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长期以来,我国影子银行存在的期限错配、监管套利、高杠杆率等问题,为金融体系带来了不可忽视的系统性风险。自2016年开始,央行构建宏观审慎评估体系,进一步规范影子银行的业务发展。文章基于此背景,从影子银行业务发展历程出发,通过分析风险传导路径,探讨宏观审慎监管的必要性,并提出强化影子银行宏观审慎的监管措施。期望在上述监管之下,影子银行能够回归本源,为我国金融市场发展提供活力与动力。  相似文献   

进一步完善全球金融监管体系,特别是构建宏观审慎金融监管制度框架,是美国金融危机以来全球防范和应对系统性金融风险、维护金融体系安全与稳健的重要举措。宏观审慎监管框架重在明晰宏观审慎的主要监管主体、完善宏观审慎监管体系的框架、制定宏观和微观审慎监管指标体系的相关法律、制度和规范。特别是要注重处理好互为表里、相辅相成的微观审慎监管与宏观审慎监管之间的关系,充分发挥两者的合力效应。  相似文献   

本文截取2004~2014年数据,对影子银行对中国商业银行体系稳定性影响展开实证研究,结果显示:影子银行整体对商业银行稳定性存在负面影响,但其不同组成部分作用结果不同。因此,应建立全面、及时、共享的监管体系;加快商业银行业务创新;提升影子银行资产管理能力;加强宏观审慎监管,完善市场化利率调控机制。  相似文献   

"去杠杆"、"强监管"和"防风险"是新时期经济社会发展中的关键任务。本文选取2010-2018年季度数据构建微观审慎监管视角下的银行体系稳定性指数,分析检验我国宏观杠杆率、影子银行规模对银行体系稳定性的时变影响机制。研究显示:我国银行体系稳定性总体呈震荡向下趋势,由稳定阶段逐渐转向当前高度不稳定阶段。进一步地,采用时变参数向量自回归模型(TVP-VAR)实证研究发现:我国宏观杠杆率与影子银行规模对银行体系稳定性的冲击响应具有时变特征和时滞效应。宏观杠杆率与影子银行规模之间存在相互促进的非线性动态关系,二者叠加会对银行体系产生不利冲击。中长期内,宏观杠杆率过快攀升会加重银行体系不稳定,杠杆率适度波动一定程度上有利于银行体系稳定;短中期内,影子银行的适当扩张给稳定银行体系产生积极影响,但过度膨胀会形成长期持久的负向冲击。鉴于此,现阶段我国应加强经济去杠杆、影子银行监管及银行风险防范多重政策目标之间的有效协同,以维护金融体系稳定。  相似文献   

本文建立了一个同时包含企业违约风险与银行金融风险的新凯恩斯DSGE模型,以技术冲击、金融冲击与货币政策冲击作为外部的风险因素,刻画了实体经济与金融系统间的风险传导渠道,并在此基础上分析了宏观审慎监管政策与宏观审慎货币政策组合的调控效果。主要结论有:(1)以商业银行资本充足率为核心目标的宏观审慎监管政策能够有效地稳定金融系统,但可能削弱传统货币政策对金融变量的调控效果;(2)宏观审慎货币政策应该盯住金融变量,但具体的目标取决于经济波动的驱动因素;(3)当宏观审慎监管政策与宏观审慎货币政策组合时,货币政策对经济的调控效果减弱,且这种政策组合在金融冲击与货币政策冲击下存在“政策叠加”现象。  相似文献   

正最终需忍痛割爱地去杠杆化。今年对金融市场将是一个静水流深的时期。继11超日债、13中森私募债触碰零违约边际,并大都以征信机构代付利息稍许平静后,国内金融市场的刚性兑付游弋于破立相间中已预留下了冰层撕裂的代表性断层线。正当投资者警觉下个冰层撕裂的品种是谁之际,日前银监会下发了《关于信托公司风险监管的指导意见》(99号文),罕见地强化了信托公司卖方尽责义务。99号文实际与银监会2013年规范银行理财业务的8号文、加强影子银行监管的  相似文献   

