-risk ratios with a randomly formed 1/N portfolio than with a stock fund, particularly those targeting retail investors, or one of the 50 stocks also randomly drawn. These portfolios would also outperform the IBrX-50. Robustness tests with variations in size and frequency of rebalancing do not change conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first investigation about bond mutual fund performance during recession and expansion periods separately. Based on multi‐factor performance evaluation models, results show that bond funds significantly underperform the market during both phases of the business cycle. Nevertheless, unlike equity funds, bond funds exhibit considerably higher alphas during good economic states than during market downturns. These results, however, seem entirely driven by the global financial crisis sub‐period. In contrast, during the recession associated to the Euro sovereign debt crisis, bond funds are able to accomplish neutral performance. This improved performance throughout the debt crisis seems to be related to more conservative investment strategies, which reflect an increase in managers' risk aversion.  相似文献   

文章基于中国城市居民消费金融调查数据,研究了风险态度、金融教育对家庭金融资产选择和家庭金融市场参与的影响。结果发现,风险态度显著影响家庭金融资产组合分散化程度,风险厌恶程度越高,金融资产组合分散化程度越低。风险态度对家庭正规金融市场参与有显著影响,风险厌恶程度的提高会显著降低家庭在股票、基金、债券、储蓄性保险市场的参与概率,风险厌恶程度增加一单位,家庭参与股票市场的可能性会降低10.5%。风险厌恶程度对股票、基金、债券、储蓄性保险资产在家庭金融资产中的比例具有显著的负向影响。家庭的金融教育投入对风险资产持有比重条件分布的影响上,呈先上升后下降趋势,中间分位的要大于两端。文章相应的政策含义是,政府及金融管理部门需要普及金融教育知识,提高居民的金融风险认知水平,从而优化家庭金融资产选择,改善居民金融福利。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the adverse selection cost component embedded in the spreads of Brazilian stocks. We show that it is higher than in the U.S. market and presents an intraday U-shape pattern (i.e., higher at the beginning and at the end of the day). In addition, we investigate the relationships of the adverse selection cost with a firm's characteristics. We find that stocks listed in the highest corporate governance levels do not have the lowest costs. On the other hand, the liquidity of shares, the trade size and the market value of the firm are directly correlated with this cost.  相似文献   

最近几年,A股市场行业差异明显,在结构性行情的背景下,凸显出行业基金的配置价值.股票型医药行业基金通过研究精选个股,使得业绩大幅领先于同类基金的平均水平.  相似文献   

We investigate changes in market quality in the US and Canada during macroeconomic news announcements. We measure market quality in terms of returns dependence, the cost of trading, and pricing errors. Using a sample of cross‐listed stocks and macroeconomic news from both countries, we document that market quality is generally higher in the US than in Canada. The pattern of intraday serial dependence in returns reveals that it takes investors about 5 min less to react to order imbalances in the US than in Canada. We further observe that, around announcement periods, transaction costs increase more in Canada than in the US, suggesting that the US market offers better liquidity. More information is also incorporated into the US market. These results support the view that the US is a prime target for cross‐listing, and are robust to different types of assets and time specifications.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of the determinants of the closed-end fund discount in Mainland China. We focus on the diversification level of closed-end funds as the investor clienteles for closed-end funds in Mainland China are different from other markets. Our empirical evidence shows that discount is strongly and negatively related to stock concentration as measured by the number of stocks in the fund or Herfindahl index. We also find the discount decreases with the dividend payout and turnover, suggesting that investors are willing to pay a higher price (lower discount) for a fund that pays more dividends and has higher turnover.  相似文献   

Recent episodes of capital market volatility and contagion have brought up many questions about the behavior of international investors. We address some of these questions, exploring the behavior of different types of emerging market equity funds with monthly data on individual country holdings. Consistent with the notion that fund behavior can largely be traced to redemptions by individual investors, we find that open-end funds withdraw more from vulnerable countries around crises than their closed-end counterparts. We show that open-end funds’ flows Granger-cause closed-end funds investments, possibly because the closed-end funds are forced to follow their more fickle open-end counterparts. Single-country fund flows precede those of global funds, suggesting an informational advantage of the former. The evidence does not support the notion that small funds are at a disadvantage in gathering country information.  相似文献   

