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《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(3-4):441-461
This study sought to evaluate responses of gay and heterosexual consumers to gay-friendly and non-friendly cues and the resultant effects on the variables of brand satisfaction, brand commitment, and attitude toward the brand. Variables for predicting brand commitment based on Rusbult's Investment Model are explored. Results suggest that heterosexual consumers, while noticing gay-friendly cues in brand communications, do not develop negative attitudes as a result of exposure to those cues. Further, as gay and lesbian consumers react positively and strongly and heterosexual consumers react neutrally, it is a reasonable strategy for brands to pursue gay-friendly marketing. 相似文献
Vikas Gautam 《Journal of Promotion Management》2015,21(5):584-600
The article presents the results of a study that assesses effects of selected marketing tactics on parents' loyalty towards the educational institutions. The results of Multiple Regression Analysis show that the price mix was the most significant factor having impact on parents' loyalty followed by people mix, place mix, product mix, and promotion mix. Furthermore, educational institution image mediates completely (full mediation) the relationship between selected marketing tactics (product mix, people mix, place mix, promotion mix) and parents' loyalty. Whereas, educational institution image mediates partially (partial mediation) the relationship between price mix and parents' loyalty. The sample comprised 687 respondents. 相似文献
Dominic Cadbury 《国际广告杂志》2013,32(1):69-72
Advances in information technology and cheaper, more powerful microchips are going to change the ways we market, advertise and retail our products. With product bar-coding and electronic scanning at check-outs companies will have the opportunity to be much better informed about every aspect of their sales patterns, and the result should be more accuracy and less waste in our marketing methods and longer-term development of an electronic channel of shopping. 相似文献
In recent years, the practices of work organizations have raised increasing concerns regarding individual privacy at work.
It is clear that people expect and value privacy in their personal lives. However, the extent to which privacy perceptions
influence individuals’ work attitudes is less clear. Research has explored the extent to which employee perceptions of privacy
derive from characteristics of the programs themselves. However, there is a paucity of research that examines how the characteristics
of the individual employee may influence perceptions of these programs. In this study we seek to shed light on this issue,
as we examine how the individual ethical orientation of employees influences perceptions of a variety of human resource programs
that have the potential to be perceived as invasive. Results indicate that ethical orientation exerts direct effects on perceived
invasiveness of programs and exerts both direct and indirect effects on perceived appropriateness of programs. Implications
for research and for managers adopting privacy-related programs are discussed. 相似文献
Journal of Consumer Policy - Recently, there has been increasing attention to and importance placed on qualified health claims both on industry and policy fronts. All parties have been advocating... 相似文献
While many durable products are sold through intermediaries, there is limited understanding of how channel performance is influenced by transactions involving durable goods in a competitive market. In particular, extant research shows that intermediaries can significantly impact the leasing versus selling policy of a monopolistic manufacturer. This article seeks to fill that gap by examining the selling versus leasing choice of duopolistic manufacturers in the context of decentralized channels. Our analysis demonstrates that in addition to the unique equilibrium of selling, a prisoner's dilemma may arise where both manufacturers are better off if they were to lease their products. 相似文献
组织承诺是员工经过较长时间的体验而缓慢形成的、较为稳定的一种态度或行为倾向.内部营销将员工视作企业的内部顾客,以员工满意为核心,通过营造各种体验来刺激企业员工反馈形成一定程度的组织承诺.两者关系及调节因素尚缺乏研究,文章以员工交换意识为中介,对此进行探讨,研究结果显示内部营销体验对持不同交换意识的员工会产生不同的组织承诺类型. 相似文献
市场营销发展的历史表明,在现代的市场竞争下单纯依赖以4Ps策略为分析框架的交易营销范式已经逐渐失去了对新问题的解释力。关系营销范式因为缺乏明确的研究框架和分析工具还不能成为主流的营销范式。而伴随着现代竞争的日益发展,基于竞争和顾客导向的战略营销管理理论范式越来越具有影响力。SMM范式具备一个全新的理论范式的条件,将对未来我国企业的营销战略的制定,长远的营销发展具有重要的意义。 相似文献
Consumers usually infer unobservable product quality by processing multiple‐quality cues in the environment. Prior research considering the simultaneous effects of marketing cues on consumer quality perceptions is sparse. Despite the growing importance of third‐party information, research examining its simultaneous effects with marketing cues on consumers’ decision making is especially absent. This research, drawing on cue‐diagnosticity, cue‐consistency, and negativity bias theories, proposes and tests a conceptual framework to reveal interplays among various marketing‐ and nonmarketing‐controlled product cues. The first study examines how two‐ and three‐way interactions of high‐scope (i.e., brand reputation) and low‐scope marketing cues (i.e., price and warranty) affect consumer perceptions. The second study examines a set of interaction effects between third‐party quality ratings and marketing cues (i.e., price and warranty) on consumers’ perceptions. Overall, the results reveal theoretical and managerial implications for processing multiple‐quality cues in consumers’ inference‐making behaviors and suggest that consumers generally aggregate perceptions in more complex ways than suggested in the prior literature when making global product quality evaluations. 相似文献
