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张帅  礼雁冰 《财贸研究》2007,18(3):62-66
本文将政府的生产性公共支出划分为投入产品生产部门和技术生产部门两部分,通过两部门增长模型讨论了生产性公共支出比例与长期经济增长的关系,得出结论:为促进经济增长、构建社会主义和谐社会,政府对生产性公共支出在不同部门投入比例的选择应取决于其在不同部门产出弹性的比较。本文的结论为通过改变政府公共支出比例促进我国建立和谐社会、创新型社会以及转变经济增长方式提供了有力的理论支持。  相似文献   

廖楚晖  余可 《财贸经济》2006,(11):41-45
本文运用面板数据分析方法对1995-2004年间中国31个省、自治区和直辖市的财政支出结构与经济增长的关系进行了实证分析,并运用动态面板数据的广义矩估计法(GMM/DPD)进行了稳定性检验.结果表明,地方财政支出对地区短期和长期的经济增长影响有密切的相关关系,其中,一些地方生产性支出对长期经济增长并不具有促进作用.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of capital market integration on higher education and the link to economic growth. The analysis takes into account that participation in higher education is non‐compulsory and depends on individual choice. Due to capital–skill complementarity, integration increases (reduces) the incentives to participate in higher education in capital‐importing (‐exporting) economies, all other things equal. From a national policy point of view, public education expenditure should increase after integration of similar economies in order to attract mobile capital. Using foreign direct investment as a measure of capital flows, we present empirical evidence which largely confirms our main hypothesis: an increase in net capital inflows in response to capital market integration raises participation in higher education. In addition, we show that the adjustment in educational attainment is an empirically relevant channel through which capital inflows foster economic growth.  相似文献   

We build an endogenous growth model in which government expenditure is divided into public consumption and investment in public capital, and where both components suffer from some degree of congestion. We demonstrate that the socially optimal growth rate is negatively related to the degree of congestion. As regards the optimal share of government spending on infrastructure, we prove that an increase in congestion leads to a decrease in this share and that the optimal share of government spending on output can increase or decrease with congestion. In addition, we compare the social planner optimum with the second‐best outcome and show that, in this second case, welfare is lower. In this framework, we derive a necessary condition, which must hold in the second‐best equilibrium, involving the income tax rate and the share of government spending on public investment.  相似文献   

社会资本、人力资本与内生经济增长   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过构建基于社会资本、人力资本的内生经济增长模型,研究社会资本、人力资本与经济增长之间的影响机制,并基于社会信用这种社会资本,运用面板数据对人力资本、社会资本、经济增长之间的影响机制进行实证检验,结果显示:私人生产性的教育消费支出和公共教育支出总体上促进了人力资本的积累,但前者作用大于后者;相对于政府培育社会资本的公共支出,人力资本积累更加有利于促进社会资本的积累;社会资本对中国经济增长产生了积极的影响。但是,上述三个方面的影响存在着较大的地区差异性。  相似文献   

An endogenous growth model with unionised labour market is developed to analyse the interaction between the tax financed productive public expenditure policy and the unemployment benefit policy. We consider both ‘Efficient Bargaining’ model and ‘Right to Manage’ model; and analyse properties of balanced growth rate maximising income tax policy as well as effects of unionisation. This growth rate maximising income tax rate exceeds the competitive output share of the public input in the presence of an unemployment benefit scheme. The growth effect of unionisation in the ‘Efficient Bargaining’ model and in the ‘Right to Manage’ model are different.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the recent macro‐dynamics literature on demand‐led growth, drawing upon the seminal idea that the implications of Harrodian instability may be tamed by a source of autonomous expenditure in the economy. Contrary to the other contributions in this literature, real autonomous expenditure is not growing at an exogenously given rate, and partly consists of a flow of profit‐seeking R&D and innovation expenditures raising labour productivity through time. If the state of distribution, hence the wage share, is exogenously fixed and constant, the model gives rise to dynamics in a two dimensional state space, that may converge to, or give rise to a limit cycle around, an endogenous growth path. An exogenous rise of the profit share exerts negative effects on long‐run growth and employment, showing that growth is wage led.  相似文献   