刚性兑付规则在我国信托市场上由来已久,但该规则从诞生之日起就因为不符合法律法规的规定而引起了广泛的争议。在实践中,我们可以通过完善信托法律法规、加强合规性建设、健全合格投资人标准制度等手段打破此规则。  相似文献   

王磊 《商》2014,(40):155-156
本文密切联系市场,以2014年中国债市首现违约债券这一现象为切入点,分析了中国债市长期刚性兑付的原因并归纳总结出2014年中国债市违约债券的一般特点和内在因素。  相似文献   

2008年国际金融危机以来,宏观审慎压力测试在全球金融监管部门的政策框架中扮演越来越重要的角色,它作为宏观审慎政策的重要组成部分,能够对整个金融系统的风险抵御能力进行定量的、前瞻性的评估,因此被应用于监测宏观金融脆弱性并为宏观审慎政策工具的运用提供信息。基于介绍宏观审慎压力测试的产生背景、压力测试内容、系统性风险放大机制以及与宏观审慎政策的关系,并就建立宏观审慎压力测试实施框架提出政策建议。  相似文献   

运用CC-LM模型和我国相关月度数据,从理论与实证两方面发现影子银行对货币政策均存在明显影响,且对紧缩性货币政策的影响大于扩张性货币政策.影子银行只是弱化了货币政策的非对称性效应,但并未从根本上消除货币政策的非对称性.  相似文献   

资产价格波动与银行系统稳定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要研究资产价格波动与银行系统稳定之间的关系.有关金融危机的理论研究表明,资产价格波动与银行脆弱性之间存在很强的相关性.资产价格波动主要通过信贷风险渠道、市场风险渠道、经纪业务收入渠道、为附属机构注资的风险渠道及"第二回合"渠道等传导渠道,影响到银行系统的稳定.发生在斯堪的纳维亚和日本的银行危机证明,资产价格剧烈波动确实会造成严重的银行问题,因此为维持银行系统的稳定,监管当局应该密切关注资产价格可能出现的剧烈下跌对银行部门可能产生的风险,并以相应的方法应对.  相似文献   

This paper reviews how long-term relationships between firms and banks shape the structure and integration of banking markets worldwide. Bank relationships arise to span informational asymmetries that are endemic in financial markets. Firm-bank relationships not only entail specific benefits and costs for both the engaged firms and banks, but also directly affect the structure of banking markets. In particular, the sunk cost of screening and monitoring activities and the 'informational capital' collected by the incumbent banks may act as a barrier to entry. The intensity of the existing firm-bank relationships will determine the height of this barrier and shape the structure of international banking markets. For example, in Scandinavia where firms maintain few and strong relationships, foreign banks may only be able to enter successfully through mergers and acquisitions. On the other hand, Southern European firms maintain many bank relationships. Therefore, banks may consider entering Southern European banking markets through direct investment.  相似文献   

Prior research has investigated the effects of self-image congruence on satisfaction and brand preference. With the help of empirical research, the paper argues that, while self-image congruence may be related to customer satisfaction in a normal context, it may not necessarily affect satisfaction levels when customers are using technology-based self-services. Furthermore, during encounters involving self-service technologies, customers might experience satisfying or dissatisfying incidents which may not be related to their overall satisfaction and brand preference levels. The paper discusses implications for brand managers in the retail banking sector and suggests future research directions.  相似文献   

学术界对商业银行顺周期性机制的研究较为成熟,但却没能清晰回答金融市场中的影子银行体系的顺周期原理.故此,本文尝试探讨影子银行体系顺周期性运行的相关机理.全文首先回顾了金融体系顺周期性以及考虑金融市场因素的顺周期性研究的经典文献,在列举了金融危机期间影子银行体系顺周期性的描述性事实之后,深入分析了该体系的反馈环机制及其顺周期性原理.最后,本文评析了国际社会对影子银行体系顺周期性的应对策略.  相似文献   


This paper examines the main structural and performance features of European banking. It demonstrates that while banking markets have become increasingly concentrated and bank numbers have fallen, competition appears to have intensified. Given the large number of banks and branches in many countries, there still remain indicators of possible excess capacity in the system and that the consolidation trend, especially with the advent of the EMU, will continue. The paper considers ways in which banks have diversified to add to their revenues, and also discusses market power and competition issues relating to increased market concentration. Finally, we briefly discuss the foreign expansion strategies of European banks, particularly the Spanish banks in South America. The strategic emphasis of the top Spanish banks has primarily been based on building market power and a name presence in a region that has massive market potential.