This research was focused on investigating why some consumers might support cause-related marketing campaigns for reasons other than personal benefit by examining the influence of moral emotions and cultural orientation. The authors investigated the extent to which moral emotions operate differently across a cultural variable (US versus Korea) and an individual difference variable (self-construal). A survey method was utilised. Data were collected from a convenience sample of US (n = 180) and Korean (n = 191) undergraduates. Moral emotions significantly influenced purchase intention for a social-cause product. The influence of an ego-focused moral emotion (i.e., pride) on purchase intention was greater for US than Korean participants. The influence of another-focused moral emotion (i.e., guilt) on purchase intention was greater for high-interdependent participants than for low-interdependent participants. The findings of this research provide important and relevant implications to marketers and policy makers in developing persuasive messages and customer relationship programmes. 相似文献
究竟哪些因素会驱使企业的客户产生信任,对于企业间关系管理具有重要的理论意义和现实意义.我们以传统研究为基础,从企业间信任和人际信任两级信任出发,重点剖析企业声誉、移情、友好和专业能力等四个企业间信任线索.研究结果表明移情和专业能力显著影响人际信任,企业声誉直接导致企业间信任;相对来说,人际信任对于提升购买意向更为重要,而企业间信任却更有效地提高客户的购买比例. 相似文献
Artur Baldauf Karen S. Cravens Adamantios Diamantopoulos Katharina Petra Zeugner-Roth 《Journal of Retailing》2009,85(4):437-452
Although both product-country images (PCI) and firm assets such as brand equity have been extensively studied in separate contexts, we know very little about the combined performance effects of these two important constructs in international research. Extant research has investigated brand equity primarily from a consumer perspective, but rarely from the point of view of a retailer. Retailers represent the ultimate participants in the value chain selling the product to consumers. They have the ability to significantly influence consumers’ evaluations and purchase decisions. Based upon existing literature documenting the contributions of PCI and marketing activities on brand equity, this study extends these findings by investigating their effects on retailer-perceived brand equity (RPBE) and ultimate brand profitability performance. Results indicate that both marketing activities and PCI affect retailer-perceived brand equity with PCI also strongly and positively influencing brand profitability performance. 相似文献
Prof. Dr. Hermann Simon 《Journal of Business Market Management》2008,2(4):203-218
In the past four decades, academic researchers have developed a variety of concepts they claim are relevant to business practice. This article analyzes the impact of eight of these concepts from a decision-oriented perspective. Four of them – econometric models, diffusion models, causal analysis and mental accounting – have yet to exert a significant influence on business practice. In contrast, concepts like price decisions and structures, conjoint measurement, decision support systems and pricing processes – all developed to solve practical problems – have proven to be highly useful. It seems evident that overly complex methodology, abstract reasoning and the reliance on incidental data substantially hinder the success of concepts in practice. On the other hand, concepts that provide managers with economically valuable insights are well-received in business practice. The impact of practical experience on the definition of research projects has remained limited. This is due less to the reluctance of the parties involved and more to the objective obstacles such as confidentiality and the complexity of problems. Academic researchers are encouraged to more assertively seek out research guidance from business practitioners, and practitioners should more actively provide recommendations needed for relevant research. 相似文献
SUMMARY Social Marketing is a rapidly growing marketing sub-discipline based on the premise that bringing successful commercial marketing technologies to bear on problems of individual and social welfare can generate positive outcomes. This paper gives an overview of recent developments in Social Marketing in a global context and discusses the relationship of these developments to those in commercial, not-for-profit or third sector and public sector marketing, and public relations. The paper then relates the global context back to developments in Australasian and Asian nations, with particular reference to social engineering during economic restructuring. 相似文献
《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(1):111-134
The United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA) came into effect on 1 January 1989. Its main provision is the elimination of all tariffs on trade between the two countries by 1 January 1998. On balance, it is expected to be beneficial to the exporting firms of both the U.S. and Canada. However, it is also likely to impact on other third country firms that rely heavily on the U.S.-Canada market. This study attempts to examine the marketing impact of the FTA on Singapore firms and suggests some strategies to harness any opportunities and overcome any threats consequent to the agreement. Further, implications on other third country firms that are interested in the U.S. and Canada markets are also discuessed. 相似文献