We answer the somewhat narrower question of whether hedge funds adjust their conditional market exposure in response to real‐time changes in macroeconomic conditions, and whether doing so improves their performance. We find that hedge funds differ substantially in their responsiveness to macroeconomic data. The most procyclical market timers outperform their less active and counter‐cyclical peers by over 4% annualized with a risk adjusted alpha of 5.5%.  相似文献   

We use the 2008 short-selling ban to examine the impact of single-stock futures (SSFs) trading on options market quality. We show that there is a substitution effect between options trading and SSFs trading during the ban period. In addition, our results show that SSFs trading had a significant effect in narrowing the bid-ask spreads of options contracts. Moreover, compared to stocks without SSFs, stocks with SSFs were less likely to violate put-call parity during the ban period. Our results suggest that SSFs trading helps mitigate the negative effect of the short-selling ban on options market quality documented in the literature.  相似文献   

For more than 1500 private equity funds in China over the period from 1992 to 2013, we construct fund level performance metrics with investment level return data and examine performance and capital flows. The median (mean) fund IRR, net of fees, is 9.0% (51.7%), based on a sample that controls for survivorship bias. Fund IRRs are neither related to fund own characteristics, such as fund size, nor to overall market conditions around the time when the fund is raised. Competition reduces fund performance: returns are lower when there are many competitors entering the industry at the same time. Although experienced partnerships are more likely to raise a follow-on fund and to raise more capital, fund performance is not related to general partnership (GP) investment experience. Further, there is no performance persistence across funds managed by the same GP. Lastly, there is some evidence of investor maturity when judged on GPs' historical performance. This evidence characterizes a burgeoning yet immature PE industry in China.  相似文献   

In this paper we apply Random Matrix Theory (RMT) to study daily return correlations of 83 companies that are part of the Chilean stock market during the period 2000 to 2011. We find that using RMT to identify statistically significant correlations within our sample of stocks significantly improves the efficiency of a family of Markowitz Portfolios. Moreover, by using Vector Autoregressive analysis we identify global risk aversion as the main driver of the Chilean equity market returns followed in importance by shocks to the monthly rate of inflation and the country's monetary policy rate. By studying the effects of macroeconomic variables on the constructed portfolio returns we reach a better understanding of the true risks involved in an emerging market portfolio.  相似文献   

We explore the stock liquidity of Islamic banks (IBs) and matching conventional banks (CBs) in emerging economies. We find that IBs have higher stock liquidity than CBs, suggesting that investors prefer IBs' stocks and neglect what they consider to be “sin stocks” (i.e., CBs' stocks), which do not conform to their religious beliefs. We also find that the liquidity effects are particularly important for small IBs, and during the global financial crisis. This evidence is stronger in countries with less developed banking sectors and weaker bank supervision and regulation. Hence, faith-driven investors tend to value more norm-conforming stocks (i.e., IBs) during times of distress and uncertainty, and in weaker regulatory environments.  相似文献   

Retirees are increasingly responsible for managing their retirement savings. The ability to manage these assets efficiently can have an important impact on retirement well‐being. Lower levels of cognitive ability in old age can reduce an investor's ability to control emotional responses to a loss. Greater sensitivity to loss may increase preferences for safety following a market decline, resulting in allocations away from stocks that are associated with long‐term underperformance. We investigate whether cognitive ability is related to stock reallocations among retirees during the Great Recession. Using the Health and Retirement Study, we find that cognitive ability is negatively related to allocations away from stock. Compared to those with the lowest levels of cognitive ability, respondents with higher cognitive ability are 40% less likely to reduce their stock allocation by 50% or more. These results suggest that the quality of investment decisions in old age may be compromised by cognitive decline.  相似文献   

The response of the single stock futures (SSF) market to a short‐selling ban is investigated. The hypothesis is that traders use SSF as a substitute instrument for short‐selling. A significant increase in SSF trading activity is documented, accompanied by narrower spreads. SSF market volatility did not react during the ban, which suggests that the increased trading activity did not weaken SSF market quality. The quality of the underlying market during the ban period is also assessed, with the results suggesting that changes in SSF market activity had neither positive nor negative effects on the stocks’ liquidity, volatility, and volume.  相似文献   

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