我国公共支出规模变动走出了一条“先降再升”的U型曲线,呈现出不断增长的趋势,尚有继续扩大的空间。通过构建内生增长模型,实证测算出我国公共消费支出的最优规模是22.97%,得出了在积极的财政政策淡出以后,我国公共支出规模应该稳健扩大的政策结论。  相似文献   

李勇  魏婕  王满仓 《财贸研究》2012,23(2):83-91
构建公共支出内生影响因素的理论模型,对影响公共支出差异的因素进行分解,结果表明:收入水平和公共服务质量的差异是引起省际公共支出水平差异的重要因素,其贡献率分别达到27.17%和26.18%;其后依次是公共服务环境、省际地理因素和公共部门的相对生产率。缩小收入差距、改善公共服务质量和环境便成为实现财政均等化、促进区域经济协调发展的重要条件。  相似文献   

投资和出口在江苏经济增长过程中扮演着特别重要角色,而消费对经济增长的驱动作用在持续下降。作为影响居民消费的重要因素,江苏的公共支出并未对城乡居民消费产生挤入效应。江苏公共支出转型总体上符合经济发展方式转变的要求,但也存在相关的问题。因此,应加快推进公共支出转型,增强江苏经济增长的消费驱动力。  相似文献   

大学生争相报考公务员是一种人才配置失当现象,公务员较高的真实收入是其主要诱因,这种激励结构的扭曲不利于创新和经济增长。一个社会是把人才配置到创新还是寻租上主要是由制度决定的,未来中国经济的健康和可持续发展取决于生产性领域的报酬相对于寻租领域得到提高,从而鼓励更多人才把才能配置到创新活动和“做大蛋糕”的生产性活动上。  相似文献   

为了探讨最优财政支出构成比例,本文将不同产出弹性的生产性财政支出项目内生于生产函数中,构建了基于最优经济增长的财政支出结构模型。按照功能将预算内全部财政支出进行分类汇总后,利用1997-2010年的省级面板数据检验了全国、东部、中部、西部财政投入的现状,实证结果发现经济建设类支出对经济增长的拉动作用最大,公共服务类支出次之,社会性支出最小,最后提出了财政支出项目未来调整的几点建议。  相似文献   

曾淑婉 《财贸研究》2013,24(1):101-109
通过构建财政支出、空间溢出与全要素生产率增长的分析框架,采用动态空间面板计量方法,考察1998—2010年中国大陆财政支出对全要素生产率增长的影响及其空间溢出效应,结果表明:财政支出规模的扩大对全要素生产率增长和技术进步率的提高具有积极的推动作用;在分项财政支出中,教育、公共服务及社会保障就业支出与技术进步均具有正相关性,而农业支出对技术进步的作用并不显著;一个地区的财政支出,尤其是教育和公共服务支出对相邻地区的全要素生产率增长和技术进步会产生明显的正向空间溢出效应。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increase in empirical and theoretical work that addresses the role of innovation as one of the main sources of firm growth. The purpose of this special issue is to strengthen the role played by innovation as a determinant of firm growth. Despite the emergence of a vast empirical literature on whether innovative firms grow more quickly in terms of sales and employees, a number of crucial questions and answers remain. While a large number of applied papers observe a positive link between innovation and firm growth, the complexity of R&D activities, together with the diversity of innovation strategies and the multiplicity of growth modes, requires a multidimensional approach to examine the contribution of innovations on firm growth. To shed light on the link between firm’ growth and innovation sources, we organized a meeting of leading scholars of firm’ growth and innovation. The papers of this special issue were presented at the workshop on ‘Firm growth and innovation’ held on 28 and 29 June, 2012, in Tarragona, Spain. The papers that compose this special issue deal in depth with innovation activity, firm growth and the interaction between firm growth and innovation.  相似文献   

尽管在过去的30年里中国在经济增长方面取得了巨大的成就,但近十几年来穷人的处境却开始恶化。如果没有公平的宪政秩序,就不可能创建符合穷人利益的制度与公共政策,进而就不可能使穷人从经济增长中获益。作为制度与公共政策重要组成部分的公共支出对有利于穷人的经济增长的形成有重要作用。本文的分析表明,二元结构下政府对农村的公共支出比例与穷人向现代部门的迁移能力与密切相关。当穷人向现代部门的迁移能力较强时,可以通过不断减少对农村的支出比例,增加对城市的支出比例来促进穷人的收入增长:当穷人向现代部门的迁移能力不足时,要使经济增长有利于穷人,必须增加政府对农村的公共支出比例来。  相似文献   