This research article explores, analyzes, and justifies the requirement of socially responsible activities of the corporation in the light of alternative approach to marketing promotion. In fact, this research claims for more societal activity-based promotion (responsible marketing) in place of product driven advertisement-based marketing (traditional) only. Thus, this research refutes the combined impact of societal activities (donation and employee expenditure) and advertisement (Advertisement Expenditure) on business performance (Profit/Sales). This has been analyzed with longitudinal (time series) data for 15 year period of the available 9 companies in capitaline database. Appropriate methodologies in regards to time series data have been performed. The findings are thought-provoking since the evidence of combined effect is not that much visible, though its impact in comparison with marginal effect is quite more. Finally, to conclude this research refutes the utility of advertising as a means of promotion, but at the same time, it indicates the changing direction of advertisement content from product feature-based to more societal activity-based. 相似文献
Corina Şerban 《食品市场学杂志》2013,19(2):81-92
The notion of corporate social responsibility has evolved into a fairly complex concept that can influence the very world we live in. Today's society is interested not only in companies' financial results but also in the way they conduct their businesses. Corporations everywhere try to respond to new environmental challenges by actively engaging in the life of the community and by developing relationships based on mutual trust with consumers. This article introduces the corporate social responsibility domain by underlining the importance of this concept to the later development of a company. The article denounces the results of research conducted on Romanian consumers regarding corporate social responsibility campaigns undergone by firms in Romania. Its purpose is to bring insight into Romanian consumers' perceptions of recent social campaigns, reviewing the extent to which these consumers are willing to become involved in society's well-being. The survey conducted here attempts to provide answers to issues that concern the companies' involvement type, their purview, the reasons for participating in society's welfare, as well as the social campaigns' most common action areas. The results gathered show that corporate social responsibility is not only a promotion method, but a method that implies the effective involvement in the life of the community and in its subsequent issues, therefore representing a real means of support for the economic development of the community in question. In conclusion, companies must put their social conscience into use when dealing with their clients and stakeholders, by offering solutions to environmental concerns, resource management, mutual aid, and welfare rising from corporate support. 相似文献
With the need among retailers to create effective promotional campaigns, scarcity, and popularity cues are increasingly used. Drawing from regulatory focus and popularity versus scarcity cues literature, this research explores the impact of popularity versus scarcity cues and product types on consumer perceptions of risk, product uniqueness, and purchase intentions. Results from three studies provide primary insights: (1) A utilitarian product aligns with prevention goals and hence the popularity cue will enhance consumers’ purchase intentions, and (2) a hedonic product aligns with promotion goals and hence the scarcity cue will enhance consumers’ purchase intentions. Further, we theorize that perceived risk and perceived product uniqueness will act as psychological mechanisms. We discuss theoretical contributions and strategic insights for retailers and marketers that the findings indicate. 相似文献
Henry F. L. Chung 《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(2):83-107
ABSTRACT Prior findings on promotion and product structure are more conclusive than those related to pricing, place and management processes. Further research effort is required regarding these three elements. This study is mainly designed to fill this research gap. Unlike prior studies, most of the firms examined here were small-to-medium sized manufacturing firms. The outcomes of this study revealed that both the price and place decision structures had a significant impact on the selection of standardisation. Consistent with other studies, the interaction of the place and management process structures and a number of other factors were also significantly related to the decision of place and management processes standardisation. The joint influence of the price, place and management processes structure, and internal and external factors, were associated with firms' performance. This study had added a significant amount of new information to the research concerning price, place and management processes in the areas of organisational structure, standardisation and performance. 相似文献