RESUMEN. Este documento examina las principales características estructurales y de desempeño de la banca europea. Demuestra que, mientras que los mercados bancarios se han ido concentrando cada vez más determinando la disminución del número de bancos existentes, la competencia parece haberse intensificado. De acuerdo al gran número de bancos y sucursales que existen en muchos países, esto parece mostrar que todavía existen indicadores de posible exceso de capacidad en el sistema, y que la tendencia hacia la consolidación, especialmente con la llegada del EMU, continuará. El documento considera las formas en que los bancos se han diversificado para aumentar sus ingresos, así como el poder del mercado y temas relacionados a la competencia para aumentar su concentración. Por último, traza rápidamente las estrategias de expansión extranjera de los bancos europeos, especialmente los bancos españoles en Sudamérica. El hincapié estratégico de los principales bancos españoles se basó, primordialmente, en aumentar su poder de mercado y la presencia de la marca en la región que tiene un potencial de mercado masivo.

RESUMO. Este estudo analisa as características estruturais e o desempenho do sistema bancário europeu. Ele demonstra que, enquanto o mercado bancário tornou-se cada vez mais concentrado e o número de bancos diminuiu, a competição parece ter se intensificado. Apesar do grande número de bancos e de filiais em muitos países, ainda permanecem indicadores de excesso de capacidade do sistema, e que a tendência de consolidação continuará, especialmente com o advento da Unidade Monetária Européia. Este trabalho considera as diversas estratégias utilizadas pelos bancos para aumentar a sua receita e, também, discute o poder de mercado e os aspectos competitivos relacionados à maior concentração do mercado. Finalmente, discutem-se, sucintamente, as estratégias de expansão estrangeira dos bancos europeus, particularmente dos bancos espanhóis, na América do Sul. A ênfase estratégica dos maiores bancos espanhóis baseia-se, principalmente, na construção do poder de mercado e da presença da sua marca em uma região com grande potencial de mercado.  相似文献   

One unique feature of the emerging economies in Asia is the rich variation in the development of financial systems and technological sectors across different geographical areas. This unbalanced evolution provides us a potentially more powerful setting to investigate the dynamics among banking systems, innovations, intellectual property (IP) protections, and stock market reactions that are especially useful in understanding the policy–finance–innovation nexus in emerging economies. Using newly available data from China, this study confirms the nurturing role of financial systems on innovations, the value-enhancing function of firms' innovative activities, and the lead–lag predictive role of innovations on stock returns, in the context of emerging economies. More importantly, the study documents that stronger provincial IP protections reduce patent piracy and hence enhance local firms' market values.  相似文献   

本文以2001-2013年我国沪深两市银行业上市公司为研究样本,运用混合横截面回归模型,检验了银行业审慎监管与财务报告稳健性之间的关系,以及2007年新会计准则实施后,公允价值计量的扩大对银行业财务报告稳健性的影响.研究发现,受审慎监管原则的影响,我国银行业上市公司的盈余稳健性要显著高于非银行业上市公司,并且2007年企业会计准则实施后,银行业上市公司的盈余稳健性并未显著降低.这表明,银行业审慎监管强化了财务报告稳健性,从而可以更好地保护债权人利益和维护金融稳定.  相似文献   

宏观审慎监管需要微观基础.研究商业银行偿付能力风险与流动性风险和银行体系风险的关系,有助于监管当局制定合适的监管工具,有效管理银行业的系统性风险.中国未曾爆发过真正意义的银行业危机,因而研究影响银行业系统性风险的因素成为难题.在借鉴风险二维定义属性基础上,本文对商业银行偿付能力风险和流动性风险如何影响银行业稳定进行了实证分析.分析结果表明,当商业银行偿付能力上升时,银行风险承担会上升,进而增加银行倒闭的预期损失;商业银行流动性风险的上升也会增加银行倒闭的预期损失;商业银行偿付能力提高时,流动性风险会降低;商业银行流动性风险上升时,偿付能力风险也上升.  相似文献   

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