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This paper examines the global financial crisis (GFC) and its impact on Australian banking risk. An augmented market model is developed to identify changes in listed Australian bank systematic risk in relation to three key events: the GFC's start in August 2007, the market downturn in Australian and global share markets in January 2008, and the announcement of Australia's Deposit and Wholesale Funding Guarantee (DWFG) scheme on 12 October 2008. The study also examines changes in bank systemic risk during these event periods. The Australian market offers a unique opportunity to observe the impact of the introduction of the DWFG in that it lacked any explicit deposit insurance prior to the crisis. Initially, the crisis period had little impact on bank systematic risk while bank systemic risk increased considerably. The share market downturn caused a marked increase in both systematic and systemic risks for Australia's major internationally connected banks followed by a reduction in both systematic and systemic risks with the introduction of the guarantee scheme for all Australian banks.  相似文献   

Banks play a special role as providers of informative signals about the quality and value of their borrowers. Such signals, however, may have a quality of their own as the banks' selection and monitoring abilities may differ. Using an event study methodology, we study the importance of the geographical origin and organization of the banks for the investors' assessments of firms' credit quality and economic worth following loan announcements. Our sample comprises 986 announcements of bank loans to US firms over the period of 1980–2003. We find that investors react positively to such announcements if the loans are made by foreign or local banks, but not if the loans are made by banks that are located outside the firm's headquarters state. Investor reaction is, in fact, the largest when the bank is foreign. Our evidence suggest that investors value relationships with more competitive and skilled banks rather than banks that have easier access to private information about the firms. These results are applicable also to the European markets where regulatory and economic borders do not coincide and bank identities and reputation seem to matter a great deal.  相似文献   

We analyze bank competition in Russia at different levels of aggregation. First, we compute a country-level measure of competition and compare it to that for similar-sized economies. Second, we contrast competition across different groups of banks in Russia. Third, we analyze bank competition across Russian regions. We find that banks in Russia are less competitive than those in Brazil, but more so than those in China and India. Large and state-owned banks exert more market power than others. Finally, competition is stronger in regions where there is less bank concentration, greater presence of banks, and greater financial and/or economic development.  相似文献   

1997~2011年这15年间我国银行业处于垄断竞争状态,市场竞争度呈现先减后增的U型变化趋势,而2008年国际金融危机后我国银行业市场竞争度下降。外资银行资产份额与市场竞争程度存在负相关关系,而机构数量与竞争度不相关,外资银行进入未能促进我国银行业的竞争,中国银行业市场逐步发展完善是市场竞争度变化的根本原因。  相似文献   

The effects of the entry of foreign banks and changes in bank concentration on the technical efficiency of domestic banks in Ghana over the period 2000–2008 is analyzed. Technical efficiency scores were obtained by the Data Envelopment Analysis. Then, the Tobit regression was used to analyze the impact of hypothesized explanatory variables on bank efficiency. Foreign bank share of total industry assets was used to proxy the impact of foreign banks. The findings suggest that efficiency of domestic banks has been positively affected by the entry of foreign banks and reduction in concentration. Thus, the central bank's policy of liberalizing the banking sector appears to be well placed.  相似文献   

Using a novel dataset that allows us to trace the bank relationships of a sample of mostly unlisted firms, we explore which borrowers are able to benefit from foreign bank presence in emerging markets. Our results suggest that the limits to financial integration are less tight than the static picture of firm-bank relationships implies. Even though foreign banks are more likely to engage large and foreign-owned firms, after an acquisition, a bank is 20% less likely to terminate a relationship with a firm if the acquirer is foreign rather than domestic. Most importantly, within a credit market, firms appear to have the same access to financial loans and ability to invest whether they borrow from a foreign bank or not, while foreign banks benefit all firms by indirectly enhancing credit access.  相似文献   