This paper develops a two‐period Overlapping Generations (OLG) model of endogenous growth in which a two‐way relationship between social capital and human capital is studied. In order to illustrate the impact of public policies, the model is calibrated using the data for a low‐income country, India and a sensitivity analysis is reported under different parameter values. Based on the numerical analysis, this paper focuses on possible trade‐offs in the allocation of government spending between two productive components, that is, social capital‐related activities and education. The results of this paper show that an increase in the share of public spending on social capital‐related activities through a cut in spending on education or vice versa entails trade‐offs. However, the trade‐off fades away and the net impact on long‐run growth turns out to be positive for different parameter values in the case where a higher share of spending on education is financed by a cut in spending on social capital‐related activities but a policy in improving social capital accumulation at the expense of education is always detrimental to long‐run growth.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyse the contribution of students of vocational education and training (VET) to the innovation processes of small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) during their apprenticeships. Qualitative research was conducted through in‐depth interviews with 97 respondents in Catalonia, including VET teachers and students, SME managers, and social and institutional agents. Our findings reveal that public institutions have a partial view of innovation, mostly influenced by an industrial positioning, which leads to the neglect of other components, such as the social aspects. In addition, regarding public programmes designed to foster innovation through VET, the results show a lack of coordination between VET schools, SMEs and public administrations. Finally, in relation to apprentices, we find a low participation in innovation processes by students during their apprenticeship as a consequence of the bad implementation of innovation public programmes, due to the lack of coordination between VET schools and SMEs.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(6):1664-1694
This paper studies the consequences of parallel trade in a two‐country model. It compares a coinsurance scheme (consumers pay a percentage of the drug price) and an indemnity insurance scheme (reimbursement is independent of the drug price) with respect to changes in copayments and public health expenditure. In the destination country, copayments for patients decrease to a larger extent under indemnity insurance, whereas reductions in public health expenditure occur only under coinsurance. In the source country, copayments increase less under coinsurance, whereas health expenditure is reduced more under indemnity insurance. In both countries, total expenditure under parallel trade is lower.  相似文献   

In developed economies, wealth inequality is high, while public capital is underprovided. Here, we study the impact of heterogeneity in saving behavior and income sources on the distributional effects of public investment. A capital tax is levied to finance productive public capital in an economy with two types of households: high income households who save dynastically and middle income households who save for retirement. We find that inequality is reduced the higher the capital tax rate is and that low tax rates are Pareto‐improving. There is no clear‐cut trade‐off between efficiency and equality: middle income households’ consumption is maximal at a capital tax rate that is higher than the rate which maximizes high income households’ consumption.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the scientific output of firms of different sizes in different industries in the U.S. Both patents, and papers and publications are used as measures of technical output. Data from two samples of firms, one consisting of 225 large firms (annual sales at least $250 million and minimum annual R&D budget of $1 million) and the other consisting of 248 small and medium sized firms (annual sales between $10 to $200 million and annual R&D budget at least $10 thousand) have been presented here. The study shows that determinants of R&D expenditure are different in firms of different sizes. For the large firms, R&D expenditure depends on net income as well as its size, measured in terms of annual sales. For small size firms, R&D expenditure is closely related with sales, rather than the net income. For large firms, R&D expenditure is related to both sales and income, the latter being more important than the former. The two output measures, patents and papers are correlated, but the correlation is not a very strong one for small firms. Patent and papers are correlated significantly with both R&D expenditure as well as annual sales. The firm's growth is not linked with patents. On the contrary, there is a negative relationship between patent and R&D growth and patent and income growth in the case of small firms. Papers are not linked with growth variables for small firms. Finally, this study confirms the hypothesis that small firms are more productive in innovation than the large firms. Small firms are more efficient than their larger competitors in terms of patents and papers per million dollars of R&D expenditure.  相似文献   

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