在东道国设立"商业存在"是WTO金融服务贸易商重要的贸易方式,本文利用我国银行业的数据,创新性地针对影响外国银行"商业存在"规模与其决定因素之间的因果关系进行研究。通过协整检验及Granger因果检验发现,1985~2007年间,推动在我国设立的外国银行"商业存在"规模增长的主要因素是外国直接投资,而市场准入承诺、对外贸易规模以及我国银行业的平均盈利水平对"商业存在"规模的影响较小,同时,我国国民收入提高促进了外国银行"商业存在"及其主要影响因素进行了实证分析,研究发现:外国直接投资的增长推动了在我国设立的规模增长,反之亦然。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a post Keynesian perspective on commercial bank behaviour and regulation. It is assumed that: i) the quantity of loans is endogenous; ii) banks are dual purpose institutions whose functions are to create credit and supply means of payment and liquidity; iii) uncertainty pervades decision making; and iv) banks are price setters in retail markets, but price takers in wholesale markets. The effects of a number of instruments of regulation are analysed including lender of last resort, liquid reserve requirements, deposit insurance, capital adequacy and open market operations.  相似文献   

Since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, the pressure for bank reforms has mounted as China ought to have fully opened up its financial market to foreign competition by 2006. Efficiency is key for domestic banks to survive in a liberalised environment, but it appears that the last hope for raising bank efficiency is through ownership reform. Whether ownership reform and foreign competition can solve China's banking problem remains to be tested. This paper aims to answer this question using a non‐parametric approach to analyse the efficiency changes of 15 large commercial banks during 1998–2005. We find that ownership reform and foreign competition have forced Chinese commercial banks to improve performance, as their total factor productivity rose by 5.6 per cent per annum. This coincides with the recent bullish Chinese stock markets led by three listed state‐owned commercial banks. Despite such encouraging results, we remain cautious about the future of Chinese banks, as the good results may have been artificially created with massive government support and the fundamentals of the banks may be still weak.  相似文献   

This paper examines alternative ways to prevent losses from bank insolvencies. We develop a model that compares two alternative institutions for bank auditing. The first is a system of central bank auditing of national banks. The second is carried out by an international agency that collects and disseminates risk information on banks in all countries. The international auditor is shown to perform at least as well, and sometimes better than, auditing by either central banks or voluntary disclosure by the banks themselves in preventing losses. The international auditor's credibility comes from the fact that its incentives are not distorted by a sovereignty bias.  相似文献   

相比于国外众多商业银行对碳金融的深度参与,我国商业银行碳金融业务处于探索尝试阶段,明显存在着发展不足的问题。而造成这种问题的根本原因在于我国商业银行在开展碳金融业务中面临着一系列的制度约束:一是我国现行商业银行管理体制的约束;二是我国商业银行风险控制制度的不完善;三是商业银行开展碳金融的法律法规的缺失;四是缺乏商业银行参与碳金融交易的激励机制。为提高我国商业银行发展碳金融的积极性,扩大碳金融交易的广度与深度,要在政府、市场和商业银行的共同努力下,为商业银行碳金融发展创造良好的制度环境。  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了外资银行在中国的发展演进历程。接着,实证检验了外资银行进入中国市场的影响因素。结果表明:跟随客户是外资银行进入中国市场的主要动因。研究还发现:1985—1996年样本期内,跨国银行进入动因区位优势假说得到了实证的支持;同时,不同阶段中国银行业对外开放政策及中国市场的风险因素也影响到跨国银行的进入速度。此外,中国经济高速增长对跨国银行进入中国市场产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact that ownership and governance structures have on how Chinese banks react to regulatory pressure. We find that the current regulatory regime induces banks to increase their capital, but its effectiveness in doing so varies based on whether the bank is listed or not, and also who is the majority shareholder. We also find that the degree of central government ownership and the political ties the chief executive officer of the bank has play an important role in the risk‐taking behavior of banks. Overall, our results have a number of policy implications supporting the need to further reduce state ownership of banks in China to mitigate the prevailing moral hazard and dual‐agency problems that arise from the government being both the regulator and the majority shareholder.  相似文献   

为中国船厂开立《对外预付款还款保函》(下称“保函”)是国内银行支持中国船厂发展船舶出口贸易的重要手段,也是国内银行进军国际船舶融资市场的第一站。目前以中国进出口银行为代表,已有十几家国内银行将开立《保函》作为一项经常性的金融业务。  相似文献   

黄锦 《商业研究》2002,(21):85-88
随着市场经济的发展,我国银行业的市场化程度也在不断提高。激烈的市场竞争和国外先进经营与管理思想的引入,使市场营销作为竞争新策略日益受到各家商业银行的青睐。剖析我国目前商业银行在开展市场营销过程中存在的问题,我国商业银行必须制定和实施适应市场需求的营销战略才能在竞争激烈、复杂多变的市场环境中求得长期生存和持续发展。  相似文献   

Despite the large literature on developed countries, little is known about the interactions between corporate governance, foreign ownership, and foreign bank lending in developing countries. Using data from five Latin American countries from 2001 to 2008, we provide one of the first pieces of evidence of how foreign ownership affects the loan cost of borrowers in emerging markets. We find that in terms of foreign bank lending, the cost of debt financing is significantly higher for firms whose largest shareholder is a foreign institutional one. The results support the hypothesis that because of potential agency conflicts between shareholders and creditors, having block institutional shareholders tend to increase the borrowers’ debt burden. There is further evidence supporting this agency conflict hypothesis as we find that the effects of large institutional shareholders on borrowing costs become larger (smaller) when the conflicts are aggravated (mitigated).  相似文献   

Willesson [(2009). Pricing of card payment services in Scandinavian banking. The Service Industries Journal, 29(3), 387–399] purports to demonstrate that when it comes to pricing of card payment services, Scandinavian banks with foreign operations will typically align themselves with the ‘pricing tradition’ in their foreign market(s). Unfortunately, a problem with Willesson's approach is that for several banks in his sample the foreign pricing tradition happens to coincide with the pricing strategy that the bank uses in its home market. As a result, it is impossible to determine whether these banks have really opted for a strategy of national responsiveness.  相似文献   

立足于我国监管部门大力整治银行业市场乱象的现状,文章系统梳理了不同类型行政处罚对银行风险承担的影响机制,并利用手工整理的2008-2018年银行行政处罚数据,对理论假说进行实证检验。经验结果显示,“仅机构处罚”不能显著降低银行风险承担水平,“双罚”可以有效抑制银行风险承担,并且这种抑制作用具有长期效应。异质性检验表明,“双罚”对大银行、国有银行和全国性银行风险的抑制作用更明显。机制检验发现,减少理财产品、同业业务等影子银行规模是“双罚”降低银行风险承担的重要渠道。研究还发现,随着责任人处罚严厉程度的上升,“双罚”对银行风险承担的抑制效果越好。政策启示在于,加大责任人问责力度,整治影子银行乱象,是监管部门防范银行风险的关键所在。  相似文献   

The majority of past studies on the foreign market mode of entry have focused on manufacturing industries. Although some studies have explored the entry mode decisions of the banking industry, most of them have adopted the case study method, and systematic studies have been relatively few. This study intends to fill this gap through an investigation of 7041 Asian and Latin-American bank branches covering the period from 1999 to 2005. The analytical results demonstrate that both Asian and Latin-American banks are market seekers. However, Latin-American banks are not customer followers. In addition, the larger the scale of the bank or the greater the net interest margin the more likely it is that high-control entry modes will be adopted. In contrast, in countries in Asia with a greater cultural distance, banks tend to establish low-control entry modes to avoid uncertainty. However, this does not apply in the case of Latin America.  相似文献   

The international linkages between banks play a crucial role in today's global economy. Existing models explain these links largely on the basis of portfolio theory, in which banks diversify lending. These models have found limited empirical support and do not speak to several relevant dimensions of the data. They do not explain heterogeneity in the degree to which banks operate through foreign affiliates, fund their activities abroad or matter for local lending in foreign countries. This paper proposes a complementary theory of banking across borders that is based on elements of international trade theory. In the model, banking across borders arises because countries differ in their relative factor endowments and in the efficiency of their banking sectors. Based on these differences, the pattern of foreign bank asset and liability holdings emerges endogenously. This parsimonious model provides a rationale for the observed heterogeneity in foreign bank activities and is consistent with key patterns in the data.  相似文献   

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